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-.rJTION~ .IU,.

u "'~'-f lQi,qS
DEfl ~
~ I
MPORTAN'f TERM ' b Glsuber In 1648. Humphr ey Davy in 1810 ProvCd the.
. t prepared Y ~ ~
1. Hydrogen chloride gfa; w;:o;;~ and chlorine, fl " . t;J: or HB+ ~18-
to be a compou nd O ty ,, + .tf: ~ ·
d J-1 ·· d sunlight.
2. It is a polar covalent conipoun . . . I presence of diffuse
. .. lemenls ,n t te CJ(g)
J It is synthesised from
e ~ 2fl . .
· H 1,, ) + Cli{g) s,infighr tion of sodium chJonde with concentraiu
21.6 by the reac
. . ared in lsborato,Y ,
4. Hydrogen chloride is prep
sulphuric acid (Fig. 1). ~ cone. sulphuric acid
Dry HCI gas

Cone. .LL-- Hydrogen

sulphric chloride gas

. of hydrogen chloride gas .

Fig. 1: Labor~tory prep;auon hloride gas are sodium chJoride and concenrratei
(i) Reactants used for the prepa~ati~n of hy ro!en ~r other metailic chlorides as it is easily available
sulphuric acid. sodium chloride is preferre ov . .
and cheaply. h Jd b aintained below 200 °C
(ii) Condition of the reaction: The temperatu re s ou e m . .

NaCl + ~SOlcon c.) :~~~ Naf!S04 + HClt
Sodium Sodmm Hydrogen
bisulphate chloride gas
2NaCJ + H2SOlconc.)
1!~~ Na2SO4
+ 2HClt
chloride sulphate chloride gas
(iv) Procedure: Take some sodium chloride (common salt) in a round bottom flask a~d set-up tbe
apparatus as shown in figure. I. Pour concentrated sulphuric acid. On heating the nuxture gently.
HCJ gas is evolved.
(v) Precautions observed during the laboratory preparation of hydrogen chloride gas:
(a) The reaction mixture should not be heated beyond 200 °C as above 200 °C, a sticky mass of
sodium sulphate is formed which sticks to glass apparatus and is difficult to remove.
(b) Fuel is wasted if heated above 200 °C and glass apparatus must crack.
(vi) CoJJecti~n: ~efor~ collecti?n, hydrog~n chloride gas js dried by passing through concen~rattd
sulphunc acid. I~ 1s not dned by passmg through phosphorous pentaoxide and calcium oxide as
both of these drymg agents undergo chemical reaction with hydrogen chloride gas.
2P20s + 3HCI - - 4 POCl3 + 3HPO3
. c~o + 2HCJ - - 4 CaCl2 + HzO . . . • heav
Dry hydrogen chlonde gas 1s coJJected in by a gas jar rd
than air and it is not collected over water as it is hi ~fw: displacement of a_ar as the gas
g Y r extremely soluble m water. Th
forms hydrochloric acid.

• 7~ ~ ® Chemistry (/CSE) -10

. r· t1 · h · a gJa ss
: In or de r to kn ow tha t the g·,• s· 1..,, r ts 1llc hy dro ge n ch lor ide ga s, Orin g ·
tio n · · WI!
Jcfellt · d in am mo niu m
hydroxide ne·i •t
ff denRe white rumes ap
pe ar im me dia tel y,
is ftll ed ~;h• hs mo uth .
ii) od diPpe tha t the ga s jar w ydrogen chiO rid e ga~.
r 1·t shows In wa ter wi th lle d fu nn el
1het1 or ide ga s is dis so lve dcti f the he lp of special arr an ge me nt ca rp tio n
dfOgell chi ev en t the ba ck su on O water a nd gives gre ate r sur fac e are a for the ab so
~y ..,errient to pr
gas. +-C on e. sulphuric acid

