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Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)










AMANUEAL REDAE………EIT – M / UR /161514 / 06 ……………..…. AUTOMOTIVE



Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

First of all I would like to give a great respect and appreciation to raya brewery S.C for providing this
precious opportunity that enables me to familiar with practical skill and it is my great pleasure to thank
for those individually helped me during the internship program and for those who contributed valuable
efforts when I prepare this project work. I heartily thank our company adviser Eng. Melaku and our
university adviser INS, tesfagabr who guide me in our work and made the necessary correction. And I
would like to thank for Eng. Yetagesu and for all mechanical operators for their encouragements. Lastly
I heartily thank my friends for their support and encouragement.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

Raya brewery Shear Company is a brewery company, which is found in maichew, tigrai,
Ethiopia, Africa. This company produces both draft and beer. It uses a series of machines de
palletizer, UN packer, bottle washer, empty bottle inspection, filler, pasturizer, labler, packer and
palletizer in order to produce (packeg) beer. The company also uses similar machine for
packaging draft, but draft filled keg (40kg weight) palletizes manually by operators. These
results a problem such as:
 Increase energy loss of operators
 Decrease production capacity of the company
 Wastage of labor
 Hazards for operators
The main aim of this project is to detail design all parts of the machine (jib crane / keg palletizer) and to
draw detail of all parts at end to assemble them by software called catia v-5. When this machine is
manufactured it is expected that to solve the above problems.

Detail analysis is carried out by using maximum shear and normal stress theory, application software’s
ANSYS and catia in addition to those Euler’s and secant formulas are included with in this project.

The dimension of the components produced from the analysis are based up on the safety factor indicates
that strength. By selecting the light weight (small cross section) the dimensions are also economical.

As a conclusion jib crane having low weight, high safety factor and easily operated is more appropriate
for lifting and positioning of keg than that of manual.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

CHAPTER ONE.......................................................................................1
BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY..................................................1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.1.2 The overall constriction and technology preference of Raya brewery 1
1.2. Vision, Mission and objective of the company 2
1.2.1 Objective of the company 2
1.2.2 Mission 2
1.2.3 Vision of the company 2
1.3 Main product and service of Raya brewery S.C 3
1.4 Main customers (end users of) Raya brewery S.C 3
1.5 Organization structure of Raya brewery S.C 3

Chapter Two.............................................................................................5
OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE..............................................5
2.1 Malt handling and brewing area 5
2.2 Fermentation 10
2.3 utility sections 10
2.4 Packaging (Bottling & kegging) 14

CHAPTER THREE................................................................................25
3.1 Introduction 25
3.2 Improve practical skills 25
3.3 Improve Industrial problem solving ability 25
3.4 Improving our Understanding about work ethics issues 25
3.5 Improving our entrepreneur ship skills 26

Chapter four............................................................................................27

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

design of JIB CRANE (KEG PALLETIZER)........................................27

4.1 Short summery of the project 27
4.2 Introduction 27
4.2.1 Literature review 27
4.2.2 Problem statement 31
4.2.3 Objective of the project 31
4.2.4 Significance of the project 31
4.2.5 Scope of the project 32
4.3 Methodology 32
4.3.1 Data source method 32
4.3.2 Data analysis method 32
4.4 Design analysis of jib crane 32
4.4.2 Design of I beam 33
4.4.3 Design of Column 36
4.4.3 Selection of rolling contact bearings 40
4.4.4 Design of cylinder 41
4.4.5 Design of plats 43
4.4.6 Design of welding for I beam 44
4.4.7 Design of welding for plates 47
4.4.8 Design of base plate 47
4.4.9 Selection of liftket electric hoist trolley 48
4.4.10 Result and discussion 48

CHAPTER FIVE....................................................................................49
Conclusion 49
Recommendation 49
References 50
Detail drawing 51
Assembly drawing 52
Tables 55

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)



1.1 Introduction
Beer production is one of the industrial processes in our country among the different beer
industries found in Ethiopia. Beer is an alcoholic beverage that produces from malted malt, hops,
water and yeast .Raya Brewery S.C is a new brewery production plant. This beer factory used
sophisticated technologies for the production of Raya beer and keg (drought) beer.

1.1. 1 Brief history of the company

Raya brewery S.C is a new brewery production plant occupying an area of 15 hectares. It was
established in 2010 by 58 founding shareholders, including Tsadikan Gebretinsay (Let.Gen),
former army chief of staff, and Ambachew Abreha, former head of Ethiopian Shipping and
Logistics Service Enterprise (ESLSE), has now reached about 2,441 shareholders.
Raya brewery S.C was found in Maichew town, which can be reached in two ways. The first
route is from Addis Ababa through Dessie – Alamata – Mehone – Maichew road, which is
668km from Addis Ababa. The second route is from Addis Ababa through Dessie – Alamata -
Korem-Maichew road, which is 622km from Addis Ababa.
Is named after the society of raya and its annual production capacity is estimated to be 6 million
hectoliters Raya brewery S.C is inaugurated on February 14 and 15, By the President of the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Mulatu Teshome (PhD) which is the sixth Ethiopian
brewery. And is expected to higher the annually Ethiopia’s beer production capacity from 5.6
million hectoliters to around 12 million hectoliters.

The brewery has now 680 permanent &contract employees, which 568 &112 are permanent and
contract employees respectively with sexual ratio of 73%male and 27%female. In addition the
brewery also creates job opportunities for 350 daily labor workers. At the pre- expansion period
the brewery created job opportunities for 266 permanent &contract employees, without
considering temporary employees. In line with this, modern technology diffusion and vital
human resource capacity development work is under taken.

1.1.2 The overall constriction and technology preference of Raya brewery

Different implementation procedures have been deployed to ensure successful construction of
Raya brewery Factory .Raya Brewery is a successful factory where efforts have been made to
insure that the civil work, steel structure erection, production and delivery of machinery, and the

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
choice of appropriate technology meet international standards. The first stage of site clearance
and foundation work has been implemented the by a local contractor, Radar constructional
international company based in Dubai named Maban has implemented the construction of prefab
houses with maximum care and quality.

The choice for an appropriate technology which will not only meet current technology
advancement but can also easily cop up with future progress of technology has been made
carefully. The acquisition of the brewery machines was implemented through an international
building process and European company from check republic called Dayu Company were
installed with maximum care and quality.

Similarly, due care has been made in choosing an appropriate bottling machine, Accordingly, a
German company Which is called Krones with tremendous experience in the sector and is highly
qualified experts produced the filling and packing machine and delivered to its owner ,Raya
brewery share company. Sector and is highly qualified experts produced the filling and packing
machine and delivered to its owner, Raya brewery share company.

1.2. Vision, Mission and objective of the company

1.2.1 Objective of the company
The Roadmap to the success of Raya brewery S.C starts with their objectives. The main
objectives of Raya brewery S.C are:

 To refresh the nation through producing quality beer

 To develop the annual production capacity of Ethiopia
 To create value and make a difference

1.2.2 Mission
 To support socio economic development of Tigray region in particular and to the
overall development of the country in general.
 To give value for eco environment in friendly manner.
 To by generated profit to improve the socio-economic wellbeing of the Tigray
 To product and seek quality beer at reasonable profit.

1.2.3 Vision of the company

The Company vision serves as the framework for their success and guides every aspect of their
business by describing what they need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable,
quality growth. The main visions of Raya brewery are.

 Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
 Bring to the nation quality beer brands that anticipate and satisfy people's desires and
 Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual,
enduring value.
 Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support
sustainable communities.
 Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall
 Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization

1.3 Main product and service of Raya brewery S.C

The main products of Raya brewery are:

 Pasteurized Drought beer

 Lager beer(Raya beer)

1.4 Main customers (end users of) Raya brewery S.C

The end users (customers) of Raya brewery S.C are every person aged above 18 years old. There
is no any limit or boundary in order to be a customer for Raya beer. And Raya brewery S.C is
new brewery company so the company is working hard to distribute in to different regions of
Ethiopia and outside country.

