Modern Age in Europe (Reformation)

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The Meden Mat thunn

81 What ua koun_As Hhe Refrmakon ?

na he Reksnmmahian ish fhemame euMGA toa
vmoeens d Hhe Siclan
DAp 6Jaluguaus
uheylauched by tas he Chwhans
agauat the vauOs dnatacks ó hwChuu
and he otyehanaele a2acias cluqyma
dhe 16h Conhuu naOMnatu eunanl o
Rekan the_chunch ia CalGd Tha Rohawahe
62a) What waa the manlazsqt H smeuome

The Popa ha huglautaukioutu tao cdhunth.

D:Which w l the hwo dinusion b tHhe church0
he enult a He rahoummahon mevomant
Awh yMnemens Lraalid a Snli n Hhe
husham chunch Jeluwen thee h o
cOunhuned nsonuaun layal ho Hu Yone n
AOma Lalled TheKoman % Cathotuus and
Whlho_lonoke aw aonm Hhe Chuuneh al
Aone caliod u Prroleszuat

Jew Cauruus ubhek the Rehnnahon

65 Namu
brskeout ua
rs- The Refauahon Mnumaut lancl
Cngland Fetauce, rmay, Suuizn land, Scott

u Jlhat cloyav pmaan by'ihe2

os)uind Hie Dehvahax Polon'
Hhe muddls aqu Hhe Chunchi had vas
AsoIn o
iam cumpleucom
Potcyarles huch
Chusch, Buidisa on-teuwHa6 Hhe
oNmldfaspensom Uas qinesA ho Ha_Chuch
jas Called Hasihe ln addihon uih

called Hae ion Hu pool callid

kiauu a s iAoltar d Lndulgence?
b: What was
buld StPaton's Chuch
d i ona keo X_wanld ko.
So ubsid paadon Qti hicas
Lnelancu it Hhees Mulho
gami money
Lnclulgeucs uert
to Juld h e wsch
lttenuuuhsch samnittecd puuhmeuls d-
tHhn bot u n huo
1hin u s uho bags

Juhe ad clsalh ann tthn daah .Nomal

Nowmall 6 Wh
th powss umpoud 0 nQnaMc pumwsh Ans he
On a uLign umho hacd AhnICA

was Thay
nmak anlaumag vo.a ho-lyalac.
But now Hho Mould heiad wom dog
KLt IKclulqunc Eu-

What i Ruaun asPnotesBautloueneut?

An mh-chwreh MOuements. hagamEundne n
he idd ags uwich duucid theinatacku
n he uLonqdougs tnu Church.h u
domlopad. uhcal otfihudle aucd chanq he
wmuhauklosk 6LORli teunndb.iieligu
Lud Aadunnal belifs paanks hegaum o
th pkhauuh 9 Hhe Curieilized
uhonnd the clhuneh utuas men hu Ponl,
sOmeo Ha
CuH4snaen hene chanl
an fudi towads alqios Laad to.c
menmeni Haat amed at Refeumq th
chundh, hs smevementA Lallid e Pastet

8 Why cdicl kna Suapant Hha Razwnahon Hovemet

Arnd' heMenancha Ewgland ance, Spaiunaund o
malisns Suppetad he Rehowmahism.tnamant as
p . haticd te iukaherieuca d+tha Pore in
affainarelalid to pedhica. Dvsa fhe iaues S e
udns ught to ucz bh penaruahy on Re chuwek
Hhei uwas staw n He 13tcanturu hehuan
Ewrainsau sulzas and Hauia peyiá, iukich enda
with Haa daleat s Hhs papany

G Who 0s EnaAmus ?Nami the book ho unst

aiEsanhus was a Dutla phuleaher cncl
humansf ecprd Hhem w hs booa. a
beo h _s iwaa n p.rauna oally_ancl
enavdd Ka qaud dja Hau Ralrunnain

