Ultimate Book Description Formula

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Ultimate Book

Description Formula
Your book description is one of those delicate elements that can make or
break your sales.

Note this 3 key points whenever you are writing your book description;

1. It should answer the 2 most important questions of ‘Who is it for and what problem does
it solve for the intended reader?’
2. Use “You” to engage more with emotions: When writing your book description, you want
the potential buyer to feel like you are talking directly to them. Incorporate the word “you”
instead of a generalization. “This book will help you to…” instead of “This book is for
3. Layout your books in bullet points and scannable reading: It is easier and faster to go
through a list of benefits of which its keypoint is bolden, italicized and underlined or
capitalize to attract attention of the reader in a quickly.

Sample Description;

A good book description comprises of 3 parts;

1. ) Hook:

A hook is more like a rhetorical question, more like a big challenge, a mind blowing question,
food for thought. Think and make research before creating your hooks. Alternatively, use copy.ai
to help you generate great catchy hooks for your description. Example of great hooks are;

- Stop Waiting to Be Happy -- Use 53 Habits to Increase Your Happiness Today

- Can I win over my addictions?

2.) Benefits:

Outline the benefits in bullet points using trigger words, and highlighting tools like bold, italicize
and underline. Example;

● - How to find, identify and use trusted medicinal herbs.

● - How to apply native remedies for common ailments.
● - How to grow your herbs domestically.
● - Herbal remedies for children.

3.) CTA:

A strong Call To Action will finish up the good work you have started. Book description with the
phrase ‘buy now’, can increase conversion rates by 3.7%. So, tidy up by reminding them to buy
your book. Here’s a simple example;

a) In the end, it's all about CHOICE. I choose nature...to keep it, nurture it and use it. How
about you? If that seems like you too, get your copy by smashing the BUY NOW button at
the top before the price changes.
b) Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

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