Raya brewery S.C is distributed products temporally across the country in

 Maychew
 Mekelle
 Shire
 Humera
 Alamata
 Adisabeba

1.5 Organization structure of Raya brewery S.C

The current organizational structures of raya brewery S.C has four departments reporting to the
CEO; namely, Production and Technical, Commercial, Procurement and Sourcing, Finance and
Administration by considering Maichew Office as the corporate office of the organization.
Different theoretical concepts of organizational design and the feasibility study of the
organization have been put into consideration.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)



2.1 Malt handling and brewing area
Beer is an industrial product. A beer is one of the oldest and most complex in the preparation of
drink. To create the final product brewers use the latest technology and very expensive
equipment. But, as before, the integral components of beer are 4 ingredients. These are: –

 Malt
 Water
 Yeast
 Hop and other additives.
Malt is the main raw material for beer production .The raw material for malt is barley. Its uses
depends on the fact that barley has high starch content and the husk still adheres to the gain, even
after threshing and processing to malt. Consequently it is able to form the wort filtration layer
required in a later production stage.

Malt is delivered to the brewery, weighed, conveyed, cleaned, stored and made available for wort

The malt reception department is subdivided into two sections.

1. The first section consists of the unloading of the bulk product, its conveyance
and cleaning with subsequent storage in silos.
2. In the second section, the malt is conveyed from the storage silos, cleaned,
milled and after dry milling stored in grist hopper. Different impurities like
dust, stones, metals, husks, are removed.
In Raya brewery the different conveying equipment used for this purpose are: -
 Bucket elevators
 chain conveyers and
 Screw conveyor
All these should be aspirated to remove dust, stones, husks and other impurities which are
usually collected at some point around the malt handling area. Initially, malt is often roughly
screened (sieved) to remove coarse and fine impurities by the drum sieve, and is passed over the
de-stoner to remove stones from the grain. Magnetic separator to remove fragments of metal is
also another treatment before milling. The removal of metal items and de- stoning are necessary
to reduce wear on conveying equipment and to reduce the risks of sparks which can lead to fires
or explosions.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
Bucket elevator

This also called a grain leg, is a type of conveyor used for vertical transportation of malt. It
consists of a rubber belt with plastic buckets. Pulleys several feet in diameter are used at the top
and bottom of the elevator. The top pulley is driven by electric motor. Vertical elevators depend
entirely on the action of Centrifugal force to get the material in to the discharge chute.

Screw conveyors

 Screw conveyors are the most used conveying elements for inclined and horizontal
transfer of bulk goods such as barley and malt. It consists of continuous helical screw
fastened to a shaft which is rotated in a U shaped trough to push the malt through the

 The malt is prevented from rotating with screw by the weight of the material and by the
friction of the material against the wall of the trough.

 The shaft is driven by motor; the shaft rotation speed is less than 200rpm and so a gearing
of the motor is necessary.

Chain conveyor

The troughed chain conveyor is a transporting device for horizontal and inclined transport. An
endless chain link chain with specifically arranged cross pieces runs at a speed of 0.4 to 0.6 m/s
in rectangular flat trough. The trough can be 2/3 to 3/4 filled with malt. The malt conveyed while
being directly in contact with the chain.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

Malt cleaning process

a. Drum sieve:
Separates the malt from it husk and impurities with a rotary mechanism

b. Dry De Stoner
De-Stoners machine is applied for the efficient separation of stones, metal, glass, & other high
density impurities from the malt which are still present because they are the same size as the
malt. The excellent removal of high density impurities protects the downstream processing
equipment and thus reduces its wear and tear.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

c. De dusting unit
It is the process of suck air & dust particle from drum sieve, de stoner & hopper. Air evacuated
to the atmosphere and the solid particle is removed to the dust hopper.
d. Milling (Classic mill)
The classic milling is used to the malt to convert in to grist. It consists of a rotor made of plates
with pins to carry the hammers. Hammers are flat metal bars with a hole at one end. Malt milling
is required in order to be easily broken down the malt enzymes during mashing process.

Brew house area

a) Mash kettle
Mashing is the process that combining a mixture of milled malt with brewing water. In mash
kettle the process of mixing 1Kg of milled malt with 2.5L water (hot and cold) takes place. It can
mix 5000Kg milled malt within 20 minutes.
b) Mash tun

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
After mixing of the malt with water in mash kettle it transfers to mash tun by the help of
progressive cavity pump. In mash tun three types of additives are added in order to convert
complex starch (mainly α amilase and β amilase) to simple sugar, maltose, and maltriose
dextrose that are more readily fermented.
c) Mash filter
Mash filter is a very much like plate and frame filter. It consists of a series of grid type plates
alternating with hollow frame plates that are suspended on side rails. It is used to separate wort
from the spent grain.

d) Wort pan

Wort pan is conical cylindrical tank used to mix the wort with hop to change color of the wort
and to increase its alcoholic content by the rotating agitator at a temperature about 96 0C.
e) Whirl pool
Whirl pool is used to separate trub from the hopped wort and then the hopped wort is transferred
in to fermentation tank but trub is stored in trub tank.
Over all flow diagram of brew house

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
2.2 Fermentation
Fermentation can be preceded by respiration is performed by wort sedimentation in kettles,
flotation, centrifugation or filtration. Aeration is used to ensure that the yeast is supplied with an
adequate amount of oxygen in order to support cell multiplication. Later on, the metabolism of
the yeast changes from respiration to alcoholic fermentation; then processes the carbohydrate
molecules contained in the wort to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide. Other ingredients of the
wort are also converted. The resulting fermentation products significantly influence the character
of the beer produced. The duration and course of the fermentation are determined by the yeast
strain and by controlling the process of parameters are pressure and temperature.
Fermentation takes place in cylindro-conical tanks (CCTs). CCTs are installed outdoors. The
CO2 produced during the fermentation process can be collected by a CO2 recovery system.
2.3 utility sections
Converting cold-water (27 0C) which is coming from water treatment class into steam which is
purpose full in bottling section and other sections, cooling water by using glycol and ammonia
in turn cooling glycol to−40 C by using ammonia and recovering co2 which come from cct as
west product of fermentation these all included inside utility section. Operator’s team leaders of
utility section help us to know the process and components of utility section.
It has different section of in the utility system
 Boiler system
 Cooling system
 Co2 system
 Water treatment
 Waste water treatment

2.3.1 Co2 recovery plant

Co2 is very important in beer making companies in order to prevent direct contact between air
and beer as well as draft by creating pressure. But raw co2 has odor test and impurities so co2
recovery plant is necessary.
 CO2Rawgas contains a lot of odors, tastes and in purities.
 The gas needs to be cleaned and purified by a CO2 system according the latest technology
 Afterwards it can be used in the rest of the brewery or soft drink industry
Steps in the process
 Cleaning of possible foam remains
 Washing to take out solid parts and alcohols
 Compression in 2 stages
 Taste and odors removal
 Drying
 Cooling down to liquefaction of the CO2
 Storage in liquid form
 Evaporation
 Reduction of pressure and temperature for factory usage
Why this special treatment
 Cleaning of the gas (foam separator / gas washer)
o Dissolving foam, alcohol and other dissolvable components

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
 Deodorizing (ACF)
o Absorbs the smell containing compounds
 Liquefying (Condenser)
o Turn gas into liquid (most economic point at 17,5 Bar @ -24 °C) and removing
non-condensable gasses
o Drying (Driers)
o To remove the moisture from the gas before it is liquefied (else the pipes in the
condenser get blocked
Why Liquefaction of the CO2
 The total volume of CO2 storage decreases
o In case CO2 is stored in gas phase the storage volume would be 500 x bigger!
 The purity of the CO2 will improve
o Only CO2 is turned into liquid at 17,5 Bar @ -24°C
o Air and other non condensable gases are still present
o These gases can easily be blown off from the CO2 condenser
o With stripping technology the separation is even better
Parts of CO2 recovery process
 Foam Separator
 CO2 gas balloon
 Booster (option)
 CO2 gas washer (High Pressure)
 CO2 Compressor
 ACF / Driers
 CO2Reboiler
 CO2 condenser + Cooling system
 CO2 Pump
 CO2 Tank
 CO2 Evaporator
 CO2 Reducing station
A. foam trap
Main Function
 To avoid that foam that can come along with CO 2 from the CCT’s enters the CO2
recovery plant
B. Boosters
Main Function
 To compress the CO2 gas from a lower pressure to a higher pressure
 Provides positive pressure necessary to overcome distances line losses and Gas washer
 Increases the suction pressure on the 1ste stage of the CO2 compressor which increases the

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

C. Gas balloon
Main Function
 Equalize the difference between the CO2 supply from fermentation and the capacity of
the CO2 compressor.
 To create a gas buffer to avoid excessive starts and stopping of the CO2 compressor.
 Balloon size always depending on plant / fermentation capacity.

