Individual Exercise: Bachelor Training Technology

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Student code: 19080038

Subject code: HSB 3007


To become an inventor that is still my dream, and like I wrote in the “Strategy” subject, I
don’t care what I will do in the future, I’m just only need money to keep researching. In
order to reality my dream, I will have to spend many times to learn and act. So that, become
a person who teach in a university will be the best choice! My deepest dream is exploring
more about the world we are living, but it’s just a loop which everything has to follow:”
Born and then grow up (study > act > shape character > study…), born another generation,
get old until the last breath”; so, I want to know more about the others world that our eyes
can’t see. This will be a hard work and maybe until die I still cannot create anything that
used my knowledge, but I still know many things about what I want to know and that is
enough for my life. But still if you want to live in real-life, money is one of the most
important things that life needs so my choice is work in a school which mainly focus on
technology and spend my free time to write or design systems for some companies. I
choose HSB for this exercise because this is the university that I know my best! And I will
only focus on the MET program.

II. Bachelor training technology

A) Educational technology definition

Define this technology as one small type in AECT:

Educational technology The Association for Educational Communications and

Technology (AECT) defined educational technology as "the study and ethical practice of
facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing
appropriate technological processes and resources". It denoted instructional technology as
"the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of
processes and resources for learning". As such, educational technology refers to all valid
and reliable applied education sciences, such as equipment, as well as processes and
procedures that are derived from scientific research, and in a given context may refer to
theoretical, algorithmic or heuristic processes: it does not necessarily imply physical
technology. Educational technology is the process of integrating technology into education

Student code: 19080038

Subject code: HSB 3007

in a positive manner that promotes a more diverse learning environment and a way for
students to learn how to use technology as well as their common assignments.

• Accordingly, there are several discrete aspects to describing the intellectual and
technical development of educational technology:
• Educational technology as the theory and practice of educational approaches to
• Educational technology as technological tools and media, for instance massive
online courses, that assist in the communication of knowledge, and its
development and exchange. This is usually what people are referring to when they
use the term "edtech".
• Educational technology for Learning Management Systems (LMS), such as tools
for student and curriculum management, and Education Management Information
Systems (EMIS).
• Educational technology as back-office management, such as training management
systems for logistics and budget management, and Learning Record Store (LRS)
for learning data storage and analysis.
• Educational technology itself as an educational subject; such courses may be
called "computer studies" or "Information and Communications
Technology (ICT)".


Analysis through technology definition:
Input => Process => Output
+) Input:
All companies/enterprises with only one reason that is fill the demands of a specific group
customer. Technology just a tool to help them with the job for better performance. “Learn,
learn more, learn forever.” Human is one type of creature that always find how to keep all
they’ve achieved through many generations, with the evolution of “Storage information”
from symbol then language and language can be written on the ground or noted in paper,
many papers become pages of a book, finally is the born of bit, waves and algorithms, etc.
Human could build a computer and network and these things are becoming an important
part of their life. With the evolution of “Storage information” and the creative, curious of
humanity, many jobs, works, etc. Have been created and outside there are still many things
about the world that we haven’t known. But still the knowledge we have knew and created
are very large, if it was written in a book, that book would larger than anything we have

Student code: 19080038

Subject code: HSB 3007

seen before. And how a people will know what, how and where to start? The job “Teacher”
is showed, this is the job you must prepare everything carefully, bring new thing to student,
make a progress for a kind of knowledge that his/her students need to know and guide them
to reach that, etc. And this job needs a great responsivity, if you do it wrong many people
will be wrong like teacher, and to reduce the “Wrong-percentage” educational technology
is built, and each country have their own type of knowledge and the way to learn and teach
different to each other.
HSB is a university in Viet Nam. In Viet Nam’s university educational technology, the
target is students can know enough knowledge to do job that can help them find money so
the input might be:
Customer (Student):
Students who learn in bachelor program are customers come to HSB to have knowledge for
their future jobs. They are admission by the rule promulgated by the ministry of education
and training combined with EQ questions interviewed by person who controls the meeting.
Students who learn in master program are customers who need to know more knowledge to
improve the current skills or want to know another side that he/she has ever known.
Teachers, security, office, etc.: Based on knowledge and skills a person have, he/she will
have a suitable job corresponding to him/her. And get paid for the time and jobs they have
“Software”: Papers with permissions, rules, student management system, etc.
“Hardware”: Teaching tools, place for students’ study and research, etc.
+) Process:
In Viet Nam’s university educational process for bachelor, student must participate enough
time on class, get enough point to pass a subject and learn enough subjects in the program
to have a degree then get a job. But talk about it is easier than do it, and this is the job
mainly focus on manage students and their progress at school. Working and understanding
with a person is not an easy job, but in this work, spend time for a thousand people with
different reflection, so that make everyone pleased is impossible. Anyway, it’s still having
basic things in the management system and HSB also has room and service for that. After

Student code: 19080038

Subject code: HSB 3007

the admission that student can go to school, he/she will have a personal school mail for
studying and checking notification.
Tuition: The first step for any customer who want to use the “Study service”. Finance-plan
room has done it very well from the beginning, working with another office to know
student who didn’t pass a subject and call him/her to complete the tuition responsibility,
also student who forgot to complete the tuition during that semester.

Learning process:
Divide class -> Study and practice/Mid-term exam: UPMO is the office which arranges and
has responsible with the relationship between students and teachers, set-up time for classes
through the process.
The Training Department is a functional unit that advises, assists Dang and the School's
Board of Directors in the organization; management of university and college-level training
in all types of degree-granting training as prescribed. of the law on formal education,
working while studying, connecting...
Final exam:
In the trend of international integration, the Ministry of Education and Training advocates
accrediting the quality of teaching and learning at all universities, regardless of public or
non-public types. Currently, many universities in the country have established centers or
units specialized in testing, quality assurance and assessment work. Therefore, the
establishment of the Department of Testing and Quality Assurance (abbreviated as
Department of Quality Assurance and Testing, DTQA for short) at HSB is an indispensable
The final exam is created by the subject’s teacher and through the Ministry of Education
and Training

Other activities:
VNU’s activities, clubs’ activities are controlled by the person who has right
Output: Have skills at: Technologies, management, law, English.

Student code: 19080038

Subject code: HSB 3007

B) Comment about the technology

All the comments are based on my own experience through the process
Look in total, everything is served the study purpose of student, thus this is still a work
which work with people so not all of them are feel comfortable about it so mistakes can be
caused. To let me change something, I would change:
First is choosing people for study. Because this kind of program has technology in it and
this kind of knowledge is very hard to learn, and not all of students learned this carefully at
high school or even don’t have to learn. So there needs to be a class to teach from origin,
basic technologies 4 doesn’t serve enough knowledge for this and too many students didn’t
learn this carefully.
Secondly is the notification sometimes sent not on the right time. I had a notification about
final semester before 1 day it happened, it had to be sent after the teacher agree and notified
to all of the students.

HSB is still a school which are building fame, and in my eyes, it go kind right.

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