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A. Background

Humans are both individual creatures and social creatures. As social creatures, humans

are required to be able to interact with other individuals/humans in order to fulfill their needs. In

living a social life in society, an individual will be faced with groups that are different from him,

one of which is differences in beliefs/religions.

In order to maintain integrity and unity in society, an attitude of mutual respect and

respect is needed. So, friction that can cause conflict can be avoided. Apart from that, people are

also required to maintain each other's rights and obligations.

In the context of inter-religious tolerance, Islam has a very clear concept. "There is no

compulsion in religion." “For you your religion, for me my religion” is a popular example of

tolerance in Islam. Apart from these verses, there are many other verses scattered in the letter as

well as a number of hadiths and the practice of tolerance in Islamic history. These historical facts

show that the issue of tolerance in Islam is not a foreign concept.

According to the Islamic religion, tolerance is not only towards fellow humans, but also

the universe, animals and the environment. With a broad scope of tolerance, tolerance between

religious communities in Islam is an important and serious concern. Because religious tolerance

concerns human beliefs which are very sensitive and easily cause conflict. Therefore, the

following paper will review Islamic views on religious tolerance

In living a social life, it cannot be denied that there will be frictions that can occur

between social groups, whether related to religion or race. In order to maintain unity and unity in

society, an attitude of mutual respect and respect is needed, so that frictions do not occur that can
lead to disputes. In living social life, it cannot be denied that there will be frictions that will occur

between groups of society, both related to by religion or race. In order to maintain unity and

unity in society, mutual respect and respect is needed, so that friction does not occur which can

lead to conflict.

In the preamble to the 1945 Constitution, article 29 paragraph 2, it is stated that "The

State guarantees the freedom of each resident to embrace their own religion and to worship

according to their religion and beliefs." So that we as citizens should naturally respect each

other's rights and obligations that exist between us. in order to maintain the integrity of the State

and uphold mutual tolerance between religious communities.

B. Problem Statement

1. What is the Meaning and Significance of Tolerance?

2. What is the Analysis of Tolerance in Islam?

3. How to Create Religious Harmony?

4. What obstacles and solutions are the problems in achieving religious harmony in


C. Objectives of the Paper

1. To find out the meaning and significance of Tolerance.

2. To find out the analysis of tolerance in Islam.

3. To find out how to create religious harmony.

4. To find out the obstacles and solutions are the problems in achieving religious harmony

in Indonesia.


A. The Meaning and Meaning of Tolerance

Tolerance comes from the Latin word "Tolerare" which means patiently allowing

something. So the broad definition of tolerance is a human behavior or attitude that does not

deviate from the rules, where someone respects or respects every action taken by another person.

In the large Indonesian dictionary it is stated that the meaning of the word Toleransi

means the nature of being tolerant. The word tolerant itself is defined as being or being tolerant

(respecting, allowing) an opinion (opinion or belief) that is different or contrary to oneself.

Tolerance is a loan word from the English language "tolerance" which means patience

and tolerance, while the transitive verb is tolerate which means to be patient with or see and

endure something, while the adjective is toleray which is tolerant, patient towards something.

Meanwhile, according to Abdul Malik Salman, the word tolerance comes from Latin which

means trying to survive, living or interacting with something that is actually disliked.

In Arabic, the term commonly used as an equivalent to the word tolerance is samanah or

tasamuh, so this word developed and has the meaning of an open-hearted or open attitude in

facing differences that originate from a noble personality. Thus, the meaning of the word

tasamuh has priority, because it symbolizes an attitude towards self-nobility and sincerity.

Therefore, tolerance in the socio-cultural and religious context is attitudes and actions that

prohibit discrimination against groups that are different or cannot be accepted by the majority in

a society. An example is religious tolerance where the majority of adherents in a society allow

the existence of other religions.

The first principle in Pancasila states that being devoted to God according to one's religion and

beliefs is absolute. Because all religions respect humans, therefore all religious communities

must also respect each other. So that harmony between religious communities can be fostered.

B. Analysis of Tolerance in Islam

Tolerance is an open attitude and willingness to acknowledge the existence of various

kinds of differences, both in terms of ethnicity, skin color, language, customs, culture, language

and religion or what is more popularly known as inclusivism, pluralism and multiculturalism.

This is in line with the word of Allah SWT which means "O mankind, indeed we created you

from a man and a woman and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know each other.

Indeed, the noblest among you in the sight of Allah is the most pious among you. Indeed, Allah

is all-knowing and all-knowing."

All humans are in the circle of "sunnatullah". This verse indicates that Allah SWT created

differences and it is important to face and accept these differences, including in theological

matters. Tolerance between people of different religions is one of the important studies in the

Islamic theological system.