D. Gas washer
 Remove water dissolvable impurities from the incoming CO2 gas

E. CO2 Compressor
 A Compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of agas and can
transport the gas through a pipe by reducing its volume. Co2 compressor is a specific
type of gas compressor. Pump pressurizes and transport liquid.Reciprocating piston
compressor is appositivedisplacement type of compressor. It uses piston driven by
Main Function
 To compress the fermentation gas (P approx. 1 Bar abs) from the gas washer to approx.
17,5 Bar before it enters the ACF/Driers.
 The compression is done in 2 stages
 After each compression stage the warm CO 2 needs to be cooled down by coolers (Inter-
After cooler) Different cooling media can be used.
 Additional cooling of the cylinder head is required.
F. ACF/Drier
Main Function
 Remove the impurities from the CO 2 gas that are not already been removed in the gas
washer by means of Active Carbon

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

G. CO2 Storage
Main function
 To store the produced liquid CO2 of the recovery system
H. CO2Evaporater
Main Function
 To evaporate liquid CO2 form the Tank into gas to be used in the brewery (brewery
I. CO2 reducing valve
Main function Back Pressure station
 To hold minimum pressure in the CO2 storage tank

2.3.2 Boiler room

This room used to generate steam for heat exchanging purpose. It has different components of
material to boil the water:-
 Water softener tank
 Economizer tank
 Boiler tank
 Drainage tank
 Oil tank
 Valves; -boll valve
 -needle valve
 -safety valve

 Centrifugal pup
 Gear pump
 Servo meter
 Pressure gage

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

2.3.3 Cooling plant

This plant uses three cooling media those all have their own cooling temperature due to the
difference of temperature there is a change of heat with in individuals. First glycol is cooled by
ammonia, glycol in turn used to cool water into, but water more by ammonia. This cooled water
is going to fermentation class. Glycol is going to bright beer tank whereas ammonia recycles
with the area by using condenser.
2.4 Packaging (Bottling & kegging)

2.4.1 Introduction
In raya brewery Shear Company there are three production rooms (sections), brew house room,
utility room and packaging or bottling room and during our internship period (four month) we
work on all of them one by one. We get an experience from those three sections but we get more
experience from bottling section.

Beer must be packaged before it is sold. packaging line is a series of machines designed to fill
containers with beer and present those containers(packages) to the ware house To ensure the best
possible quality of the product, packaging must be carried out with skill and care. Only if
packaging is effectively performed will the product be acceptable. Beer can be put into a number
of packages like bottle and keg. The most important worldwide is the bottle. Bottles are two
types returnable and non-returnable. In Raya brewery S.C beer is packed in returnable bottles.
Beer is also filled in to cans, kegs or casks and in Raya brewery S.C beer is also filled in kegs

2.4.2 Bottling process

Worldwide most beer is drunk from bottles, either returnable or non-returnable. The bottling line
of Raya beer consists of a series of machine and processes these are:

 De palletizer
 De crater (un packer)
 Bottle and crateWasher
 Empty bottle inspection
 Filler
 Crowner
 Tunnel pasteurization
 Full bottle inspection
 Labeler
 Crater (packer)
 Palletizer De palletize
Is a robotic system which is used to separate pallet and empty bottle crate, It has some
components such as base, belt conveyor, controller sensor, actuator and effecters (gripper).
o Base: - the base of de palletizer is fixed to ground for the purpose of every

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
activities stand with balanced.
o Belt: - is a mechanical part of de palletizer which is used degree of freedom
for the purpose of moment with in the direction of up and down and also
sliding mechanism motion.
o Controller: - it is a device with hard and soft ware support for giving
commands to the drive.
o Sensor: - it is used to give feedback information for subsequent action of arm
(mechanical gripper) as well us to interact with the environment which the de
palletizer is
O Actuator: - it is a device which is used to causing the manipulated arm
(effector) to move.
o End effecter (gripper):- is a part of de palletizer which is used to holding the
required part of the bottle Unpacker
It is a machine which is used to separate empty bottle from crate by using pneumatic system and
effectors (grippers). It has two motion mechanisms. one is oscillating mechanism and the other is
up and down motion. They up and down motion takes place by the belt driver associated with in
host motor but the oscillating mechanism is oriented by gear box to hinged pillar push rod, crank,
cross transport drive and function tube to perform their functions. The main functions of stopper
to stop the crate in three stages are in feed divider and discharge stoppers to crate. Grippers are
functioned by pneumatic system and they are used to separate the empty bottle from the
unwashed crate.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
2018 Crate washer

After separating the crate and empty bottle the crate inters to the crate washer for the purpose of
cleaning and drying. By using spray mechanism with in warm water and caustic solution. Bottle washer

It is a machine which used for the purpose of internal and external clean of the empty bottle by
using cleaning agents & taking spraying hose mechanism.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
2018 Bottle inspection (EBI)

Basically all bottles should be clean and fit to use after cleaning. The following parameters are to
be checked.
a. Optical (or Mechanical) gap detection- stops machine when detecting bottles or gaps in bottle
flow. It is used to avoid damage to the machine & unwanted production steps.
b. Optical detection of too high /short bottles- generates rejection signal when detecting too
high /short bottles according to the program given to the machine. Faulty bottles are rejected by a
pusher installed at the bottle outlet. It is used to avoid unnecessary production step.
c. Contour detection: - detection of bottle shape & detection of bottle which shape is
substantially different from the normal production bottle.
d. Foreign bottle detection (rotary machine)-detection of bottles which shape is substantially
different from the normal production bottle.
e. Glass color detection of bottle which substantially device from production bottle with regard
to color or color intensity.
f. Base inspection-is camera technology to inspect liquid and varying conductivity of the
individual media (air, glass, water, caustic). Neck finish inspection (Camera technology)-A
bottle neck finish is illuminated from above by a dome type LED and the camera takes an image
of the bottle neck finish and converts the signal in to digital image data. The digital image data
are passed on via the roll unit to the individual evaluation units (256 grey scale increments) and
which exceeds the set digital is sent to the rejection unit, a clock pulse generator coordination
camera, light controller & evaluation unit.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
2018 Bottle filling

Filling is the process of adding beer to the cleaned bottles from BBT.
 Loss of beer must be avoided,
 The nominal fill of every bottle must be ensured, and
 The quality of the beer must be maintained
Steps of filling bottle with beer
 Pre-evacuation: air is extracted from the bottle
 Flushing: the bottle are flushed with the protective gas e.g.CO2
 Second pre-evacuation
 Pressurization: the pressure between the bottle and product tank is balanced (bottle
pressure=operating pressure product tank)
 Filling :The bottle are filled with the product i.e. beer
 End of filling
 Snifting: The pressure between the bottle and the atmosphere is balanced (bottle
pressure=atmosphere pressure) i.e. remove foam

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
2018 Closing the bottles with crown cork

After filling the bottles are closed as soon as possible. For this, the closing machine is built in to
the same block as the filler and they are equipped with a common drive to ensure synchronous
operation. To exclude oxygen uptake on the way to the closer, a continuous fine stream of water
is sprayed in to the still open bottles so that some of the content immediately foam out and
prevent entry of oxygen. the bottles are closed with a crown cork which is 0.235mm thick
stainless steel plate and is marked on the outside the Raya brewery S.C logo the crown cork has a
21 teeth and has an outer diameter (d2) of 32.1 mm and height (h) of 6mm. the internal diameter
(d1) is 26.75mm and is therefore as large as the outer edge of the bottle mouth.
The closing element is lowered by the curved track onto the bottle until the crown cork rests on
the bottle mouth. Then the spring forces the closure on to the bottle and the closing cone forces it
down. Thereby the 21 teeth of the crown cork are bent dawn whilst the upper edge of the bottle
mouth and thus seal the latter again, whilst the bottle is still held by the magnet of the ejector
plunger. Finally the bottles are showered to remove residues of drink. This is necessary because
sticky drink residues collect particularly at the base of the bottles and cause the bottles be dirty
when they are displayed to the customer. Full bottle inspector (FBI)

FBI is used to inspect the following parameters of the filled bottles after labeling.
1. Identify crowned & uncrowned bottle
2. Identifies under and over filled bottle

