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Second Missionary Journey

MISSIONARY JOURNEY OF ST.PAUL - Barnabas and Paul separated over a
- Paul traveled over 10,000 miles disagreement. Barnabas returned to
proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Cyprus.
His journeys on land and sea took him - From Jerusalem Paul went overland to
primarily through present day Israel, Syria, revisit the churches in Lystra and Iconium.
Turkey, and Greece. On this trip Paul had a dream calling him
- Traveling by sea was not comfortable. to bring the gospel to Macedonia. He
There were no cabins for travelers. They crossed the Aegean Sea to present day
had to find a place on the deck exposed Greece. He traveled down the east coast
to sun, winds, and rain. Paul’s trade as a of Greece. Stopping in Athens, Paul
tentmaker probably held him in good attempted to proclaim the gospel in
stead, as he could fashion shelter for Athens, where he was met with polite
himself and his companions on the deck. indifference.
- three times I was shipwrecked, I passed a - He then went to Corinth where he
night and a day on the deep; on frequent established a church that would give him
journeys, in dangers from rivers, dangers both great joy and pain. Traveling back
from robbers, dangers from my race, through Ephesus where his successful
dangers from Gentiles, dangers in the teaching won many to Christ to the
city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers at annoyance of the local charm dealers.
sea, … in toil in hardship, through many Paul returned to Antioch by way of
sleepless nights, through hunger and Jerusalem.
thirst, through frequent fastings, through - St. Paul traveled far to Thessalonica,
cold and exposure. (1 Cor. 11:25-27) Philippi, and Corinth to preach about the
Lord Jesus that the Gentiles may come to
First Missionary Journey the knowledge of the plan of God. He was
- In response to a call of the Holy Spirit, the accompanied by Silas and Timothy on
church in Antioch chose Barnabas and this journey.
Paul to proclaim the gospel. - St. Paul went to Macedonia to bring to
- They first traveled to Cyprus, then to the people the good news about the Lord
Antioch in Pisidia, a city in present day Jesus. He did this because of a man who
west central Turkey. They then went to asked him when he stayed in Troas.
Iconium, Lystra and Derba. They then
returned through Perga to Antioch. Third Missionary Journey
- When they stopped in each city, they - On his third and longest journey Paul
went to the synagogues to preach the went overland through present day Turkey
coming of Jesus Christ, the messiah as then across the Aegean Sea to Greece.
the fulfillment of the promises made in the - This was a pastoral journey revisiting the
Old Testament. churches he had founded to strengthen
- St. Paul traveled towards north, outside them and give them further instruction.
Israel like Antioch and Listra to preach - While in Ephesus Paul heard a prophecy
about Jesus who is the Son of God, sent that should he return to Jerusalem he
by the Father but put to death, so that by would be imprisoned. The churches he
His dying and rising each one may attain visited pleaded to him not to go. But Paul
newness of life. He was accompanied by felt called by Christ to continue to meet
Barnabas and Silas. whatever God willed for him.
- The third missionary journey was the most
extensive geographically of any of the
three, and its duration was much longer
than the other two had been. During this

journey, Paul covered the territory he had CONVERSION
traversed in Asia Minor on the earlier - Christ's call to conversion continues to
missions and stopped and preached at resound in the lives of Christians. This
several new places as well, mostly ports second conversion is an uninterrupted
of call at islands in the Ionian Sea. He did task for the whole Church who, "clasping
not cover Cyprus, however. After his sinners to her bosom, [is] at once holy
separation from Barnabas, he did not visit and always in need of purification, [and]
Cyprus. follows constantly the path of penance
- The focal point of Paul's third missionary and renewal." CATECHISM OF THE
journey was Ephesus, the capital of the CATHOLIC CHURCH 1428
Roman province of Asia, where he stayed - This endeavor of conversion is not just a
for 2 years and 3 months. He spent more human work. It is the movement of a
time in this city than in any other in the "contrite heart," drawn and moved by
course of his three missionary journeys. In grace to respond to the merciful love of
fact, he stayed so long, it looked as if his God who loved us first. CATECHISM OF
itinerary might end there and he would THE CATHOLIC CHURCH 1428
settle down in Ephesus and become its - “A radical reorientation of our whole life, a
first bishop. return, a conversion to God with all our
heart, an end of sin, a turning away from
Last Missionary Journey evil, with repugnance toward the evil
- The travel of paul to rome actions we have committed.”
- St. Paul's mission contributed much to - The spirit of conversion can only be
the Christianization of the whole world. He attained if we have a personal relationship
made people become aware of the with God.
transforming power of faith. He promoted
Faith in God. 5 C’s
- St. Paul endures everything because of
his love for God. COMMUNITY
- Communion ( COM - with together, UNUS
- Ephesians - Unity
- Colossians - Diversity
- 2 Thessalonians - Trinity
- 1 and 2 Timothy - The Church is one because of her source:
- Titus "the highest exemplar and source of this
mystery is the unity, in the Trinity of
(GAMALIEL - St. Paul’s teacher of law) Persons, of one God, the Father and the
Son in the Holy Spirit." The Church is one
ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE TO THE GENTILES because of her founder: for "the Word
- Saul is born a Jew in Tarsus, Asia Minor, made flesh, the prince of peace,
he was trained as a rabbi but earned his reconciled all men to God by the cross, . .
living as a tentmaker. A zealous Pharisee, . restoring the unity of all in one people
he persecuted the first Christians. and one body." The Church is one
- He was converted to Christianity in a because of her "soul": "It is the Holy
vision on the road to Damascus. Spirit, dwelling in those who believe and
pervading and ruling over the entire
MISSIONARY Church, who brings about that wonderful
- From being a persecutor to a propagator. communion of the faithful and joins them
- From being an Enemy of Christ to a friend together so intimately in Christ that he is
of Christ. the principle of the Church's unity." Unity
- St. Paul is called for a mission is of the essence of the Church: CCC 813
- God trusted paul - St.Paul teaches us to be an instrument of
- To proclaim Jesus Christ to the gentiles peace by promoting unity in our Christian
- Communities.

- The OLPSian-Paulinian is a responsible
family member and citizen, concerned
with building communities, promotion of
people, justice, and peace, and the
protection of the environment.
- Talent
- "Whether extraordinary or simple and
humble, charisms are graces of the Holy
Spirit which directly or indirectly benefit
the Church, ordered as they are to her
building up, to the good of men, and to
the needs of the world." CCC 799
- we are encourage to nurture our own
talents and charisms and use it for the
glory of God.
- The OLPSan-Paulinian develops his/her
gifts/talents to be put in the service of the
community, he/she strives to grow and
improve daily, always seeking the better
and finer things, and the final good.

- Command to do mission
- Being commission is an obligation
- St. Paul teaches us to be committed to
our mission as a Christian.
- The OLPSian-Paulinian has a mission – a
life purpose to spread the Good News;
like Christ, he/she actively works “to
save” this world, to make it a better place
to live in.

- Caritas
- Love
- St. Paul teaches us radical love.
- Urged on by the love of Christ, the
OLPSian-Paulinian is warm, hospitable,
and “all to all”, especially to the

- Geocentric
- Heliocentric
- Christocentric
- Identify as a christian
- St. Paul reminds us that being a Christian
requires courage to make Christ as the
center of your life.
- Christ is the center of OLPSian-Paulinian
life; he/she follows and imitates Christ,
doing everything in reference to Him.

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