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Genesis B.

BSED 2 (Science Major)
Module 1: Electric Charges and Fields
Lesson 3: Coulomb's Law


A. Answer the following in not more than 3 sentences.

1. The proton that is the nucleus of the hydrogen atom attracts the electron that orbits it. Relative to this force,
does the electron attract the proton with less force, or with the same amount of force?

• The proton that is the nucleus of the hydrogen atom attracts the electron that orbits it, relative to the
force , the electron attracts the proton with same amount of force. The electron attracts the proton with the
same amount of force as of the proton else if the electron would attract the proton with less force then the
electron would left the orbit and possess towards the core or nucleus and would get dashed with the
nucleus. Hence, the atom would get destroyed.

2. If a proton at a particular distance from a charged particle is repelled with a given force, by how much will the
force decrease when the proton is three times further away from the particle? When five times farther away?

• If you move twice as far away, the strength of the field decreases to one-fourth, and if you move three
times as far away, the field decreases to one-ninth. Because protons are generally confined to the nuclei
imbedded inside atoms, they are not nearly as free to move as are electrons.

3. What is the sign of the charge of the particle in this case?

• By convention, the charge of an electron is negative, −e, while that of a proton is positive, +e. Charged
particles whose charges have the same sign repel one another, and particles whose charges have
different signs attract.

Direction: Solve the following by following the steps in the probem solving.

4. Determine if the electrical force of attarction between two ballons with separte charges of +3.5 x 10 -8 C and -2.9
x 10-8 C when separated a distance of 0.65 m.

5. Determine the electrical force of attraction between two balloons that are charged with the opposite type of
charge but the same quantity of charge. The charge on the balloon is 6.0 x 10 -7 C and they are separated by a
distance of 0.50 m.
6. Joann has rubbed a balloon with wool to give it a charge of -1.0 x 10 -6 c. She then acquires a plastice golf tube
with a charge of +4.0 x 10-6 C localized at a given position. She holds the location of charge on the plastic golf tube
of 50.0 cm above the balloon. Determine the electrical force of attraction between the golf tube and the balloon.

7. A ballon with a charge of 4.0 µC is held between a distance of 0.70 m from a second balloon having the same
charge. Calculate the magnitude of the repulsive force.

8. At what distance of separation must two 1.00-microCoulomb charges be positioned din order for the repulsive
force between them to be equivalent to the weight (on Earth) of a 1.00-kg mass?

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