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
The above parameters are checked with sensors which sense the radioactive ray & crones’
camera system. If one of the above parameter is not satisfied the beer bottle will be pushed by
mechanical pusher (rejection unit), i.e. it will not go to the next stage (caser machine).The FBI
operation system is radioactive system which is used to identify the over & under fill beer. Pasteurizer
Pasteurization is simply means to destroy or to reduce the number of harm full microorganisms
in a product in order to increase its biological stability. The objective is the effective kill of
harmful organisms with the minimum use of energy that can grow and cause beer spoilage in the
bottle. The tunnel pasteurizer in Raya Brewery has pasteurization capacity of 36,000btls/h and
one bottle at least 20min to be pasteurized. In the pasteurizer there are 10 Induction motors. Bottle decoration (labeling)

In the unending struggle for market share, the appearance of the bottle is very important.
The number and size of labels, their color and design, their arrangement and the overall
effect should show customer that a producer’s beer is not only the best but also the most
attractive. In Raya brewery S.C every bottle labels with.
 Body labels
 Neck labels
Labeling principle
In the first rotation, the rotating gluing or picking up segments are coated with adhesive by the
adhesive-applying roller. In a second rotation, the now glued labels are caught by a holding
device (gripper) and held with printed side in wards against stoppages. In a third rotation the
labels are rolled with their glued side against the bottle whilst the gripper opens and thus releases
the label. The labeled bottles are then moved past brushes and rubber rollers and the labels are
thereby firmly stuck on.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
2018 Packer machine

The crate from the crate washer and the filled bottle from labeler are conveyed by belt conveyer
to packer (packing machine). The finished bottles must now be picked on the conveyer and
inserted in to crates so the packer picks 4 crates of bottle (96 bottles) at once and inserts in to the
crates having capacity of 2000btls/h and those crates filled with bottles are conveyed. Palletizer
It is a machine used to load full bottle crate that comes from caser to pallet and pass to output.
This palletizing process is done automatically. The Palletizer built five layers of crates on the
pallet totally 50 crates containing 1200 bottles are built on it. It has three motions, vertical,
horizontal, and rotary. Palletizing and de-palletizer are identical but operating in the alternative

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
mode. The forklift trucks convey the formed crates either to store or to the trucks. Over all flow process of bottling section

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
2018 Chain and roller conveyor (for container, crate & pallet)

Conveyors are low speed mechanical equipment’s used to move items with minimal effort. They
can be manual, gravity or powered. The process from de palletizer (starting) to palletizer
(ending) needs different machines. Pallets, crates & containers (bottles) transport from one
machine into another machine through roller & chain conveyors. Let’s see the mechanical
components, power transmission, lubrication system and specific application area of those two
conveyers one by one.

Chain conveyor: Main mechanical components of chain conveyor are:

 Shaft
 Bearing(on both ends)
 Frame
 Sprocket connected to shaft by pin
 Wear strip
 Wear strip guide (bottom &top) at curve
 Flat top Chain
 Roller supporter at strait position
Power transmission series of chain conveyor is Servo motor Shaft Sprocket Flat top chain
There are three lubrication agents for this conveyor

 Water + lubranol for chain conveyor

 Grease for bearing
 Oil for gear box

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

Lubricant helps the conveyor to have long life and helps bottle to not break and also reduces
friction. Bottle chain conveyor differs from crate type chain conveyor it has a safety rubber
connected to metallic frame. The shape of Chain conveyor for strait position differs from that of
curved one.
Roller conveyor: Main mechanical components of this conveyor are :
 Shaft
 Bearing
 Frame
 Roller
 Sprocket, chain
Driving /power transmission system roller conveyor:

 Servo motor
 Shaft
 pinion gear
 chain
 Pinion gear
 roller
 bearing
We use grease for bearing as lubrication
There is Load sensor here to sense weight of the load to be conveyed

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

3.1 Introduction
The four months we have spent at Raya beer sc. We are gained an understanding how to interpret
and apply our theoretical knowledge in practical problems. We have also noted that it is
impossible to directly apply our theoretical knowledge into an industrial problem. Most of the
analytical calculations that we have learned in campus are very much reduced and simplified into
empirical forms in order to close the gap between real world and the ideal conditions that are
stated theoretically a Practical working in Raya beer sc. shops allowed us to observe the
processes and components that we know through learning by our very fascinating teachers and
also gave us confidence on ours field of study. In addition to this Communicating and interacting
with various departments of the shops during the project, work improved our team playing skills
along with enhancing our problem solving capability. We have also learned powerful software
called plc. Which make designing of machine components to a lot easier. Beside to this In terms
of upgrading our theoretical skills, Raya beer Share Company helped us understand more about
mechanisms we learned in EIT-M, and in what ways those mechanisms can be applied in
machinery to make day to day tasks easier. I understood more about heat transfer, fluid and
power system and mechatronics by observing the machineries operation. Therefore, we had the
chance to read manuals and learn more about working mechanism.
3.2 Improve practical skills
The most frequent work with in raya beer sc is repair and maintenance this means there is always
disassembling and assembling of components and parts which was a good opportunity to work
on and improve practical skills. In addition, there were some foreign parsons who were coming
from Kenya, germen (from Krons Company). Therefore, we were sharing some knowledge;
I understood assembling and disassembling of machines such as:
 heat exchanger
 labler
 tankers
 conveyor
3.3 Improve Industrial problem solving ability
 We also improved our problem solving skills since it is one of the focuses of the
internship program. We identified a problem on the lifting and position of a keg.
3.4 Improving our Understanding about work ethics issues
Work ethics is one of the characteristics a professional must have, because once ethical issues
reflect on the quality of their work. If someone has good work ethics such as punctuality; respect
for co-workers; proper tool handling proper cleanup after a job, they will create a good working

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
environment by waking other workers feel free to communicate with one another and overcome
work challenges by working as a team; work will be completed on deadline or even before, since
time won’t be wasted due to punctuality. It also should be noted that work ethics has a very high
power to influence any work environments productive many times I observed that spare parts
that are not that much complex and hard to manufacture, sell at very high price, and I often
wonder if it was possible to manufacture those parts here in our country .

3.5 Improving our entrepreneur ship skills

During the four month we have developed our entrepreneur ship skills because during the
internship program we have understand how to connect our theoretical knowledge with the real
world and we have understand how to look things in an engineering way and how to solve local
problems using our engineering knowledge in an engineering way.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)



4.1 Short summery of the project
A jib crane is a type of crane having cantilevered beam with hoist and trolley and it is either
attached to a building column or cantilever vertically from an independent floor mounted
column. This paper will mainly concentrates floor mounted jib cranes here the trolley hoist
moves along the length of the boom and the boom spin allowing the lifted load to be skillfully
about in a relatively circular area. While designing a jib crane several factors have to be
considered in these most important factors are own weight of the crane, the weight of the goods.
The aim of this project to carry out detailed design &analysis of jib crane. This project
investigates the stress regions in the jib crane and the analytical design dimensions models are
prepared in modeling software (catia V 5) and the analysis is performed on the models by finite
element solver in addition to this maximum shear stress theory and Euler’s formula are included.

4.2 Introduction
Jib crane have three degrees of freedom. They are vertical, radial, and rotary. However they
cannot reach into corners. They are usually used where activity is localized. Lifting capacity of
such cranes may vary from 0.5 ton to 200 ton and outreach from a few meters to 50 meters. Such
cranes find various applications in port area, construction site and other outdoor works. For
handling general cargo, lifting capacities usually 1.5 ton to 5 ton with maximum out reach of 30
Jib crane provided with grabbing facilities have usually a capacity ranging from 3 ton operating
50 to 100 cycles per hour. Lifting heights may be 30 meter or more. Jib cranes used in ship yards
for lifting heavy machinery equipment, weighing 100 to 300 tons, are usually mounted on
pontoons. Frequently, these cranes are provided with two main hoisting winches which can be
employed singly or together to lift a load. For handling light loads may hand Auxiliary
arrangement localized, such as in machine shops. Column mounted jib cranes are commonly
used in packaging industry. These cranes are used for hoisting up to 1 ton loads. Our project is
included with this range.
Jib cranes are either attached to a building column or cantilever vertically from an independent
floor mounted column. Essentially a jib crane is a boom with a moveable trolley hoist. The
trolley hoist moves along the length of the boom and the boom swivels allowing the lifted load to
be maneuvered about in a relatively small semicircular area. The hoists and trolleys of jib cranes
are usually slow moving and either manually or radio operated. The arc swing is usually
manually accomplished but can be mechanized when required.
4.2.1 Literature review
As it is tried to define in introduction a jib crane is a type of crane having cantilevered beam with
hoist and trolley and it is either attached to a building column or cantilever vertically from an

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
independent floor mounted column. First actual jib crane was used by The David Round
Company in 1869.
Working of jib crane
The underlying layout of a jib cranes consists of a solid boom shackled to a fixed pivot point. In
turn, this pivot is securely mounted onto a wall or on top of a freestanding column. This pivot
moves freely, allowing180 or 360‐degree rotation, and a wide arc of operation. The lifting is
performed by an incorporated pulley or motorized chain hoist, which can slide along the book
and offer a large footprint of operation. Freestanding and mast type jib cranes offer 360‐degree
rotation. Wall mounted types offer 200‐degree rotation.