Inverted funnel


arr ang em ent

rochloric acid using funnel
Fig . 2: Pre par ati on of hyd
~r og en ch lor ide gas are : es in mo ist air.
'fhe physical properties of hy su ffo cat ing sm ell wh ich gives de ns e fum
ha vm g pu n~ en t
'(a ) It is a colourless ga s
(b) It is highly or ex tre me ly so lub le m water.
- ~;:J,.--/" -'\---- Re d fountain
of hy dr og en - ~-:·"
The ex tre me so lu bi lit y
I gas
1----<11,,,,c:::=r--Ory HC
ns tra ted by
chloride ga s ca n be de mo
fountain experiment (F ig.
e a dry rou nd
Fountain experiment: We tak
dr y HC l an d
bottom fla sk fil led wi th
sh ow n in the
arrange the ap pa rat us as aining water-
er ha vin g two --- -D ro pp er -co nt
figure. Fix a ru bb er sto pp
fla sk . Pa ss a Jet tub e
holes on the mo uth of the r
an d a dr op pe
jet tube thr ou gh on e ho le
wa ter thr ou gh
containing a few dr op s of
another ho le. Pu t the en d
of the jet tub e -- -- -Blue litmus
litm us solution.
in a beaker co nta ini ng blu e
r, we ob ser ve ::::==============::=====:::'.:====== solution tra te ext rem e sol ubility of
When we p'ress the dr op pe jet tub e with Fig. 3: Fou nta in experim ent to dem ons
th at blue litm us e nte rs the
HCI gas
red fou nta in. ga s pres en t
a great for e an d fo rm s a the dr op pe r go es in the fla sk an d HC l
, the wa ter fro m ins ide pr es su re.
:hi s is be cau se on pre ssi ng h sol ub ilit y in wa ter, the reby low eri ng the
e to its hig due to
in the flask ge t dissolved du blu e litm us so lut ion ins ide thr ou gh the jet tub e
re pu sh es the
Th~ higher ou tsi de pre ssu
ga s is acidic in na tur e.
Which it turns red as HC I
(c) H av ier tha n air.
Ydrogen ch lor ide ga s is he . 4. W e take a no the r jar full of
HC l ga s an d
ca nd le as sho wn in fig us e of
We t~k~ a jar wi th bu rni ng ob ser ve tha t the ca nd le ex tin gu ish es. It is be ca
ng ca nd le. We on of the jar .
~u r It !Oto the jar of bu rni the air in the jar an d oc cu pie s the low er po\rti
ces ou t
Cl gas , be ing he av ier , for I
Hy dr og en Ch lor ide • '·
Burning candle

Fig. 4 : Showing Hydrogen chion'de gas is heavier than air

Chemical properties
7. Hydrogen chloride gas 1s . b t' ble
neither com us 1 nor it is a supporter of combustion. It exti .
burning splinter. 11
8. Hydrogen chloride gas the •ve hydrogen and Chlorine.
rmally de co m~ s;~ ~~ gi
2HC1 ;:: == == = Hz + Clz
9. Metals lying above hydrogen
in the metal activity series displa
ce hydrogen when heated with hydr
chloride gas. ~;:-
M g+ 2HC1 ~ MgClz + Hz
Zn + 2HC1 ~ ZnClz + Hz
Fe + 2HC1 ~ FeClz + Hz

