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In this paper, a critical analysis of two articles in the field of education will be presented.

The key focus areas of the analysis will be the intention, main ideas presented in the articles, the

theoretical and methodological approaches, key findings, and finally a reflection of the relevance

of the articles in policy and practice.

Article One

The Intention (Rivero-Contreras et al., 2023)

According to Rivero-Contreras et al. (2021), reading is a complex and extreme cognitive

activity. To this end, Varzgani et al. (2021, p. 244) posit that lexical simplifications have to be

enhanced to ensure simplicity and increase comprehension. In this case, Djamasbi et al. (2016)

also affirm that the intention is to involve the process of decoding words among adults with

lower education level. Regarding the same, the study by Rivero-Contreras et al. (2023) focuses

on an experimental eye-tracking study whereby the adaptations of easy to read are evaluated on

whether they facilitate sentence processing specifically among adults with a lower level of

education. The study therefore attempts to understand the challenges associated with sentence

processing especially for low educated people. In this case, the intention is to provide an analysis

of the easy to read guidelines through which lexical simplification and visual support is

recommended. The authors intend to analyze the idea of facilitating text processing, an area that

only a few studies have delved into. The intention is to capture the efficacy and verifications of

the same guidelines in regard to the easy to read adaptations. The authors also aim at

transforming the understanding of readers as well as the understanding what has already been


Previous studies such as those by Chen and Chen (2020), Barth et al. (2015), and

Abundis-Gutiérrez et al. (2018) through the same intentions have shown that the average score

for adults in regard to reading comprehension is at level 2. Basically, level 2 shows that the

reader has complete understanding of simple sentences and are capable of locating information

especially in short texts (Gonzalez et al., 2023, p. 723). On the same context, Kraal et al. (2019

report that such a score shows that such readers face challenges when it comes to extracting

information when texts are longer. To this end, the study by Rivero-Contreras et al. (2023) also

aims at providing an understanding of vocabulary especially on the idea of lexical complexity.

By the same understanding as well as analysis of lexical complexity, it can be possible to make

reading materials accessible. This intention benefits many people especially the one with

difficulties reading comprehension as well as adults who are considered to have a low literacy

level. Further, the authors also intend to cover an extensive analysis of the easy to read approach

as a key factor in the proposals of general guidelines and recommendations that should be

substantiated to enhance and make reading materials accessible. The easy to read materials are

therefore developed in line with the same recommendations and guidelines. There are significant

recommendations that shape the way towards the analysis of the easy to read approach (Rets and

Rogaten, 2021). They include the ones related to the use of visual support as well as simple

language as a frequent means of accompanying the text.

Main Ideas

Just like any other study, Rivero-Contrera et al. (2023) analyze key ideas in the study.

Among these ideas is the understanding of visual support as a critical factor in reading. This is

mainly being use visual support changes the idea of reading as an extremely complex activity.

Through visual support, it is possible to capture the significance of the easy to read ideology. It is

through the understanding of the idea of visual support that the authors create a basis to analyze

the significance of the easy to read approach. Another key idea in the article is the lexical

simplification context. Under this, the study provides the significance of vocabulary. This is

mainly because lexical simplification and complexity are specific levels through which reading

can be considered in terms of difficulties and efficient comprehension. Lexical simplification is a

key idea in the study to understand the process of extracting information especially from longer

and complex texts and ensuring that a short to read approach helps people with low levels of

education to understand better. Being one off the main ideas in the study, lexical simplification is

based on the process of sentence processing and together with the idea of visual supports enables

the study to examine the same through understanding eye movements from the text and word

levels made by the adult readers.

