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Published on 08 September 2014. Downloaded by Michigan Technological University on 22/10/2014 00:27:04.

An electrochemical glucose biosensor based on

graphene composites: use of dopamine as reducing
Cite this: RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 43624
monomer and as site for covalent immobilization of
Huiping Liu,ab Cheng-an Tao,a Zhihong Hu,a Sida Zhang,a Jianfang Wang*a
and Yonggong Zhan*b

A new graphene-based electrochemical biosensor was constructed and applied for the simple, rapid and
highly selective determination of glucose. The modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) was prepared
using dopamine (DA) as a reducing agent for graphene oxide (GO) and as a capping agent to stabilize
and coat the resulting reduced graphene oxide (RGO) surface as it can polymerize to form
polydopamine (PDA). PDA-RGO composites were dropped onto a glassy carbon electrode surface, and
glucose oxidase (GOx) was immobilized on the surface of the composites by Michael addition. Finally, Pt
nanoparticles (PtNPs) were electrodeposited on the modified electrode. Such modified electrodes
(denoted as GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx/PtNPs) were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy, atomic force
microscopy, X-ray power diffractometry, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron
Received 26th May 2014
Accepted 8th September 2014
microscopy. Electrochemical behaviors were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical
impedance spectroscopy. The fabricated biosensor exhibited a high sensitivity of 33 mA mM1 cm2 over
DOI: 10.1039/c4ra04975f
a wide linear range of 0.2 mM to 1 mM, good stability, excellent repeatability, and a detection limit of 0.10 mM.

transfer of redox proteins.11–16 Graphene and its derivatives can

1 Introduction facilitate DET of metalloproteins.17–20 Moreover, the excellent
Fast and efficient methods for the determination of glucose are conductivity and small band gap of graphene are favorable for
becoming increasingly important in biology, chemistry, and the transferring electrons from biomolecules.21–23 Reported proce-
food industry; glucose determination is also important in the dures for fabricating biosensors, which include restoration of
medical eld for controlling diabetes. Diabetes is a worldwide the sp2 structure of graphene, preparation of polymer–graphene
public health problem and one of the leading causes of death composites, and immobilization of GOx, are relatively compli-
and disability in the world.1–4 Numerous studies have been cated. GOx is generally immobilized by simple physical
performed to develop simple, sensitive, and accurate adsorption, which results in enzyme loss during determination
approaches for glucose detection, especially those using glucose and limits the performance and further application of the
oxidase (GOx), which has high selectivity and sensitivity.5–7 enzyme.17,19,24 To develop a more simple and stable fabrication
However, direct electron transfer (DET) without the assistance method is very important in the biosensor eld.
of mediators for GOx is extremely difficult because of the deep Dopamine (DA), as a biogenic species, has an important
embedding of the redox center of GOx in a protective protein physiological function as a chemical messenger in mammals.
shell.8–10 Several materials have been used to promote electron DA-level abnormalities can result in serious diseases, such as
Parkinson's disease.25 Two phenolic hydroxyl groups in DA
provide it with reducing power. DA at micromolar-scale
College of Science, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, P. concentrations has been used to chemically reduce graphene
R. China. E-mail:; Fax: +86 731 8457 4250; Tel: +86 oxide (GO) into graphene.26,27 Auto-polymerization of DA
731 8457 4241
through air-driven chemical polymerization may also occur to
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha,
form polydopamine (PDA) at weakly alkaline pH. This charac-
410081, P. R. China. E-mail:; Tel: +86 731 88821449
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: The UV-Vis absorption
teristic has been used to prepare multifunctional and biocom-
spectra of PDA-RGO. The size of PtNPs. CVs of different modied electrodes in patible PDA coatings on various surfaces, including
the absence and in the presence of glucose. The characterization of graphene.28–34 The functional groups present on the surface of
reproducibility, selectivity, and long-term stability of biosensor. See DOI: PDA coatings allow covalent immobilization of proteins and