io. Hydrogen chloride gas reacts wit C1 ~ CaClz + Hz

Ca + 2H
h ammonia to give dense white
fumes of ammonium chloride.
NH3 + HCl ~ NH Cl
Dense white fumes
11. Hydrogen chloride gas is
a polar covalent compound wh
12. Hydrogen chloride gas on ich on dissolving in water produc
dissolving in water produces es ions.
strong monobasic acid (hydro
. HCl(g) + HzO ~ H 0+ + chloric acid\.
13. Dry hydrogen chloride gas 3 Cr
and liquified hydrogen chloride
neutral (non-acidic) character gas has no effect on litmus, show
of the dry gas. ing the
14. Liquified hydrogen chlori
de gas does not allow the electr
covalent nature of the gas. ic current to pass through it,
showing !ht
15. In laboratory, Hydrochlori
c acid is prepared by dissolvin
hydrogen chloride gas is direct g hydrogen chloride gas in wat
ly absorbed in water, it leads er. Bu~il
dis~olved in Wat_er with t?e help to back suction, Therefore, the 6
of funnel arrangement in order gas
w?1ch also prov1d:s m~ ~u m ar~ to prevent the back suction of water
a for _the absorption of hydrog
16. Dilute hyd_rochl~nc _ac1~ en chloride gas.
1s a typ~cal acid. So , it undergoes
(a) Reaction .w~th md1cator: the following reactions:
Dilute ,
characteristic colours with indica solution of hydrochloric acid is strongly acidic and it show
tors. 1
Blue litmus Colour change
Phenolphthalein Red
Methyl orange . Colourless
(b) Reaction wath metalhc modes Red or pink
and water. : On reaction w•th .
1 ·ct fortnS salt
metallic oxides dilute Hydrochl
oric aci
• 7 ~ ~ Chemistry (!CSE) -1
+ H20 _ o
zJ-ICI (dil.) Zn Cl 2 MgO + 21 IC I (dil.) _ M gC l2 + H
O~ Ct + H2O N
P1 }-{Cl (di l.) - - Cu. 2 11 20 + 2H CI (·•·
u1I .) - - 2N aC I + H 2 0
~2 n wi th ba se s d'I tio n to fo rm
OJ0 __.:th bases: On re ac tio • 1 ute HC I uncIerg oc s ne ut ra lis ati on re ac
,ier-_d ~t er .
+ HC I (d il. ) -- -. ,. Na Cl + H O
~) s,ttitfl Na OH ➔ 2
Sodium Sodium
➔ KCI + HO
K O H + HC l (d il. ) Sodium 2
Potassium chloride
hydroxide . . leu
me tal s: Di lu te Hy dr oc hl or ic ac id re ac ts w' th active me tal s to lib era te a co lo ur
. ll'itb th a po p
,11 Jtetdl url ss ga
s wh ich bu m s wi PIng so un d.
d c,d o
Mg + 2H Cl ( dil. )- -- .., .. Mg~l2 + Hzt
Magnesium Magnesium
Fe + 2H CI (d il. ) _ _ _ Fe Cl 2 + tt it
lro n Fe rro us
--➔ ZnClz + Hit
Zn + 2HCI ( dil .) Zinc
Zi nc
- - 2AlC13 + 3H2t
2A l + 6H Cl {dil .) -
id re ac ts wi th me tal lic
an d bicarb on at es : Di lu te hy dr oc hlo ric ac ter m ilk y
(t) Reaction with meta
llic carbonates d od ou rle ss ga s which tu rn s lim e wa
ur les s an
s to liberate colo
carbonates and bicarbonate
showing_that the gas evol
ved is carbon dioxide. + C0 2i
~ 2NaCI + Hz O
il. ) -
N3 2C 03 + 2H Cl (d Sodium Carbon
So diu m dioxide
carbona te + CO2
0 + HC l (d il. ) - - - Na Cl + H 20 Carbon
Na HC 3 Sodium
Sodiu m chloride dioxide
bicarbon ate
- Ca C03 ,I, +
H 20
Ca (O H) z + CO2 -
Lime wa ter bonate
(clear solution (m ilky) metallic
of milk of lime) oric acid re ac ts wi th
sulp hites: Dilute hydrochl
al lic su lp hi te s an d bi r sm el l wh ic h
(J) Reaction with m et s gas having burning su lp hu
to lib er at e a colourles pe rm an ga na te so lu tio
n fro m
su!p~ites and bisulphites gr ee n an d po ta ss iu m
ro m at e fro m orange to ox id e.
aCtdified potassium di ch sh ow in g th at th e ga s evolved is su lp hu r di
l + H 20 + S0 2t xide
it de co lo ur ise s,
Pllrple to colourless, i.e. il. ) - --- + 2N aC
N a SO + 2HC1 (d
Sulphur dio
So diu ~ su lJr ute
+ H 20 + S0 2t
H Cl (dil.) - - NaCl
N aH SO + Sodium chloride
ur dioxide
Su lph
Sodium bis uli hit e + H 20
+ S0 -- -- + K iS 0 4 + Cr2(S 0 4) 3
.l<iCr2 o7 + 3S 0 2 H 2 4
Potassium Ch rom ium
Potassium sulphate su lph ate
dichromate (G ree n)
(O ran ge )
Hydrogen Chloride •
:,tJVUIJ'--"4 '
f½S04 + Manganese
+ SS0 2 + 2H20 ~ potassium s ulphate
2KMn04 sulphate
pemrnng111111tc hydrochloric acid reacts with
1) Id . Dilute lllc~II·
(Purp e d bf sulph es, s having rotten egg smell Which ~
111 sulphides an lourless 1 8 turn
(g) Reaction with meta . c . hides to liberate a co showing that the gas evolved is hydt '
I h 'des and metallic b1sulp t shining black, ~
su p , . from colourless o
lead acetate solution H Si
2NaCI + 2
sulphJde. + 2HCl(dil.) ~ Sodium Hydrogen
Na 2S sulphide
chloride (Rotten
sulphide egg smell)