Another main idea in the study is that of low and high level of education. Through

understanding the levels of education, the authors based the study on the ability to effect the easy

to read approach experiment. In this, the study engages 30 university adults considered having

high education and 30 others considered to have low education level. This was the main text that

encompassed the understanding behind the low education level and reading ability for both long

and complex texts as well as the short and easy to read texts. This idea was significant in

initiating the experiment process. The idea being sentence processing is yet another key factor in

the study. Sentence structure was involved to help different the long and complex texts from the

short texts. Sentence processing therefore helped determine the kind of sentences that could be

considered as either long or short so as to effect the easy to read approach.

The eye movement concept was an idea to examine the challenges and simplicity in text

and word levels among participants. This idea provided the levels of lexical simplification,

education, and sentence processing through the involvement of visual support to understand eye

movements among the participants. The results were therefore to be based on the lexical

simplification and visual support that facilitated the processing from both groups. This would

help differentiate the complex sentence processing as well as the simple and easy to read

approach. Through eye movements and visual support ideas, the implications and practicability

of the experiment were measured based on the adults’ level of education. The experiment in this

study considered 60 sentences for the 60 participants. In this case, the idea of sentence

processing was evaluated from different angles. Half of the sentences were accompanied by an

image while the other half was not. On the same note, half of these sentences were high

frequency words while the other half contained low frequency words. The process behind the

structuring of the sentences was a key idea to help understand the significance of sentence


Theoretical Framework

The study by Rivero-Contreraet al. (2023) did not lean on any was theoretical framework

rather than an experimental eye-tracking study. Under this, the study was established through

tests and measurements of the impacts of text and lexical simplification to determine the

accuracy of comprehension. This was critical in understanding the inclusion of visual support as

well as low word frequency and their impacts when it comes to the eye-tracking measurements

of target and sentence levels.

Methodological Approach

As discussed earlier, the study was based on an experimental design. According to

Gopalan et al. (2020), the use of an experimental research design is crucial sine it gives a

researcher the autonomy over the variables. Besides, Siedlecki, (2020) affirms that in

implementation research more so in the field of education, conducting experiments is crucial as

increases external validity. In the study by Rivero-Contrera et al. (2023), 60 participants aged 16-

58 years who took part in the study. They were divided into 2 groups, one of high level education

and another of low education level. The sample size used in the study was restricted by access

and availability to the age matched non-university participants. There were various materials and

evaluation instruments utilized in the study. Among them was the Kaufman brief intelligence test

which as per Gray (2021) is relied upon to measure the general intelligence of the participants. It

involved two subtests of matrices and vocabulary which enabled the researchers to analyze the

overall combined score as well as the specific verbal and non-verbal intelligence score. Another

tool was the Spanish as a Foreign Language Diploma Evaluation which was utilized to measure

the level of Spanish. Through this, the study enhanced the results of specific areas such as oral

and comprehension, reading comprehension, listening, as well as interaction.

For the experimental manipulation, the sentence manipulation task was used. According

to Sonia and O’Brien (2021, p. 576), this is used to incorporate the frequency and picture within

the subjects from the groups and other key factors. The materials utilized were therefore

effective for the experiment since they provided necessary evaluation for the ability to

comprehend and the simplicity in sentence processing for the different participants. The data

collection process involved the sentence processing task whereby each participant was involved.

They were assigned one of the four lists to read once for each sentence. This formed the basis for

a validated and calibrated data collection process through which the participants’ fixated points

were showed on the screen. The data collection process also involved breaks to accommodate

rest before the process of calibrating scores were repeated. This approach was critical since

participants were allows to show their difficulties more so in specific sentences. It was also

effective since it involved at a collection trials as well as tests that evaluated the sentence

processing task throughout the sessions.

