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CA (NAME) applications and that the TRVs in question were all approved by the BOC,
Month, date, year | Ponencia, J. | Topic hence, Ledesma argued that it effectively declared the applications regular
and in order and waived any infirmity thereon.
PETITIONER: Ronaldo P. Ledesma 8. Graft Officer Reyes recommended the denial of the motion for
RESPONDENTS: Hon. Court of Appeals, Hon. Aniano A. Desierto, in his reconsideration which was approved by the Ombudsman but reduced
capacity as Ombudsman, Hon. Abelardo L. Aportadera, in his capacity as the penalty to 9 months without pay.
Assisstant Ombudsman, and Ombudsman;s Fact Finding and Intelligence 9. Ledesma then filed a petition for review with the CA with a prayer to enjoin
Bureau, represented by Director Agapito Rosales respondents from implementing order of suspension. The CA then issued a
SUMMARY: The CA affirmed the order of the Ombudsman to suspend 10. Eventually, the CA affirmed Ledesma’s suspension but reduced the
Ledesma without pay but reducing its duration from initially 1 year into 6 penalty to 6 months and 1 day without pay.
months and 1 day. Ledesma filed a petition for review with the SC alleging that 11. With his motion for reconsideration denied by the CA, Ledesma elevated
the Ombudsman’s orders are merely recommendatory only and thus has no the matter to the SC and accordingly filed a petition for review.
power to implement the penalty. The SC held that the Ombudsman has power
based on the 1987 Constitution and the Ombudsman act. The word ISSUE/s:
“recommend” merely states that their decisions and orders are intended to be 1. Whether the CA overlooked relevant facts and matters which would have
coursed through the proper officer which is the superior of the erring officer or justified a different conclusion in favor of Ledesma – NO (YES na sa MR,
employee. but still Ledesma was admonished by the SC)
DOCTRINE: The Ombudsman has the power to impose and implement 2. Whether the CA erred in pronouncing that the finding of the
penalties against erring officers or employees. This however must be coursed Ombudsman is not merely advisory on the BID – NO
through the proper officer who is the superior of the erring officer or employee 3. Whether the CA failed to consider that the Ombudsman’s resolution
finding Ledesma administratively liable constitutes an indirect
FACTS: encroachment into the power of the BID over immigration matters –
1. Ronaldo Ledesma is the chairman of the First Division of the Board of NO
Special Inquiry (BSI) of the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation. (BID)
2. A letter-complaint was filed by Augusto Somalio with the Fact Finding and RULING: WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. The Decision xxx of the
Intelligence Bureau (FFIB) of the Office of the Ombudsman. (OMB) Court of Appeals xxx are AFFIRMED
Somalio alleged that there were anomalies surrounding the extension of [Motion for Reconsideration] WHEREFORE, xxx Decision is MODIFIED. Instead
Temporary Resident Visas (TRV) of 2 foreign nationals. Thus, an of suspension xxx for 6 months and 1 day, xxx Ledesma is hereby ADMONISHED
investigation was done by the FFIB which revealed 7 other cases of to be more circumspect in the performance of his duties xxx.
anomalous TRV extensions.
3. Thereafter, the FFIB filed before the Administrative Adjudication Bureau RATIO:
(AAB) of the OMB a formal complaint against Ledesma. The complaint FIRST ISSUE
against Ledesma was treated as both criminal (9 counts of violation of Anti- LEDESMA: It was the BOC which approved the questioned applications. He denies
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act and for falsification of public documents) that he misled or deceived the BOC into approving these applications and argues that
and administrative complaint. (9 counts of dishonesty, grave misconduct, the BOC effectively ratified his actions and sanctioned his conduct when it approved
falsification of public documents and gross neglect of duty) the subject applications. He added that he acted in good faith and the government did
4. The Graft Investgation Officer resolved the administrative case against not suffer any damage because of his alleged administrative lapse.
Ledesma. It was recommended that Ledesma be suspended for 1 year 1. BSI transmits application for TRV extension and interviews applicants and
without pay. evaluates their papers before making a recommendation to the BOC. The
5. Assistant Ombudsman Aportadera reviewed the resolution which was BSI reviews applications and when it finds them in order, it executes a
approved by the Ombudsman Desierto. Memorandum of Transmittal to the BOC certifying to the regularity and
6. Meanwhile, the criminal charges were dismissed for insufficiency of propriety of the applications
evidence. 2. All heads of offices have to rely, to a reasonable extent, on their
7. Ledesma then filed a motion for reconsideration in the administrative case subordinates. It is not unreasonable for the BOC to rely on the evaluation
alleging that the Board of Commission (BOC) of the BID reviews all and recommendation of BSI. Ledesma, as chairman of a BSI division, has
direct supervision over its proceedings. He cannot feign ignorance or good
faith when the irregularities in the TRV extension applications are so Ledesma: OMB’s orders are merely recommendatory
patently clear on its face. He is principally accountable for certifying the SolGen and OMB: Ombudsman has authority to determine administrative
regularity and propriety of the applications. liability and to implement penalty imposed.
