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ĐỀ THI GỒM 60 CÂU (TỪ QUESTION 1 ĐẾN QUESTION 60) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. reserve B. conserve C. observe D. preserve
2. A target B. gigantic C. strategy D. ideology
3. A. adventure B. mature C. figure D. procedure

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the
main stress in each of the following questions.
4. A. interview B. prevention C. implement D. fertilize
5. A. catastrophe B. emergency C. conventional D. vulnerable

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
6. Television technology _______ many changes since it was invented in the early 20th century.
A. has undergone B. underwent C. had undergone D. is undergoing
7. John__________ of knowledge from many of his life experiences in his work.
A. approved B. applied C. appreciated D. accomplished
8. You say you have returned ______ of the books I lent you, but I find ______of them.
A. either / neither B. both / either C. both / neither D. neither / either
9. After the _______ of the new manager the staff worked more effectively.
A. dismissal B. retirement C. resignation D. appointment
10. General Grant had General Lee ________him at Appomattox to sign the official surrender of the Confederate forces.
A. to meet road B. met C. meet D. meeting
11. My brother is extremely fond of astronomy; he seems to ________ a lot of pleasure from observing stars.
A. derive B. possess C. seize D. reach
12. Only because she had to support her family ________ to leave school.
A. that Alice decides B. does Alice decide C. did Alice decide D. Alice decided
13. It is unquestionable that artificial intelligence has brought ________ great impacts in people's lives.
A. in B. out C. over D. about
14. _________classified as a carnivore, the North American Grizzly bear eats berries and even grass.
A. Just as B. Because of C. Although D. Either
15. Environmental pollution has ________ many species to the verge of extinction.
A. sent B. thrown C. brought D. driven
16. Small pox and diphtheria disappeared in Britain many years ago, ________cancer, AIDS and heart disease are now
A. because B. in the event that C. in case D. whereas
17. The discovery of the stream engine was certainly a major _______ in science in the eighteenth century.
A. approach B. breakthrough C. expectation D. outbreak
18. Edinburgh is a great city with a long tradition of cultural ________and social tolerance.
A. diversity B. diversify C. diversification D. diverse
19. The growth of the mass media industry has had great _______ on individuals and societies across the globe.
A. changes B. reliability C. impacts D. independence
20. I can't remember when the first men _________ on the moon.
A. to set foot B. setting foot C. set foot D. who set foot
21. Migrants want to ________ into the new culture but they also want to maintain their own beliefs and values.
A. go B. assimilate C. communicate D. integrate
22. _______ for a second-interview will be informed by mail.
A. Who chosen B. All chosen C. If you are chosen D. Those are chosen
23. Does it _______ you as strange that it's the middle of May and it's snowing.
A. hit B. occur C. strike D. touch
24. _______ animals can change colors to match their surroundings is an amazing fact of nature.
A. If B. That C. The D. There are
25. Tony: "I've just passed my exam." - Jim: "_________"
A. You're welcome B. Well done! C. Good luck! D. How are you getting on?

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in is each of the
following questions.
26. That the museum includes displays of the papyrus-making process are yet another reason for not missing it.
A. That B. displays C. are. D. it
27. The surgeons tried their best in saving the patient's life, but unfortunately the operation was unsuccessful.
A. their B. in saving C. unfortunately D. unsuccessful
28. As the only major American river that flowed in a west direction, the Ohio was the preferred route for settlers.
A. the only B. flowed C. west D. preferred
29. For decades, journalist Theodore H. White wrote books described American presidential Elections.
A. For decades B. wrote C. described D. presidential
30. The oldest and most widespread celebrations are that connected with the harvesting of the first fruits.
A. most widespread B. that C. harvesting D. first fruit