NaCl + HzSi
HCI Hydrogen
NaHS + Sodium
(dil.) sulphide
Sodium chloride
bisuJphide PbS J.. + 2CH3 COOH

Acetic acid
Pb(CH3C00)2 + Lead sulphide
Lead acetate (Black)
(h) Reaction with metallic nitrates: PbCI2 J- + 2HN03
Pb(N03) 2 + 2HCI(dil.) Lead chloride Nitric acid
Lead nitrate (White ppt.) _
. . • hi h is soluble in hot water but insoluble in cold water.
Lead chloride is a white prec1p1tate w c J, HNO
+ HCl(dil.) - - AgCI + 3
Silver chloride
Silver nitrate
(Curdy white ppt.)
AgCI - - [Ag(NH3)z]Cl +
Diammine silver(!)
Silver chloride is a curdy white precipitate which is soluble in ·excess of ammonium hydroxide.
(i) Reaction with thiosulphates: Dilute hydrochloric acid on reaction wjth sodium thiosulphate
produces sulphur dioxide and the solution formed has a yellow turbidity.
Na2S2O3 + 2HCI - - 2NaCI + H 2 0 + S02 + S
_Sodium (dil.) Sodium Sulphur Sulphur
th1osulphate chloride dioxide (Yellow residue)
17. Aq_ua regia is t~ree ~arts of concentrated hydrochloric acid and one part of concentrated nitric acid.
It 1s used for dISsolvmg noble metals like gold and platinum.
HN03 (cone.) + 3HCI (cone.) ----+ NOCI
+ 2[CI] +
Nitrosyl Nascent
chloride chlorine
Pt + 4[CI] ➔ PtCI4
Au (Platinum chloride)
+ 3[CI] ➔ AuCJ3
(Gold chloride)

. . 7-,,&uto«lt®Chemistry (ICSE)-10
r IS.
C0 (IV) oxide (P bO2)
hl or ic ac id i
cn tr at ed hy dr oc m a
ng an at c (K M nO 4 ·
ng an cs
s ox id is ed (M
e( IV ) ox id e
lo chlorl
nO 2 '
po t·
Y ox id is in g ag

,lss,um di chro m
en ts lik e re d le
at c (~ C r 2
0 7
ad (P b O 4) '
) an d po tass

pernia (c on e) ti 3 PbCI
Pb30 4 + 8H C I . - . p 2 + C l2 + 4H 20
(c on e. ) -! _
P b 02 + 4H C I ,.. bCl2 + Cl2 + 2H
( co ne )
MnCl2 + Cl2 +
C I 2H O
M n 02 + 4H . - 2
Buffco lo ur
solutio n
~ - 21<: + 3Cl2
K2Cr207 + 14 H C I (c on e.) Cl + 2CrC13 + 7H20
2. K M n0 4 + 16 H C I (c on e)
· - 2KCI + 2M nCl2 + 5Cl2 + 8H20

en chloride gas:
• 'Jests for hydrog pe r red.
(a) It tu rn s moi
st blue li tm us pa · m h ydrox1. de
white fu m es w it h am m on iu
(b) It gives
dense HCJ
+ ff iO
. ride
A m m on iu m chlo
te fu m es) ·
(D en se w hi
w hi ch · bl ·m excess of am m or uu m
• •
tr at e soluti'on , 1s so1u e
y white precip itate with silver ni
(c) . It gives curd
hydroXI e. ~ AgCl.J.. +
A g N 03 + HCI t.)
(C ur dy w hi te pp
)i ]C l + 21½0
2N H40 H ~ [A g( N H3
A gC l + D ia m m in e silve
er bu t insoluble
is soluble in bot wat
e so lu ti on, w hi ch
w it h le ad ni tr at
te precipitate
(d) It gives a whi 2 H N 03
in cold water. Pb C l 2-l- +
P b (N 03) 2 + Lead chloride
Lead nitrate (White ppt.)
e, co nc entrated hydrochloric acid
V) oxid
idis ing agen ts like manganese (I oc ating smell which turn
w it h ox en t suff
(e) On reaction w coloured gas
ha~ng pung
1 2 + Cl 2 + 2H2
gree n ish yello 0
produces a nc.) ~ M nC
M n 0 + 4HC1(co 2
· yellow gas
bleaches it to white , i.e. decolou
lue litmus paper to red and
(i) Moist b
H 0 - - HCI
CJ 2 + 2
I + [OJ
H C IO -- -+ HC leac hed product + Wat
matter - - B
J + H y dro gen o f the colouring
[O .
oi st star ch iodid e paper blue-black I + 1
(ii) M 2KC 2
2.KI + Cl 2- ~ •
B lue black preparatio n
I2 + Starch - ~ re o f dyes, drugs, pamts, and
ly used in the m
id is exte n sive
20. Hydrochloric

