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2x2 – 2x-3x+3 = 0

2x(x-1)-3(x-1) = 0

(2x-3) (x-1) = 0


2x-3 = 0; x = 3/2

(x-1) = 0; x=1

Therefore, 3/2 and 1 are the roots of the given equation.

4. Solve the quadratic equation 2x2+ x – 300 = 0 using factorisation.

Solution: 2x2+ x – 300 = 0

2x2 – 24x + 25x – 300 = 0

2x (x – 12) + 25 (x – 12) = 0

(x – 12)(2x + 25) = 0


x-12=0; x=12

(2x+25) = 0; x=-25/2 = -12.5

Therefore, 12 and -12.5 are two roots of the given equation.

Also, read Factorisation.

5. Solve the equation x2+4x-5=0.


x2 + 4x – 5 = 0

x2-1x+5x-5 = 0

x(x-1)+5(x-1) =0
(x-1)(x+5) =0

Hence, (x-1) =0, and (x+5) =0

x-1 = 0


similarly, x+5 = 0

x =-5.


x=-5 & x=1

6. Solve the quadratic equation 2x2 + x – 528 = 0, using quadratic formula.

Solution: If we compare it with standard equation, ax2+bx+c = 0

a=2, b=1 and c=-528

Hence, by using the quadratic formula:


Now putting the values of a,b and c.


x=64/4 or x=-66/4

x=16 or x=-33/2

7. Find the roots of x2 + 4x + 5 = 0, if any exist, using quadratic formula.

Solution: To check whether there are real roots available for the quadratic equation, we need the find the
discriminant value.

D = b2-4ac = 42– 4(1)(5) = 16-20 = -4

Since the square root of -4 will not give a real number. Hence there is no real roots for the given equation.
8. Find the discriminant of the equation: 3x2-2x+⅓ = 0.

Solution: Here, a = 3, b=-2 and c=⅓

Hence, discriminant, D = b2 – 4ac

D = (-2)2-4(3)(⅓)

D = 4-4


Practice Questions
Solve these quadratic equations and find the roots.

1. x2-5x-14=0 [Answer: x=-2 & x=7]

2. X2 = 11x -28 [Answer: x=4 & x = 7]
3. 6x2– x = 5 [Answer: x=-⅚ & x = 1]
4. 12x2 = 25x [Answer: x=0 & x=25/12]

Frequently Asked Questions on Quadratic Equations


What is a quadratic equation?

A polynomial which has the highest degree equal to two is a quadratic equation which is expressed in the form
of ax2+bx+c=0, where x is the variable and a,b,c are the real numbers & a ≠ 0.


What are the examples of quadratic equations?

The examples of quadratic equations are:
5x2 – x + 6 = 0
x2 + 8x + 2 = 0
-x2 + 6x + 18 = 0
x2 – 4 = 0


What is the formula for quadratics?

The formula to find the solution of quadratic equations is:
x = [-b ± √(b2-4ac)]/2a

What are the methods to solve the quadratic equation?

There are basically four methods to find the solution of quadratic equations.
Square root property
Completing the square
Using the quadratic formula


What are the roots of the quadratic equation?

Roots of the quadratic equation are nothing but the solution for a two-degree polynomial. Since the degree of a
quadratic equation is two, therefore, there will be two roots or two solutions for the equation. The formula to
find the two roots of equation ax2+bx+c = 0, are:
x1 = [-b + √(b2-4ac)]/2a and
x2 = [-b – √(b2-4ac)]/2a


What are the zeroes of the quadratic equation?

The zeroes of the quadratic equation are those values for which the polynomial of the equation (i.e. left-hand
side of ax2+bx+c = 0) is equal to zero. They are also called roots of the equation

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