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Sthanlei aguazon

Task 1

1. Choose the scientific step found inside the box that corresponds to every statement/ question
in each item. Write the letter before the number.

2. Francis Bacon believed in the use of inductive reasoning of the scientific method in 1622.
Inductive reasoning means from specific ideas to general conclusion. Below is the scientific
method as step by step in solving problems.

____M__1. What step in investigation which is considered as a generalization?

____A__2. What step will test the hypothesis to determine the answer to the problem?
____N2__3. The step a science enthusiast will do before anything else.
____N1__4. This refers to the questions you ask in order to solve the problem.
___Y___5. A temporary answer to the problem is also known as an educated guess.

Y. hypothesis N1.Problem formulation N2Observation

A. Experimentation M. Conclusion

Task 2
Essay: Using of Kahoot apps, determine the result of scientific method and its development as
a way of human flourishing. This is posted in the said apps by the teacher
Enhancing Scientific Method with Kahoot Apps

Scientific method, the systematic approach to inquiry used to understand the world, has evolved
significantly with the aid of modern technology. Kahoot apps, popular among educators for their
interactive quizzes and challenges, have become valuable tools in facilitating the scientific method and
promoting human flourishing.

Kahoot apps excel in engaging students in each step of the scientific method. Through observation-
based quizzes, students hone their skills in data collection and analysis. They then use Kahoot to
formulate hypotheses, experiment virtually, and draw conclusions from the results. This interactive
process fosters critical thinking and deepens understanding.

Moreover, Kahoot's accessibility promotes inclusivity in science education. Students from diverse
backgrounds can participate in dynamic learning experiences tailored to their needs. By democratizing
access to quality education, Kahoot contributes to human flourishing by nurturing curiosity, fostering
collaboration, and equipping learners with essential skills for success.

In conclusion, Kahoot apps are invaluable tools for enhancing the scientific method in education. By
engaging students in interactive learning experiences, Kahoot promotes critical thinking, scientific
literacy, and a passion for inquiry. Ultimately, Kahoot contributes to human flourishing by empowering
learners to explore, discover, and thrive in the world of science.

2.2 The Good Life

Aristotle and the Good Life!

A human being is a function of purpose ( telos) that he has, Every human person aspires for an
end the happiness or human flourishing. For example a girl tries or aspires to finish her degree in the
university despite the initial failures she had, she is propelled by a higher purpose to graduate. She even
earns something more maybe to have license and land a promising job in the future.
No individual resist for happiness. Aristotle said that happiness is the be all and end all
everything that we do. We do not realize it but the end goal of what we do is happiness. Despite of the
difficulties and sacrifices that we have, we do this because the grand end is happiness.


It is interesting to note that the first philosopher who approached the problem of reality from a
scientific lens as we know now, the first to dabble the goal life – happiness.

Compared to his teacher and predecessor, Plato, Aristotle embarked on a different approach in
figuring out reality. Plato thought that everything in this world are not real and are only copies min the
real in the world of forms. Plato said that there are only two realities: The world of forms and the world
of matter. When you try to see yourself in the mirror, you normally say and think that you are looking at
yourself- that is, you are the person who slept last night and you are the same person looking at yourself
now. Despite the occasional changes like a new pimple that grows on you nose.
Two worlds are the world of forms and world of matter. Things are changing and impermanent
in the world of matter. In the world of forms are the only real entities. Entities are only copies of the
ideal and the models. Things are red in this world because they participate in what it means to be red in
the world of forms.
Aristotle however said that human beings are potentialities who aspire for their actuality. Every
action that emanates from a human being is a function of purpose( telos) that he has, Every human
person aspires for an end the happiness or human flourishing. For example a girl tries or aspires to finish
her degree in the university despite the initial failures she had, she is propelled by a higher purpose to
graduate. She even earns something more maybe to have license and land a promising job in the future.
No individual resist for happiness. Aristotle said that happiness is the be all and end all
everything that we do. We do not realize it but the end goal of what we do is happiness. Despite of the
difficulties and sacrifices that we have, we do this because the grand end is happiness.

