BUSN11075 Assignment 2022 - 2023 T2 Brief 1.2

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School of Business and Creative Industries

COURSEWORK Session 2022 - 23

Module title Business Creativity

Module Code BUSN11075
Submission date and time 29th March 2023
Weighting of assessment 60%

Instructions to Candidates
Group Presentation
Group Presentation (10 mins max.) worth 60% of final module grade

You and your group (of up to 4 individuals) are required to conduct research and
identify the key issues, challenges, and opportunities around Peloton.

Below is a headline from Mintel Reports.

Peloton cuts 2,800 jobs as it lowers revenue outlook

Source: Mintel 09-02-2022 International 09-02-2022

The chief executive of exercise equipment brand Peloton, which

grew in popularity during COVID-19 lockdowns, is stepping down
from the company as it plans to cut 2,800 jobs globally due to a
drop in demand for its products. The company, which previously
expected sales of $4.4 billion to $4.8 billion this financial year, has
revised down its forecast to $3.7 billion from $3.8 billion.

Further supporting material can be found on the module page online. Including a
business background and current performance metrics.

You and your team are to review the current issue with Peloton, then come up with
some creative solutions that can potentially develop their business.

You should clearly select one Peloton market (e.g. UK, USA etc) rather than focus
on a global approach. This will allow further research into the company.

By applying relevant knowledge and understanding of Peloton you are required to re-
develop a business model which in your opinion enables the case study organisation
to be competitive and profitable.

Your findings must be presented in a new business model canvas for Peloton. This
should be based on the changes you are proposing rather than the current existing
business model.

This assessment will involve developing original and creative responses to the

identified challenges facing Peloton.

This business model redesign process also requires using a variety of creativity tools,
particularly the Business Model Canvas, and practical application of knowledge and
experience acquired from the module in solving business problems. Each group
should then produce:

a) a YouTube presentation of no more than 10 minutes

b) A word (or similar) document should be submitted by one group member to

Turnitin that has.

a. Title of presentation
b. Group list including names and banner ID’s
c. Link to the YouTube video
d. Reference list

A suggested format for the YouTube video would include.

Title Time in
Introduction to business 1 minute
Justification of Priorities 2 minutes
Application of tools 4 minutes
Recommendations 3 minutes

Presentation - Marking Criteria

Introduction: Business background, description of sector, product(s) and

service(s), identification of key issues facing business. (10 marks)

Justify Priorities: Justification of specific issues or priorities of the organization

chosen stating why they have been chosen to be investigated as solving the
identified problems. Identify the drivers and constraints facing the business in the
case study. Critically evaluate the organisation’s SWOT and business model
environmental factors that drive or constrain its current business model. (20

Creativity, innovation, and problem solving: Apply creativity, innovation and

problem-solving skills using the Business Model Canvas, generate solutions to the
identified issues that the business is facing. (30 marks)

Recommendations: Recommend solutions to the identified challenges by

developing a new or adapted business model that in your opinion enables your

chosen company to be competitive and profitable. (30 marks)

Presentation: Oral and Visual presentation – Quality, time keeping, structure,

logic and use of appropriate sources and references. (10 marks)


1. Introduction to business.
This section should focus on contextualising the business by covering the
following elements – business background and sector overview.

Business Background – this should be a very brief overview of the current

organisation such as revenue, profit, key activities, and any other relevant

Sector Overview should outline the size of the sector that the organisation
operates in and highlight any trends that might be relevant, using academic

This section should also include the news article that you have used to
underpin your choice of issue with organisation

2. Justification of priorities.
This is the part of your presentation that you use to outline the issue in context
for the organisation.

A good presentation will answer the following questions

 What are the current skills and resources the organisation has?
 What are the trends that are happening in the existing market?
 Why have you chosen to address this issue for this organisation?
 What happens if you find a creative solution to the issue?
 What happens if you can’t find a creative solution to the issue?

Critical evaluation of the current organisation’s skills will help address the
specific issues for the chosen company. A tool such as SWOT can help with
the background research, although please only include the key points from
your work, supported with relevant research.

Critical evaluation of the macro factors for the organisation’s environment will
help address. A tool such as PESTLE and research from Mintel (accessible
from the UWS library) will help with the background research, although
please only include the key points in your presentation.

3. Application of tools
For this section you should chose four different models/tools and apply them
to your organisation to develop four creative solutions. Some suggested
approaches include unbundling, using the business model lens, creative
destruction, multisided platforms, free and open business model.
You should apply the model and then use the results of that application as the

basis for your presentation.
You should not describe the model/tool or explain the theory behind the
model/tool. If your presentation does this, then it is likely to impact your
chance of success as the focus is on application rather than description.

4. Recommendations
Your presentation should propose two different recommendations that can
be adopted by your chosen organisation to solve the initial problem. These
recommendations should come from the previous section and then be linked
back to the initial research you have carried out.

Maximum marks will be awarded for the recommendations that are creative,
use the relevant module tools, link directly to the organisation capability and
are addressing the marketplace.

You must create a business model canvas based on your recommendation

– it is a future looking model, therefore should not be based on current
approach only.

5. Presentation
These marks are awarded for use of a relevant presentation format. This
should be academically appropriate and a well prepared presentation. The time
limit should be adhered to, and relevant academic sources should be used
throughout. Please note that the scheme is indicative: for example, a
presentation which does not address the stated brief will receive a poor mark,
irrespective of the quality of the structure or the presentation.
All students must actively take part in the assessment.

Time limit – 10 Minutes

Submission Date: 29th March 2023

Your attention is drawn to the University’s policy on Plagiarism and

Collusion which apply to this assessment. Details are available in your
Student Diary.

You should also be aware that late submissions will be penalised in line
with university regulations. Please see your Handbook for detail, as well as
for submission instructions.

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