Organizational Behavior and Leadership.

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Organizational Behavior and Leadership: Organizational Health Report


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Organizational Behavior and Leadership: Organizational Health Report

Organizational behavior and leadership are fundamental in any organization because it is

through these aspects that company culture is based. A good company culture ensures success by

keeping employees aligned with organizational goals. Company assessments, however, need to

be conducted frequently to ensure that the organizational behavior conforms to the company's

goals, visions, and missions. This paper will review organizational behavior and leadership by

examining different aspects of organizational behavior and leadership to point out the

significance of these aspects and the role of a performance review on a company.

Organizational behavior and leadership on performance

Leadership refers to qualities, skills, and behaviors that impact management abilities and

performance. Leaders impact organizational performance by helping identify relevant strategies

required to achieve organizational goals and offering employees and the entire organization

motivation and direction that would help achieve these goals (Meraku, 2017). This means that

leaders should be informed of the value system that helps influence work situations and groups,

ensuring they develop reasonable strategies. For a leader to effectively influence and impact

performance in an organization, they need to be objective. Objectivity implies that leaders must

examine every situation before making choices or relevant judgments. Objective leaders are

more likely to examine things rationally without a biased mindset (Ibrahim & Daniel, 2019).

Leaders also need to be perceptive. Perception implies a leader’s likelihood to discover or

observe the real happenings in their environment. When leaders are wise, they will be informed

of the organization’s goals and objectives, ensuring they devise strategies to accomplish such

objectives. Leaders further need to be influential decision-makers. A leader's ability to plan


strategically depends on their decision-making ability. This means efficient leaders would spend

more time collecting data about each alternative's utility and cost before settling on the most

probable solution/choice.

Organizational behavior, like leadership, also influences performance because behavior

mirrors organizational culture. When new employees are admitted to a company, they are likely

to be taught the practices, behaviors, formalities, and ideas governing a company. Suppose the

company culture encourages employees to voice their concerns. In that case, the employee

behavior will be evidenced by employees being confident enough to express themselves and feel

part of the organization, thereby increasing their engagement (Ibrahim & Daniel, 2019).

Organizational behaviors like using rewards can also impact performance in that when the

company uses reward systems; employees are likely to be motivated to work hard to be

rewarded. However, such reward systems only work if employees feel they are equitable and

fair. Organizational behavior also impacts decision-making abilities in the company, regardless

of whether these decisions are made at the personal, managerial, group, or individual levels.

Companies with efficient communication systems will likely report improved performance due

to the ease of communication between managers and employees, making communicating

company values and objectives easier (Meraku, 2017).

Impact of individual human behavior on organizational success

Organizational success is often influenced by different aspects, like company culture,

leadership, and other factors that most individuals fail to consider. One such factor is individual

human behavior. Individual human behavior impact how people feel, think and behave within

the workplace, which may directly impact organizational success. Individual human behavior is

linked to personality (Loku & Gogiqi, 2018). Personality may influence how people interact with

each other, their behavior in groups, and their decision-making abilities. Based on personality,

individuals can be described as aggressive, calm, or ambitious. Such are traits that may develop

from environmental influence or are inherited.

The above traits usually determine how individuals are engaged at work. For instance, an

ambitious individual may be driven to achieve organizational goals with minimal supervision,

implying increased engagement and productivity (Meier, 2020). Traits like emotional stability,

agreeableness, and openness are also personality traits that influence individual behavior. These

traits indicate that individuals will be involved in fewer conflict situations and work better in

teams because of their positive attitude toward work.

Individual human behavior is also impacted by values, which are belief systems that

govern individuals. Values help people assess and decide what is good and bad. Individuals’

value systems help determine how people make decisions that directly affect their productivity

and engagement at work. Learning is also an individual behavior that influences organizational

success (Loku & Gogiqi, 2018). Individuals learn different things daily, making them adapt to

different behaviors depending on the environment. However, the rate and probability at which

individuals learn are different because while other people are open to ideas and suggestions,

other individuals are not. The willingness of people to accept suggestions and requests by top-

level employees and management at the workplace influences organizational success because it

fosters a spirit of cooperation and teamwork (Meier, 2020).