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enzymes through Michael addition and Schiff base reaction.28 If 2.2 Preparation of PDA-RGO composites
DA can simultaneously act as both a reductant and monomer to
The GO used in this experiment was synthesized from natural
synthesize highly biocompatible PDA-reduced GO composites
graphene powder by a modied Hummers method35,36 and
(PDA-RGO) and if enzymes can be covalently immobilized on
characterized using UV-Vis spectroscopy, optical photography,
the surface of the resultant composites, the preparation of
AFM, XRD and FT-IR spectroscopy. Briey, 10 mg of GO was
graphene-based biosensors will be conveniently facilitated.
suspended in 25 mL of 0.01 M Tris–HCl buffer (pH 8.0).
In the present study, DA was used simultaneously as a
Published on 08 September 2014. Downloaded by Michigan Technological University on 22/10/2014 00:27:04.

Subsequently, 5 mg of DA powder was added to the GO

reducing agent for GO and as a capping agent to stabilize and dispersion aer the solution had been deaerated with high-
coat the RGO surface and form biocompatible PDA-RGO purity nitrogen gas for 10 min. The suspension was ultra-
composites. A graphene-based electrochemical glucose
sonicated for 10 min in an ice bath and then reacted for 24 h at
biosensor was fabricated by modifying the composites on a
60  C to obtain a black suspension of PDA-RGO. UV-Vis spec-
glassy carbon electrode (GCE) surface. GOx was immobilized on
troscopy was used to monitor the reduction of GO. The product
the surface of the composites by Michael addition, and Pt
was obtained by at least three cycles of centrifugation. Finally,
nanoparticles (PtNPs) were electro-deposited on the modied
the PDA-RGO composite was suspended in 20 mL of pure water.
electrode. The fabricated biosensor showed great analytical
performance for the detection of glucose, including a high
2.3 Construction of GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx/PtNPs modied
sensitivity of 33 mA mM1 cm2 over a wide linear range of 0.2
mM to 1 mM, good stability, excellent repeatability, and a
detection limit of 0.10 mM. The proposed fabrication method Prior to modication, the GCE was carefully polished with 1.0,
can promote the preparation of other graphene-based 0.3, and 0.05 mm g-alumina powders in sequence and rinsed
biosensors. thoroughly with pure water between each polishing step. The
electrode was then ultrasonicated in pure water, ethanol, and
pure water for 5 min and dried with nitrogen gas. Six microliters
2 Experimental section of PDA-RGO suspension was cast onto the surface of the GCE
2.1 Reagents and apparatus and air-dried. The modied electrode was immersed in GOx in
GOx (50 kU) was purchased from Shanghai Shenggong Reagent phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution (10 mg mL1, pH 8.0)
Co. Graphite powder and dopamine were purchased from and kept at 4  C for 4 h to covalently link the GOx to the elec-
Aladdin. All chemicals were of analytical grade and used as trode surface. Aer washing with pure water, the electrode was
received. All solutions were prepared using ultrapure water. immersed into 0.5 M H2SO4 solution containing 2 mM H2PtCl6.
