The Nerve Cell

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The Nerve Cell

- The nervous system consists of the brain,

spinal cord, sense receptors and the nerves.
- The basic unit of the nervous system is
the Neuron or the nerve cells.
- It helps to perceive and send messages to
the parts of our body as required.
Structure of a Neuron
A neuron consists of the following three
1) The Cell body: It is also called the cyton
or perikaryon.
- It contains a nucleus with cytoplasm.
2) Dendrites: They are branched structures
of the cell body.
- They help to conduct the impulses to the
cell body.
3) Axon: It is an Elongated Dendrite. It is
surrounded by the Myelin Sheath, which
is again covered by Neurolemma.
- The Myelin sheath has gaps throughout its
length called the NODES OF RANVIER.
- The end portions are swollen like bulbs
called Neurotransmitters, which store
Types of Neurons
1. Brain Cells - These process information.
2. Sensory Neurons - These detect the
outside world and send signals to the CNS
3. Motor Neurons - These receive signals
from the CNS and pass them on to muscles
and glands.
Neurons are cells with the special ability
to carry signals or impulses. Thoughts,
emotions, learning, and many body
functions are carried by nerve impulses in
the neurons. A nerve impulse is a
combination of an electrical charge and a
chemical reaction.
- is a small gap at the end of a neuron that
allows a signal to pass from one neuron to
the next. Neurons are cells that transmit
information between your brain and other
parts of the central nervous system.
- Synapses are found where neurons connect
with other neurons.

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