Decision-making and self-confidence also impact organizational success. Self-confident

individuals will, in most cases, work harder and respond to constructive criticism in a positive

way. Employees who are more confident about themselves usually are in control at the

workplace, making it easier for them to welcome feedback and work on the areas they need to

improve on (Loku & Gogiqi, 2018). Willingness to take in constructive criticism and work on

improving may help promote increased employee motivation and engagement at work, thereby

improving organizational success.

Effective leadership practice on employee motivation

Motivation goes a long way in ensuring that organizational goals are achieved because

motivated employees have high productivity and engagement at work. One strategy a leader can

use to motivate employees effectively is sharing their goals. Sharing goals implies establishing

clear and measurable goals that mirror organizational visions to help your teams track their

progress and have a tangible perception of success (Baburoglu, 2021). Employees are more

likely to understand the task in question better if the management explains why they need to

achieve these tasks and how they relate to the end goal.

A leader needs to establish routine meetings and communicate properly about

organizational goals to ensure employees are dedicated to achieving these goals. Giving

recognition is also another way leaders can use to motivate employees. Employee morale can

significantly improve when a leader praises the team members for their input. While most people

overlook the power of positive praise, employees are more likely to make extra efforts, achieve

results, and be committed to organizational goals when their efforts are recognized (Suri, 2018).

Employees need to know their efforts are appreciated, and sincere gratitude is one way to do so

Offering feedback also helps ensure employees are motivated. Employees can be

motivated to work harder and double their efforts when you offer them constructive feedback.

Leaders should encourage and motivate employees to exceed normal expectations by offering

meaningful and constructive feedback to help employees feel the need to improve themselves

(Baburoglu, 2021). One such way can be through employee surveys, where leaders can examine

whether employees are aligned with the company's goals, vision, and mission.

Through employee surveys, performance reviews indicating how well company

objectives have been met are often issued, promoting the goal of achieving company objectives.

Offering employees a chance to grow also impacts motivation. When employees are equipped

with relevant tools necessary for growth and development, they are more likely to be engaged at

work. Leaders need to empower their teams by offering on-site education and training that

guarantees employees can improve and develop their skills. Training and educating employees to

improve their skills help employees develop and acquire new skills that may be useful to the

production process, thus making employees more committed to organizational goals (Suri,


Leadership strategies for team and group dynamics

Leaders can conduct a diagnosis to enable them to know their team as a strategy to

improve group dynamics. Group dynamics is important because once you understand the

parameters, it becomes easier for a leader to influence or monitor these dynamics. As a leader,

one needs to understand the process through which groups develop, including the performing,

norming, storming, and forming phases (STEFANSKI, 2021). Once a leader understands these

phases, it will be easier to anticipate challenges that are likely to arise, such as issues relating to

poor group dynamics.


A leader needs to conduct a diagnosis for them to understand the problem affecting the

group by performing a health check. The common issues associated with poor group dynamics

include: blocking behavior, which is when behaviors of team members disrupt information flow;

weak leadership, where the group lacks direction due to poor leadership; and free riding, which

is other members taking it easy at other members’ expense (STEFANSKI, 2021). When a leader

understands the cause of poor group dynamics, it becomes easier to improve group relations and

improve the dynamics by taking relevant precautions against the above causes.

On the other hand, team dynamics can be improved by fixing and addressing issues

quickly. A leader must first examine the challenges affecting the team, enabling them to know

the precautions they must take. After identifying the issue, it is prudent for a leader to fix it

before the issue grows out of proportion. Solving team dynamics can first start by solving issues

for individual team members (STEFANSKI, 2021). For instance, if a leader notices a team

member undertaking unhelpful or risky behaviors, the leader should address the issue

immediately by speaking to the individual directly or by inviting them to reflect on their

behavior and how they can change these behaviors to align with the overall goals of the team.

