Metalurgi 1 - WIII

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Metalurgi 1 (C)

- WEEK 3 -
Crystal System
Prof. Dr. Agung Purniawan, S.T., M. Eng.
Respati Kevin Pramadewandaru, S. Si., M. Sc., Ph. D.

Teknik material dan metalurgi,

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
March 13th, 2024
Metalurgi 1 / Metallurgy 1

Mata Kuliah (MK) Metalurgi 1 (C) Week- Learning Materials

1 Introduction to Metallurgy
KODE TL234205
2 Phase Diagram
BOBOT (SKS) 3 (Tiga)
3 Crystal system
4 Defects in crystals
5 Alloying
6 Assignment Presentation
Students are able to understand the physical 7-8 MIDTERM EXAM
structure of materials and phenomena 9 Iron Carbide Equilibrium
(symptoms) related to structure. Diagram
10 Transformation diagram
(Isothermal &; Continuous
Textbook Cooling Transformation)
11 Austenite Decomposition
Avner, Sidney H, Introduction to Physical
Metallurgy, Second Edition, Tokyo: Mc Graw Hill, 12 Introduction to heat treatment
International Book Company, 1987. 13 Annealing and Hardening
Callister, W. D., Rethwisch, D. G., Fundamental of 14 Assignment Presentation
Materials Science and Engineering, 5th edition,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015.

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Personal Information

Respati Kevin P. D., S.Si., M. Sc., Ph. D.

Assistant Professor
Department of Material and Metallurgical Engineering

Phone: +62-878-5254-3371

Office Hours: Friday, 10:00 - 16:00

Other day; appointment by email

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Text Books
v Avner, Sidney H, Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, Second Edition, Tokyo: Mc Graw Hill, International Book
Company, 1987.
v Schlenker B.R, Introduction to Materials Science, SI Edition, Sidney: John Wiley & Sons, 1974.
v Dieter, George E, Mechanical Metallurgy, Second Edition, Tokyo: McGraw Hill International Book Company, 1981.
v Beret, Craig R, Nix William D, Tetelman, Alan S, The Principles of Engineering Materials, New Jersey: Prentice
Hall Incorporation, Englewood Cliffs, 1973.

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Scientific Journals

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)

v Students understand the physical phenomena of metal

v Students are able to explain the mechanism of plastic deformation,
recrystallization, alloy arrangement, and microstructure
v Students understand phase diagrams and their microstructures and fabrics with
v Introducing the basic methods of heat treatment and testing for changing the
structure and properties of metal alloys

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)

v Introduction to Metallurgy

v Crystal system

v Defects in crystals

v Alloying

v Phase diagram

v Iron Carbide equilibrium diagram

v Transformation diagram (Isothermal &; Continuous Cooling Transformation)

v Introduction to heat treatment

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)

v Learning Contract
v Semester Learning Plan
v Crystal Structure Details

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Learning Contract

v Attendance > 90% presence

v Right learning ≥ 90%
v Online Presence
v Please take e-note during the meeting class
v Good Attitude, Honest & On time

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)

v Assignment / Discussion 15%

v QUIZ / Homework / Presentation 25%
v Midterm Exam 30%
v Final Exam 30%

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Overview of Materials

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
What is mineral?

v A mineral is an element or chemical compound that is normally crystalline and that has been
formed as a result of geological processes" (Nickel, E. H., 1995).
v "Minerals are naturally-occurring inorganic substances with a definite and predictable chemical
composition and physical properties." (O' Donoghue, 1990).
v "A mineral is a naturally occurring homogeneous solid, inorganically formed, with a definite
chemical composition and an ordered atomic arrangement" (Mason, et al., 1968).
v "These... minerals ...can be distinguished from one another by individual characteristics that arise
directly from the kinds of atoms they contain and the arrangements these atoms make inside
them" (Sinkankas, 1966)
v "A mineral is a body produced by the processes of inorganic nature, having usually a definite
chemical composition and, if formed under favourable conditions, a certain characteristic atomic
structure which is expressed in its crystalline form and other physical properties" (Dana &
Ford, 1932).
v "Every distinct chemical compound occurring in inorganic nature, having a definite molecular
structure or system of crystallization and well-defined physical properties, constitutes a mineral
species" (Brush & Penfield, 1898).