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
Experiments have shown that in selecting personnel for a job, interviewing is at best a hindrance, and may even
cause harm. These studies have disclosed that the judgments of interviewers differ markedly and bear little or no
relationship to the adequacy of the job applicants. Of the many reasons why this should be the case, three in particular stand
The first reason is related to an error of judgment known as the halo effect. If a person has one noticeable good trait,
their other characteristics will be judged as better than they really are. Thus, an individual who dresses smartly and shows
self-confidence is likely to be judged capable of doing a job well regardless of his or her real ability.
Interviewers are also prejudiced by an effect called the primacy effect. This error occurs when interpretation of later
information is distorted by earlier connected information. Hence, in an interview situation, the interviewer 20 spends most
of the interview trying to confirm the impression given by the candidate in the first few moments. Studies have repeatedly
demonstrated that such an impression is unrelated to the aptitude of the applicant.
The phenomenon known as the contrast effect also skews the judgment of interviewers. A suitable candidate may be
underestimated because he or she contrasts with a previous one who appears exceptionally intelligent. Likewise, an average
candidate who is preceded by one who gives a weak showing may be judged as more suitable than he or she really is.
Since interviews as a form of personnel selection have been shown to be inadequate, other selection procedures
have been devised which more accurately predict candidate suitability. Of the various tests devised, the predictor which
appears to do this most successfully is cognitive ability as measured by a variety of verbal and spatial tests.
31. The word "they" in line 6 refers to _________.
A. applicants B. judgments C. interviewers D. characteristics
32. The word "this" in line 19 refers to ________.
A. measure cognitive ability B. devise personnel selection C. predict candidate suitability D. devise accurate tests
33. This passage mainly discusses the ________.
A. Judgments of interviewers concerning job applicants.
B. Inadequacy of interviewing job applicants.
C. Effects of interviewing on job applicants.
D. Techniques that interviewers use for judging job applicants.
34. According to the passage, the halo effect ________.
A. exemplifies how one good characteristic colors perceptions
B. takes effect only when a candidate is well -dressed
C. stands out as the worst judgmental error
D. helps the interviewer's capability to judge real ability
35. The word "hindrance" in line 1 is closest in meaning to ________
A. assistance B. encouragement C. procedure D. interference
36. According to the passage the first impression ________.
A. can easily be altered B. is unrelated to the interviewer's prejudices
C. is the one that stays with the interviewer D. has been repeatedly demonstrated to the applicant
37. The word "skews" in line 13 is closest in meaning________.
A. improves B. opposes C. biases D. distinguishes
38. The author mentions all of the following reasons why interviewing is not an accurate way to predict candidate
suitability EXCEPT the_________.
A. primacy effect B. halo effect C. contrast effect D. cognitive effect
39. The word "confirm" in line 11 is closest in meaning to _________.
A. verify B. misrepresent C. recollect D. conclude
40. The paragraphs following the passage most likely discuss which of the following?
A. More information on the kinds of judgmental effects C. Other selection procedures included in interviewing
B. Other reasons for misjudgments of applicants D. More information on cognitive ability tests

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original
41. They should have completed the new road last year but they're still building it.
A. The new road was due for completion last year but they are still building it.
B. Due to the schedule, they had to finish the new road last year.
C. The new road still requires construction, according to the schedule.
D. Although they are still building the new road, they completed the most work last year.
42. Although the dog appeared harmless, it was, in fact quite dangerous.
A. Contrary to its harmless appearance, the dog is hardly dangerous.
B. Harmless as it appeared, the dog was quite dangerous.
C. The dog's harmless appearance prevented people to realize it was quite dangerous.
D. Because of its harmless appearance, people thought the dog was dangerous.
43. The situation was so embarrassing that she did not know what to do.
A. It was such an embarrassing situation; however, she did not know what to do.
B. So embarrassing the situation was that she did not know what to do.
C. She did not know what to do, though it was not an embarrassing situation.
D. So embarrassing was the situation that she did not know what to do.
44. Although they know English is very helpful, many students don't study it.
A. However helpful English is, many students don't study it.
B. Despite their awareness of the importance of English, many students don’t study it.
C. Many students don't study English but they know it is very helpful.
D. Many students don't study English because they know it is very helpful.
45. She's taking a writing course because she wants to become a novelist.
A She's taking a writing course in the hope of becoming a novelist.
B. She's taking a writing course so that she becomes a novelist.
C. She's taking a writing course so that she wants to become a novelist.
D. She's taking a writing course in order for becoming a novelist.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
part in each of the following questions.
46. A knee injury forced her to withdraw from the competition.
A. reduce B. need C. advance D. want
47. Names of people in the book were changed to preserve anonymity.
A. reveal B. conserve C. presume D. cover
Mark the Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined part in each of the following questions.
48. Many political radicals advocated that women should not be discriminated on the basis of their sex.
A. openly criticized B. rightly claimed C. publicly said D. publicly supported
49. Contractors hire surveyors to mark the limits of the property before they begin construction.
A. basements B. expenses C. boundaries D. supplies
50. After a long, hard struggle, we gradually succeeded in having people accept the truth of our theory.
A. slowly B. momentarily C. suddenly D. graciously