Electrochemical experiments were performed using a Electro-deposition of Pt was carried out by potential scanning
CHI660a electrochemical analyzer (Chen Hua Instruments, from 0.3 V to 0.4 V for 30 cycles.37 The electrode was then
Shanghai, China). All experiments were carried out at room washed with pure water and stored at 4  C prior to use. For
temperature with a three-electrode system; here, a GCE comparison, GCE/PDA, GCE/GOx, GCE/PDA-RGO, GCE/PDA-
(F ¼ 3 mm), a Ag/AgCl (0.3 M KCl solution) electrode, and a RGO/GOx, and GCE/PDA-RGO/PtNP electrodes (“/” represents
platinum wire served as the working electrode, reference elec- which are used to modify electrodes in successive steps, “-”
trode, and auxiliary electrode, respectively. Electrochemical means which are mixed rst, and then use to modify electrodes)
impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was performed in 0.1 M KCl solu- were prepared using a similar method.
tion containing 5 mM K3[Fe(CN)6]/K4[Fe(CN)6] (1 : 1) at frequen-
cies ranging from 0.01 Hz to 10 kHz at 0.20 V. The amplitude of 3 Results and discussion
the applied sine wave potential in each case was 5 mV.
UV-Vis absorption spectra were obtained using a UV-1201 3.1 Characterization of the nanocomposites
UV-Vis spectrophotometer (China). Atomic force microscopy 3.1.1 Characterization of the PDA-RGO composite. DA
(AFM) images were acquired in tapping mode using a NanoMan acted simultaneously as a reductant and as a monomer to
VS instrument (Veeco, USA). X-ray diffractometry (XRD) enable synthesis of a highly biocompatible PDA-RGO
measurements were performed using a Ttr III type X-ray composite. The reduction process was monitored by UV-Vis
diffractometer (Rigaku, Japan) equipped with a Cu Ka X-ray spectroscopy, as shown in Fig. 1A. The absorption peaks of
radiation (1.54 A) source at q between 6 and 60 . Scanning DA at 220 and 280 nm as well as that of GO at 230 nm (Fig. 1B)
electron microscopy (SEM) observations were carried out with a disappeared as the reaction proceeded. A new peak at 262 nm
LEO-1503 eld emission scanning electron microscope appeared and gradually became stronger with reaction time,
(German). Prior to SEM, the samples were xed on aluminum which indicates that GO was converted to RGO. The color of the
stubs and coated with gold powder. X-ray photoelectron spec- dispersion nally turned black from brown (Fig. 1C and D),
troscopy (XPS) were carried out with K-Alpha 1063 (Thermo which conrms the presence of RGO. DA polymerization also
Fisher Scientic, UK); XPSPEAK v4.0.0.0 soware (Chemistry, took place simultaneously, and the biocompatible PDA was
CUHK) was used to perform curve tting. Fourier transform coated on the surface of the RGO. The resultant PDA-RGO
infrared (FT-IR) spectra were obtained using a Bruker Tensor 27 suspension exhibited good stability and could stand for at
spectrophotometer within the spectral range of 4000 cm1 to least one month without signicant degradation. XPS was also
400 cm1 using the KBr pellet method. used to conrm the reduction of GO. The C1s XPS spectra of GO