Task 3
1. Read the article about the good life according to Aristotle.
2. Write the definition of reality to figure out good life that is happiness. Compare and contrast
using the graphic organizer in figure 2, the chart, below. Choose your answer from the box
below in order to fill in the graphic organizer.You can reach more of Aristotle’s philosophy at

Figure 2. Reality Chart

Plato Aristotle
World of forms
world of matter Aristotle Plato

Actuality World Potentiality

of forms Potentiality Actuality World of matter
Task 5
 fill-in the box with appropriate letters of a crossword puzzle.
 There are questions and descriptions in every direction.
 One direction is horizontal while the other is vertical. The possible answers are found
inside the box below.

1. Matter is what makes us attain happiness. According to Democritus, the world is controlled and
made up of tiny indivisible matter including human being, thus, atomos simply comes together
to form the things in the world.
2. Epicurus, led the school of thought that led happiness “apatheia” as the original term which
means “ indifferent”. Stoics espoused the idea that to be happy one must learn to be apathetic.
The moment we realize things that are not within our control the happier we can be.
3. The belief and reality is based on the supernatural heaven and center to the supreme being.
God is waiting to our ultimate return.

4. Life is limited, and the hedonists prioritize pleasure. The mantra of this school of thought and
famous “ eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die”. It is led by Epicurus and does not buy
any notion after life.
5. Another school of thought espouses the freedom of man to carve his own destiny without the
control of God. Scientists developed technology to make life easier. This is the Good life.
Scientists are willing to tampered time and space in the name of technology. Smartphones and
internet made this possible.

M a t e r I a l i s m
S t o c I s m
s N
m I
T h e I m

Hedonism Stoicism Materialism

Theism humanism
2.3 When Technology and Humanity Cross

Robotics and humanity

Another great product of the innovative minds of the people is the robot. Robots are now widely used.
For example, there are so called service robots. These particular robots do specific tasks but focus
mainly in assisting their masters in their everyday tasks. The international Federation of
Robotics (IFR) abd United Nations Economic Commission for Europe(UNECE) made it their task to
formulate a working definition for service robots. A preliminary extract of the relevant definitions is(IFR,

A service robot is a robot that performs useful tasks for humans or equipment excluding industrial
automation application. Note: a robot may be classified according to its intended application as an
industrial robot or a service robot.

A personal service robot or a service robot for personal use is a service robot used for a noncommercial
tasks, usually by laypersons. Examples are domestic servant robot, automated wheelchair, personal
mobility assist robot, and pet exercising robot.

A professional service robot or a service robot for professional use is a service robot used for
commercial task, usually operated by a properly trained operator. Examples are cleaning robot for
public places, delivery robot in offices or hospitals, firefighting robot, surgery robot in hospitals and
rehabilitation robot. In this context, an operator is a person designated to start, monitor and stop the
intended operation of a robot or a robot system.

Task 6
Strategy: group activity-collaborative work

1. Read the meaning and characteristics of a robot. Carefully make journal on each definitions and
examples.(1 5 mins)
2. Answer the guide questions below after the activity on journal making, particularly the note
taking activity.
3. Follow the formal below in a 1 whole sheet of paper:
Q1: What is a robot?
Answer 1. A robot is a mechanical device designed to perform tasks automatically or
with some degree of autonomy. It can be programmed to carry out specific functions, often to
assist humans in various tasks.
Q2: What is a service robot?
A service robot is a type of robot that is designed to perform useful tasks for humans or
equipment, excluding industrial automation applications. These robots are intended to assist
individuals in their daily activities or to provide specific services.
Q3: Differentiate personal service robot from a professional service robot
A personal service robot is used for non-commercial tasks and is typically operated by
laypersons. Examples include domestic servant robots, automated wheelchairs, personal
mobility assist robots, and pet exercising robots. On the other hand, a professional service robot
is used for commercial tasks and is operated by trained operators. Examples include cleaning
robots for public places, delivery robots in offices or hospitals, firefighting robots, surgery robots
in hospitals, and rehabilitation robots.
Q4: Give example of personal service robot from a professional service robot
An example of a personal service robot is a domestic servant robot that helps with
household chores such as cleaning and organizing. In contrast, an example of a professional
service robot is a surgery robot used in hospitals to assist surgeons during medical procedures.

write your five questions about robot

( write your own title
f your
o reading) 1 inch

( write (your answer in every


( Conclusion
) 2 inches

1 inch
Task 7
In the movie entitled “terminator : The Dark Fate” movie to enrich the Group Discussion, which
side do you prefer, robots are significant or not necessary in human lives?