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word(s) for each
of the following blanks.
If you've been told by your boss to improve your knowledge of a foreign language you will know that success doesn't
come quickly. It generally takes years to learn another language well and constant (51) ________ to maintain the high
standards required for frequent business use. Whether you study in a class, with audiocassettes, computers or on your
(52)________ sooner or (53)________ every language course finishes and you must decide what to do next if you need a
foreign language for your career.
Business audio Magazine is a new product designed to help you continue language study in a way that fits easily into
your busy schedule. Each audiocassette (54)________ of an hour - long program packed with business news, features and
interviews in the language of your choice. These cassettes won't teach you how to order meals or ask for directions. It's
(55)________ that you can do that already. Instead, by giving you an opportunity to hear the language as it's really spoken,
they help you to (56)________your vocabulary and improve your ability to use real language relating to, for example, that all-
important marketing trip.
The great advantage of using audio magazines is that they (57)________you to perfect your language skills in ways
that suit your lifestyle. For example, you can select a topic and listen in your car or hotel when away on business. No other
business course is so (58)________ and the unique radio magazine format is as instructive as it is entertaining. In addition to
the audiocassette, this package includes a transcript with a business glossary and a study (59)________. The components are
structured so that intermediate and advanced students may use them separately or together, (60)________on their ability.
51. A. exercise B. performance C. practice D. operation
52. A. self B. individual C. personal D. own
53. A. after B. then C. later D. quicker
54 A. consists B. includes C. contains D. involves
55. A. insisted B. acquired C. asserted D. assumed
56. A. prolong B. extend C. spread D. lift
51. A. allow B. let C. support D. offer
58. A. adjustable B. flexible C. convertible D. variable
59. A. addition B. supplement C. extra D. manuscript
60. A. according B. depending C. relating D. basing
Find out ONE mistake needs correction in each of the following sentences.
1. The columnist feels sure that who wins the election will have the support of both parties.
2. Before the nineteenth century it was rarely to find organized systems of adult education.
3. The annual rainfall this year is much fewer than other years. It is the lowest in ten years.
4. Dentistry is a branch of medicine that has developed very dramatic in the last twenty years.
5. I suggest that he goes to the doctor as soon as he returns from taking the exam. C
6. Pollution, which affects nearly all countries, increase the risk of disease as well as harming the environment.
7. The Department of Transport have set a deadline of 1 June for completing of the new motorway.
8. Most vacationers can't stand traveling in packed cars or stay in dirty hotel rooms.
9. When babies are around fifteen months old, they can pick up objects and put themselves into small containers.
10. Scientific students should study how to use a computer as well as their own subject.
GAP FILLING: Choose the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
So it seems that the old adage "Laughter is the best medicine" may be true after all. Your personality can affect those
who are angry or your (1) ________, but in ways you may not have imagined. You would (2) ________ those who are angry
or depressed to be the most obvious (3) ________, but it seems that being too nice might give you cancer or heart their (4)
________ or frustration for fear of upsetting others. They keep their negative feelings bottled up (5) ________, and this
affects the (6) ________ of their cells which can lead to cancer. Many cancer patients have also experienced a really
traumatic event or series of events about two years before the (7)________of the disease! These events include the death of
a loved one, divorce or the (8) ________ job. Being too nice can also cause stress which leads to higher blood pressure and
(9) ________risk of heart disease. Patients may also suffer other side effects caused by stress (10) ________ loss of sleep,
ulcers, kidney stones and other aliment.
1. A. emotion B. future C. health D. opinion
