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Consejo Europeo Comunicado de prensa 26 de junio de 2019


Joint letter of Presidents

Donald Tusk and Jean-
Claude Juncker on the
upcoming G20 summit
Later this week we will be attending the G20 Summit in
Osaka on behalf of the EU. The EU shares the same goal as
Japan: upholding the rules-based international order and
multilateral institutions that underpin it. By supporting the
Japanese Presidency, we will address defining challenges of
our times. We will call on the G20 leaders to step up action to
avoid the existential climate threat, to engage in delivering
free and fair global trade, to decrease inequalities, harness
the effects of digitalization and to promote a sustainable

1. Boosting global confidence

Economic expansion continues in the EU and globally,

although the momentum slowed down in the second half of
2018. Global growth is projected to pick up later this year and
continue into 2020, supported by continued accommodative
financial conditions, stimulus measures in some countries
and dissipating one-off factors. However, trade and
geopolitical tensions have intensified. As the premier forum
for international economic cooperation, the work of the G20
remains essential to boost global confidence. We should
build on our readiness to act together in case of a sharper
than expected downturn. We need to monitor risks, take
action to mitigate them and stand ready to respond if they
materialise. Since the biggest risks are geopolitical and trade
tensions, we must use the G20 to lower them.

2. Towards a better multilateral trading system

International trade and investment are important engines of

job creation, growth, development, productivity and
innovation. We need to step up non-discriminatory collective
efforts to de-escalate trade tensions by addressing their
main root causes while acting within the rules-based order.
These include levelling the playing field, stopping unfair trade
practices; tackling distributional imbalances that go beyond
trade; and addressing unilateral actions that undermine the
rules-based multilateral trading system.

Last year G20 leaders committed to reform the World Trade

Organisation. This process should continue in Osaka. In our
view, beyond taking stock of ongoing efforts in Geneva, we
should also provide steer to this process by recognising that
a balanced reform should cover the three functions of the
World Trade Organisation: monitoring, negotiating, and
dispute settlement. In this regard, it is our view that Leaders
should refer to certain aspects such as the work on
transparency and subsidies, e-commerce and the
reinforcement of the dispute settlement function, as a matter
of urgency, to ensure that the two-stage binding third-party
adjudication system remains efficient. Additional progress in
the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity is also needed to
level the playing field globally We will insist on the need to
prolong the mandate of the Forum in its current form to
deliver on agreed commitments to reduce overcapacity and
eliminate the subsidies that cause it. We will also call for an
acceleration of the discussions on the International Working
Group to reach an agreement on the new international
export finance disciplines by next year.

3. Harnessing the digital transformation

The Japanese G20 presidency has put forward an ambitious
and overarching agenda to harness the benefits of
digitalisation. During the last EU-Japan Summit, we expressed
our support for the G20 “Data Free Flow with Trust” initiative,
which would allow the free flow of data among countries
with high levels of privacy protection. It is aligned with the
agreement between the EU and Japan, in force as of January
this year, which has created the world’s largest area of safe
data flows. We also supported the launching of the “Osaka
Track” which intends to promote international e-commerce
rules. We would like to play an active role in both initiatives.

As the digital transformation of the economy accelerates,

ensuring fair and effective taxation has become a global
challenge. We will give the highest priority to finding a
comprehensive way to tackle the taxation of the digital
economy with a view of elaborating a global solution by 2020
supported by a report of the Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development. We should endorse the G20
Guiding principles on Artificial Intelligence, which are in line
with the EU ethics guidelines, as well as promote our
initiatives to fight online hate speech and disinformation.

4. Addressing inequalities and ageing societies

The G20 has placed considerable emphasis on the future of

work and on societal and demographic changes. These are
common challenges for many G20 countries and the EU is no
exception. The working-age population of Europe is
projected to shrink from 333 million in 2016, to 292 million in
2070. By 2030, the average age of Europeans is estimated to
be 45 – older than any other country in the world. We will
therefore strongly encourage cooperation among G20
partners on issues related to ageing, including adaptation
policies for longer working lives, and for healthy ageing.

