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To integrate change management concepts into the research question regarding the

effectiveness of Round the World Tours and Travels' promotion strategy

adjustment in attracting a wider target audience in Bhilwara, you can consider the
following approach:
1. Change Management Framework: Utilize a change management framework
such as John Kotter's 8-Step Process for Leading Change or Prosci's ADKAR
Model to analyze how the company implemented and managed the changes in its
promotion strategy.
2. Stakeholder Analysis: Identify and analyze the stakeholders involved in the
promotion strategy adjustment. Understand their roles, interests, and concerns
regarding the changes implemented by Round the World Tours and Travels.
3. Communication Strategy: Evaluate the effectiveness of the communication
strategy employed by the company to convey the changes in its promotion strategy
to both internal stakeholders (employees) and external stakeholders (customers,
partners, etc.).
4. Training and Development: Assess whether Round the World Tours and
Travels provided adequate training and development opportunities to its employees
to adapt to the new promotion strategy and effectively engage with the wider target
5. Resistance Management: Identify any resistance to change encountered during
the implementation of the new promotion strategy and analyze how the company
addressed and managed this resistance to ensure successful adoption.
6. Monitoring and Feedback Mechanisms: Examine the monitoring and
feedback mechanisms put in place by the company to track the effectiveness of the
adjusted promotion strategy and gather insights for continuous improvement.
7. Organizational Culture: Consider the organizational culture of Round the
World Tours and Travels and its impact on the adoption of change. Evaluate
whether the company's culture facilitated or hindered the successful adjustment of
its promotion strategy.
8. Sustainability of Change: Investigate the long-term sustainability of the
changes made to the promotion strategy. Assess whether the adjustments made by
Round the World Tours and Travels have led to lasting improvements in attracting
a wider target audience in Bhilwara.
By integrating these change management concepts into the research question, you
can gain a comprehensive understanding of how Round the World Tours and
Travels adjusted its promotion strategy and the effectiveness of this adjustment in
attracting a wider target audience in Bhilwara.
The Integration of Key-Concept: Change
The communication strategy and resistance management of "Round the World Tours and Travel"
would most likely focus on effectively contacting and engaging prospective consumers,
maintaining connections with existing clients, and communicating the value proposition of their

 Target Audience Identification: Understanding their target audience's demographics,

tastes, and habits so that communication efforts may be tailored properly. This might
include categories including adventure tourists, luxury vacationers, and budget-conscious
 Multi-Channel Approach: Reaching clients through a variety of communication
channels, including online platforms like a corporate website, social media (e.g.,
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), email newsletters, and potentially older techniques like
brochures or print advertising.
 Engaging material Creation: Creating captivating and informative material to promote
travel locations, highlight unique experiences, and illustrate the agency's competence.
This may contain blog articles, location guides, travel recommendations, customer
testimonials, and multimedia material such as films or virtual tours.
 Personalized Communication: Using tactics to tailor communication to individual
preferences, prior encounters, or travel history. This might include targeted email
advertising, individualized suggestions, or loyalty schemes geared to specific client
requirements and interests.
 Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Involves using CRM systems to manage
customer interactions, maintain communication history, and assure continuous follow-up.
This helps to develop long-term connections and give tailored support throughout the
travel planning and booking process.
 Timely and Responsive Support: Provide prompt and useful responses to requests via
online chat, email, or phone support. This includes delivering accurate information,
resolving issues, and aiding with reservations or schedule changes in a timely way.
 Social Proof and Reviews: Using positive feedback, testimonials, and user-generated
material to establish trust and credibility with prospective consumers. Sharing client
anecdotes and experiences can assist to demonstrate the value of the agency's services
and instill trust in potential passengers.
 Integration With Travel Partners: Collaborating with airlines, hotels, tour operators,
and other travel partners to streamline marketing efforts, utilise joint promotions, and
improve clients' overall travel experiences.
 Flexibility: Be flexible and understanding when unexpected events, such as airline
cancellations or weather interruptions, impact travel plans.
 Proactive planning: Involves anticipating potential issues and taking proactive actions to
reduce risks and interruptions to customers' travel experiences.
 Continuous improvement: Use consumer input to enhance services and solve persistent

Travel agencies may improve customer happiness and loyalty by efficiently managing resistance
and addressing client problems, therefore adding to their business's success and reputation.

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