Answer: In the movie "Terminator: Dark Fate," the question of whether robots are
significant or necessary in human lives is a central theme that provokes thoughtful reflection.
On one side of the debate are those who champion the role of robots, citing their potential to
enhance various aspects of human existence. They argue that robots can revolutionize
industries, streamline tasks, and improve quality of life, particularly for individuals with
disabilities or medical conditions. Indeed, the movie depicts advanced robotic technology as a
powerful force capable of carrying out complex missions and safeguarding human lives.

However, there is a contrasting viewpoint that questions the necessity of robots in

human lives and raises concerns about their widespread integration. Opponents highlight the
potential risks associated with automation, such as job displacement and economic inequality.
As depicted in the movie, the advent of highly advanced and autonomous robots also raises
ethical dilemmas regarding their potential to surpass human intelligence and autonomy, posing
existential threats to humanity.

In navigating this complex debate, it is essential to acknowledge the dual nature of

robotics—their potential benefits and inherent risks. While robots have the capacity to enhance
productivity, safety, and quality of life, there is a need to tread cautiously and address the
societal, economic, and ethical implications of their integration. Striking a balance between
harnessing the potential of robotics and mitigating associated risks is paramount.

Ultimately, the movie prompts us to reflect on our relationship with technology and the
role of robots in shaping our future. By critically examining the implications of their presence in
our lives, we can better navigate the path forward and ensure that technology serves the best
interests of humanity.

1. What is the meaning of a good life according to Aristotle? Explain actuality versus potentiality
Aristotle defines a good life as eudaimonia, achieved through the cultivation of virtues
and excellence. Actuality refers to realizing one's inherent nature and capacities, while
potentiality signifies the latent abilities awaiting fulfillment. Living a good life involves
actualizing virtues and potentials, striving for excellence, and evolving towards fulfillment and

2. How world of forms and world of matter differ?

The world of forms, proposed by Plato, consists of perfect and immutable ideals, while
the world of matter, according to Aristotle, refers to the tangible and empirical reality of
physical objects. Plato views the world of forms as the true reality, while Aristotle sees the
material world as primary.
3. What is world of entities?
The term "world of entities" is not a widely recognized philosophical concept, and its
meaning may vary depending on the context in which it is used. In general, it could refer to the
totality of existent beings or entities within a certain philosophical framework or worldview.
This could include everything from physical objects and living organisms to abstract concepts
and ideas. However, without further context or clarification, it is difficult to provide a more
specific explanation of what the "world of entities" entails.

4. What is a service robot?

A service robot is a type of robot designed to perform useful tasks for humans or
equipment, typically excluding industrial automation applications. These robots are
programmed to carry out specific functions to assist individuals in their daily activities or to
provide services in various settings. Examples of service robots include domestic servant robots,
automated wheelchairs, personal mobility assist robots, cleaning robots for public places,
delivery robots in offices or hospitals, firefighting robots, surgery robots in hospitals, and
rehabilitation robots.
5. How robot becomes significant in the modern times?
In modern times, robots have become significantly important due to their ability to
revolutionize productivity, precision, safety, cost-effectiveness, and innovation across various
industries. By automating tasks, ensuring accuracy, reducing risks, and offering long-term cost
savings, robots have become indispensable tools that shape the future of society.

Pre Test Appendix 1

For 1-3, the steps in scientific method that is appropriate in each item.
I. Observation IV. Problem formulation II. Hypothesis V.
III. Conclusion VI. Communicate the result

1. A Biologist is surprised to the algal bloom in the lake Mainit in a certain period of
What step in scientific method this refers to?
A. I only C. II only
B. III only D. IV only

2. When a “malunggay” plant extract is used to treat the problem of algal bloom in the
A. I only C. II only
B. III only D. V only

3. The biologist is now thinking a particular plant that might help to solve the algal bloom
A. I only C. II only
B. III only D. IV only

4. Which is not considered to include in the school of thought of materialsm?

A. I believe in God
B. I possess the treasure that give me happiness
C. I am merry every day of my life
D. The power and material I have is enough for me

5. Which situation is NOT considered to belong in the school of thought of hedonism? A.

I love to eat
B. I love to drink
C. I want to be merry every day
D. I want to change my body orientation

6. This school of thought belong to humanism , except.

A. I carve my own destiny
B. Smartphones tampered the space and time because I control these( time and
space) C. A male wanted to implant breast in his own chest though the modern
D. I am happy when I drink and enjoy things from the nature.