2. A. expect B. guess C. conclude D. suppose
3. A. causes B. victims C. results D. owners
4. A. hunger B. danger C. belief D. anger
5. A. outside B. inside C. upside D. downside
6. A. grow B. growing C. growth D. grown
7. A upset B. inset C. unset D. onset
8. A. loss B. Unemployment C. retire D. promotion
9. A. decrease B. increase C. ceases D. doubles
10. A. include B. to include C. including D. included
Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Global warming will result _______ crop failures and famine.
A. of B. to C. in D. from
2. The president did not begin the news conference until the room________quiet.
A. had become B. became C. has become D. becomes
3. The blood near the skin allows excess body heat ________ from the skin.
A. to be lost B. being lost C. to be losing D. losing
4. Such characters as fairies or witches in Walt Disney animated cartoons are purely
A. imaginary B. imagining C. imaginative D. imaginable
5. Bill ate an enormous breakfast. _________, he still feels hungry now.
A. Even though B. Nevertheless C. Moreover D. Besides
6. He was busy packing, for he ________for Paris that night.
A. was leaving pure B. left C. had left D. has left
I heard Betty is going to work at this bank." "Yes, she was lucky ________ such a good job."
A. to give B. giving C. to be given D. her giving
8. The government initiated the programme of ________ reform in the 1980s.
A. economical B. economic C. economically D. economy
9. No longer __________ applications for the sales position we advertised on TV last month.
A. take we B. we take C. do we take D. we taking
10. The bus had reached the station so late that I ________missed my train.
A. entirely B. already C. soon D. almost
11. I wish that we _______ swimming when we spent our holidays at the seaside.
A. could go B. had gone C. will go D. are going
12. You can go into this part of the building in case you have a special _______.
A. permission B. allowance C. permit D. agreement
13. When the front door bell rang, my sister was ________ of making a cake.
A. at the center B. on her way C. halfway through D. in the middle
14. When the old school friends met, a lot of happy memories _______back.
A. had brought B. were brought C. brought D. had been brought
15. "What instructions did I your boss give you?" "He required that Alice _______ the meeting."
A would attend B. attends C. attended D. attend
16. It takes a while to ________to your surroundings after a long flight.
A. adjust B. fit C. settle D. balance
17. Scientists believe that the beaver's instinct to build dams is more complex than
A. most B. all C. any D. these
18. "Are volcanoes common in this area?" - "Almost never _________.”
A. do they occur B. they do occur C. they occur D. are they occurring
19. Of Charles Dickens' novels, the Great Expectations is perhaps ________ to many readers.
A. the most satisfying one B. most satisfying one C. more than satisfying one D. the more satisfying than
20. A molecule of water is ________ of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
A. composed B. created C. included D. consisted
21. In mathematics, a variable is a symbol ________ some element of a set.
A. and representing B. represents C. representing D. represents
22. ________ to the party, Nam was happy and had his suit ironed.
A. Inviting B. Be invited Being C. Invited D. To invite
23. ________ at school yesterday when we were informed that there was no class due to a sudden power cut.
A. We had arrived hardly B. We have hardly arrived C. Hardly we had arrived D. Hardly had we arrived
24. It's impossible for me to offer him the job because he has no _________.
A. convenience B. prescription C. facility D. qualification
25. Mrs. Black's son ________ in hospital ever since he fell off his bicycle last week.
A. was B. is C. was being D. has been
26. The children ran away as if they _________ a ghost.
A. have seen B. had seen C. would see D. see
27. We decided to take a late flight ________ we could spend more time with our family.
A. so as to B. in order C. so that D. in order to
28. Mary Smith decided to give up her job for the _________ of her children.
A. sake B. care C. advantage D. concern
29. The house I grew up _______has been taken down and replaced by an office building.
A. in it B. in C. in that D. in which
30. Too many people came to the meeting. There were not enough seats for everyone, _________.
A. as well B. so C. so that D. therefore

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