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)

v Mineral Resource: Any mineral useful to humans

ü Metallic Minerals: Iron Oxide, Gold
ü Non-metallic mineral: Limestone, sand
ü Fossil Fuel; Coal, Petroleum
v Ore: A rock that can be profitably mined for a mineral (often a
metal) or for minerals (metals)
ü High Grade Ore; has high concentration of the mineral
ü Low Grade Ore: smaller concentration
v Gangue: Minerals other than ore present in a rock (worthless)

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Mineral Mapping in Indonesia

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Mineral Mapping in Indonesia

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Periodic Table of Elements


1 • Included Nobel gas
H 2
1,008 He
• Si, As and Te à “half metal”
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (combination between metal and non-
Li Be B C N O F Ne
6,94 9,01 10,81 12,01 14,01 16 19 20,18 metal properties)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar 2. Light Metals;
22,99 24,31 26,98 28,09 30,97 32,06 35,45 39,95
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 • low density, low melting point, high
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
39,1 40,08 44,96 47,9 50,94 52 54,94 55,85 58,93 58,71 63,54 65,37 69,72 72,59 74,92 78,96 79,91 83,8 reactivity in chemical reaction
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe • Tendency to become ionic compound,
88,91 91,22 92,91 95,94
57 - 71 72 73 74
[99] 101,07 102,91 106,4 107,87 112,4 114,82 118,69 121,75 127,6
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
(alkali metal group valence +1, and
Cs Ba Lantha- Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn alkaline earth metal group valence +2).
132,91 137,34 nides 178,49 180,95 183,85 186,2 190,2 192,2 195,09 196,97 200,59 204,37 207,19 208,98 [209] [210] [222]
Acti- 3. Transition Metals;
[223] [226] nides
• high melting point,
• Compound à color
Polymorphy BCC HCP FCC DC (Diamond Cubic)
Nobel Gas • Usually having several different
Light Metals Transition Metals Soft Metals Non Metals valences ( Fe and Fe , Cr and Cr3+)
2+ 3+ 2+

4. Soft Metals;
• Soft and less reactive, low melting
point, having several different valences
(Sn2+ and Sn 4+)

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Atomic Structure
v Core ( proton and neutron) and in surrounding of
them is electron (number of electron = proton)
v Shell à electron orbital
v Each shell has sub-shell
v Each shell has a maximum 2n2
v Electron in the outer shell
is defined as valence

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Atomic Structure

Proton, positive electric potential, mass 1,673 x 10-24gram

Neutron, no electric potential, mass 1,675 x 10-24gram
Electron, negative electric potential, mass 9,11 x 10-28gram

𝑋𝐴 𝑜𝑟 "𝑋
𝑧 !

X = name of element
Z = atom number= number of protons = number of electrons
A = mass number = number of proton + neutron

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Atomic Bonding

v Atomic bonding à particle

v Most stable Electron configuration à Nobel Gas (8
electron valence)
v Type of atomic bonding :
ü Ionic bonding
ü Covalent bonding
ü Metallic bonding

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Ionic vs Covalent Bonding

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Ionic Bonding

Na Cl Na+ Cl-

Ionic bonding of NaCl: moving valence electron Na to Cl à the Na and Cl

become ion (Na+ and Cl-) interaction (bonding)

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Covalent Bonding

Cl2 N2 HF

Shared Electron

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Metallic Bonding

• Shared electron (high number)

• There are interaction bonding so the range among atoms is constant
• Free electron will be easy to move one atom to others à easy to transfer
electric / conductive

Core of

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Crystal Structure

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
The Interesting Length Scale:
Complexity Vs. Size

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
What is solid materials?
è State of materials is dependent on average force concerned with kinetic energy and
interaction between atoms
Interaction between atoms (or molecules) > kinetic energy Solid

Increase of interaction strength

Gas Liquid Solid

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Description of Crystals Structures

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Which materials contain crystals?

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Metallic Crystal Structures

vCubic-Close Packed Structure (CCP)

Ø Simple Cubic (SC)
Ø The Face-Centered Cubic Crystal Structure (FCC)
Ø The Body-Centered Cubic Crystal Structure (BCC)

vThe Hexagonal Close-Packed Crystal Structure


Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Crystal System

(a) (b)

Face Centered Cubic

(a) (b)

Body Centered Cubic


(a) (b)

Hexagonal Close
Packed (HCP)

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Hexagonal Close Packed (hcp)

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Cubic Close Packed (ccp)

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Hcp vs ccp

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Packing Efficiency (Fraction): Vsphere/Vunit cell

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
The Face-Centered Cubic
Crystal Structure (FCC)

*Note Atomic Packing Factor

(APF) for FCC = 0.7

(a) (b) (c)

For the face centered cubic crystal structure, (a) a hard sphere unit cell
presentation, (b) a reduced-sphere unit cell, and (c) an aggregate of many

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
The Body-Centered Cubic
Crystal Structure (BCC)

Since the coordination number is less

for BCC than FCC, so also is the
atomic packing factor for BCC
lower—0.68 versus 0.74.

