Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

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Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Country profile: Romania

Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Methodology and global key messages

Key global findings:
Broad societal change has spurred some workplace progress in recent years, but new setbacks are impacting Gen Zs’ and millennials’ ability to plan
for their futures

Employers have made some progress since pre-pandemic times, but business more broadly is still not meeting expectations. Satisfaction
with work/life balance, and employer progress on DEI, societal impact, and environmental sustainability have improved. While they are
slightly more satisfied with their own employers, less than half are convinced that business more broadly is having a positive societal impact.
But they continue to have high expectations for business leaders and expect them to drive progress on societal and environmental issues.

The cost-of-living crisis looms large for Gen Zs and millennials. Half of Gen Zs and millennials say they live paycheck to paycheck. They worry Our methodology:
that a potential economic recession may cause employers to backtrack on climate action. They also worry it will hamper their ability to ask for The 2023 Gen Z and Millennial
much needed pay increases, to continue pushing for flexibility, or to find new jobs. Survey solicited the views of
14,483 Gen Zs and 8,373
Gen Zs and millennials are rethinking the role of work in their lives. Roughly half of Gen Zs and millennials say work is central to their millennials (22,000 respondents
identity, but work/life balance is key. This is reflected in the fact that having a good work/life balance is the No. 1 trait they admire in their in total), from 44 countries across
peers, and their top consideration when choosing a new employer. North America, Latin America,
Western Europe, Eastern Europe,
Both generations said they still feel stressed or anxious all or most of the time. Their longer-term financial futures, day-to-day finances, and
the Middle East, Africa and Asia
the health/welfare of their families are their top stress drivers, while concerns about mental health and workplace issues such as heavy
workloads, poor work/life balance, and unhealthy team cultures are also challenging. Linked to the results around work-related stress drivers
are increasingly high levels of burnout due to work pressures. Fieldwork was conducted
between November and
Harassment is at a worryingly high level in the workplace, particularly for Gen Zs. Three in five Gen Zs (61%) and around half of millennials December 2022, with qualitative
(49%) have experienced harassment or microaggressions at work in the past 12 months. Inappropriate emails, physical advances, and physical interviews conducted in March
contact are the most common harassment experiences, while exclusion, gender-based undermining and unwanted jokes are the most 2023.
common microaggressions experienced. Around eight in 10 did report the harassment they experienced to their employer, but a third of Gen
Zs and a quarter of millennials think the issues were not handled effectively. As defined in the study, Gen Z
respondents were born between
Climate change is a major stressor for Gen Zs and millennials, and it’s impacting their lifestyle and career decisions. Six in 10 Gen Zs and January 1995 and December
millennials say they have felt anxious about the environment in the past month. Their climate concerns impact their decision-making, from 2004, and millennial respondents
family planning and home improvements, to what they eat and wear. It also plays a key role in their career choices—more than half of were born between January 1983
respondents say they research a brand’s environmental impact and policies before accepting a job. and December 1994.

The following deck examines how Romania’s Gen Zs and millennials stand out from their global counterparts on these key themes.
© 2023. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey
Country profile: Romania


Gender Gender
50% 50% 50% 50%
Identify as male Identify as female Identify as male Identify as female
Parents Parents
17% 83% 55% 45%
Yes No Yes No
Education Education
16% 36% 7% 12% 28% 13% 12% 10% 65%
Pursuing/gained trade qualification Pursuing university degree
Pursuing/gained trade qualification Pursuing university degree
Pursuing high school degree Gained high school degree
Gained university degree Gained high school degree Gained university degree

Employment Job seniority Organization size Employment Job seniority Organization size
11% 6% 2% 9% 7% 14% 6% 3% 6% 1%
1% 15% 24%
21% 21% 22% 3%
42% 45%
27% 52%
9% 29%
4% 10% 81%
16% 41% 15%
Working full-time Trainee/apprentice/intern Under 100 Trainee/apprentice/intern
Working full-time Under 100
Working part-time Junior executive 100-249 Working part-time Junior executive 100-249
Temporary or freelance Midlevel executive 250-999 Temporary or freelance Midlevel executive 250-999
Full-time education Senior executive Full-time education Senior executive 1,000+
Head of department 1,000+
Not working/unpaid Not working/unpaid Head of department Don't know/Not sure
Senior management/board Don't know/Not sure