Within a time period different types of jib crane are coming to this world.
Types of jib crane
1 Free standing jib crane
Floor mounted jib cranes is directly fixed on the floor without any support to keep it upright. To
maintain its stability and not topple over it you fix it to a foundation of 3 to 5 feet deep and up to
4 to 10 feet square foundation base as shown in figure. The foundation depends on the load and
reach. Advantage of this type of crane is it doesn’t need a support wall or structure and provides
optimal range of span and control compare to wall mounted cranes and other types of jib cranes.

Figure 4.1 Free standing jib cranes

2 Wall mounted jib crane
Wall mounted jib crane. Like the name suggests this kind of jib crane is fitted onto the wall. It
requires very little headroom, so it can be fitted very close to the underside of roofs etc. to
provide maximum lift for your hoist. The coverage like other types of cranes is circular and
generally around 20 feet. But it requires a strong wall or column structure to fit it and degree of
rotation is lesser than that of mast style and free standing jib cranes as shown in figure 5. This
crane is very efficient way to move material when floor space is not available and digging a
foundation for the crane is not feasible.

Figure 4.2 Wall mounted jib crane

3 Wall bracket jib crane

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
This crane is similar to wall mounted jib cranes but with a bracket. It’s a most economical means
of providing hoist coverage for individual use in bays, along walls or columns of plants. The
installation requirements and load and rotation are like the wall mounted crane as shown in
figure 6. Use a lot for swinging around obstacles and over obstructions.

Figure 4.3 Wall bracket jib crane

4 Mast style jib crane
This is similar to free‐standing jib cranes but doesn’t need a special foundation making it more
economical. But they do require mounting at the top and bottom as shown in figure 7. They also
provide a full 360 degree rotation jibs depending on the manufacturer and maximum amount of
lift with full use of available headroom and allows specific placement of boom to clear

Figure 4.4 Wall bracket jib crane

Design alternatives and selection of design approach
There are many ways that the filled Keg can palletize. The following three possibilities are
present for comparison with this project.
 Screw jack
 Floor mounted Jib crane
 Hydraulic jack
N.B: With the above options finger system is installed.
Selection Criteria
The list of criteria should be produced by an interdisciplinary team composed of people having
broad experience with the market for and use of such equipment. The details will vary according
to the specific design. As an illustration of the process, the following criteria are suggested for
the present design:
 Safety (the relative inherent safety over and above stated requirements)
 Performance (the degree to which the design concept exceeds requirements)
 Ease of manufacture
 Ease of service or replacement of components
Ease of operation

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
 Low initial cost
 Low operating and maintenance costs
 Small size and low weight
 Low noise and vibration; smooth operation
 Use of readily available materials and purchased components
 Prudent use of both uniquely designed parts and commercially available components
 Appearance that is attractive and appropriate to the application
Table below shows an example of the rating that could be done to select the type of design to be
produced for the Lifting and positioning Equipment. Of course, with more information about the
actual application, a different design approach could be selected. Also, it may be desirable to
proceed with more than one design to determine more of the details, thus allowing a more
rational decision.

Number Selection Screw Jib crane Hydraulic

Weight of jack (b) jack
Criteria points in % (a) (c)

1) Reliability 9 6. 8 7
2) Safety 8 6 7 6
3) Ease of 11 8 10 7
4) Low initial cost 8 6 8 5
5) Low 12 7 11 7
6) Small size and 9 7 7 7
low weight
7) Use of readily 11 8 10 7
materials and
8) easy operation 15 9 13 10

9) attractive and 6 4 5 4
appropriate to
the application

10) Life expectancy 11 7 10 9

of the machine

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
Total result 100% 66 89 69
(100%) 100 100 100
On the basis of this decision analysis, let's precede with (b) the design of Jib crane, it is
considered to have a higher level of available materials, low maintenance cost and low initial
cost .and its operation is more easy for operators, because it has an electric switch buttons to
lift/lower the load and to move the load horizontally along the span length. But the other designs
of screw jack and hydraulic jack have high maintenance cost and initial cost. And also low
availability of material. Due to those all reasons finally we select jib crane for our design project
called lifting and positioning keg.
Design Decision for the jib crane
For the present design, we choose the free standing jib crane. Its simplicity is desirable, and the
final cost is likely to be lower than that of the other proposed designs. And it can rotate 360̊ as
desired, and its materials are easily available in the Raya Brewery Share Company in its store
4.2.2 Problem statement
Until know raya brewery Share Company palletize 40 kg filled keg manually by operators. This
company uses above 5 operators per shift. Actually the maximum operating capacity of these
operators is 100 number of keg per hour (0.6 minute per keg). But the production capacity of the
company is 120 number of keg per hour (0.5 minute per keg). Thus there is loss of time.
Indirectly there is also lost of operator’s energy. As a result the labor cost of the company will be
high and the production speed of the company will be decrease.
When we calculate the loose

 There is 20 number of keg per hour, implies that 160 number of keg per one operating
shift which gives that 480 number of keg loose per day.
 There is 0.1 minute loose when they lift one keg due to they spent 0.6 min to lift one keg
which implies that 96 minute loose per one operating shift this gives 288 minute (4.8
hour) loose per day.
Basic problem statement

 Increase energy loss of operators

 Decrease production capacity of the company
 Wastage of labor
 Hazards for operators

4.2.3 Objective of the project General objective

 To design jib crane. Specific objective
 To design individual components
 To prepare detailed and assembled drawing using CATIA

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
4.2.4 Significance of the project
Designing of jib are has the following significance

 To ensure safety
 To increase production rate and reduce down time
 To minimize the amount of workers
 To make easy working operation

4.2.5 Scope of the project

The design of jib crane starts designing of the main parts of the product according to their
subjected stress and loads. For more clearness I will use 3D drawing model of all parts with
CATIA V5 R19 software. Finally, I will put their result and desiccation as well as conclusion
and recommendation.

4.3 Methodology
This project was designed by using data analysis and data source method.

4.3.1 Data source method

The data’s we use in our calculation are collected by different methods of data collection. These
 By interview for different workers of company and company advisor
 By reading different manuals and machine design books
 Researching internet access

4.3.2 Data analysis method

From the data analysis method this project was designed using different design theory
and software’s. Such as:
 Maximum shear stress theory (Guest theory)
 Maximum normal stress theory
 Rankin’s column theory
 Modeling software (CATIA V5)
 By finite element solver (ANSYS)
 Euler’s long column theory

4.4 Design analysis of jib crane

Given data
Number Name Value Unit
1 Span length 1.5 M

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
2 Over all height 2.5 M
3 Lifted weight 65 Kg
4 Keg diameter 0.39 M

4.4.2 Design of I beam

Figure 4.5 fixed – free I beam with concentrated load at wild

 A beam is a structural element that primarily resists loads applied laterally to the beam's
axis. Its mode of deflection is primarily by bending. The loads applied to the beam result
in reaction forces at the beam's support points. The total effect of all the forces acting on
the beam is to produce shear forces and bending moments within the beam, that in turn
induce internal stresses, strains and deflections of the beam.
 Beams are said to be designed on the basis of strength so that they can resist the internal
shear and moment developed along their length. To design a beam in this way requires
application of the shear and flexure formulas provided the material is homogeneous and
has linear elastic behavior. Although some beams may also be subjected to an axial force,
the effects of this force are often neglected in design since the axial stress is generally
much smaller than the stress developed by shear and bending.
I beam terminology

 Flange thickness: top and bottom horizontal plate – like sections of I – beam are
called flange. The thickness of the flange is called flange thickness.
 Flange width: the width of the flange is called flange width.
 Beam depth: the height between the top and bottom surface of the steel I – bam is
called beam depth.
 Web thickness: the vertical section of steel I – beam is called web, and the thickness
of the web is called web thickness.
 Fillet radius: the curved portion, where the transition between the web and flange
happens is called a fillet. The radius of the fillet is called fillet radius.
Material selected for I beam

We select a material called ASTM A -36 steel for I beam design. ASTM-36 steel is the most
common type of steel used in making of beams. Its properties allow the steel to be used in many
applications. ASTM A36 is the most commonly used mild and hot-rolled steel. It has excellent
welding properties and is suitable for grinding, punching, and tapping, drilling and machining
processes. Yield strength of ASTM A36 is less than that of cold roll C1018, thus enabling ASTM
A36 to bend more readily than C1018. The properties of A 36 steel allow it to deform steadily as

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
stress is increased beyond its yield strength. This ductility allows standing long after the limits of
a structure have been met in an emergency.