For the body-centered cubic crystal structure, (a) a hard sphere unit cell
representation, (b) a reduced-sphere unit cell, and (c) an aggregate of
many atoms.

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
The Hexagonal Close-Packed
Crystal Structure (HCP)
• If a and c represent, respectively, the short and long
unit cell dimensions of Figure 3.3a, the c/a ratio
should be 1.633; however, for some HCP metals
this ratio deviates from the ideal value.
• The coordination number and the atomic
packing factor for the HCP crystal structure are
the same as for FCC: 12 and 0.74, respectively

For the hexagonal close-packed crystal structure, (a) a reduced-sphere unit

cell (a and c represent the short and long edge lengths, respectively), and (b)
an aggregate of many atoms

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
3 Common Crystal of Pure Metal

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Packing Efficiency

*DC: diamond cubic

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Packing Efficiency

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Au ultrathin nanosheets on graphene oxide

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Interstitial Sites between Spheres
• Octahedral hole
• Tetrahedral hole

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Octahedral Site vs Tetrahedral Sites

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Octahedral Site
Coordination number: 6
Radius of Oct. hole: 0.414r

Top layer

Octahedral Site

Middle layer

Edge: 2r FCC: 4 Oct. holes

Diagonal d = 2r + 2x
d = √2(2r) = 2r + 2x
X = 0.414r
Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Tetrahedral Site
Coordination number: 4
Radius of Oct. hole: 0.225r

FCC: 8 Tetra. holes

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Examples of Structures Obtained by Filling
Interstitial Holes of FCC

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Crystals; a historical view
1. For centuries crystals were merely thought of as solids
which have flat surfaces (facets) that intersect at
characteristic angles.
2. During the 17th century, initial ideas regarding the microscopic structure of crystals began to
emerge in the works of scientists such as Johannes Kepler and Robert Hooke. These ideas
were formalized into a theory of crystallography by René-Just Haüy in the early 19th century.
The basic notion of this theory is that crystals are solids which are ordered at a microscopic
3. With the discovery of x-ray diffraction in crystals by Max von
Laue in 1912 and the subsequent development of x-ray
crystallography by William H. and William L. Bragg the theory
of crystallography received an unequivocal stamp of approval.
During the seventy (!!) years that followed, all observed
diffraction diagrams were in complete agreement with the
predictions of this theory and with the notion that all crystals
achieve their order through periodicity. It is no surprise then
that periodicity, though never proven to be a requirement for
order, was incorporated into the definition of crystal. Thus, on
the eve of the discovery of quasicrystals, everybody "knew"
that crystals were solids composed of a periodic
arrangement of identical unit cells.

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Lattice and Unit Cell
• Crystal
- regular arrangements of building blocks (atoms, molecules..)

• Crystalline materials
- atoms pack in periodic, 3D arrays
-typical of: metals
many ceramics
some polymers
• Non-crystalline materials
- atoms have no periodic packing
-occurs for: complex structure
rapid cooling
• Amorphous = non-crystalline

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Lattice and Unit Cell
• Lattice: representation of repeating building blocks in a
crystal by an array of points.
• Unit Cell: the basic structural unit of a crystal structure. Its
geometry and atomic positions define the crystal structure
(repeating units which show the full symmetry of the crystal
• A unit cell is the smallest component of the crystal that
reproduces the whole crystal when stacked together with
purely translational repetition

• Note:
More than one unit cell can be chosen for a given crystal
structure but by convention/convenience the one with the
highest symmetry is chosen.
Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Unit Cell

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Crystal Structure: Lattice

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Crystal Structure: Lattice
Important Note
• Lattice points are a purely mathematical concept, whereas coms are
physical objects.
• So, don’t mix up atoms with lattice points.
• Lattice points do not necessarily lie at the center of atoms.

For example, the only element exhibiting Simple Cubic structure is Po. In
Figure (a) is the 3-D periodic arrangement of Po atoms, and
Figure (b) is the corresponding space lattice.

