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2. Meet a person who is living far away from the family for a long time.

questions about her/his feelings about homesickness. Write a report and
present it.

Homesickness across the Miles: An Interview with My Lovely Sister Mrs. Aanjana Kandel


In order to better understand homesickness, this report conducts an interview with Sarah Jones,
a young woman who has spent several years living overseas. The interview explores her
sentiments of homesickness, the difficulties she encounters, and her coping strategies.

The Interview:

Me: Aanjana, thank you for taking the time to talk to me today. Could you tell me a little more
about your situation? How long have you been living away from your home?

Aanjana: Absolutely! I've lived in Australia for 2 years. I moved here after my +2 from VSSS in

Me: Two years is a long time. Do you ever feel homesick?

Aanjana: Absolutely. There are times when I really miss my family and friends. Being so far away
may be isolating, especially around holidays and birthdays.

Me: What do you miss most about home?

Aanjana: I mostly miss my normal routines and sense of belonging. Simple things, like eating
dinner with my family or having coffee with pals to catch up. The knowledge that my loved ones
are nearby in case I need them is another source of comfort.

Me: How do you handle your homesickness these days?

Aanjana: It's really a never-ending battle. Having regular conversations, even if they are only brief
phone calls, with my family and friends is really helpful. To start a new life here in London, I also
make an effort to keep busy and see the city. It makes a significant difference to surround myself
with positive people and activities.

Me: Do you know of any unanticipated advantages to living so far away from home?

Aanjana: Certainly! I have had to learn how to be more resourceful and independent since moving
overseas. Additionally, I've learnt to value the beauty of various cultures and lifestyles.


Aanjana story sheds insight on the range of complicated feelings connected to homesickness. She
has managed to adjust and flourish in her new surroundings even though she is terribly missing
loved ones. The conversation acts as a helpful reminder that, while homesickness is a common
human emotion, there are ways to deal with it and enjoy the experience of living far away.

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