Such a conversation may be private or public, depending on the scope of the situation. The leader

can then proceed to deal with the entire team by encouraging the team members to discuss

conflict openly, after which the leader can guide them on how to resolve the issue to help the

team achieve positive dynamics (STEFANSKI, 2021). Team members can also be encouraged to

be comfortable speaking their minds openly without hiding their thoughts or emotions.

Impact of DEI on individuals, teams, and overall culture


Diversity, inclusion, and equity help ensure a bigger talent pool. A company will likely

get the same candidates or people if it relies on the same recruiting process. However, if the

company expands its recruitment searches to a more diverse population, it will widen its talent

pool and increase its chances of finding the best employees to hire (Wellington, 2022). DEI

further ensures that existing employees develop an authentic connection, making it easier to

recommend other qualified employees to fill vacant positions. Through such recommendations, a

company is guaranteed to attract the right set of employees that would help improve the

company's skill set and organizational culture.

Employees who feel like their companies do not value them, treat them poorly, and have

lesser opportunities for growth, have a high probability of leaving the company (Gill et al.,

2018). Therefore, DEI helps establish a long-lasting bond between employees and management,

as management will be in a better position to understand the needs of employees at a personal

level. Diversity and inclusion also help ensure improved employee engagement. Employees who

feel included are usually more engaged, leading to these employees performing better and

increasing productivity. When employees feel they are part of a more extensive system and not

just cogs in it, they become actively engaged in pursuing and achieving organizational goals,

thereby helping improve organizational culture (Gill et al., 2018).

Diversity, inclusion, and equity also help increase employee productivity. Research

indicates that DEI is a requirement for creating teams more equipped to increase the

organization's profit motive. Diverse workplaces are often characterized by a vast talent pool,

which means that such workplaces are filled with skilled employees who guarantee the creation

of high-performance teams (Gill et al., 2018). Individual employees can benefit from such a

workplace because access to more experienced employees means one can develop skills by

interacting with skilled employees, helping in career development. It also benefits teams because

it creates a talent pool capable of better decision-making, as evidenced by increased cognitive

diversity. Increased cognitive diversity helps increase company productivity because employees

will be driven to make choices that increase productivity and enhance engagement, leading to

improved company culture (Wellington, 2022). This ensures that company objectives like

customer satisfaction and profits are achieved.

Leadership impact on leading change for organizational success

Leaders geared toward creating leading changes that ensure organizational success must

involve the whole organization. While organizational leaders often focus on communicating and

establishing a vision for change, these leaders should collaborate with other individuals at

different levels of the organization (Brower, 2021). Successful change management is often

initiated at the top but does not stay there. For the change process to be successful, the whole

company and workforce must be involved. By incorporating everyone in the organization, the

organization will likely develop a culture that embraces change.

Leaders driving leading changes also need to be visionary in that they should devise a

well-defined plan. Organizational change works only when the leader has a vision highlighting

the reason for the change, how the change will impact the organization, and the result. People

need to be shown how the change will take place and how the intended change will help improve

the organization (Smits & Bowden, 2017). When such clarity is lacking, it may be unlikely that

people will see why or how they should support the intended change. Therefore, leaders must

devise a strategy to communicate change by including the plans for change in emails, discussion

forums, or one-on-one meetings.

Leaders driving change also need to offer employee support. Change is usually a

frustrating and discouraging experience, although leaders can eliminate such frustrations by

offering support and motivation to make employees feel they are not alone. Leaders can support

employees in different ways, such as through one-on-one conversations offering suggestions to

employees to help them navigate change (Brower, 2021). They can further offer employees with

tools necessary to help them adapt to the new workflow or process. Furthermore, leaders can

incorporate feedback sessions to allow individuals to table concerns and question things they do

not understand or are unclear.

Leaders should also promote accountability in teams. It is only possible to experience

change if all individuals are accountable for their part. Leaders should be accountable for proper

communication, offering feedback, and supporting employees during the change process (Smits

& Bowden, 2017). They also need to ensure that all individuals on the team take accountability

for the outcome of the change initiative and do not perceive the change process as a

management-only mandate.


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