Islam is a perfect religion and has a number of conditions that highly value tolerance. The Word

of Allah SWT:

This means there is no compulsion to (enter) religion (Islam); In fact, the right path is

clearer than the wrong path. Therefore, whoever disbelieves in Thaghut and believes in Allah,

then indeed he has held on to a very strong rope that will not break. And Allah is All-Hearing,

All-Knowing. (QS. Al-Baqarah: 256) The appeal of this verse is only shown to unbelievers. So,

Muslims cannot force the will of other people (other than Islam) to convert to Islam. Because
infidels in this case are given the right by Allah SWT to choose to believe in Islam and also have

the right not to believe in it.

Tolerance in the Islamic religion does not mean being permitted or free to adhere to a

particular religion or freely following the worship and rituals of all religions without any binding

rules. However, religious tolerance must be understood as a form of system and procedures for

worship and providing freedom to practice one's religious beliefs.

The attitude of acceptance and recognition of others as a teaching of tolerance offered by

Islam, as mentioned in the hadiths and verses of the Koran, is quite rational and practical.

However, embedded with belief (aqidah) and worship, they cannot be equated and mixed up,

which means that Islamic belief in Allah SWT is not the same as the belief of adherents of other

religions in their gods, and also the procedures for worship, despite this, Islam remains adheres

to its adherents denouncing the gods of any religion. Therefore, the word tasamuh or tolerance in

Islam is not something foreign, but has been embedded as a core teaching of Islam to be

implemented in life since the religion of Islam was born. In this context, the hadith narrated by

Al-Bukhori. Which means: the religion that Allah loves most is the straight one that is full of

tolerance, namely the religion of Islam.

Examples of the Manifestation of Religious Tolerance:

• Understand any differences.

• An attitude of mutual assistance between fellow believers that does not differentiate between

ethnicity, religion, culture or race.

• Mutual respect and respect for fellow human beings.

Examples of implementing Religious Tolerance:

• Improve public places

• Community service cleaning village roads

• Helping traffic accident victims.

• Help people affected by disaster or natural disasters

So, we must practice this form of cooperation in activities that are social in nature and do

not offend the beliefs of adherents of other religions. Through tolerance, it is hoped that order,

calm and activeness will be realized in carrying out worship according to one's religion and


Religious Tolerance in Indonesia

This view emerged against the background of the increasingly deteriorating relationship

between religious communities in Indonesia. The causes of tension between religious

communities include:

• Lack of knowledge among religious adherents about their own religion and the religions of


• Blurring of the boundaries between upholding religious beliefs and tolerance in public life.

• The nature of each religion, which contains the mission of preaching and the task of preaching.

• Lack of mutual understanding in dealing with differences of opinion.

• Religious adherents are unable to control themselves, so they do not respect or even look down

on other religions.

• Suspicion of other parties, whether between religious communities, within religious

communities, or between religious communities and the government.

Religious plurality can only be achieved if each group is open-minded towards each other. An

open-hearted attitude in religious life will have meaning for the progress and life of a pluralistic

society, if it is realized in:

• Mutual trust in the good intentions of other religious groups.

• Mutual respect for the rights of other people who adhere to the teachings of their religion.

• Mutual restraint towards the teachings, beliefs and customs of different religious groups, which

may be contrary to one's own teachings, beliefs and customs.

Examples of Religious Tolerance in Real Life :

Inter-religious tolerance between Muslims and Christians at the Joyodiningratan Javanese

Christian Church (GKJ) and the Al Hikmah Mosque, Serengan, Solo City, Central Java. which

was created long ago.

"The two buildings are side by side and have the same address, namely on Jalan Gatot Subroto

Number 222, Solo,"

However, differences in beliefs do not dampen the enthusiasm of local Christians and Muslims

to maintain mutual harmony, respect and develop an attitude of tolerance. The Al Hikmah

Mosque building was founded in 1947, while the GKJ Joyodingratan was founded 10 years

earlier or around 1937. However, tolerance between religious communities has been created here

for a long time.

For example, during Eid al-Fitr which falls on Sunday. The church management immediately

called the mosque management to ask about the certainty of the Eid al-Fitr celebration. Then the

church administrators changed their morning worship schedule on Sunday to the afternoon, so as

not to disturb Muslims who were performing Eid prayers.

Another example is that the mosque management always allows the mosque yard to park

vehicles for GKJ Joyoningratan Christians during Easter and Christmas services.

This is a small example of tolerance between religious communities which continues to

be maintained to this day. Both the church and the mosque respect each other and provide

opportunities to carry out their worship solemnly and smoothly for their respective adherents. If

there are certain individuals who will disturb harmony between religious communities in that

place, both the mosque and the church will join in to prevent it.