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image obtained in tapping mode displaying the morphology

and thickness of GO and PDA-RGO. Compared with GO, the
large RGO sheet of the composite was coated with numerous
small and uniformly distributed island-like nanostructures,
which are PDA coatings. The corresponding line-scan indicated
that the thickness of PDA-RGO is 1.76 nm, much larger than
that of GO (1 nm). These results could be attributed to the
Published on 08 September 2014. Downloaded by Michigan Technological University on 22/10/2014 00:27:04.

presence of a PDA coating on both sides of the RGO sheets.

The XRD patterns of PDA-RGO composite are shown in
Fig. 3A. For comparison, the XRD patterns of DA, PDA and GO
are also displayed. DA powder showed many peaks. While once
it has polymerized to be PDA, only a wide diffraction peak exist
around 24 due to the stacking of the benzene rings of DA
molecules. GO has the characteristic peak at 10.0 , while the
PDA-RGO composite only showed a wide peak at 24 , which is
very similar to that of pure PDA and demonstrates the DA has
Fig. 1 UV-Vis absorption spectra of (A) PDA-RGO composites
obtained after different reaction time; (B) DA, PDA, GO, and PDA-RGO successfully self-polymerized. The disappearance of the peak at
composites. Photographs of (C) GO and (D) PDA-RGO dispersions. 10.0 also suggests that GO was thoroughly converted to RGO.
The C1s XPS spectra of (E) GO and (F) PDA-RGO. The FT-IR spectra of DA, PDA and PDA-RGO are displayed in
Fig. 3B. DA shows broad and strong bands in the 3000–3400
cm1 region (aromatic O–H stretching vibration). Peaks at 1519
and PDA-RGO are shown in Fig. 1E and F. Curve tting of the cm1 (NH2 scissoring vibration), 1627 cm1 (C]C stretching
C1s spectra was performed using a Gaussian–Lorentzian peak vibration), 1340 cm1 (CH2 bending vibration), 1175 cm1 (C–C
shape. The peaks of C1s spectra of GO are assigned to four stretching vibration), 1260 cm1 (C–O–H symmetry vibration),
components that correspond to carbon atoms in different and 1190 cm1 (C–O symmetry vibration) were also observed.37
functional groups: the nonoxygenated ring C(C–C), the C in C–O Aer polymerization, one broad band was observed at the 3000–
bonds (C–O), the carbonyl C (C]O), and the carboxylate carbon 3400 cm1 region and the peaks at 1519, 1340, 1175, 1260, and
(C(O)O). Aer reduced and composite with PDA, although the 1190 cm1 disappeared. A new peak at 1707 cm1 (C]O)
C1s XPS spectrum of PDA-RGO composite still exhibits these appeared. These results demonstrate that DA underwent intra-
same oxygen-containing groups, their peak intensities are much molecular cyclization to form indole derivatives (Fig. S1†). The
smaller than those in GO. Moreover, there is an additional IR spectra of PDA-RGO are similar to those of DA; the absence of
component at 285.7 eV corresponding to C–N bond.38 These peaks at 1731 cm1 (C]O), 1226 cm1 (C–O–C), and 1054 cm1
observation indicates considerable de-oxygenation by DA (C–O) was observed, which further implies that reduction and
reduction, which is consistent with the UV-Vis results. polymerization simultaneously occurred to successfully yield
AFM, XRD and FT-IR were used to further conrm the the PDA-RGO composites.
formation of PDA-RGO composites. Fig. 2 shows a typical AFM The surface morphology of the PDA-RGO composite was
examined by SEM, as illustrated in Fig. 4. PDA-RGO (Fig. 4B) has
a typical crumpled and wrinkled sheet structure, very similar to
that of GO (Fig. 4C). The SEM image of PDA (Fig. 4A) shows a
very rough surface featuring several irregular cracks.39 This
result indicates that the PDA layer coating RGO is very thin and
therefore cannot affect the morphology of RGO signicantly.

Fig. 2 Typical AFM images of (A) GO and (B) PDA-RGO. Cross- Fig. 3 (A) XRD patterns of (1) DA, (2) PDA, (3) PDA-RGO, and (4) GO. (B)
sectional analysis was performed along the lines shown in the AFM FT-IR spectra of (1) DA, (2) PDA, (3) PDA-RGO, (4) GO, (5) PDA-RGO/
images. GOx, and (6) GOx.

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3.1.2 Characterization of PDA-RGO/GOx. FT-IR spectros-

copy, SEM, and EIS were used to investigate the process of
immobilization of GOx on the PDA-RGO-modied electrode. FT-
IR spectrum of PDA-RGO/GOx, scraped from the electrode, is
shown in Fig. 3B. For comparison, the spectrum of GOx is also
shown. The characteristic absorption band of the NH2 group of
GOx in the 3500–3000 cm1 region and the peak at 1707 cm1
Published on 08 September 2014. Downloaded by Michigan Technological University on 22/10/2014 00:27:04.

