3.13 - Building Relationships - Turning Your Audience in Revenue

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Half A Mill A Year Agency Program Messenger Conversation Framework

Video covering this:


Messenger Principles:

a. Gain Permission to enter inbox with comments or reply to comments. Always like and
comment on people’s comments in the comment section (eg. mission post, launch post, 2-step
post or general comment on value post).

Example Reply To Comment Hard Offers:

“Awesome, can I send you a pm? :)”

b. Don’t let the conversation drag on.

After a prospect replies to you in messenger OR comments on your post, you have the highest
chance of converting. Do your best to start the conversation, gather information about their
current situation, and move the prospect to the next step all in a matter of minutes.
c. One Convo at a time.

Prospects can feel your energy through messenger. Be totally present and focused when
conversing with prospects in messenger (just like you are on your sales calls).

d. Keep your questions concise.

Be direct and to the point with your questions. Avoid asking multiple questions at the same time.

e. When providing value, talk about the what & why, not the how, unless you’re
introducing a new mechanism.

People are sold on outcomes/results, not on the processes. Talk about the macro- not micro
steps involved.

f. Listen & Understand.

Be interested in the person, not just their business/ situation (eg. If a prospect mentioned they
have a busy week, follow up with them at the end of the week: “Hey name, how was your week,
finally able to have some rest now :D?” etc)

Messenger Nurturing Process:

Building Rapport on Messenger Breakdown

Step 1. Gain permission from prospect to enter messenger

Step 2. Frame the conversation in their own best interest.

Step 3. Ask probing questions to gain information & qualify.

Step 4. Transition to an opportunity call & lock in the call.

Step 5. Follow Up If The Prospect Ghosts.

Step 6. Follow Up If Prospect Forgot to book in a call.

Step 1. Gain Permission from Prospect To Enter Messenger.

This is applicable if warm traffic leads commented or liked your post. Like and comment to
people if you have permission to send them a message.

Example Reply To Comment :

“Awesome, can I send you a pm? :)”

If People Don’t Reply To Your Comment (1-2 hours) use the following script:

“ Hey [name], I saw you commented “TERM” on my post ”

“ Here’s x resource :) ’’ (eg. comment for value)


“ Curious, for how long have you been doing x ? :D ”

Step 2. Frame The Conversation In Their Own Best Interest

1. Communicate WHY you’re messaging them.

2. Frame the conversation in their own best interest.

3. Be warm and inviting (lol, :) etc).

Example (Comment For Value, 2-Step Post ):

“ Hey - I saw you commented “TERM” on my post about - Can I ask you 2-3 questions to better
understand your current situation and goals? Just want to make sure that I can help you :) ’’


“ Hey [name], I saw you commented “TERM” on my post ”


“ Here’s x resource :) ’’ (eg. comment for value)


“ Curious, for how long have you been doing x ? :D ”

Shortcut (Book your Calendar FAST):

“ Hey - awesome I saw your comment! You keen to connect on a call next week I can run you
through it? :D “

Example (General engagement: likes / comments ):

“ Hey - thanks for your like earlier on my post about x ! :D - Curious, have you been into [name
market eg. dropshipping ] yourself ? ’’

Step 3. Ask Probing Questions

You want to discover their current situation, desired situation, perceived challenges, and
background information. Ask clarity questions if answers are not specific or vague (eg. “What
have you tried so far? / “What do you mean with x?”

This will give you the information you need to either..

1. Provide feedback (to increase trust so they’re more likely to commit and show up to a
sales call).

2. Immediately transition to a sales call.

Example Script -



Current Situation Questions (only ask 1-2 quesitons)

● What’d you do/offer for clients and how is it priced?

● How’s your dropshipping journey going so far?

● What kind of business do you got?

● How are going about pre-qualifying leads?

● How are you going about driving traffic to your website?

● Did you see any dip in performance due to the IOS14 update?

● Are you receiving a significant amount of revenue from your email flows?



Desired Situation Questions

● What’s your goal for 2021?

● Where do you want to be in revenue in the next 3 months?