We also need to cooperate in tackling inequality in all its

forms. This is a priority at the heart of the European Pillar of
Social Rights, which sets the framework for fair working
conditions, equal opportunities and social protection in the
European Union. In Osaka we will call for further efforts to
ensure that growth becomes more inclusive and gender
imbalances are properly addressed. In this regard, we plan to
push for further efforts to meet the target that we endorsed
in Brisbane of reducing the gap in labour force participation
rates between men and women by 25% by 2025.

5. Avoiding the existential climate threat and protecting the


We need to leave a healthier planet behind for those that

follow. At home, the EU is proposing ambitious targets for
reducing CO2 emissions by 2030 that are both scientifically
accurate and politically indispensable. After the UN climate
change conference in Katowice in December 2018, we now
have a solid and balanced set of rules applying to all
countries for the implementation of the Paris Agreement. In
Osaka, we will reaffirm our commitment to the full and
effective implementation of the Paris Agreement and send a
strong message ahead of the United Nations Climate Summit
of September 2019 and the Climate Conference (COP25) in
December 2019. In the same vein, we should strongly
support the G20 Resource Efficiency Dialogue and G20
Marine Plastics Litter Implementation Framework, in line with
the EU plastics strategy, to give new impetus to global actions
to improve the efficient use of scarce natural resources and
preserve oceans.

6. Strengthening the global financial system

Over the last decade, the G20 has played a crucial role in
promoting and coordinating reforms of financial regulation.
These reforms have significantly improved the resilience of
the global financial system. We will continue to support the
work of the Financial Stability Board to evaluate the effects of
the regulatory reforms and monitor emerging financial risks
and vulnerabilities. We will also encourage further
cooperation to ensure that the benefits of financial
innovation can be realised, that the financial system is cyber-
resilient and that finance is conducive to a green economy.
We will also continue to assess the relationship between
regulatory policies and market fragmentation.

We believe that the International Monetary Fund should

continue to be adequately resourced to preserve its role at
the centre of the Global Financial Safety Net. We will
therefore continue to support the G20 commitment to a
strong, quota-based and adequately resourced International
Monetary Fund. We also welcome progress made on the
proposals of the G20 Eminent Persons Group on Global
Financial Governance, in particular on the creation and
implementation of effective country platforms to better
coordinate development assistance, enhancing the risk
insurance of development finance and the monitoring of
capital flows.

7. Realising an Inclusive and Sustainable World

In view of the upcoming United Nations Sustainable

Development Goals Summit in September 2019, we would
like to call upon G20 Leaders to reaffirm their commitment to
implementing the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable
Development Goals. We should express our support for the
G20 Principles on Quality Infrastructure Investment that are
key to ensure that infrastructure projects are economically,
socially and environmentally viable, and contribute to closing
the infrastructure gap in developing countries at the same
time. Cooperation with Africa must remain a central issue for
the G20, including through the G20 Compact with Africa, in
line with the priorities set out in the new Africa-Europe
Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs. In Osaka, we
should also encourage G20 members to support stronger
and more binding commitments on global antimicrobial
resistance (AMR) and set up sustainable financing for health
systems in order to achieve Universal Health Coverage.

8. Fighting terrorism
We will continue to enhance our cooperation to fight against
terrorism. While recalling the Hamburg G20 Leaders’
Statement on Countering Terrorism, we will call on all
Leaders to commit to its full implementation. We will
continue our efforts to fight against terrorist financing,
money laundering, online and offline radicalisation and
foreign terrorist fighters. We will promote measures to
ensure that Internet companies detect and swiftly remove
terrorist content, while respecting fundamental rights and
freedom of speech, in line with the EU measures to take
terrorist content off the web within 1 hour.

9. Promoting global responsibility on migration and


In light of the 2019 Annual International Migration and

Forced Displacement Trends and Policies Report prepared by
the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development we should highlight the need to continue
discussing these issues under the next Presidencies. We
would like to promote international cooperation in order to
better manage global migration and address forced
displacement. The discussions at United Nations level,
including in view of the first Global Refugee Forum in
December 2019, can contribute to these efforts. We should
also step up actions to counter migrant smuggling and
trafficking in human beings and continue to take action
against people smugglers and traffickers.

Letter to Member States on G20 Summit in Osaka

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Contactos con la prensa

Barend Leyts
Spokesperson for the European Council President
+32 2 281 5150
+32 486 22 68 65
Si no es periodista, envíe su solicitud al servicio de información al público.

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