of aqua-regia. dustry, tannin g indust ry, etc.

printing in
21. It is used in calico

Hydrogen Chloride
1Av e
reason for the following:
/ff~drogen chloride gas cannot be dried over quick
• lime. . .h. u.i11
Ans. Hydrogen chloride · d
gas cann ot be dne · k 11·me as 1t react s wit 1t to form
over quic ca .
re fer to the now chart below and give balanced Chi
equations wi tb conditions, Ir any, ror the fot ~ -
conversions A to D.
-- -----, ~~
B r Iron (II) chlor ideI 124111

Hydrogen C

~ Amm oniu m
chlor ide
A Ch lor ide ~
Lead chlor ide
Ans. A NaCl + H 2S0/c onc. ) -Below
- 200-•c- NaHSO4 + HCI
B Fe + 2HCI - A FeCl + H
2 2
C NH3 + HCI ---- + NH CI
D Pb(N 03)z + 2HCI ---- + PbCl + 2HN 03
3. Choose the correct answer from the options
given below.
Hydrogen chloride gas being highly soluble in wate
r is dried by:
(a) Antydrous calcium chloride
(b) Phos phor us pentaoxide
(c) Quick lime
(ti) Concentrated sulph uric acid
Aps. (d) Conc entra ted sulph uric acid. 120111
'~ the laboratory preparation of hydrochloric acid,
HCI gas is dissolved in water.
(i) Draw a diagram to show the arran geme nt
used for the abso rptio n of HCI in water.
(ii) Why is such an arran geme nt necessary ?
Give two reaso ns.
(iii) Write the chemical equations for the labor

atory preparation of HCI gas when the reactants an:
(A) Below 200 °C (B) Above 200 °C 120111
Ans. (i)

Wate- -
(ii) It preve nts _back suction of wate r into the react
the absorpt10n of the gas. ion flask and prov ides grea ter sufrce area for
(iii) (A) NaCl + HzSO /con c.) :~~ NaH S0 + HCI
(~) 2NaCI + HzS04
5. The diagram below shows an apparat
(cone.) ·:o.~fi
NazS 04 + 2HC I
h I

us or t e aboratory prep arati on of hydrogen


Hydrogen chloride

• 7"""'" ..,a® Chemistry (!CSE) -10

\ ~
(i) Identify A and Bi. 'l\
(ii) Write the equal on for the reaction.
is nned with hydrogen chloride?
(iii) How would you check whether or not the gas 120101
(iv) What does tbe me~hod. of collection tell you
about the density of hydrogen chloride?
(i) A is cone. sulphuric acid and B is NaCl
( Below
(ii) NaCl + H2S04 cone.) 200 .c NaHS04 + HCI

the mouth of gas jar, if dense white fumes

(iii) Bring a _glass r?d dipped in NH40H in contact with
appear 1mmed1ately then the gas jar is filled with HCI.
(iv) HCI gas is heavier than air.
by the action of concentrated sulphuric acid on
~m e the gas evolved (formula not acceptable)
rsodium chloride.
,us. Hydrogen chloride gas.
i.-a,n-ect the following statement.
by passing hydrogen chloride directly thro ugh
/ ' Hydrochloric acid is prepared in the laboratory
atory by passing hydrogen chloride through water using
,us. Hydrochloric acid .is prepared in the labor
inverted funnel · arrangement.
phosphorous pentaoxide and calcium oxide?
~ y hydrogen chloride gas is not dried by using oxide because
ous pentaoxide and calcium
£s. Hydrogen chloride gas is not dried by using phosphor
the gas.
both the drying agents undergo chemical reaction with
2P20 5 + 3HC1 ~ POC13 + 3HP 03
CaO + 2HC1 ~ CaC12 + H 20

atory preparation of hydrochloride acid.

