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Eng-8 q3 mod2 propaganda techniques bayawan-1-final

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Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Analyzing Intention of Words
used in Propaganda Techniques

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English – Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 2: Analyzing Intention of Words Used in Propaganda Techniques
First Edition, 2021

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Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Analyzing Intention of Words
used in Propaganda Techniques

ii i

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Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM.
This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests.
And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.


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What I Need to Know

This Self-Learning Material (SLM) in English 8 is designed and written for you,
our dear Grade 8 Learners, to help you develop skills and competency to analyze
intention of words or expressions used in propaganda techniques (EN8V-IIIg-
26). Further, this will guide you in classifying these materials properly to aid you in
learning not only languages and literature but also in other disciplines

This SLM includes lessons and activities which you can work within this week.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. identify propaganda strategies used in advertisements;
2. analyze the intentions of those expressions used in propaganda techniques;
3. reflect and respond accordingly to the propaganda shown.

What I Know
Try this first! Write your answers on a separate answer sheet or on your
English 8 notebook.

Directions: Read and answer the following questions by choosing the letter
of the correct answer.
1. What is the primary use of propaganda techniques in communication?
A. as figurative language
B. as persuasion motivators to perspective buyers
C. as ways to inference details
D. none of the above

2. What type of propaganda uses negative words or feelings against an idea,

product or person?
A. name calling
B. transfer
C. glittering generalities
D. snob appeal

3. <Manny Pacquiao wears Nike shoes and so should you!=

What propaganda technique is used in this line?
A. transfer
B. bandwagon
C. plain folks
D. glittering generalities

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4. The strategy of showing the product9s best feature, telling half truths,
and omitting or lying about its potential problems is called ____________.
A. card stacking
B. plain folks
C. glittering generalities
D. testimonial

5. A famous person, or someone you respect or like, claims that something

is good or advertises a product or idea, even though they are not experts.
Which persuasive technique does this describe?
A. bandwagon
B. testimonial
C. glittering generalities
D. card stacking

6. A presidential candidate running for office develops a televised commercial

in which he shakes the hands of local farmers.
A. testimonial
B. bandwagon
C. plain folks
D. card stacking

7. <Mercury Drug… Nakasisiguro, gamot ay laging bago!= What propaganda

technique is depicted in this tagline?
A. glittering generalities
B. card stacking
C. bandwagon
D. plain folks

8. In a poster, the photo of Kathryn Bernardo, a famous teen star, is used

with these words: <Get Kath’s #BangongPanalo Hair!= What propaganda
technique is used then?
A. bandwagon
B. transfer
C. plain folks
D. name calling

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1 Propaganda Techniques

What’s In

Give another try! Let9s see how familiar you are with the different taglines
of the famous brands or companies in the Philippines. Match the tagline
column A with the corresponding brand name of advertisers found in column B.

A. B.

1. <It won9t let you down!= A. LBC

2. <We find ways= B. Rexona

3. <We fuel success= C. BDO (Banco de Oro)

4. <We like to move it= D. Petron

Study the activity above. What are these examples? You are right. The
brand names with their respective taglines are considered as advertisements.

Reflect on these questions:

1. What do you think are applied in advertising so that consumers will buy
their products or avail of their services?
2. Why are consumers persuaded?
3. What words or part of speech made the ads more interesting?

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What’s New
Advertisers, influencers, and politicians have been using propaganda
techniques for generations now. Simply put, a propagandist (one who uses
propaganda) employs emotional and persuasive means to derive desired
outcomes from others, primarily for their own personal interest or intentions.
As human beings, we tend to lose all sense of rationality when we9re driven
by emotions. And that9s how propagandists develop their messages for other
people. But the process isn9t as simple as it may seem. In fact, there are a
number of different types of propaganda.
As you read and study further, you9ll realize that this lesson has
something to do with analyzing the intention of words or expressions used in
propaganda techniques. This will also help you in making your judgment as you
are to be presented with lots of options and choices in life.

What is It

What then are propaganda techniques or devices?


Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the

attitude of a community toward some cause or position by presenting only one
side of an argument.

The word <propaganda= comes from the Latin propagare, which means <to
spread or grow,= much as the word propagate (which comes from the same Latin
root) indicates growth or spreading.

Propaganda is intended to make the readers or audience accept or approve

something without looking closely at the evidence. Most of the propaganda
devices primarily utilize emotion and avoid or disregard critical thinking.

Here are some of the common propaganda devices:

1. Card Stacking
• This technique uses strategy of showing the product's best features by
telling half-truths and omitting or lying about its potential problems; and
• Card stacking also manipulates information to make a product appear
better than it is, often by unfair comparison or omitting facts.