7. The following idea belong to theism , except.

A. There is God in heaven
B. I believe in the universe
C. I believe heaven after death
D. The real happiness is after death
8. The following robots pertaining to service robot for professional use, except
A. Fire fighting robot C. domestic servant robot
B. Rehabilitation robot D. Surgery robot

9. Which of the following is an example of personal robot?

A. Automated wheelchair C. cleaning robot for public places
B. Rehabilitation robot D. Surgery robot

10. When bumble bee see the oldman, bumble tries not to harm the person it just
encountered due to what law of robotics?
A. Law 1 C. Law 2 B. Law 3
D. Law 4

11. When bumble bee was task to destroy the building alone without the presence of
animate object.what law of robotics does it follow?
A. Law 1 C. Law 2 B. Law 3 D. Law

12. The military realize how important to be not using robots because of viral infections to
the system. They tried to destroy bumble bee. What law will bumble bee do in order not
to break the program in its system? A. Destroy also the military
B. Destroy the potential enemy
C. Run and avoid human damage and follow still the orders
D. Run and kill the military as well as not to follow the orders anymore

Post Test Appendix 2

For 1-3, the steps in scientific method that is appropriate in each item.
IV. Observation IV. Problem formulation
V. Hypothesis V. Experimentation
VI. Conclusion VI. Communicate the result

1. A Biologist is surprised to the algal bloom in the lake Mainit in a certain period of time.
What step in scientific method this refers to?
A. I only C. II only
B. III only D. IV only

2. When a “malunggay” plant extract is used to treat the problem of algal bloom in the
A. I only C. II only
B. III only D. V only

3. The biologist is now thinking a particular plant that might help to solve the algal bloom
A. I only C. II only
B. III only D. IV only
4. Which is not considered to include in the school of thought of materialsm?
E. I believe in God
F. I possess the treasure that give me happiness
G. I am merry every day of my life
H. The power and material I have is enough for me

5. Which situation is NOT considered to belong in the school of thought of hedonism? E.

I love to eat
F. I love to drink
G. I want to be merry every day
H. I want to change my body orientation

6. This school of thought belong to humanism , except.

E. I carve my own destiny
F. Smartphones tampered the space and time because I control these( time and space)
G. A male wanted to implant breast in his own chest though the modern technology
H. I am happy when I drink and enjoy things from the nature.

7. The following idea belong to theism , except.

E. There is God in heaven
F. I believe in the universe
G. I believe heaven after death
H. The real happiness is after death
8. The following robots pertaining to service robot for professional use, except
C. Fire fighting robot C. domestic servant robot
D. Rehabilitation robot D. Surgery robot

9. Which of the following is an example of personal robot?

A. Automated wheelchair C. cleaning robot for public places
B. Rehabilitation robot D. Surgery robot
10. When bumble bee see the oldman, bumble tries not to harm the person it just
encountered due to what law of robotics?
C. Law 1 C. Law 2 D.
Law 3 D. Law 4

11. When bumble bee was task to destroy the building alone without the presence of
animate object.what law of robotics does it follow?
A. Law 1 C. Law 2 B. Law 3 D. Law

12. The military realize how important to be not using robots because of viral infections to
the system. They tried to destroy bumble bee. What law will bumble bee do in order not
to break the program in its system? D. Destroy also the military
E. Destroy the potential enemy
F. Run and avoid human damage and follow still the orders
Run and kill the military as well as not to follow the orders anymore

Padilla, CG. (2015). Science Philippines. Essay on Science by Filipino Vol. III. Quezon City:
University of the Phils., Press.

Serafica, JPS, Pawilen, GT, Caslib, BN, Alata, EJP. (2018). Science, Technology, and Society.
. First Edition. Rex Books Store, Inc., Manila, Phils

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