1. Tolerance between religious communities

Tolerance between religious communities can be interpreted as an attitude of being able

to live with people who adhere to other religions by having the freedom to carry out their

respective religious principles (worship), without any coercion and pressure to worship or not to

worship from one party to another. other. As an implementation in the practice of social life, it

can start from an attitude of togetherness between religious adherents in everyday life

An attitude of tolerance between religious communities can start from living as

neighbors, whether with neighbors who share our beliefs or not. This attitude of tolerance is

reflected in mutual respect, glorifying each other and helping each other.

Tolerance of rights and obligations within religious communities has been embedded in

the values of Pancasila. Indonesia is a pluralistic country consisting of various ethnicities and

religions, without mutual respect for rights and obligations, various kinds of friction between

religious communities will arise.

2. Confirmation of Zero Tolerance for Faith

Regarding different belief systems and religions. The Al-Qur'an has confirmed this in one

of its letters, namely Surah Al Kafirun verses 1-6. This verse emphasizes that it is a necessity for

all humans to adhere to a single religion. On the other hand, it is impossible for humans to adhere

to several religions at the same time or practice the teachings of various religions simultaneously.

Therefore, the Qur'an emphasizes that Muslims continue to adhere to the system of the absolute

oneness of Allah. Meanwhile, people who disbelieve in the divine teachings established by


In understanding tolerance, Muslims must not be mistaken. Tolerance towards non-

Muslims is only allowed in the aspect of muamalah, but not in terms of aqidah and worship.

Islam recognizes the existence of differences but should not be forced to be the same as

something that is clearly different.

In Islamic history, the Prophet Muhammad SAW was a good example in implementing

religious tolerance by embracing all ethnicities and regardless of skin color and nationality.

Unity is one of the priority principles, related to the character of modernization in Islam. Where

Allah SWT desires to create a moderate Islamic society as Allah says.

Meaning: And so (also) we have made you (Muslims) a just and chosen people so that you can

be witnesses to human actions and so that the Messenger can be a witness to your actions.

3. Benefits of Religious Tolerance

a. Avoid division

Being tolerant is a solution so that there are no divisions in practicing religion. Being tolerant

must become a personal awareness that is always habituated in the form of social interaction.

b. Strengthen ties of friendship

One manifestation of religious tolerance is establishing and strengthening ties of friendship

between religious communities and maintaining good relations. Establishing peaceful relations

between religious adherents can only be possible if each party respects the other party.

Developing an attitude of religious tolerance, that every religious adherent may carry out the

teachings and rituals of their religion freely and without pressure.

C. Efforts to Achieve Religious Harmony

Creating religious harmony at the regional, provincial and government levels is the

obligation of all citizens and other government agencies. Starting from responsibilities regarding

peace, security and order, including facilitating the realization of religious harmony, fostering

harmony in mutual understanding, mutual respect and mutual trust between religious

communities and even bringing order to places of worship.

In this case, creating religious harmony can be done in the following ways:

1. Mutual tolerance, respect and tolerance between religious communities

2. Do not force someone to embrace a certain religion.

3. Carry out worship according to your religion

4. Comply with religious regulations both in your religion and State or Government regulations.

An attitude of tolerance, respect and tolerance between religious communities is an indication of

the concept of the harmony trilogy. As in the previous discussion, efforts to create and maintain

religious harmony must not force someone to embrace a particular religion. Because this

concerns human rights (HAM) which have been given the freedom to choose both related to

belief and outside the context related to that matter.

Harmony between religious communities can be realized and always maintained, if each

religious community can comply with the rules taught by their respective religions and comply

with regulations that have been passed by the State or a government agency. Religious

communities are not permitted to make personal or group rules, which result in conflicts or

divisions between religious communities due to personal and group interests or missions.

Apart from that, so that religious harmony can be realized and always maintained, it is necessary

to pay attention to efforts that encourage harmony in a stable form. :

1. Strengthen the foundations of internal and inter-religious harmony, as well as between

religious communities and the government.

2. Building social harmony and national unity, in the form of efforts to encourage and direct all

religious communities to live in harmony within the framework of theology and implementation

in creating togetherness and an attitude of tolerance.

3. Creating a conducive atmosphere for religious life, in order to strengthen the deepening and

appreciation of religion and religious practice, which supports the development of harmony in

the internal life of religious communities and between religious communities.

4. Conduct a broad exploration of the importance of human values from all of humanity's plural

beliefs, whose function is to serve as a common guide in implementing political principles and

interacting socially with one another by showing an exemplary attitude.

5. Deepen spiritual values that are implementable for humanity which directs towards divine

values, so that there are no deviations from social and religious values.

6. Placing love and compassion in the lives of religious communities by eliminating mutual

suspicion towards followers of other religions, so that an atmosphere of human harmony will be

created without being influenced by certain factors.

7. Realizing that differences are a reality in social life, therefore this should be made into a

mosaic that can beautify the phenomenon of religious life.