ASTM A36 steel is easy to weld using any type of welding methods and the welds and joints so
formed are of excellent quality. Any standard carburizing and hardening methods of AISI 1018
steel is suitable for ASTM A36.

The mechanical and physical properties of the selected I beam material is given in appendix B.
Steps for selecting a correctly sized I beam
Correctly sized I beam selection is the first step toward correct structural design
1) Load calculation
2) Shear and bending moment diagram
3) Choose an approximate size of I beam from standard I beam table.
4) Find area moment of inertia and beam depth from selected I beam
5) Calculate area of the shear area
6) Calculate bending and shear stress developed
7) Check factor of safety
Design calculation of I beam

1) Load calculation
 Lifted load ( F L) = lifted mass * gravitational acceleration
=65 kg*9.81 2 =637.65 N
Lifted load due to the hoist load factor = Fh = 0.5 * ( F L) = 318.825 N
Impact onlifted load = Fim = 0.25 * ( F L) = 159.412 N
Therefore total lifted load = Ftl = ( F L) + Fh + Fim
= 1115.887 N
 Trolley load (weight of liftket) =20 kg*9.81 2 =196. 2 N
Trolley load due to dead load factor = Fd =1.2 * Ft = 235.44 N
 Inertia from drives = Fi = 2.5% * Fv
Where Fv = vertical load = Fd + Flt = 1351.327 N
Fi =2.5 % * 1351.327 = 33.78 N
Therefore Total load (P) = Fv + Fi =33.78 + 1351.327 = 1385.11 N

2) Shear and bending moment diagram



Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
V= 1385.11N

Fig 1.2 load, shear and bending moment diagram cantilevered end beam

By using equilibrium equation we find the reactions

∑ F y =0 →R=P=1385.11 N
∑ m=0 →M=Pl=1385.11 N*1.5m=2077.665 N.m
From this we get maximum shear and bending moment

Mmax=. 2077.665 N.m

Vmax = 1385.11 N

The maximum deflection is given

Y max = Pl 3/3EI

= (1383.11 *1.53 )/(3 *200 *109 *6.84 * 106 *10−12 )

= 1.137 mm

3) Choose an approximate size of I beam from standard I beam table.

First we select the smallest size I beam from I beam table found in appendix A geometric
properties of structural shapes. The reason for selecting smallest size is that it have smallest
weight per metre so it isnot much expensive in terms of cost.

The smallest size is W 150 X 14 S = 91.2mm3 .

4) Area moment of inertia and beam depth of W 150 X 14 from above table
 Area moment of inertia I = 6.84 x 106 mm 4
 Depth d = 150 mm
5) Calculate the shear area.
The web thickness is taken from above table t w = 4.32 mm and depth d= 150 mm
A w = t w * d = 4.32 mm * 150 mm = 645 mm 2
6) Calculating bending and shear stress developed in the beam
 Bending stress
Mmax∗C Mmax
σb = = where S is section modulus of the I beam S = 91.2*
I s
3 3
10 mm

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
M max is maximum bending moment M max =
2077.665 Nm
2077.665 N.m so, σ b = 3 3 = 22.7814 M pa
91.2∗10 mm
 Shear stress
τ= where Vmax is maximum shear force Vmax = 1385.11
Aw is the shear area Aw = 645 mm 2
So, τ = 2 = 2.1475 M pa
645 mm
7) Factor of safety
We can use either maximum shear stress theory or maximum normal stress theory to
check factor of safety.
 Maximum shear stress theory
1 1
τ max = √ σ b2 + 4∗τ 2 = √ 22.78142 + 4∗2.14752 = 11.5914 Mpa
2 2
Sy 250 Mpa
τ max = = = 11.5914 Mpa
2∗F . S 2∗F . S
From this the factor of safety is calculated
F.S = 10.78 which indicates that the beam is strong enough.
 Maximum normal stress theory
σ max = σ b/ 2+ 1/ 2 √ σ b2+ 4∗τ 2 =22.7814/2 + 1/2√ 22.78142 + 4∗2.14752
= 22.9821 M pa
Sy 250 M pa
σ max = = =22.9821 M pa
F .S F .S
From this we can calculate factor of safety

F.S =10.87 this also indicates the beam is strong enough

Most beams are made of ductile materials and when this is the case it is generally not necessary
to plot the stress trajectories for the beam. Instead, it is simply necessary to be sure the actual
bending stress and shear stress in the beam do not exceed allowable bending and shear stress for
the material as defined by structural or mechanical codes. Due to this reason our beam is

4.4.3 Design of Column

Whenever a member is designed, it is necessary that it satisfy specific strength, deflection, and
stability requirements. In the preceding chapters we have discussed some of the methods used to
determine a member’s strength and deflection, while assuming that the member was always in

stable equilibrium. Some members, however, may be subjected to compressive loadings, and if
these members are long and slender the loading may be large enough to cause the member to
deflect laterally or sideway. To be specific, long slender members subjected to an axial

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

compressive force are called columns, and the lateral deflection that occurs is called buckling.
Quite often the buckling of a column can lead to a sudden and dramatic failure of a structure or

mechanism, and as a result, special attention must be given to the design of columns so that they
can safely support their intended loadings without buckling.

Figure 3.6 eccentrically loaded column

There are two types of columns
 Long column: Long column fails by buckling or bending (Geometric or
configuration failure) When a slender member is subjected to an axial
compressive load, it may fail by a condition called buckling. Buckling is a
geometric instability in which the lateral displacement of the axial member can
suddenly become very large.
 Short column: Short column fails by crushing (compressive yielding) of the
Depending on the value of the slenderness ratio and transition slenderness ratio we can
differentiate is the column long or short. That is if transition slenderness ratio is greater than
slenderness ratio the column is short then we have to use the J. B. Johnson formula rather we can
use Euler's equation to design the column. But if the column is eccentrically loaded use
additional formula called secant formula.

Properties of the cross section of a column

The tendency for a column to buckle is dependent on the shape and the dimensions of its cross
section, along with its length and the manner of attachment to adjacent members or supports.
Cross-sectional properties that are important are as follows

 The cross sectional area, A.

We tack the moment of inertia of the cross sectionwith respect to the axis about which the value
of is minimum.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

 The radius of gyration is computed from r=

√ I
A column tends to buckle about the axis for which the radius of gyration is minimum

 Effective Length
Physically, the effective length is the distance between points on the buckled column where the
moment goes to zero, Le = KL


L= actual length of the column between supports

K = constant dependent on the end fixity

 Slenderness ratio
The slenderness ratio is the ratio of the effective length of the column to its least radius of
gyration That is,

Slenderness ratio = =KL/r min
r min

 Transition slenderness ratio

The choice of which method to use depends on the value of the actual slenderness ratio for the
column being analyzed in relation to the transition slenderness ratio, or column constant. C c,

Defined as Column Constant C c =

2 π2 E
Sy √
Where E = modulus of elasticity of the material of the

S y = yield strength of the material

Design calculation of a column

Column will be design either by Euler’s formula or by J.B.Johnson formula. It is also designed
by using secant formula if the column is eccentrically loaded. First we select a column size from
a circular hallow cross section column table. Found in appendix of machine elements in
mechanical design fourth edition appendix A - 36.

We select a cross section having

Outside diameter D = 1.5748 in = 40 mm and inside diameter d=1.26 in =32


Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
Moment of inertia I =74191.8521mm 4

Radius of gyration r =12.8062 mm

Cross-sectional area A = 452.3893mm 2

After selecting a column cross section by using the above steps check is the column long or short

 slenderness ratio = =KL/r min K = 2 for one end fixed other free supported
r min
r min =12.8062 mm L = 2450 mm
= 2*2450 mm/ 12.8062 mm = 382.6271

 transition slenderness ratio = column constant =C c =

√ 2 π2 E

For ASTM A - 36 steel material properties are given in appendix. From that

E = 200 Gpa and S y = 200 Mpa

C c = 2∗π ∗200 Gpa = 125.664 <382.6271
250 Mpa

By comparing the above two results the column is long so we use Euler’s formula to check
buckling of the column.

