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01 Meaning of Explain mandatory and directory provisions. 2023 Interpretations
statutes ‘Mandatory or directory provision does not depend upon language used in the statute’. of statutes
Discuss. 2019 conferring powers.
Explain the rule “statute must be read as a whole in its context”. 2023, 2022 Codifying
“rules of interpretation of statutes are not rules of law” Elucidate statutes.
“language of the statute should be read as it is”. Discuss. 2015 Commencement
What is a temporary statute? What are the effects of the expiry of a temporary statute. of a statute.
2023 Beneficial
Explain the rules relating to strict construction of penal statutes. 2022, 2019 construction.
The conventional way of interpretation of statute is to seek the intention of its makers. Mandatory and
Explain. 2022 directory provisions.
“interpretation of statute means fining out the intention of the legislature”. Explain. Interpretation of
2023 statutes.
The duty of juricature is to act upon the true intention of the legislature. Explain. 2021 Foreign decision.
Explain the rules relating to commencement of the statute. 2021
Explain the rule that statute should be construed to make it effective and workable.
State the significance of codifying and consolidating the statutes. 2023
Explain the rules of interpretation of taxing statutes. 2021
‘A statute must prima facie be given their ordinary meaning’ Elucidate. 2020
What is a beneficial construction? Are there any limitation on it. 2020
“Powe to repeal consistent with power to enact. Repeal may be express or implied”.
Discuss the consequences of a repeal of a statute. 2018
Explain the general principles governing the retrospective operation of the statutes.
2023, 2022
Discuss the rules of interpretation regarding retrospective operation of statutes. 2023
02 Aids to State the various internal aids of interpretation of statutes. 2023, 2022, 2023 Saving clause.
interpretation Discuss the reference to the other statutes as an aid to interpretation of a statute. 2021 Contemporanea
Discuss the reference to other statutes as an external aid to construction. 2021 exposition.
Explain the role of parliamentary history in interpretation of statutes. 2023 Punctuation
How far earlier and later statutes are significant in interpreting a statute. 2022 marks.
Explain the assistance of ‘earlier and later statutes’ as external aid of construction. 2022 Dictionaries.
Explain the parts of statutes. 2022 Parliamentary
Explain the importance of preamble in interpretation of statute. 2021 history.
Explain the relevancy of contemporania exposito in statutory construction. 2020 Importance of
Explain the relevance of “Dictionaries” and “Foreign decisions” as an external aid to headings.
construction of a statute. 2016 Legal fiction.

03 Rules and Discus the rules laid down in heydon,s case. 2023 Ejusdem generis.
principles of The so called golden rule is really a modification of literal rule. Explain. 2021 Harmonious
statutory Explain the hyden’s rule. 2021 construction.
interpretation Explain the mischief rule of statutory construction with decided cases. 2020 Mischief rule.
Explain the literal rule of interpretation with the help of decided cases. 2022, 2023 Remedial
What is interpretation ? explain in brief the basic principles of interpretation of statutes. statutes.
2018 Pith and
Discuss the subsidiary rules “same word same meaning” and “use of different words”. substance.
2023, 2022 Noscitur a sociis.
Explain with examples the rule of literal construction. 2022 Ganga clause
Explain the principles “Ejusdem generis” and “Noscitur a sociis”. 2022 Reddendo
Explain the principles of constitutional interpretation. 2022 singular singulis
04 Presumpations Explain the general principles regarding statutes affecting jurisdiction of courts. 2023 Prospective
in statutory Discuss the rule of presumption against exceeding constitutional powers. 2023 operation.
interpretation Discuss the principles regarding presumption that legislation is territorial. 2022 Presumption that
“Operation controlled on consideration of constitutionality, presumption against legislation is
exceeding constitutional powers” discuss. 2022 territorial.
State the general principles of jurisdictional aspects of courts in interpretation of Evasion os
statutes. 2022 statutes.
Statutes are presumed to be valid. Explain. 2022 “Exact meaning
Explain the presumption against intending injustice. 2021 preferred to
“Statutes are territorial in operation”. Elucidate. 2021 loose meaning”
05 Principles of Explain the principle of utility as the source of legislation. 2023 Kinds of pleasure
legislation Explain the principle of sympathy and antipathy. 2023 and pain.
Analyse critically the importance of ‘utilitariansim’ as the source of legislation. 2022, Ascetic principle.
2021 Morality in
Explain the distinction between morals and legislation. 2022 legislation.
Explain the principles of utility as advocated by sir jermy bentham. 2022 Sympathy and
Explain the circumstances which affects the sensibility. 2022 antipathy.
Explain the measures of pleasure and pain. 2021 Classification of
Principle of utility
Discuss the rules of interpretation regarding remedial and penal statutes. 2023
Explain the common law rule relating to statutes affecting the crown or the state. 2023
Can the court over-look causus omissus rule in interpretation of the statute? Analyse. 2020

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