The measurements involved included imaging looking time whereby the total time spent

by students to look at the image was recorded. Another measure used in data collection was the

comprehension accuracy whereby the percentage of sentences answered correctly for each

student was recorded. The involvement of the sentence measures also set the standards for the

analysis of key aspects such as probability of text regressions, text gaze duration. And text total

fixation duration. Another key measurement utilized in the study was the perceptions of text

difficulty whereby the perceptions that the participants had on the specific ease and challenge

associated with the sentences were analyzed. This been a secondary measure provided the basic

establishment of the challenges mainly on the basis of recommendations to adapting to the set

guidelines. The various measurements therefore had an implication on the integration and

processing of sentences from various participants. This helped in establishing the regressions and

indicative challenges that they also faced in terms of linguistic processing and the easy to read


In terms of data screening and analysis, the study relied on the correlation analysis yo

understand the eye movement measures which was the dependent variable and the specific

individual characteristics. Through this screening approach, it was possible go make

nonparametric analysis of the data provided ad well as variable subjects utilized to ensure that

the study achieves comprehension accuracy. The images were screened and assessed through the

test (ZI) and Mann Whitney U text (UI). In the analysis of the data, the use of ANOVA proved to

be quite effective. This is because it provided the analysis for the various measures taken. It

provided the specific groups and the frequency tied to the specific regression paths and target

regressions taken across specific durations. The means in frequency were analysed from the

independent samples t-tests from the pictures, groups, and interactions of subjects as well as the

comparisons on the specific items and sentences. The methodology applied in the study was

therefore critical and effective in providing the guidelines and the best approach towards

conducting the research. The experiment was significantly controlled from the data collection

process to the last part, data analysis. The cases of specific challenges were limited with the

involvement of accurate analysis of corrections allied to ensure that the study was not only

comprehensive but also critical in terms of perceptions and analysis.


As discussed, the study majorly involved the considerations of evaluating the efficacy of

the visual support approach to word frequency. This was done on the basis of understanding the

ability to comprehend and read easily through short and simple texts. To do this, the use of both

simple and complex texts was necessary. From this, there were specific results and findings that

pointed at the impact of word complexity on levels of education as well as ability to read.

Through the easy-to-read approach and experimental eye-tracking study, the questions asked at

the beginning of the study were answered from the results. The question on the visual support

and lexical simplification was answered from the various results associated with the hypotheses

on positive impacts of comprehension and processing accuracy. Similar to the sudy by

Holmqvist Olander et al. (2017) it was realized that through word frequency and visual support,

it was possible to demonstrate the ability to read by making short and simple texts especially for

the people with low level of education. It was also realized that the involvement of processing

especially through eye tracking measures was key in the analysis of text and word level more so

in terms of gaze duration and sentence regression. Through this, Eng et al.(2018) also affirm that

visual support is quite significant in understanding the processing of words especially on

individual and sentence levels. The understanding of visual support as well as lexical

simplification and their effects on sentence processing was also a key answer and finding. The

specific result on the interactions for the dependent results as well as challenges of participants to

judge sentences provided the basis of a key discussion.

Article Two

Intentions (Hizli, 2021)

In the research by Hizli (2021), the main intention is to establish whether curriculum are

making as relational practice based on a qualitative ego-network approach. In this, the authors

intend to reveal the networks tied to teachers as professionals through the follow up of

educational studies that provide analysis on the same. This is with the considerations of the

curriculum making context through which basic involvement of specific dynamics and nature of

their connections is made. The study, through its qualitative approach provides and makes its

intentions clear on providing a well constructed discussion by exploring the curriculum making

as a relational practice under which aspects of the network are engaged. It therefore intends on

understanding the various contexts, structures, and composition of the network and relationship.

Main Ideas

There are major ideas that are developed across the study. Among these ideas is finding

the qualities attached to the relationships of the agency, organizational, and national

mechanisms. Through the idea, Alkan (2023) in a different study explains that it will be possible

to analyze the curriculum making by evaluating the ego networks and specific aspects of

education. Another significant idea behind the study is based on the growing body of research on

teacher's networks more so from the specific features and expansion of knowledge. This idea

establishes the involvement of key aspects and factors such as the professional earning networks

as well as the ideas of community practice (Gravett et al., 2021). The idea of improving the

quality of education reforms is also presented as in the study by Priestley et al. (2021). Through

role networks, Sinnema et al. (2023, p. 16) affirm that evidence is enhanced on the demand for

reforms as well ad the documentation of existing policy processes that set up methods and

assessments of the social network methods involved.

