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1-Personal pronouns.
2-Verb to be.
3-Possessive Adjectives.
5-Demonstrative pronouns.
6-Singular and plural
7-There is –There are
Personal pronouns
1-Fill in ( He – She – It ).

1- Oscar is in the bedroom.


2- The dog is brown.


3- Cindy is in the living room.


4- Tom is a good boy.


5- The cat is white.


6- Ted is in the park.

7- The dog is in the garden.


2-Complete the sentence using the correct


1. _______ is reading a book. (Willy)

2. _______ is green. (The blackboard)

3. _______ are on the wall (The posters)

4. _______ is running. (The dog)

5. _______ are watching TV. (My mother and I)

6. _______ are in the garden. (The flowers)

7. _______ is riding his bike. (Tom)

3-Replace the noun by the correct pronoun

1. Mary ________________

2. Ben ________________

3. Bob and Tim ________________
4. The desk ________________

5. Bob and I ________________

6. The cat ________________

7. The boys ________________

8. The woman ________________

9. Mrs Sally ________________

10.The books ________________

11.You and your sister ________________

12.My aunt ________________

13.The children ________________

14.The cow ________________

15.Tina and I ________________

4-Choose the right personal pronoun.
1. _______ is my friend. (I, he, they)

2. _______ is fat. (we, she, I)

3. _______ is a red dress. (I, he, it)

4. ________ are very old. (he, they, I)

5. ________ are new desks. (we, I, they)

6. ________ am a student. (he, I, we)

7. ________ are wild animals. (I, it, they)

8. ________ are men. (he, they, she)

9. ________ is an orange ball. (I, he, it)

10.________ are red apples. (we, he, they)

Verb To Be
Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am I am not Are you?

You are You aren’t Is he/she/it?

He/She/It is He/She/It isn’t Areyou/they?

We/You/They We/You/They
are aren’t

Short answers:

Are you………..? Yes, I am - No, I am not

Is he………………? Yes, he is - No, he isn’t.

Is she……………? Yes, she is – No, she isn’t.

Is it ……………..? Yes, It is – No, It isn’t.

Are they ……? Yes,They are – No, They aren’t.

Are we………..? Yes, we are – No, we aren’t.

1-Complete the description of this girl. Use
verb to be.

Hello! I ………… Sophie and I ………… from

Madrid in Spain. I ……… 11 years old and I
love music. I’ve got two sisters and one
brother. My brother ………… Alberto, he
………… tall and thin and he loves computer
games. My two sisters ………… younger than me and
my brother. I ………… the oldest of my sisters. My
sisters ………… 3 and 4 years old. They like playing
with dolls. I ……… very funny, I usually go out with
my friends Marta and Nelly on Saturdays. They
………… 11 and 12 years old. My mum loves cinema and
my dad loves sport and nature. I ……… very happy!
2-Choose: ( am – is – are ).
1-She ……………… my mother.

2-Mark and Tom ……………… friends.

3-We ……………… brothers.

4-My father ……………… handsome.

5-My bike ……………… blue.

6-Meg ……………… a girl.

7-They……………… my grandpa and grandma.

8-You ……………… my best friend.

9-I ……………… a teacher.

10-It ……………… a cat.

11- Elephants ……………… big.

12-The ball ……………… red.

13-The books……………… on the desk.

14-She ……………… funny.

15-Monkeys ……………… brown.

16-My mother ……………… a doctor.

17-They ……………… my parents.

18-I……………… eight years old.

19-I ……happy .

3-Write the short form of the following.

I am …………

She is …………

You are …………

He is …………

It is …………

We are …………

They are …………
4-Fill in ( ’m – ’s ).

1. What ……………….. it?

2. I ……………… fine tanks.

3. She …………….. Lin.

4. Hello, I………………. Tom.

5. What …………… your name?

6. He ………… my father.

7. It ………… my phone book.

8. I ………… Six years old.

9. Cindy ………… in the garden.

5-Ask and answer:

1- Is he a boy ?
Yes, He’s.

2-Are they cats?

No, They aren’t.

They are dogs.

3-Is it a bag?



4-Is it a school?


5-Are they cats?



6-Is it a banana?



6-Put ( am -is – are ).

1-Tom…………a good boy.