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Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Employer Progress*

Percentage who are very satisfied with their current Percentage who are very satisfied with their organization’s
work/life balance in their job: DEI efforts:
34% 33% 35%
31% 32%
29% 28% 27%
21% 24%
18% 19%

2019 2023 2019 2023

Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials

Percentage who are very satisfied with their organization’s Percentage who strongly agree large companies are taking
societal impact: action to protect the environment:*
30% 32%
23% 21%
19% 17% 21%
13% 12% 10%

2019 2023 2019 2023

Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials

*2019 data not available for Romania

**2019 data based on percentage who selected protection of the environment as one of the top three achievements of businesses.
© 2023. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Expectations of Business

Who has a significant responsibility to address societal and Percentage of respondents who have rejected an assignment, or
environmental issues? a potential employer based on their personal ethics/beliefs:

Top groups considered to have an important/leading 44%

39% 39% 43%
37% 34%
role in highlighting social issues in Romania 26% 30%
Politicians Social justice / sustainability Business leaders

Groups considered to have a less important role in Assignment Potential employer

highlighting social issues in Romania
Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials
Social media influencers Entertainers Sports stars

Percentage of respondents who believe they have the power to

Percentage of respondents who think businesses have a
drive change; that their organization seeks input from employees
very/fairly positive impact on society:
and incorporates feedback:

of Gen Zs in of millennials of Gen Zs in of millennials

Romania in Romania Romania in Romania
55% 46% 60% 45%
vs. 48% of vs.44% of vs.58% of vs.55% of
Gen Zs globally millennials globally Gen Zs globally millennials globally

© 2023. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Top concerns

Top five issues of greatest concern:

Romania Gen Zs Global Gen Zs

Education, skills, and training 35% Cost of living 35%
Cost of living 33% Unemployment 22%
Mental health of my generation 31% Climate change 21%
Health care/disease prevention 23% Mental health of my generation 19%
Economic growth 22% Crime/personal safety 17%

Romania millennials Global millennials

Cost of living 44% Cost of living 42%

Economic growth 27% Climate change 23%

Health care/disease prevention 25% Unemployment 20%

Political instability/conflicts between countries 25% Health care/disease prevention 19%

Education, skills, and training 20% Crime/personal safety 18%

© 2023. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Cost of living
Percentage of respondents who say that it will become harder
Percentage of respondents who live paycheck to paycheck and
or impossible to achieve the following if the economy does
worry they won't be able to cover their expenses:
not improve within the next 12 months:
Selected strongly agree/agree
Ask for a raise
58% 51%
51% 52% Get a new job
Ask for a promotion
Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials
Start a family
Buy a house

Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials

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Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Side jobs

Those who have taken on either a part- or full-time paying job Why did they decide to take on a side job?
in addition to their primary job: Top five reasons selected.

I needed a secondary source of income
of Gen Zs in Romania of millennials in Romania 43%
38% vs. 42% in 2022 33% vs. 34% in 2022 23%
It helps me to turn off / focus on 24%
something other than my main job 28%
Top side jobs held in the Romania*: 23%
Gen Zs Millennials It is a hobby of mine
Flexible 'gig' work – food delivery or ride- 30%
sharing apps 20% 30%
Pursuing artistic ambitions 20% 16% I would like to develop it into my full- 22%
time / main job 23%
Working for a not-for-profit 20% 18%
Consulting/running your own business 17% 27% It is a family business that I want to 19%
support 19%
Professional gaming / eSports 16% 13% 17%

Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials

*Caution, small base (millennials: 54)

© 2023. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Sense of identity and admired qualities

Top five factors selected as the most important to Top five factors selected as the things that impress them
their sense of identity: the most about peers:

69% Their ability to maintain a 29%

Friends and family positive work/life balance 25%

47% Their ambition to continue 27%

Work (my primary job) learning new skills 29%
Their ability to live their life
40% on their own terms, and not 25%
Hobbies (other types not
listed here) necessarily to live up to 26%
47% societal expectations

27% 20%
Playing and/or listening to Their dedication to a hobby
music 13% 11%

Volunteering efforts / 23% 19%

making a positive impact Their passion for their work
12% 24%
on society/my community

Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials

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Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Hybrid work preferences

Which of the following best describes their current situation when it comes to their place of work, and which would be their preferred situation?