Pcr = π 2 E I / l 2 = π 2 E I / ( K∗L)2 = ( π 2∗200 Gpa∗74191.8521 mm 4 ) / (2∗2450 mm¿¿ 2)¿

= 6099.4938 N > Pall =1583.762 N design is safe for buckling

Design for bending

By using secant formula the maximum stress in the column can be determined by realizing that it
is caused by both the axial load and the moment.

Secant formula: σ Max = +

 P = 1583.762 N from I beam calculation

A = 452.3893 mm 2

 M = P beam * (0.75 + D / 2 ) +P * (1.5 + D / 2)

= 198.652 * (0.75 + 0.05) + 1385.11(1.5 + 0.05)
= 2305.8421 N m = 2305842.1 N mm
C = 0.02 m = 20 mm

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
1583.762 2305842.1∗20
σ max = + =625.0899 Mpa
452.3893 74191.8521

 Calculating Factor of safety (F.S)

Sy 250
F.S = = = 0.3999
σ max 625.0899
So the design is not safe for bending. We have to change the cross section of the
The second trial we have to increase the size of the column to be safe for bending

Outside diameter D = 100 mm and inside diameter d =90mm centroid C = 50 mm

Moment of inertia I =1688115.1774 mm 4

Radius of gyration r =33.634 mm

Cross-sectional area A = 1492.2565

σ max = 1583.762/1492.2565+2305842.1 * 50 /1688115.1774 =69.3577 M pa

250 Mpa
F.S = = 3.6 therefore this cross section is safe for bending
69.3577 Mpa

4.4.3 Selection of rolling contact bearings

The purpose of a bearing is to support a load while permitting relative motion between two
elements of a machine. The term rolling contact hearings refers to the wide variety of bearings
that use spherical balls or some other type of roller between the stationary and the moving
elements. The most common type of bearing supports a rotating shaft, resisting purely radial
loads or a combination of radial and axial (thrust) loads
The ordinary sliding bearing starts from rest with practically metal-to-metal contact and has a
high coefficient of friction. It is an outstanding advantage of a rolling contact bearing over a
sliding bearing that it has a low starting friction. Due to this low friction offered by rolling
contact bearings, these are called antifriction bearings.
Bearing type section
Bearing type Radial load capacity Thrust load capacity
Single-row, deep-groove ball Good fair
Double-row, deep-groove ball excellent good
Angular contact good excellent
Cylindrical roller excellent poor
Needle Spherical roller excellent fair / good
Tapered roller excellent excellent
Due to the Excellency of the above tapered roller type and double-row, deep-groove ball bearing
types are selected from the rest one. But due to the expensiveness (cost) of tapered bearing, the
double-row deep groove ball bearing is appropriate.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
Material selection for rolling contact bearing
To withstand such high stresses, the balls, rollers, and races are made from a very hard, high-
strength steel or ceramic. The most widely used bearing material is AISI 52100 steel.

Silicon nitride AISI 52100 steel 440C stainless M50 steel

hardness, HRC 45 x 10^6 30 x 10^6 29 x 10^6 28 x 10^6
elastic modulus 310 207 200 193
(G pa)
Maximum 1200 180 260 193
temperature (ᵒc)
Density, kg/m'3 3200 7800 7800 7600
Properties Material

𝑡 = npd/2𝝈y

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
By consider the pressure applied and what happens if it explore it on the production capacity of

Company so we have select a factor of safety of = 5.

𝑡 = npd/2𝝈y = (5 *1583.762 *180) /2* π*180 *250 = 5.0413 mm

2. Design by considering the longitudinal stress

As we seen from the figure below the longitudinal stress is given by:
𝜎𝐿 = pd/4t where
𝜎𝐿 = 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠
𝑝 = 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒
𝑑 = 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟
In general, the strength of the components will be reduced by the presence of permanent
joints such as welding and this must be taken into account by the introduction of a joint
efficiency factor 𝜂𝐿.so the longitudinal stress is given by.
𝜎𝐿 = pd/4t𝜼L Where:
𝜂𝐿 = 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦𝑜𝑓𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠
For efficient and safe working condition the longitudinal stress must be less than the
allowable stress of the material.
𝜎𝐿 ≤ 𝜎𝑦 where
𝜎𝑦 = 𝑛𝑝𝑑/4𝑡𝜂𝐿𝜎𝑦 = 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑓𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙
𝒕= npd/4𝝈𝒚𝜼L
By consider the pressure applied and what happens if it explore it on the production capacity
of the company so we have select a factor of safety of, 𝑛 = 5.
We have taken the efficiency of the circumferential joints, 𝜂𝑐 = 0.75 due to the strength
reduces by different welding joints.
t = = (5*1583.762 *180) /4* π*180 *250*0.75 =3.3 mm
We take t= 8 mm from standard thickness of structural steel pipe.
So the outside diameter of the cylinder is given by:
𝐷𝑜 = 𝐷𝑖+2𝑡c
𝐷𝑜 = 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑦𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟
𝐷𝑖 = 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑦𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 = 𝐷 bearing
𝑡𝑐 = 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑓𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑐𝑦𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟
𝐷𝑜 = 180𝑚𝑚+2𝑥8𝑚𝑚
𝐷𝑜 = 196 𝑚𝑚
3. Considering cylinders as a column
By considering the cylinder as a column we have to design for buckling or crushing
depending on the length of the column. For long column Euler’s formula but for short
column by J.B.Johnson formula
The length of the cylinder is equal with the depth of I beam what we are select above.
L cylinder = 0.15 m = 150 mm
First check is the column long or short

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
 slenderness ratio = Le/r min =KL/r min K = 2 for both end fixed supported column
r min =
A √
=66.5282 mm and L = 150 mm
= 2*150 mm/ 66.5282 mm = 4.5094

 transition slenderness ratio = column constant =Cc = 2 π E =
For ASTM A - 36 steel material properties are given in appendix. From that
E = 200 G pa and S y = 200 Mpa
Cc = √ ((2* π^2*200 G pa)/ (250 Mpa)) = 125.664 <4.5094
By comparing the above two results the column is long so we use J.B.Johnson formula to
check crushing of the column.
Pcr = A*[σ y - C1 ( )] where
π∗( D −d 2)
A is cross sectional area = = 4724.9553 mm 2
l 2∗σy
σ y = 250 M pa = 4.5094 C =
k 3∗π

√ σy =1.083
Pcr =115816 N > P this cylinder is safe for crushing

4.4.5 Design of plats

We have two plats above and below the cylinder for supporting of cylinder as well as bearing.
Those plates attached with a column permanently by a design a fillet type welding.
Material selected for those plates is structural steel ASTM A – 36 due to its important
mechanical and physical properties. The dimensions are given below:
 internal diameter is equal with external diameter of a column
d plat = 100 mm
 external diameter is equal with external diameter of cylinder
D plat = 196 mm
By using maximum shear stress theory we have to check the factor of safety

1 Sy
τ max =
√ 2 2
σ b + 4∗τ =
2∗F . S

σB = where

M = 2305842.1 N mm

C = 98 mm

I = 67533887.3627 mm 4

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
σ B = 3.346 Mpa

τ =V / A where

V = 1583.762 N

A =22317.8742 mm 2

τ = 0.0709 M pa

Therefore τ max = 1.6745 M pa

From the above value we can find the factor of safety

F.S = 74.65 it is safe

4.4.6 Design of welding for I beam

A welded joint is a permanent joint which is obtained by the fusion of the edges of the two parts
to be joined together, with or without the application of pressure and a filler material. The heat
required for the fusion of the material may be obtained by burning of gas (in case of gas welding)
or by an electric arc (in case of electric arc welding).