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1. Here’s a sugar-free cola drinks!
2. Grab a box of Pizza X now! It has 50% more toppings for more delight.
3. Mr. Z is the best candidate; he has initiated many programs for the poor.

2. Glittering Generalities
• It is an act of referring to words or ideas that evoke a positive emotional
response from an audience. Virtue words are often used.
• These are vague, broad statements that connect with the
audience's beliefs and values. They really don't say anything
substantive. Slogans make great examples.

1. Things go better with Coke.
2. Find magic in the Enchanted Kingdom.
3. Gatorade always wins.

3. Transfer
• This propaganda technique refers to an act of relating something or
someone we like or respect with a product. Symbols are constantly used
in this form to associate with the product or idea.
• It is an appeal that helps a person imagines himself or herself as part of a

1. Manny Pacquiao trains very hard for his fight but he feels pain every
training so he takes Alaxan FR to relieve the pain.
2. Sarah Geronimo has long black silky hair and in taking good care of
her hair she uses Sunsilk.

4. Testimonial
• This technique uses of a well-known, respected people to endorse a product
or service.
• When a famous person or a celebrity endorses a certain view, they testify
to the idea or the product. This is an effective propaganda technique that
often works wonders to influence an audience.

1. Anne Curtis promotes the famous fast food place, Jollibee! When
her fans see this, they would want to eat there because their favorite
celebrity eats there.
2. Daniel Padilla promotes Pepsi; he wants his fans to buy it.

5. Plain Folks
• This technique uses everyday people to sell a product or service. Speakers
in ads appear to make the person be one of the people.
• This technique works in a way to establish that the speaker is regular

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and ordinary and has the same views and opinions as to people he is
appealing to. It creates a sense of camaraderie between the speaker and
his audience which helps build belief in the idea.

1. A local farmer is showing his bountiful harvest to promote organic
2. An old lady claims that she feels healthy because she’s taking ABC
supplement daily.

6. Bandwagon
• This propaganda is about influencing people by telling them how everyone
is using the same product or is true to the same ideology. This encourages
people to take the same course of action.
• It attempts to persuade the target audience to take a course of action,
"Everyone else is taking." "Join the crowd." This technique reinforces
people9s natural desire to be on the winning side.

1. Pepsi says that Pepsi is <The choice of a new generation.=
2. An ad of Macs that says <real men use Macs= is bandwagon
because it is saying that men should own Macs or else they won’t
be <real= men.

7. Name Calling
• The techniques refer to the use of names that evoke fear or hatred in the
viewer by linking a person or idea or product with a negative symbol.
• This may be considered trash-talking another product or person.

1. Brand X powder detergent has chalk in it.
2. He may be an activist; graduates from UP are activists.

You have read and scrutinized basic propaganda devices

presented above. Knowing what these are and how these differ from
each other would help a lot especially in responding accordingly to the
propaganda or advertisement.
Nowadays, with the advent of technology and digital information presented
in advertisements through social media, television, radio, print ads and so on,
we must be reflective and analytic in perceiving the information that come
our way.

How do we analyze the expressions used in those propaganda devices?

÷Please be guided by the following questions before or as you come

across various commercials or advertisement:

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öWhat is/are the intention/s of this advertisement? What propaganda device

is used?

öIs it a reliable and credible product/person/idea? What could be the

underlying problem or negative effects of this product on you?

öWhy would you agree/disagree with the product/idea/person advertised?

What benefit would it give you?

What’s More

Now, let9s further study on these propaganda devices.

ACTIVITY 1: Guess What
Directions: Identify the propaganda strategy used in the sentences below.
Write the correct answer on the space provided.

Testimonial Plain folks Transfer

Bandwagon Glittering Generalities

_____1. This toothpaste is approved by the Philippine Dental Association.

_____2. As your city mayor, I urge you to re-elect Mr. Diosdado in our next
elections. The many projects he had worked tells me that he is
your best choice.

_____3. Don9t be a misfit. Now you can fit with our Good-Fit jeans.
Everybody9s wearing them.

_____4. A plain housewife promotes a detergent bar for the laundry.

_____5. A famous basketball player claims that a brand of shoes made him
give his best shot.

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What I Have Learned

Directions: Review the lesson on PROPAGANDA TECHNIQUES. Then write

your reflections in your notebook by completing the statements below.
1. I have learned that propaganda devices are __________________________
2. I have realized that these propaganda devices ________________________
3. I will try to _________________________________________________________

What I Can Do

ACTIVITY 2.: Propaganda Analysis

Directions: In your surroundings, observe or find something that implies
propaganda (ex: product packaging, poster, tv/radio commercial,
etc), then analyze the propaganda using the questions below. Do
this in a 1 whole sheet of bond paper.