31% 29% 30% 37% 31%

22% 28% 22% 20% 21% 21%
15% 11% 13% 13% 12% 9% 8% 12% 15%

Fully remote I have full choice in where I work (any I work both remotely and on-site, but My role could be done off-site, but my The nature of my role requires me to be
combination of remote and on-site) my employer has set requirements for employer requires me to be on-site physically present at my employer's
how often and/or when I need to be on- workplace

Romania Gen Zs current work pattern Romania Gen Zs preferred work pattern Romania millennials current work pattern Romania millennials preferred work pattern

Percentage of respondents who said it will still be possible to ask

Percentage of respondents who would consider looking for a
for more flexibility at work even if the economic situation in
new job if their employer asked them to go on-site full-time:
their country worsens or stays the same in the next 12 months:

81% of Gen Zs in
Romania 81% of millennials in
Romania 48% of Gen Zs in
Romania 47% of millennials in

© 2023. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

The struggle to disconnect

Percentage who find themselves responding to work Main reasons selected for responding to work
emails/messages outside of normal working hours: emails/messages outside of normal working hours:

To stay up to date on the latest 34%
developments 29%
33% 33%
30% 32%
23% 23% 24% 25% 23%
19% 18% 21% 22% 19% 30%

10% Email is coming from a 30%

superior/supervisor 27%
Every day 3-4 days per week 1-2 days per week Less often/Never
Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials 19%
To enhance my promotion /
career advancement prospects 23%

Pressure from clients

Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials

© 2023. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Work/life balance and flexible work

Factors which are preventing respondents from

In which of the following areas should organizations focus to help
taking advantage of flexible work, or from reducing
foster better work/life balance for their employees?
their hours: (Flexible work refers to work patterns
that provide greater choice over when people work).
36% 36%
32% 31% 33%
30% 29% 30% 29% 31% I am concerned that doing so 28%
26% 25% 26%
21% 23% 22% 23% may make me less likely to be
20% 19% 28%
considered for a promotion

The pay cut it would require 26%

would not be a feasible option
Ensure part-time Implement condensed Create more part- Allow employees to Create more job- for me 30%
employees have four-day work weeks time jobs work flexible working sharing options
comparable career hours
advancement My workload wouldn't be 25%
Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials reduced accordingly 22%

I would be treated with less 19%

respect by my manager 25%

I would be treated with less 18%

respect by my colleagues 17%

Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials

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Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Stress and burnout

Percentage of respondents who say they feel anxious or Percentage who feel burned out due to the intensity/demands
stressed all or most of the time:. of their workloads (strongly/somewhat agree):

of Gen Zs in of millennials
of Gen Zs of millennials
Romania in Romania
in Romania in Romania
52% 35% 59% 42% 50% 42%
vs. 46% of vs.39% of
vs. of
Gen Zs in Romania
vs. of
millennials in
Gen Zs globally millennials globally
in 2022 Romania in 2022

Percentage of respondents who say the following contribute a lot to their feelings of anxiety or stress:*

48% 52% 52% 47% 51% 48% 48%
46% 42% 42% 44% 42% 46%
40% 36% 39% 35%
32% 32%

My longer-term financial future The health/welfare of my family Concerns about my mental health My day-to-day finances Family/personal relationships

Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials

*Asked only of those who feel anxious or stressed

© 2023. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Workplace mental health

Percentage of respondents who strongly agree/agree with the Percentage of respondents who would not feel comfortable
following statements related to workplace well-being/mental speaking openly with their direct manager about stress,
health: anxiety, or other mental health challenges:

57% 55% 55% 56% 56%
53% 54%
of Gen Zs in of millennials

My employer takes the mental health of An increased focus on mental health at work
21% Romania 25% in Romania

employees seriously and has has resulted in positive changes within my vs.32% of vs.31% of
policies/resources designed to help workplace Gen Zs globally millennials globally

Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials

Percentage of respondents who say that mental health support Percentage of respondents who have taken time off work
and policies are very/somewhat important when considering a due to feelings of anxiety or stress but gave their employer a
potential employer: different reason:

of Gen Zs in of millennials of Gen Zs in of millennials

80% Romania 83% in Romania 21% Romania 19% in Romania

vs. 81% of vs.82% of vs.22% of vs.19% of

Gen Zs globally millennials globally Gen Zs globally millennials globally

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Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Workplace harassment and microaggressions

70% of Gen Zs and 54% of millennials in Romania have experienced harassment or microaggressions at work in the past 12 months.
Top harassment behaviors experienced Top microaggressions experienced

22% 19% 19%
16% 16% 17% 14% 13% 15% 11% 13% 10% 13%
11% 12% 10% 7%
8% 6% 7% 6% 10% 6%

Physical contact (either in the Approaches or physical Offensive or suggestive emails Unwanted jokes at my Excluded from informal Being interrupted and/or
office or at work) advances by colleagues or other communications expense interactions or conversations talked over in meetings

Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials

Percentage of respondents who said they reported the harassment that they experienced, and how their organization handled the issue:

Global Gen Zs 45% 33% 17% 5% Global millennials 53% 27% 15% 4%

Romania Gen Zs 43% 34% 20% 4% Romania millennials 53% 24% 23% 0%

Very/somewhat well Not very/not at all well Very/somewhat well Not very/not at all well
Did not report harassment Prefer not to say Did not report harassment Prefer not to say

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Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Climate anxiety and actions

Percentage of respondents selecting strongly agree or agree to the following statements:

In the last month, I have felt worried or anxious about climate change I am willing to pay more to purchase environmentally sustainable products or services

of Gen Zs in of millennials in of Gen Zs in of millennials in

66% Romania 61% Romania 61% Romania 70% Romania
vs. 60% of vs. 57% of vs. 60% of vs. 60% of
Gen Zs globally millennials globally Gen Zs globally millennials globally

Actions taken or intended in the future to reduce their environmental impact:

43% 44% 43%
35% 33%
29% 27% 27% 29% 24% 23% 21% 24% 23%
15% 18% 18% 15% 16% 14%

Avoid buying fast fashion Research companies to check their Make my home more energy-efficient Eat a vegetarian/vegan diet Have fewer/no children
sustainability credentials before
purchasing from them

Romania Gen Zs - already do/have done Romania Gen Zs - plan to in the future Romania millennials - already do/have done Romania millennials - plan to in the future

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Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

Perceptions of employers’ climate action and

where respondents want them to focus

Percentage of respondents who strongly agree/agree with the following statements:

53% 56% 51%

50% 46% 50% 48% 48% 45% 50% 49%

They have put pressure on their employer to take action on Believe their employer has deprioritized its climate strategy due My employer is providing training and skills development to
climate change to external factors over the last few years (e.g., pandemic, prepare its people for the transition to a low-carbon economy

Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials

Ranking of where employed Gen Zs and millennials in Romania feel their organizations should invest more resources to help combat climate
30% 29% 30% 36% 28% 30% 32%
25% 22% 25% 25% 26% 22% 24% 24%
21% 18% 21% 19% 21%

Providing employee subsidies Educating / training their Greening local communities / Committing to net-zero greenhouse Working more closely with
for sustainable choices employees about how to communities where they work gas emissions within the next decade in governments to advance
be more sustainable line with the goals of the Paris agreement sustainability initiatives
Global Gen Zs Global millennials Romania Gen Zs Romania millennials

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Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey
Millz Mood Monitor

The Millz Mood Monitor gauges the mood of respondents and provides an annual snapshot of Gen Zs’ and millennials’ optimism that the world and their
places in it will improve.
*Scores are based on responses to questions on the following five topics and are aggregated to create a measure between zero (absolute pessimism) and a hundred (complete optimism).

Impact of business on wider

Economic situation Sociopolitical situation Personal financial situation Environment

0 50 100
Nothing positive at all Half think we’re making progress Everything is positive


Gen Zs Identify as female: Identify as male: Gen Zs Identify as female: Identify as male:
in Romania:
Sig 35 43 globally:
34 42
39 _______
-5 pt. +2 pts.


Millennials Identify as female: Identify as male: Millennials Identify as female: Identify as male:
in Romania:
_______ 33 27 39 globally:
_______ 35 32 37
No change No change

*Global scores don’t include China. 18

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