2-I…………a girl.


5- Cindy…………a good girl.

6- A cat…………black.

7- He…………a teacher.

8- You…………tall.

9- She…………a doctor.

10- A giraffe…………very tall.

7-Change into negative.

1-I am writing.
2-She is reading.
3-We are happy.
4-They are friends.
5-He is riding a bike.
6-It is running fast.
7-They are playing football.
8-I am from France.
9-The boys are fishing.
10-The girl is dancing.

Possessive Adjectives

Personal pronouns Possessive adjectives

I My

You Your

He His

She Her

It Its

We Our

You Your

They Their
We use possessive adjectives to show who owns or
"possesses" something.


-Marry has a new dress.

-Her dress is red.

-I have got a new hat.

-My hat is new

1-Read and fill in blanks :

My – your – his – her – its – our - their

1-I'm Adam. That's ………………bag.

2-We are sisters. That's ……………… house.
3-Mike is my friend. That's ………………car.

4-That's Wendy and that's Lin. That's ……………… school.

5-Cindy is a girl. That's………………bike.

6-That's a dog and……………… food.

7-My sister eats………………sandwich.

8-Tom and Ben drink………………milk.

9- Sam and I are friends . That’s………………toys.

10-I’m a teacher. That’s………………class.
2-Look at the pictures and put her, his or

1.______________ bag is heavy.

2. _______________ umbrella is wet.

3.______________ ball is red and pink.

4. ________________ car is new and blue.
3-Complete the table:


4-Complete with the correct possessive


1) This is ………………pen. (she)

2) That’s ……………… desk. (we)

3) I’m ………………teacher. (you)

4) ……………… father is from France. (they)

5) ………………name’s Tom. (he)

6) These are………………books. (I)

7) That’s………………house. (they)

8) ………………parents are from Italy. (we)
We use (a) before singular noun; starts with consonant

a doctor

a policeman

a table

We use (an) before singular noun; starts with vowel

an apple

an orange

an elephant
1-Choose the correct answer:

1-It’s ( a – an ) apple.

2-That’s ( a – an ) computer.

3-It’s ( a – an ) egg.

4-This is ( a –an ) bike.

5-It’s ( a – an ) elephant.

6- It’s ( a – an ) orange.

7-This is ( a – an ) bed.
2-Write (a) or (an).
1. .an… orange.

2. …………pen.

3. …………tent.

4. …………cat.

5. …………umbrella.

6. …………dog.
3-Color the pictures.

1. А green kite
2. A blue umbrella
3. A red car
4. a yellow scissor
5. a pink ice- cream
4-Fill in the blanks with the articles : a or an .
Use the words in the box.
umbrella flower duck bag eye

nail-clipper comb ice-cream eraser table

(1) a duck

(2) ____ ____________________

(3) ____ ____________________

(4) ____ ____________________

(5) ____ ____________________

(6) ____ ____________________

(7) ____ ____________________

(8) ____ ____________________

(9) ____ ____________________

(10) ____ ____________________

Demonstrative Pronouns

 This and that are singular words. They refer

to only one thing.

example: That is my desk.
The word that refers to only one desk.

 These and those are plural words. They refer

to more than one
example: These flowers are pretty.
The word these refers to more than one

this these

that those
1-Complete using “that- this – those – these”

1. ……………………is a cow .

2. …………………… is a bus.

3. ……………………is a house .

4. ……………………is a clock.

5. ……………………….are balloons.

6. ………………are leaves .

7. ………………are crayons.
2-Choose the right word.
1._____ is my favourite book.

a) These b) This c) That

2._____ students are happy.

a) Those b) That c) These

3._____ chairs are comfortable.

a) That b) These c) This

4._____ is the school bus.

a) Those b) These c) That

3- Complete the sentences with this, that,

these or those.
1) __________ is a dog.

2) __________ are lorries.

3) __________ is a camera.

4) __________ is a kite.

5) __________ are balls.

6) ___________ are gifts.

7) ___________ is a _______
Singular And Plural

Singular = one thing/person (1)

Plural = two or more things/persons (2+)

There are different spelling rules for putting nouns

in the plural form.