1. What did you find? Paste it or a photo of it on your paper.

2. Describe the format of the propaganda:

____ poster ____ song

____ brochure ____ story
____ advertisement ____ other (describe): ____________________
____ movie

3. Who is the intended audience?

4. What propaganda technique/s is/are used? Check all that applies.

____ name calling ____ testimonial

____ glittering generalities ____ plain folks
____ bandwagon ____ transfer

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5. What visual images and/or words appear in the propaganda? What

do these images/words symbolize? What emotions do you have after
learning about the propaganda?

Image/Word Symbol Emotions

6. What is the purpose of this propaganda? What is it trying to get

people to do or feel?


Let9s check your learning! Write your answers on a separate answer sheet
or on your English 8 notebook.

A. Directions: Read and answer the following questions by choosing the letter
of the correct answer.

1. What is the Latin root of the word <propaganda=?

A. propagata
B. propagare
C. progadare
D. propagate

2. The strategy of showing the product9s best feature, telling half-truths, and
omitting or lying about its potential problems is called ______.
A. card stacking
B. plain folks
C. glittering generalities
D. testimonial

3. A presidential candidate develops a televised commercial in which he

shakes the hands of local farmers. Which propaganda is he using?
A. testimonial
B. bandwagon
C. plain folks
D. card stacking

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4. What is the use of propaganda techniques?

A. as figurative language
B. as persuasion motivators to perspective buyers
C. as ways to inference details
D. none of the above

5. What type of propaganda uses negative words or feelings against an idea,

product or person?
A. glittering generalities
B. testimonial
C. bandwagon
D. name calling

6. <Manny Pacquiao wears Nike shoes and so should you!= What propaganda
technique is used in this line?
A. name calling
B. bandwagon
C. plain folks
D. transfer
7. A famous person, or someone you respect or like, claims that something
is good or advertises a product or idea, even though they are not experts.
This describe which persuasive technique?
A. name calling
B. bandwagon
C. testimonial
D. card stacking

8. <Mercury Drug… Nakasisiguro, gamot ay laging bago!= What propaganda

technique is depicted in this tagline?
A. glittering generalities
B. card stacking
C. bandwagon
D. plain folks

9. In a poster, the photo of Kathryn Bernardo, a famous teen star, is used

with these words: <Get Kath’s #BangongPanalo Hair!= What propaganda
technique is used then?
A. bandwagon
B. transfer
C. plain folks
D. name calling

10. What propaganda uses well-known, respected people to endorse a

product or service?
A. testimonial
B. glittering generalities
C. name calling
D. card stacking


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11. My opponent is a pig who cares only for himself. He9s a bum and will do
nothing for the people. This is an example of what type of propaganda
A. Bandwagon
B. Testimonial
C. Plain folks
D. Name calling

12. A man posting himself in social media eating a burger while mowing his
lawn is an example of what propaganda technique?
A. glittering generalities
B. card stacking
C. plain folks
D. testimonial

Additional Activity

Directions: Read and study the situation below. Then analyze the
advertisement presented in it. Answer the questions that follow. Do this in
your English 8 notebook or on your answer sheet.

Two best friends, Marge and Emie, had not seen for sometime because
of the lockdown in their areas due to pandemic. Now that lockdowns are lifted,
the two decided to meet and do some catching up as friends. They went to a
mini-restaurant and they saw the advertisement of a Coca Cola saying <Dahil
mas masaya ang gimik 8pag kasama sila… Share a coke…!= They bought one
bottle for each of them, and they were giggling when they got their bottles with
their names; one bottle is named <Marge= and the other <Emie.=

1. What is the advertisement all about?

2. What is the name of the product being advertised?
3. What propaganda strategy is used in the ad?
4. What product or service is featured in the ad
5. How does the ad get its message across?


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What I Know
What’s More
1. B
Answers may vary 2. A
3. A
What I Can Do 4. A
Answers may vary 5. B
6. C
7. A
Assessment 8. B
1. B
What’s In
2. A
3. C 1. B
4. B 2. C
5. D 3. D
6. D 4. A
7. C
8. A What’s More
9. B
10. A 1. Transfer
11. D 2. Card Stacking
12. C 3. Bandwagon
4. Plain Folks
Additional Activity 5. Testimonial
Answers may vary
Answer Key


Mabilen, Cristita M. et al. English 8 Quarter 3 Module 3: Vocabulary Development.

Gingoog City, Philippines: DepEd SDO-Gingoog City, 2020.

<Propaganda Techniques.= Caryl Brainard. Quizizz. Accessed March 03, 2021.

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For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – SDO Bayawan City

Office address: National Highway, Brgy. Villareal, Bayawan City

Negros Oriental, Philippines 6221

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