Theoretical Framework

The study relied on social capital as a key theoretical framework through which the

discussion of individual positioning in these networks was enabled. As discussed by Swanson et

al. (2020, p. 91) and van Diggele et al. (2024) the social capital theory helps establish the various

opportunities associated with specific goals that shape the network and relationship. The realist

perspective absorbed in the research is based on key fundamental assumption on the relational

understanding of the interactions within the teacher networks (Mishra 2020). The theoretical

framework therefore pronounced itself into the study based on the social relations view more so

on exchange and sole transactions associated with nature and its effects on various connected

factors. The idea of critical realism also discussed a theoretical foundation through which actual

and observed mechanisms can shape the social phenomena of the curriculum making (Alkaher

and Gan, 2020).The framework therefore provided an effective research mechanism through

which realism and relationality were engaged.

Methodological Approach

In this study, a qualitative ego-network approach adapted from the study by de Groot et

al. (2021) was considered with a key consideration of factors such as connections and social

actors, ego. The methodology design engaged the semistructured interviews mainly to

complement the network data more so the professional profiles and curriculum understanding of

the teachers. Based on research by Adeoye‐Olatunde and Olenik (2021) this research approach

and design also engages qualitative networks through which the framework assessed critical

realism on concepts and tools. The study involved eight secondary school teachers who had

varying specialisms. The study involved opportunistic sampling to recruit participants for the

professional network study. The participants in the study were also given specific pseudonyms so

as to protect their identities and anonymity. The data collection and generation was based on the

semistructured interviews. These were used to understand the curriculum making and specific

relationship involved. In the interview, the participants were subject to name generation; inter

relator and interpretation more so with the visual methods involved. To analyse the data, critical

realism philosophically informed the process. This analysis provided the qualitative basis for the

ego-network approach. At the network level, the descriptive statistics were utilized to factor in

the size and density of data.


There were critical findings that were reached from the research. Among them was the

establishment of the understanding of curriculum making networks. The study provided the

results of the structural characteristics of the networks in regard to specific analysis of the

relationship with teachers. These findings are in line with those by Underwood (2017) and

Dempsey et al. (2021) linked to the limited effects of pictures on educational level and the effect

of size more so in moderation for sentence processing. These results provided the analysis of the

accuracy of comprehending sentences more so for the observations made within the levels of

education through improvised curriculums enhanced by teacher networks. Under this, similar

findings by Bohlmann (2022) show that the observations made provided the results and findings

that there was a mutual influence between the variables of education and linguistic as well as

cognitive development. The findings and results from the experiments were accurate and critical

got the topic discussion. They provided the basic involvement of an understanding through

which the simplification of education and written information provided can implicate visual


Conclusion and Relevance to Policy/Practice

In the field of education, ensuring accommodations is crucial as it ensures all the needs of

learners are catered for more so through instruction and curriculum. The study by Rivero-

Contrera et al. (2023) is critical and relevant to the specific area of practice and policies involved

in the understanding of the ability to facilitate linguistic and lexical simplification through

analysis of education levels and integration of regressions. Through this, the discussion in this

study is linked to the policies on the involvement of visual support and the facilitation of

sentence processing. It is also critical for the practice of linguistic processing and related

advances mainly because it provided the enhancement of a visual experiment into understanding

key aspects of research and linguistic study. The findings of this study are crucial since thy can

inform policy and practice. Specifically, the findings speak to the importance of teacher

networks in informing decision making when it comes to designing curriculums. This is done to

enable the understanding of the complexity of the interactions that teachers have either through

the formal or informal connections. The role of networks more so in policy implementation is

also a major idea that shapes this discussion.



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