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How to use the Price & Quantity File 如何使⽤商品价格和数量⽂件

The Price & Quantity File can be used to update listings that are already in your catalogue. If you wish to create a new listing, 商品价格和数量⽂件可⽤于更新⽬录中已经存在的商品。如果您想要创建新商品信息,请访问以下卖家平台⻚⾯,找到
please visit Seller Central page below to find the appropriate template to create your listing: ⽤于创建商品信息的相应模板:

How to use this file

1. Review the tabs in this file to learn what the attributes are used for, which attributes are required, and what are the acceptable
1. 查看此⽂件中的选项卡,了解属性的⽤途、哪些属性是必填的以及每个属性的可接受值。
values for each attribute.
2. Add your listing data to the ‘template’ tab. 将您的商品信息数据添加到“模板”选项卡。
3. A value is required in the ‘SKU’ column. The remaining columns are optional. If you do not provide a value for an attribute in the 列中必须填写⼀个值。其余列为可选列。如果您未为模板中的某个属性提供值,亚⻢逊将保留您⽬录中已经存在
3. “SKU”
template, Amazon will retain the existing value that is already in your catalogue. Leave the cells blank for attributes that you do 的现有值。请将不想更改的属性的单元格留空。
not wish to change.
4. Save your file as a tab-delimited text file (.txt). 将您的⽂件另存为制表符分隔的⽂本⽂件 (. txt)。
5. Visit where you can upload your tab-delimited text file. By uploading your 访问,您可以在这⾥上传制表符分隔的⽂本⽂件。上传⽂件即表⽰您
file, you confirm submission of your listing data to the Amazon catalogue. 确认已向亚⻢逊⽬录提交您的商品信息数据。
Important information
Inventory Quantity: D o not provide a value in the ‘quantity’ column for items that are fulfilled by Amazon. The quantity column
库存数量: 对于亚⻢逊配送的商品,请勿在 数量 列中提供值。 数量 列应仅适⽤于卖家⾃配送的
“ ” “ ” SKU。亚⻢逊配送的 SK
should be used only for seller-fulfilled SKU’s. The inventory quantity for Amazon-fulfilled SKU’s will be determined by the number o 的库存数量将取决于亚⻢逊运营中⼼接收的商品数量。如果您在“数量”列中为亚⻢逊配送的 SKU 提供了值,它们将转换为
items received at the Amazon fulfillment center. If you provide a value in the ‘quantity’ column for SKU’s that are fulfilled by 卖家⾃配送。
Amazon, they will convert to seller-fulfilled.
Learn more 了解更多信息
Field Name Definition
sku A SKU is a "Stock Keeping Unit" which you can assign to your
products to track your inventory. Each SKU you create must be
unique to an individual product in your current template and
existing listings. A SKU can be any alphanumeric string. Do not
use symbols or spaces in your SKU.

price Enter the unit price for this product. The price must be greater
than 0.00. Do NOT include the currency symbol (e.g. $).

minimum-seller-allowed-price This optional field helps Amazon identify potential pricing errors
with your listings. To use this service, enter your minimum
allowable price for this product. If you attempt to set your price
for the product below your minimum allowable price, your offer
will become inactive and you will be notified via email. You can
always change your minimum allowable price by modifying the
value in this field and uploading the updated file to Amazon.

maximum-seller-allowed-price This optional field helps Amazon identify potential pricing errors
with your listings. To use this service, enter your maximum
allowable price for this product. If you attempt to set your price
for the product above your maximum allowable price, your offer
will become inactive and you will be notified via email. You can
always change your maximum allowable price by modifying the
value in this field and uploading the updated file to Amazon.

Seller-fulfilled products: Enter the quantity of the product you
have for sale. This is your current inventory commitment. The
quantity must be a whole number, and should be greater than

Amazon-fulfilled products: Leave this field empty. Do not enter a

quantity, as it is not applicable for products fulfilled by Amazon.
Instead, submit a value in the fulfillment-channel field.

handling-time Indicates the time, in days, between when you receive an order
for an item and when you can ship the item. The default
leadtime-to-ship is one to two business days. Use this field if
your leadtime-to-ship is greater than two business days. Should
not have more than one value. Should not have range of days
or word "days" at the end.

Amazon-fulfilled products: Enter "amazon" to specify that orders

for the product will be fulfilled by Amazon. Do not use the
quantity field when you enter "amazon" as your fulfillment
channel. If you provide a quantity for a product that is currently
Amazon-fullfilled and leave the fulfillment-channel field empty, or
enter the "default" value, your listing will be converted to a
seller-fulfilled product.

Seller-fulfilled products: Leave this field empty or enter “default”

to indicate that you will fulfill orders for the product. Also enter a
value in the "quantity" field. If you specify "amazon" for a product
that is currently seller-fulfilled, your listing will be converted to an
Amazon-fulfilled product.

Note: You do not need to use the fulfillment-channel and

quantity fields if you are updating pricing information. When
both fields are empty, the current fulfillment channel will be used

minimum_order_quantity_minimu This attribute indicates the minimum quantity for the item that a
m buyer must purchase




3, 5, or 10

sku price minimum-seller-allowed-price
maximum-seller-allowed-price quantity handling-time
fulfillment-channel minimum_order_quantity_minimum

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