In an effort to strengthen harmony, serious things that must be considered are the

functions of religious leaders, community leaders and the government. In this case, religious

leaders and community leaders are figures who can be emulated and can guide them, so that

what they do will be trusted and followed obediently. Apart from that, they play a very important

role in developing religious communities with their knowledge and insight into religious


Then the government also plays a role and is responsible for realizing and fostering religious

harmony. This shows that the quality of religious communities in Indonesia is not yet

functioning as it should, as taught by their respective religions. So there is the possibility of

conflict between religious communities. Therefore, in this case, "the government as a servant,

mediator or facilitator is one of the elements that can determine the quality or problems of the

religious community. In principle, religious communities need to be fostered through the services

of government officials who have strategic roles and functions in determining the quality of life

of religious communities, through their policies.

To maintain and improve religious harmony and national integrity, efforts need to be


1. Increasing people's religious insight;

2. Promote social and humanitarian cooperation across religions, cultures, ethnicities and


3. Enrich insight and experience about harmony through curricular programs in educational

D. Obstacles and solution are the problems in achieving religious harmony in Indonesia.


1. Low tolerance

According to Dr. Ali Masrur, M.Ag, one of the problems in inter-religious

communication today, especially in Indonesia, is the emergence of an attitude of lazy tolerance

as expressed by P. Knitter. This attitude emerged as a result of a pattern of indirect encounters

between religions, especially regarding sensitive theological issues. So religious communities

feel reluctant to discuss matters of faith. Of course, a deeper dialogue did not occur, because both

parties with different beliefs/religions kept their distance from each other.

2. Political Interests

Political factors, this factor is sometimes an important factor as an obstacle in achieving

the goal of harmony between religious communities, especially in Indonesia, if not the most

important among other factors. It could be that inter-religious harmony has been painstakingly

built over years or perhaps decades, and in this way we are almost reaping the fruits. However,

political chaos suddenly emerged which affected inter-religious relations and even destroyed

them as if lightning had struck and easily destroyed the "dialogue building" that we were

completing. As is happening in our country at the moment, we are not only crying when we see

the political upheavels in this country, but more than that what is flowing is no longer tears, but

blood; the blood of our brothers, who hopefully will be accepted at His side. Without politics we

cannot live in an orderly manner and are not even able to build a country, but for political

reasons we often use religion and take advantage of it.

3. Fanaticism
In Islamic circles, an exclusive understanding of religion also exists and is developing. In

fact, recently, in Indonesia there has been growth and development of religious understanding

which can be categorized as radical and fundamentalist Islam, namely religious understanding

which emphasizes religious practices without looking at how a religious teaching should be

adapted to the situation and conditions of society. They still hold the view that Islam is the only

true religion and can guarantee human safety. If a person wants to be safe, he must embrace

Islam. All actions of non-Muslims, according to this sect's perspective, are unacceptable in the

sight of Allah.


1. Dialogue between Religions

The history of encounters between religions that use a typical political framework is almost

entirely filled with struggles, conflicts and battles. For this reason, in the development of

historical science in the last few decades, history which is centered on politics, which is then

called "conventional history", has been developed to include other areas of socio-cultural life,

giving rise to what is called "new history" (new history). . This latest model of history is

commonly referred to as "social history" as opposed to "political history".

2. Be Optimistic

Even though various obstacles stand in our way towards an open attitude, mutual understanding

and mutual respect between religions, I don't think we need to be pessimistic. On the contrary,

we need and should develop optimism in facing and welcoming the future of dialogue.


Tolerance is an attitude of mutual respect, mutual respect, and accept each other amidst cultural,

ethnic, religious and diversity freedom of expression. This cannot be separated from the student's

attitude and methods himself can accept and appreciate various existing religions. Tolerance

teaches us all to have open-mindedness, have a big heart, don't force your own will, give

opportunities to other people to have an opinion even if it is different from our opinion. All of

this is in order to create harmony between religions.

In this case, creating religious harmony can be done in the following ways:

1. Mutual tolerance, respect and tolerance between religious communities

2. Do not force someone to embrace a certain religion.

3. Carry out worship according to your religion

4. Comply with religious regulations both in your religion and State or Government regulations.

There are several reasons for the obstacles and solutions faced in achieving religious

harmony in Indonesia, including;

Ø Low tolerance attitude

Ø Political interests and;

Ø Fanaticism

The solution to deal with this is to conduct dialogue between religious believers and instill an

optimistic attitude towards the goal of achieving harmony between religious communities.

Djam’annuri, Studi Agama-Agama, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Rihlah, 2003. (on date 15 March


Natsir, Mohamad. Keragaman Hidup Antar Agama, Jakarta, 1970.

Rachmat, Noor. Pendidikan Agama Islam, Jakarta, 2017.

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