69hlhat o did Hanery Vllplay n cutug

bnhug Huwy VuL 5 England handly Casd hm the
Hegst Hhe chwrch lanmda yamd u IS 36 paed
dot km tu dinduhun dpanaskus
wwnayM mall mAanaslerw uth Am incand

heir buldnas, lancls cnd mony takeu u C

Bu ambtin Act L639langAMonasbui

m m e l n d-HL ponun d th lakhsl

2 BAuds, Kao wanaslouus weni fo Ataltnut

Jauun Wterkye along nauHu dis wans had

ld toa lac maaay
b y dutnoyng shuanwske yslws y
Chld aciuudall _wLalfnaad DrtNn

Glo. Wha_was Hhe loulon Kymunakion2

ansr adan to netai ho cricibull y 6 fma Cathoe
Chunclnalangh umeor olsduad ckushens
nhdun somo Panaaiioduud cerhan
srakam uhuHhsclach.uA mauneud
auw theCoulu Refaunahon a

Carund Kepauaban2
nnr ue Louncid dIneut LIsiS ois63):

a aumlan d haugas in Has Catasuu Cwe

R k 0pamdlad itdecti
nosin Hs hght
cbangid atnhrls cthu ines
conolmned laacluugauwusponsblo onugios
Jik by H chgnnen
Boas uluich Lad uconsicdoek o hant idas
Aqus Hhe Cahou teaching uant Jundd.
e Ponewos Juqandsd as Hu head he
Caltnsuc chuch ano e u a l n teya
dheChsishm todru
iho Ceuei los wasJUnpanai bb en
ealtuhug Culhe koaunas Aminanus to
ecucale Ond hau hausts.
rkelnds tRu Chih dhange sRs
ncduathomq nilgias o r u s eucl acluacalkd
wae Hedocallasg ua n Poacclarg

G12 WiHh Refarus to atux hulhr RngAurinuu

a ho A Mot t n hug ?
b Kou did he cdhallonged Hhe Clhuneh 2
A hneuu s h e det wouns
Who Muppolad hinu han he uwas dlaud
uh le tnbuiputious) Hekh Aultu kug ?

Date 23

Noamne tat aky uluih Fucqowiud kukhuranu

asa dega heuu2chuushaily2

mdan thu 16thcauhuy, Manku kuttur a qman

Clengunenandehonand uologat thg
BeaqSmanly Crultuad
Uaruty dWiteu

bl2 Mauu Lulhnaied Auonq vorci aud

auumbida mouenei _Oaaunt the oulnLs
n t s aunch and ts_atauthouy S-taa fau.
He couned tu churcla hr tae Sali-
shatebdaaung uth he dileuce buhui
ha paufs_ard Dhachas2 flu_chusehaud
naild Hheun ak te_curch at iteubuaq
Easun 1S12-4 hl wcdutooe a pilainsdau
toRbme nd ouud hat Scmme StaL
ngyn umiLauung aluncwuns lipe
Ms made huu a slhong onpaneutN til.
The Kit 2 hns'was aComeil dugw
uopidanu adPninta Kii SHae

olu Koman Epu wch ndad Wouhnas d

Mantn huthn v be banintd burnel Cd
bansd Jm ADI521 bu he nhuad o

d Marha kuthun hoadl the Suppot bman ulers

Qncd so no_ ham LICA done to hum.

e)Manhin klu deushd hs hme danslakin

Bihle wnw gunman cncl utup am inde-
Andeus chuncl
He aallud eckuid ho dlut pont
EsosGuay Nauny Suscleu anlhenonk
he Pretuaut Howmeuf |The Pofrvahn Moue

2luha'a ps iachuwng ) eqsaly laidl to

t t D a MlW mdnenmeut calleol
uaanui, duhiukh Brnazhd Sepunahou d-
Churth and Stat
Aultu enyoynd the supp.crt tri
LOAD u uho askad fn mau frudu

wheiam was viutnqned as a loqal

chuhom y by,
a Peoa

Page No:


attu tas daata d Manhi_hutln.

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