1. Most nouns. Add –s

Sister = sisters

Son = sons

2. Final -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -z or -x. Add - es

Bus = buses

Fox = foxes
3. Final consonant + (o) . Add –es

Potato = potatoes

Tomato = tomatoes

4. Final vowel + (o) . Add –s

Video = videos

Piano = pianos

5. Final consonant + -y. Change –y to -ies.

Baby = babies

Story = stories

6. Final – f or – fe. Change to –ves.

Leaf = leaves

Knife = knives
Irregular plural
Man – men
Tooth – teeth
Foot – feet
louse – lice
Woman – women
Mouse – mice
Goose – geese
Ox - oxen
Deer – deer
Sheep – sheep
Person - people
1-Change into plural:

1. One cat 3 Three cats.

2. One dress 7 ………………. ……………….

3. One box 8 ………………. ……………….

4. One frog 11 ………………. ……………….

5. One chair 4 ………………. ……………….

6. One watch 5 ………………. ……………….

7. One vase 6 ………………. ……………….

8. One dish 9 ………………. ……………….

9. One orange 16 ………………. ……………….

10. One tomato 12 ………………. ……………….
2-Change into singular:
1. Five dogs a dog.

2. Seven bats ……………………………………

3. Eight mangoes ……………………………………

4. Three apples ……………………………………

5. Six robots ……………………………………

6. Nine umbrellas ……………………………………

7. Four elephants ……………………………………

8. Two watches ……………………………………

9. Eleven armchairs ……………………………………

10.Ten glasses ……………………………………..

3-Complete the following pictures using (a , an or nothing).
3-Complete the following pictures using (a, an or nothing.

a boy boys …………………… ……………………

…………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

…………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………
4-Match the singular nouns with their irregular
plural forms.
1. tooth a. people
2 .man b. sheep
3. woman c .deer
4. child d. feet
5. goose e. men
6. mouse f. mice
7. person g. oxen
8. foot h. geese
9. deer i. teeth
10. sheep j. woman
11 .ox k .children
5-Complete the sentences with the right plural.

1.The _______(girl) are happy because they have got

new _______ (toy).

2.Angie has _______ (candy).

3.My mother has _______ (mango) for me.

4.Tony is 2_______(year) old.

5.My grandfather has three _______(radio).

6.These are your_______(key).

7.I have many _______(wish) for Christmas.

8.Those are new ____________(computer).
There is , There are

 There is + singular noun.

Example: There is a book on the desk.

 There are + plural noun.

Example: There are books on the desks.
1-Fill in (There is , There are ) .

1. ……………………… a cap on the swing.

2. ……………………… toys in the box.

3. ……………………… an armchair in the living room.

4. ……………………… five boxes on the table.

5. ……………………… one glass in the cupboard.

6. ……………………… eleven candles on the cake.

7. ……………………… an orange in the fridge.

8. ……………………… two watches on the sofa.

9. ………………………a vase on the table.

10.……………………… three CDs on the chair.

2-Choose the correct answer.

1.There is / there are ten people in the bus.

2.There is / there are a little cat behind the tree.

3.There is / there are lots of book in the library.

4.There is / there are a kitten at my home.

5.There is / there are some books on the table.

6.There is / there are apples in the fridge.

7.There is / there are children in the classroom.
3-Fill in there is/ there are.
1. _____ a snake in the zoo.

2. _____ many birds on the trees.

3. _____ a supermarket near my house.

4. _____ some cheese on the table.

5. _____ flowers in my living room.

6. _____ three dogs in the yard.

7. _____ a frog near the lake.

8. _____ a new student in our class.

9. _____ some biscuits in my lunchbox?

10. _____ a blue dress in my wardrobe.
Prepositions Of Place
(In – On – Under – Next to )




Next to
1-Complete the sentences:

1- The burger is ------------- the box.

2- The burger is ------------- the box.

3- The burger is ------------- the box.

4-The burger is ------------- the box.
2-Write the correct preposition:

1 2

3 4

1-Write four sentences about the pictures:




3-Choose the correct answer:

1-The flowers are ( in – on – under )the vase.

2-The girl is ( in –on – under ) the bed.

3-The eggs are in ( in – on – under ) the nest.

4-The candle is ( in – on – under )the cake.

5-Agirl is ( in –on – under ) a tree.
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