3. Also untenable according to the SC that the BOC’s approval of the 4. The SC held that the SolGen and OMB’s position to be correct. In Sec 15 of
defective applications cured any infirmities effectively absolving Ledesma’s Ombudsman Act
administrative lapses. The instant case pertains to Ledesma’s acts as SEC. 15. Powers, Functions and Duties. - The Office of the Ombudsman shall have
Chairman in processing 9 defective applications independent of the actions the following powers, functions and duties:
taken by BOC. It did not deal with the validity of the TRVs as to encroach ...
(3) Direct the officer concerned to take appropriate action against a public officer or
on BID’s authority over immigration matters.
employee at fault or who neglects to perform an act or discharge a duty required by
4. [Motion for Reconsideration] While it is the BSI which screens the law, and recommend his removal, suspension, demotion, fine, censure, or
applicants and evaluates their papers, it is the BOC which ultimately prosecution, and ensure compliance therewith; or enforce its disciplinary authority
reviews and approves the applications for extension. The BOC makes its as provided in Section 21 of this Act: Provided, That the refusal by any officer
own independent evaluation and determination although the BSI’s without just cause to comply with an order of the Ombudsman to remove, suspend,
recommendation has persuasive effect. Review is a re-examination for demote, fine, censure, or prosecute an officer or employee who is at fault or who
purposes of correction. It is exercised to determine whether it is necessary neglects to perform an act or discharge a duty required by law shall be a ground for
to correct that acts of the subordinate and to see to it that he performs his disciplinary action against said officer; (Emphasis supplied)ςrαlαωlιbrαrÿ
duties in accordance with law. By approving the applications for TRV 5. The provision in the Ombudsman Act qualifies the “order” to “remove,
extensions transmitted by Ledesma, the BOC found no impropriety or had suspend, demote, fine, censure, or prosecute” akin to the questioned
effectively waived or renounced the deficiencies in the TRV applications. issuances at bar. That the refusal, without just cause, of any officer to
comply with such an order of the Ombudsman to penalize and erring
SECOND ISSUE officer or employee is a ground for disciplinary action, is a strong
LEDESMA: Ledesma questions the CA’s pronouncement that ‘the findings of the indication that the Ombudsman’s “recommendation” is not merely
Ombudsman “may not be said to be merely recommendatory” upon the Immigration advisory but is actually mandatory.
Commissioner.’ He argues that upholding the CA’s ruling expands the authority of 6. It has long been settled that the power of the Omb to investigate and
the Ombudsman. According to him, the Ombudsman’s findings that the TRV prosecute any illegal act or omission of any public official is not an
applications were illegal constitutes an indirect interference by the Ombudsman into exclusive authority but a concurrent authority in respect of the offense
the powers of the BOC over immigration matters. charged. By stating that the Ombudsman recommends the action
1. The Ombudsman and his deputies are mandated to act promptly on against an erring officer or employee, both the 1987 Constitution and
complaints filed against officers or employees of the Government. Among the Ombudsman act intended that the implementation of the order be
its powers is the authority to investigate cases involving public officers and coursed through the proper officer which in this case is the head of the
employees. BID.
2. The Ombudsman Act mandated the OMB and his deputies to not only act 7. It is apparent that under RA 6770, the legislature intended to provide
promptly on complaints but also to enforce the administrative, civil, and with sufficient muscle to ensure that the Ombudsman can effectively
criminal liability of government officers and employees in every case where carry out its mandate against inept and corrupt government officers
the evidence warrants to promote efficient service by the Government to the and employees. As it has power to punish contempt, it has disciplinary
people. authority over all elective and appointive officials, and it can
3. The point of contention is the binding power of any order that emanates preventively suspend any officer under its authority pending and
from the OMB after it has conducted its investigation. In the 1987 investigation.

Section 13. The Office of the Ombudsman shall have the following powers,
functions, and duties:
(3) Direct the officer concerned to take appropriate action against a public official or
employee at fault, and recommend his removal, suspension, demotion, fine, censure,
or prosecution, and ensure compliance therewith.

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