(C]O) of PDA-RGO disappeared, which implies successful

immobilization of GOx through Michael addition (Fig. S2†). The
SEM image of PDA-RGO/GOx (Fig. 4D) shows no obvious
difference from that of PDA-RGO (Fig. 4B), likely because the
GOx particles are too small in size to be observed under the
present conditions. To conrm the immobilization of GOx, we
studied the EIS spectra of GCE/GOx and GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx
electrodes. As shown in Fig. 5, the Rct of GOx (1000 U) is
larger than that of the bare GCE, which demonstrates inhibition
of electron transfer by GOx. When GOx is covalently linked to
the surface of GCE/PDA-RGO, the Rct increases from 3000 U to
5000 U. It illustrates that GOx is steadily immobilized on the
modied electrode.
3.1.3 Characterization of GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx/PtNPs. PtNPs
were electrodeposited on the GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx electrodes.
The SEM image in Fig. 4E shows numerous spherical nano-
particles on the surface of the electrodes; these nanoparticles
are composed of Pt (Fig. 4F). The average diameter of the PtNPs
Fig. 4 SEM images of (A) PDA, (B) PDA-RGO, (C) GO, (D) PDA-RGO/
is about 260 nm (Fig. S3†). All of the results conrm the
GOx on a Si substrate, and (E) PDA-RGO/GOx/PtNPs on the GCE
electrode. (F) EDX spectra of PDA-RGO/GOx/PtNPs (1 bar ¼ 10 mm). successful deposition of PtNPs. EIS was also applied to
demonstrate the presence of PtNPs further (Fig. 5). Aer
deposition of PtNPs on the GCE/PDA-RGO and GCE/PDA-RGO/
Finally, EIS was used to study the interface properties of GOx electrodes, Rct values decreased to 400 U and 2000 U,
electrodes modied with the PDA-RGO composites (Fig. 5).40 respectively, because of the superior conductivity of the PtNPs
Compared with GCE, when GO is coated on the electrode, a rapid and the synergistic effects of PtNPs and RGO.
increase in the diameter of the semicircle is obtained because of
the ability of GO to block electron transfer. When the PDA-RGO 3.2 Direct electrochemistry of GOx immobilized on the GCE/
composite was deposited on the GCE, the Rct dramatically PDA-RGO/GOx/PtNP electrode
decreased to 3000 U, which suggests that PDA-RGO can greatly DET of GOx-modied electrodes was studied by cyclic voltam-
improve the conductivity of the resultant product and promote metry (CV) in PBS solution without O2 (Fig. 6). No current peak
electron transfer. These observations are attributed to the unique was observed in the voltammograms of GCE/PDA, GCE/PDA-
properties of RGO. RGO and GCE/PDA-RGO/PtNPs. The absence of a peak indi-
cates that PDA, PDA-RGO and PDA-RGO/PtNPs composites are
inactive electrochemically. The background current of the RGO-
modied electrodes obviously increased, which can be ascribed

Fig. 5 Nyquist plots of the EIS spectra of (a) GCE/GOx, (b) GCE/PDA-RGO,
(c) GCE/PDA-RGO/PtNPs, (d) GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx, and (e) GCE/PDA-
RGO/GOx/PtNPs electrodes in 0.1 M KCl aqueous solution containing Fig. 6 CV curves of the GCEs modified with (a) GOx, (b) PDA, (c) PDA-RGO,
5.0 mM Fe(CN)63/4 (1 : 1). The frequency range is from 100 mHz to (d) PDA-RGO/PtNPs, (e) PDA-RGO/GOx, and (f) PDA-RGO/GOx/PtNP
100 kHz. Insets show the EIS of (f) bare GCE and (g) GCE/GO. films in PBS saturated with N2 at a scan rate of 0.1 V s1.

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to the large specic surface area and extraordinary electron

transfer conductivity of the material. No redox peak current
attributable to GOx was observed on the GCE/GOx electrode,
which suggests that achieving DET in the electrodes is extremely
difficult because of the deep embedding of the redox center of
GOx in a protective protein shell.8–10 The CV curves of GOx on the
GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx electrode displays a pair of stable redox
Published on 08 September 2014. Downloaded by Michigan Technological University on 22/10/2014 00:27:04.