In this case, atoms lie at the

same point as the space lattice

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Crystal Structure: Lattice

• Atomic arrangement looks identical at r and r’

• r’ = r + T
• T = ua1 + va2 + wa3: translation vector (3-dimension)
• The set of point r’ for all values of the integers u, v, w defines a lattice
• A lattice is a regular periodic arrangement of points in space
• 2-dimension: 5 types of lattices
• 3-dimension: 14 types of lattices

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
2D Bravais Lattice: 5

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Fundamental Types of 2D Lattices

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Impossible 5-fold Crystal Lattice

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
7 Crystal Systems

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Types of 3D Unit Cells

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
3D Bravais Lattices: 14
4 types of lattices + 7 crystal system = 14 Bravais lattices

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Polymorphism and Allotropy

v Some metals, as well as nonmetals, may have more than one

crystal structure, a phenomenon known as polymorphism.
v When found in elemental solids, the condition is often termed
v The prevailing crystal structure depends on both the temperature
and the external pressure. One familiar example is found in carbon:
graphite is the stable polymorph at ambient conditions, whereas
diamond is formed at extremely high pressures. Also, pure iron has
a BCC crystal structure at room temperature, which changes to
FCC iron at C ( F).
v Most often a modification of the density and other physical
properties accompanies a polymorphic transformation.

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
v Every point in lattice can be assumed as center of crystallography
v Others can be defined its coordinates in crystallography in “distance of

c Z

b Y

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Crystallography Direction

vCrystallography direction is defined as direction in crystal

structure which is imaginer lines from the center to point with
a specific coordinate
vLine direction to point that has coordinate uvw is called
direction [uvw]
vNegative (-) value of the coordinate is written [322]
vParallel direction à same index
vEquivalent direction (related to symmetry) à same family is
expressed by index <uvw>

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
[1 0



] [3 2

[1 1

0] Y
[1 0 [1 1 0]

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Miller Indices (hkl)
The orientation of a surface or a crystal plane may be define by considering
how the plane (or indeed any parallel plane) intersects the main crysrallographic
axes of the solid.

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Examples of Miller Index Planes

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Examples of Miller Index Planes

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Examples of High Miller Index Planes

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Bravais-Miller Index for hcp: (hkil)

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Miller Indices (hkl)
The orientation of a surface or a crystal plane may be define by considering
how the plane (or indeed any parallel plane) intersects the main
crysrallographic axes of the solid.

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Interplanar Spacing between (hk0) Planes
for a Cubic System

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Spacing Between Planes of Cubic Systems

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Interplanar Spacings

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Unit Cell Volumes

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
fcc Crystal Surface; low-index facets
Crystallographic Planes in FCC: (100)
Crystallographic Planes in FCC: (100)
Crystallographic Planes in FCC: (111)
Stepped Surfaces; high-index facets
High-index facets; promising catalytic Function
bcc Crystal Surface
Bulk CN=8

2nd layer:4 1st layer:4, 2nd layer:2
Basal Plane in HCP
Another Plane in HCP
Another Plane in HCP
Wigner-Seitz Cell
• Draw line to connect the lattice points
• Draw lines which bisect the connecting lines
• The area enclosed by the bisecting lines
Wigner-Seitz Cell
The First Brillouin Zone
Polymorph and allotropy

vCrystal categorization à crystal system (7 types) and

crystal parameter
vIn solid phase, metal always has specific crystal so the
crystallinity can be used to identify the metal
vPolymorph à Metal that has more then one crystal
vPolymorph à irreversible
vAllotropy à reversible

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)

Crystallization is defined as development of crystal

during colling process. The crystallization
1. Nucleation à
initial process of the small crystal
Start from the coldest zone and grow to hot zone
Take place in several zones à polycrystalline
2. Growth à several atom join to existing nucleus and
become bigger

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)

vIn liquid phase à temporary


Temperature →
vDecreasing temperature can
be used to maintain the undercooling
crystal stay logger
vTo start the nucleation à
Waktu →
need undercooling

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)

v Crystal growth à several atom in

liquid phase incorporate to
existing crystal
v Crystal growth à to all directions
especially to axis of the crystal
v Crystal growth à dendritic
v Cooling process will be finished
à if all liquid atom have joined in
the crystal and made

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Crystal Defects

• Point defect: Vacancy, Interstitial Substitutional

• Line defect: dislocation
• Interfacial defect: grain boundary
• Bulk defect : shrinkage cavity, porosity,
blowholes, cracks

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
a Dislocation
b c

Plane slip

e f

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Types of dislocation

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Representation of analogue between
caterpillar and dislocation motion

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Microstructure Comparison between
before and after deformation

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)
Effect of deformation to microstructure
and mechanical properties

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)

Metalurgi 1 (TL234205)

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