Advantage of welding over riveted joints

1. The welded structures are usually lighter than riveted structures. This is due to the reason,
that in welding, gussets or other connecting components are not used.
2. The welded joints provide maximum efficiency (may be 100%) which is not possible in
case of riveted joints.
3. Alterations and additions can be easily made in the existing structures.
4. As the welded structure is smooth in appearance, therefore it looks pleasing.
5. In welded connections, the tension members are not weakened as in the case of riveted
6. A welded joint has a great strength. Often a welded joint has the strength of the parent
metal itself.
7. Sometimes, the members are of such a shape (i.e. circular steel pipes) that they afford
difficulty for riveting. But they can be easily welded.
8. The welding provides very rigid joints. This is in line with the modern trend of providing
rigid frames.
9. It is possible to weld any part of a structure at any point. But riveting requires enough
10. The process of welding takes less time than the riveting.
There are two types of Welded Joints
1. Fillet weld 2. Butt welding
Depending on the following point we select fillet type welding
1. The shape of the welded component required,

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
2. The thickness of the plates to be welded, and
3. The direction of the forces applied

Stresses in welded Joints in Bending

Figure blow shows a cantilever welded to a support by fillet welds at top and bottom. A free-
body diagram of the beam would show a shear-force reaction V and a moment reaction M.The
joint will be subjected to the following two types of stresses:
 Direct shear stress due to the shear force P acting at the welds, and
 Bending stress due to the bending moment P × e.


Figure 1 eccentrically loaded welded joint

 The shear force produces a primary shear in the welds with a magnitude of.
, V
τ = where V is maximum shear stress
A is the total throat area A = Throat thickness × Length of weld = 2 t × l (For double
fillet weld) with t = Throat thickness = 0.707 s
 The moment M induces a nominal throat shear stress in welds with a magnitude of.
σb =
 M is the bending moment
 Z is Section modulus
 Maximum normal stress theory
σ t (max ) = σ b/2 + √ σ b2 + 4 τ 2 where σ b = Bending stress,τ = Shear stress
 Maximum shear stress theory
τ ma x = + √ σ b2 + 4 τ 2
σb = Bending stress,
And τ = primary Shear stress.
Design calculation of welding
We select E60xx electrode type from the American Welding Society (AWS) specification code
numbering system for electrode. [1]
This electrode type has the following mechanical properties
Yielding strength S y =345 M pa tensile strength St = 427 M pa F.S = 2.5 the recommended
value is greater than 1.67
Calculating primary shear

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
, V
τ = where Vis the maximum shear force calculated above V = 1583.7620 N

A is minimum throat area A = A ver + A hor

Ahor = 4*t * w = 4 *0.707 *s *w =2.828*l*s (for horizontal welding) l =100 mm

= 282.8 s

Aver =2 *t * lv = 2 * 0.707 *s * lv = 1.414 s * l lv=139 mm

= 196.546* s

The total throat area is A =479.346* s

, V
τ = = 3.304 / s

Calculating the nominal throat shear stress

σb = where M = P * e =2305.8421 N m = 2305842.1 N mm

Z = Zver+ Zhor

Zhor =4* t*t f *l where l= 100mm and t f = 5.5mm

= 1555.4*s
Zver= where lver = 139mm


Z = 10662.031*s

2305842.1 Nmm
σb = = 216.2667*s

According to Maximum normal stress

σ 1
σ max= b + √ σ b2 + 4∗τ 2= 138 Mpa from material property
2 2

= 216.2667*s / 2 s +¿)/s
= 216.3171 / s = 138 M pa from this we have to calculate the appropriate size of the
welded joint

s = 1.5675 mm

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
t = 0.707 * s = 1.108 mm.

4.4.7 Design of welding for plates

Calculating primary shear

τ = V/A where V is the maximum shear force calculated above V = 1583.7620 N

A is minimum throat area A = A circle

A circle = 2 *t × π D = 2 *0.707 s × π D = 1.414 πDs (for both circles) D =100 mm

= 444.221 s

The total throat area is A =444.221 s

τ = V/A = 1583.762 / 444.221 s = 3.5653 /s

Calculating the nominal throat shear stress

σ b = M/Z where M = P * e =2305.8421 N m = 2305842.1 N mm

Z = Z circle = * 2 =11105.530 s

σb = (2305842.1 N )/(11105.530 s) = 207.639 M pa

According to Maximum normal stress

By assuming F.S = 5 σmax = 50 M pa from material property

σ max = σb /2 + 0.5 * √ ((σ b )2 +4∗τ 2) = 207.7 / s = 50 M pa

From this we have to calculate the appropriate size of the welded joint

S = 4.154 mm

t= 0.707*4.154 = 2.94 mm

4.4.8 Design of base plate

4.4.9 Selection of liftket electric hoist trolley

Selection of electric hoist trolley depends on the lifting capacity. There is a table of standard
starting from smaller lifting weight of 125 kg to higher lifting weight up to 6300 kg. But for our
purpose the smallest lifting weight standard is more than enough. There is a switch board having

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
four types of arrows for controlling the motion of the keg. The keg must move up and dawn in
addition to this it must move radially for proper positioning of keg. For that reason two motors
(0.55 kW) are installed within the trolley.

Given values in standard table of liftket for capacity 125 kg

 Version = 125/1-24
 Star model = 020/50
 Lifting speed = 24 m/min
 Lifting motor = 0.55 kw
 Duty group hoist FEM 9.511 = 3 m
 The overall dimensions of the mechanical components are also given in the table. The
tale is present in appendix -c of this project.

4.4.10 Result and discussion

Summary of the calculated results

Number Dimension type Symbol Value
1 Depth of I beam (mm) d beam 150
2 Width of I beam (mm) W 100
3 Thickness of the web (mm) tw 4.3
4 Thickness of the flange (mm) tf 5.5
5 Internal diameter of a column (mm) dcolu 90
6 External diameter of a column Dcolu 100
7 Internal diameter of bearing (mm) dbear 100
8 External diameter of bearing (mm) Dbear 180
9 Width of bearing (mm) wbear 34
10 Internal diameter of cylinder (mm) dcy 180
11 External diameter of cylinder (mm) Dcy 196
12 Throat thickness for Welding of I tb 0.7544
beam (mm)
13 Throat thickness for Welding of tp 2.94
plate (mm)
14 Input power (kw) Q 0.55

Discussion on the above results

The above calculated results are the calculated dimensions of all mechanical components of the
lifting and positing keg. Those results are based up on the available safety factor and cost of the
material (light weight is selected).the input power of the lifting and posing keg is mainly
dependent on the weight to be lifted so I select the minimum allowable lift electric hoist trolley
(0.55 kw).

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

The main aim of this project is to detail design all parts of the machine (jib crane / keg palletizer)
and to draw detail of all parts at end to assemble them by software called catia v-5. When this
machine is manufactured it is expected that to solve the above problems.
Detail analysis is carried out by using maximum shear and normal stress theory, application software’s
ANSYS and catia in addition to those Euler’s and secant formulas are included with in this project.

The dimension of the components produced from the analysis are based up on the safety factor
indicates that strength. By selecting the light weight (small cross section) the dimensions are also
As a conclusion jib crane having low weight, high safety factor and easily operated is more
appropriate for lifting and positioning of keg than that of manual.

From this design it is recommended that foe everyone who concerns this problem the design
contains an electrical switch to control the motion which needs to high handling safety so the
company must have to give high concern for the installation and operation of the switch. And
during installation of the jib crane the company must have to give attention to the mounting of
electrical hoist trolley. In engineering solutions the main thing is not applying solution but
applying at a perfect time and place so the company must not have to give a time for the

[1] R.s, khurmi- j.k. Gupta, a textbook of machine design, Eurasia publishing house Pvt.
LD, 2005, New Delhi
[2] J. E. Shigley - Ch. R. Mischke, Standard Handbook of Machine Design, Second
Edition, Mc Graw - Hill, 1996, New York.

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
[3] Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[4] R.c.hibbler, mechanics of materials, eight editions

Detail drawing

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

Assembly drawing

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

L length

tw Thickness of the web

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
Aw Shear area

r radius of gyration

d beam Depth

Le Effective length

K Constant dependent on the end fixity

Cc Column Constant

D Outside diameter

d inside diameter

A Cross-sectional area

Pcr Critical load

τ Shear stress

τ max Maximum shear stress

σb Bending stress

σ max Maximum normal stress

Sy Yield strength

F.S Factor of safety

S section modulus

E modulus of elasticity

I moment of inertia

FL Lifted load

Fh Lifted load due to the hoist load factor

Fim Impact on lifted load

Ftl total lifted load

Fd Trolley load due to dead load factor

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
Fi Inertia from drives

P Total load

Mmax maximum shear bending moment

Vmax maximum shear force

Y max Maximum deflection

S size of welding

t throats thickness of weld

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)
Appendix Geometric Properties of Structural Shapes(I)

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

Appendix Average Mechanical Properties of Typical Engineering Materials (SI

B Units)

Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)

Appendix Three phase electric chain hoists from 125 kg to 2000 kg


Design of jib crane (keg palletizer)


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