peaks, which is attributable to the redox reaction of the elec-

troactive center of GOx. This nding indicates that the large
Fig. 8 (A) Cyclic voltammograms of GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx/PtNPs
surface-to-volume ratio and high conductivity of RGO works
electrode obtained with successive addition of 1 mM glucose in 10 mM
together with the good biocompatibility of PDA to promote DET PBS (pH 7.4) at a rate of 0.1 V s1. Inset: enlarged image of the vol-
between GOx and the surface of the electrodes.41 Two well- tammogram from 0.61 V to 0.7 V. (B) Calibration curve of the linear
dened redox peaks were obtained for the GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx/ dependence of the cathodic peak current on the glucose
PtNPs electrode with Epa ¼ 0.546 V and Epc ¼ 0.617 V. concentration.
The peak-to-peak separation (DEp) was approximately 71 mV,
much smaller than that observed for the GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx
electrode (104 mV). This result reveals that a larger number of of glucose and saturated with air. Successive addition of glucose
reversible electron transfers in the redox active center of the GOx resulted in a gradual decrease in reduction current. This trend
were achieved, which may be attributed to the excellent could be explained by the fact that addition of glucose triggers
conductivity of PtNPs and the synergistic effects of PtNPs and the enzyme-catalyzed reaction of GOx and glucose. This reaction
RGO. In the presence of O2, glucose standard was added to the causes a decrease in the amount of oxidized GOx on the GCE/
electrodes, among which the GCE/PDA-RGO/GOD/PtNP elec- PDA-RGO/GOx/PtNPs electrode and reduces the electrode
trode showed the best responses (Fig. S4†). reduction current (see ESI†). The response current was directly
The inuence of scan rate on the peak current was also proportional to the concentration of glucose in the range of 0.2–
investigated, as shown in Fig. 7. As the scan rate increased from 1 mM, with a correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.9957 (Fig. 8B). The
20 mV s1 to 300 mV s1, the redox peak currents linearly relative standard deviation of each point is less than 0.65%. The
increased, which implies that the electrochemical kinetics is a biosensor also displayed a high sensitivity of approximately 33
surface-controlled process. According to Faraday's law, the mA mM1 cm2.
average surface concentration of electroactive GOx (G*) immo- The detection limit of the biosensor was 0.10 mM based on a
bilized on the GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx/PtNPs electrode may be signal-to-noise ratio of 3 (inset in Fig. 8A). Results indicate that
estimated to be 3.1  109 mol cm2, which is a value charac- the modied electrode has satisfactory performance and may be
teristic of a small molecule (FAD) in contrast to the enzyme practically applied in the determination of human blood sugar
which should be around 1011 mol cm2.10,42 It demonstrates concentrations.
that free FAD is extruded from the enzyme and remains
adsorbed on the electrode surface and GOx is immobilized on
the surface of PDA-RGO through covalent linkage. These results 3.4 Reproducibility, selectivity, and long-term stability of the
are in agreement with the FT-IR analysis. biosensor
The prepared biosensor displayed good reproducibility. The
RSD of the current response to 0.2 mM glucose was 2.7% in ve
3.3 Glucose detection using the GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx/PtNP
successive measurements (Fig. S5†). Aer 50 cycles of potential
scanning between 0.8 and 0 V, the cathodic current remained
Fig. 8A shows CV curves of the GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx/PtNP elec- almost unchanged, with an RSD of 0.8% (Fig. S6a and b†). The
trode in 0.01 M PBS solution containing different concentrations RSDs of the peak current response of four independent elec-
trodes to 0.2 mM glucose was 3.3% (Fig. S6†). The effect of
interferences on the glucose response was further studied to
evaluate the selectivity of the sensor (Fig. S7†). Ascorbic acid
(AA) and DA are common reducing substances in blood and
they were chosen as the interference molecules. It's found that
both of AA and DA has little effect on the glucose response.
When there are only 0.2 mM glucose in the PBS solution, the
current response reached to 40.39 mA. When ten-fold concen-
tration of AA (2 mM) co-exists in the solution, the current
Fig. 7 (A) CV curves of GCE/PDA-RGO/GOx/PtNPs electrode in 0.01 response only changed a little (retained 98%). DA got the similar
M PBS (pH 7.4) at scan rates of 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3
results. These results indicate that the proposed biosensor has
V s1. (B) Plot of redox peak current against scan rate. The correlation
coefficient (R2) is 99.84% and 99.19% for oxidation and reduction peak high selectivity.
current, respectively. The relative standard deviation (RSD) of each The stability of the biosensor was nally investigated. The
point is less than 3.8%. response current maintained 91% of its initial electrochemical

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