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fermentation and filtration June 22, 2019

The overall flow of previous section (malt handling and brew house)

Fermentation and filtration

The overall flow of fermentation and filtration

hot wort (92oc) cold wort (9 oc to 12o c )

hot water (80 c ) type heat
ice water (2o c )

Yeast harvesting tank (1,2,3 & 4
Steam & Steam &
Glycol Glycol CCT

D gased
water yeast yeast

BBT Blender filtered candle filter un filtered

buffer buffer

CO2 additives

prepared by: amanueal r. & zelalem t. 1

fermentation and filtration June 22, 2019

Heat exchangers
Heat exchangers are devices designed to transfer heat between two or more
fluids (liquids, vapors or gases) of different temperatures. Based on the design
characteristics there are different types such as shell and tube, tubular, palate
type and etc.

Plate type heat exchanger:

As shown blow it consists of a series of parallel plates that are placed one next to
the other so as to allow the formation of a serios of channels for fluids to flow
between them.
Inlet and outlet holes at the corners of the plates allow the hot and cold fluids to
flow through alternating channels in the exchanger so that a plate is always in
contact on one side with the hot fluid and the other with the cold.
All plates are corrugated in order to increase the turbulence, thermal exchange
surface and to provide mechanical rigidity to the exchanger.
It is used to transfer heat between imported wort from brewing house and ice
water. The main purpose is to cool dawn wort from 92oC to 9oC.
Main components of PHEs
o Frame plate (fixed plate)
o Pressure plate (moveable plate)
o Screws (tie bolts) for compressing the pack of plates.
o Pack of thine rectangular plates with portholes
o Gaskets

Shell and tube heat exchangers:

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fermentation and filtration June 22, 2019

Are constructed of a single tube or series of parallel tubes (i.e., tube bundle)
enclosed within a sealed, cylindrical pressure vessel (i.e., shell).

Are used for heat transfer with small tubes in a shell most of time the
liquid to be heated is travelled through tube and the heating one is
distributed on surface of tubes inside shell.

Yeast propagation and storage tankers:

Yeast propagation is a process in which buying small amount of yeast and
multiplies them to a large amount. For yeast propagation there are two tankers.
Hopped wort is first entered to the first tank within this tank there are shell and
tube heat exchangers to heat up and then to cool down by using steam and glycol
respectively. Hopped wort and yeast will mix on the second tank and at the end
together with cold wort moves to CCT for fermentation. After some days the
yeast moves back to yeast storage tank for next generation.

Conical cylindrical tankers (CCTs)

Are tankers where fermentation takes place.
Fermentation: Is the process by which yeast converts the glucose in the wort to
ethyl alcohol and co2 gas. This gives the beer both its alcohol content and its
C 6 H 12 O6 Yeast 2C 2 H 6 O + 2CO2 + heat
Since this fermentation produces heat the tank (CCT) must be cooled at upper,
medium, lower portion constantly by glycol to maintain the proper temperature
for more than two weeks (18 to 20 days).
When fermentation nearly complete, most of the yeast will settle to the bottom
of CCT (cone shaped) which makes it easy to capture and remove the yeast, which
is saved in yeast storage tank and used in the next batch of beer.
prepared by: amanueal r. & zelalem t. 3
fermentation and filtration June 22, 2019

In CCT there are minimum and maximum level sensors, pressure sensors,
temperature sensors, think top (seat valves), butter fly valves, inductive sensors
and different centrifugal pumps.

Filtration: is used to filter yeast from beer, to separate solid particles and to
balance amount of CO2 & deaerator water to be added to beer by utilizing
different mechanical and electrical equipment. It includes heat exchanger (beer
and glycol), yeast separator, unfiltered buffer, candle filtrox and blender.

Yeast separator
The basic centrifuge idea is based on what happens in a settling tank, in which
particles, sediment and solids gradually fall to the bottom, and the liquid phases
of different density separate due to the force of gravity.

Common valves found in filtration and fermentation

Pictures of manual, single acting and double acting butter fly valves respectively.

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fermentation and filtration June 22, 2019

Pictures of diaphragm type pneumatic actuator valve and steam trap respectively.

a. Manually operated butter fly valves and another valves: are

found in most areas to control flows of yeast, beer, dearation
water etc.
b. Single acting spring return butter fly valve: similar to air-air
butter fly valve but piston pressed using air but return by spring,
in air –air piston pressed by air and returned in the same way.
c. Double acting (air-air) butter fly valve: As piston is pushed down
the horizontal rod moves down and rotational motion at that time
plate also rotate and opens or close.
d. Diaphragm type pneumatic actuator valve: is valve containing a sit
which covers a hole when diaphragm receives air and expand to push the
sit in to hole. it may be single or double sit.
e. Steam trap: used to remove condensate steam or liquid water by saving
steam not to escape. used in tube and shell heat exchanger removing
condensed steam.

Common pumps found in filtration and fermentation

Centrifugal pump: That convert mechanical energy into pressure energy by
means of centrifugal force acting on the fluid. Is pump with single disk impeller
which uses centrifugal force to pressurize liquid and yeast.

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fermentation and filtration June 22, 2019

The three important parts of centrifugal pump are.

 Impeller
 Casing
 Suction and delivery pipes

Progressive cavity pump: used to discharge the wastes from yeast separator,
yeast from yeast harvesting tank and from CCT to yeast storage tank.
The two important parts of centrifugal pump are.

 stator
 rotor

a. Diaphragm and gear dosing pump: used for pumping chemicals in


prepared by: amanueal r. & zelalem t. 6

fermentation and filtration June 22, 2019

common electrical parts found in filtration and fermentation

a. Mixer (agitator) motor

b. Level sensor
c. Proximate sensor
d. Flow meter
e. Centex meter
f. Pressure sensor
g. Conductive meter
h. PID controller
i. Fistocad
j. Danfos and akofos

prepared by: amanueal r. & zelalem t. 7

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