● What are you planning to focus on for the next 3 months?

● Are you planning on scaling or keeping it where it’s at?

Oh wow love it!


Perceived Challenge Questions

● What do you think is the biggest challenge to getting to the XYZ goal? ● What do you feel is
your biggest struggle atm?

● Do you think you’ll be able to achieve {desired outcome} if you keep doing what you’re doing?
Ah I see,


Background Information Questions

● What have you tried so far?

● Have you hired an agency before?

● Have you tried TikTok as a source of traffic for your store?

Step 4: Transition to providing feedback (advanced)

Example script -

“I have several clients that have done exactly that in your market. So I might have some
feedback for you, let me know if it’s cool to share it with you?”

Educate them on their problem and talk about the what, not the how

Typically, it’s going to go something like this:

Totally get that the quality of the leads and appointments that you’re getting aren’t great …

And while that is definitely a problem, based on what you told me and through working on many
campaigns that faced the same problem, I think the bigger issue is that you haven’t figured out
a way to do a Lot Of Volume


90% of the success/failure of your appointment setting will come down to the volume - the
number of outreach being done daily. Even if you had a perfect offer, but not doing the volume
required to get a lot of attention, you would still have a hard time getting to the qualified


If you do this right… they’ll start asking you more questions (i.e “well how can i go about doing
more volume?”). This is an opportunity to propose a call.

Propose Call

● “Would you be available to have a quick chat sometime this week? I’d like to show you how
we use $3 per hour virtual assistants to send over one thousand messages every day? I think
you’ll gain great insights on how you can implement it for your business and solve your current

Step 4: Transition to an opportunity call& lock in the “sales call”

If the prospect simply replies something that isn’t okay to jump on the call, something like
“Okay” and it ends there…use the following copy.

Great - well look, independent if you’re interested in working with me or our team, I could
definitely give you some insights on [their challenge i,e “offer frameworks I’ve used with my
agency clients and what they’re doing to produce 50k+ months consistently] - do you have time
this week for a quick 15 minutes call?


“Do you want me to send over my scheduler? ’’ > prospect replies yes

“Great, let me know if these times work for you: [insert scheduler link] ’’

Step 5: Follow Up If The Prospect Ghosts

A fair amount of prospect will ghost during the conversation.

Give them 20 minutes, then send one of the following →

● “?”

● “Let me know when you book a call, please :)”

After 24 hours, send one of the following →

● “couldn’t find a time that works for you?”

If prospect leaves you on read for 24h+ →

● Love / like their content and/or stories to give them a reminder to get back to you.

● Wait 1-2 weeks to re-ignite a new conversation eg. “Hey name, how’s your week been?”.

Step 6: Follow Up If Prospect Did Not Book In A Call (24h +) ● “Hey [name], did you find a time
that works for you? :) ”

50k month daily workflow

Video covering this:



The following three activities will change your business forever if done consistently and equally.
Content + traffic + Advancing Relationships.

If you’re not paying attention to one of these activities, the whole system will break and
you will be stuck not knowing why you can’t seem to build momentum and traction with
your organic war machine.

Daily Activities:

1. Create and post content following the weekly content calendar or 14-days promo cycle
on your Facebook profile.

2. Add 35 at minimum to your profile from quality Facebook groups. (Traffic) 3. Follow up
and/or reach out to people in Messenger.

3. Book opportunity calls//strategy sessions.

4. Post 5 Facebook stories at minimum to your profile.

5. Take opportunity calls // strategy calls.

Weekly Activities (Drive Traffic):

1. Post transformation posts in quality FB groups (traffic).

2. Engage with prospects and their content in groups or on their profile.

Lead Priority - Building relationships:

In order:

1. People who comment on hard offer posts/stories (mission post, launch post. call to
action posts).

2. People who approach you and ask about your offer/service.

3. Follow Up with past prospects that you got on a call with.

4. Follow Up with people who still haven’t booked the call but that have your calendar.

5. People who add you as a friend AND look qualified.

6. People who view your stories / like or comment on your posts. 7. Cold: people you
recently added from groups.

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