9;Jtle following questions are related to the labor
I' (i) Name the reactants used.
(ii) Give suitable reason for choosing these react
. (iii) Write balanced chemical equation for the
reaction taking place below 200 °C
(iv) Why the temperature of the reaction must
be maintained below 200 °C ?
Ans. (i) Sodium chloride and concentrated sulphuric
(ii) Sodium chloride is preferred as it is easily and,
cheaply available and conc entra ted sulphuric
acid is preferred as it is least volatile acid.
(iii) NaCl + H2SO4 (cone.) 200
·c NaHSO4 + HCl
200 °C because:
(iv) The temperature of the reaction is maintained below
1. On heating lot of fuel is wasted.
destroys the glass apparatus.
2. A sticky mass of sodium sulphate is formed which
laboratory preparation of hydrogen chloride gas.
~ e following questions are pertaining to the
(i) Write the equation for its preparation ment
ioning the conditions required.
(ii) Name the drying agent used and justify your
(iii) State a safety precaution you would take
during the preparation of hydrochloric acid. c201s1

Ans. (i) NaCl + H2SO4 - Below

- 200--•c NaH S04 + HCl
Above200 °C
2NaCI + HzS04

Hydrogen Chloride •
(ii) Co nce ntr ate d sul phu ric
aci '
.d as oth er dry ing age nts !id e Ca O and P2O 5underg
. o Ch
rea ct10n w1•th HCI gas. .
d . solved in wa ter wit h the hel p of funnel arrang clli~..
· (iii) Hydrogen chloride. gas mu st
be is tlon · elllc '11
e bal
anced equation for the following l'lt.
v reac ·nn ang ana te solution.
oncentrated hydrochloric acid an d potassium pe
SH o + 5C l
Ans. 2.KMnO +
16HC1 ----► 2KCI + 2MnClz + 2 11'1
2 11
12..,.n;the addition or only one Id ou distinguish between dilute
solution, how wou y hydrochl
/ ;;d · dilute nitric acid? 0
tic ~
Ans. Silver nitr ate solution llo111
. . . . Jubie in excess of NH 0H
HCI will give white prec1p1ta te which is so 4
HN O3 - No visible reaction.
13. The diagram below shows a f th fountain experiment.
simple arrang O
ement e

(i) Name the two gases you

hav~ studied which can be use
(ii) What is the common pro d in thi s experiment.
perty demonstrated by thi s exp eri me
Ans. (i) Ammonia and Hydrogen chl nt? [2811\
oride gas.
(ii) Both the gases are highly
or extremely soluble in wa ter .
14. What property of hydrogen
chloride is dem on str ate d wh en
(upward displacement)? it is col lec ted by downward deli
Ans. Hydrogen chloride gas is
heavier than air.
~ y is hydrogen chloride
not collected over wa ter ?
Ans. Hydrogen chloride is not
collected over wa ter as it is hig
~ t a t e the colour changes obs hly or ext rem ely soluble in wat
erved when dil ute hydrochloric er.
(i) Neutral litmus solution aci d is ad de d· to the following indicato~
(ii) Alkaline phenolphthalein
(iii ) Methyl orange solution
Ans. (i) It turns red.
(ii) It gets decolourised.
(iii) It turns red or pink.
~ i : e reasons for the follow
/~; :y: rog en chlo~de gas !s col
-~~ y rogen chl ond e gas is no ted by the up wa rd dis pla cem ent of air .
(m) For the pre par ati on of h d collected over water: ,
(iv) Dry HCJ d hi • . ·
Y roe on e
gas oes not cha nge the colaci d, hy dro gen chl ori de is no t dir
ou r of blu e litm us.
L-.1 ·n
ect ly absorocu 1 iater,
• 7~
~ ® Chemistry (!C SE )_ 10
placement , , , , , ,,1 ,s , , , , 1
~ol l ect ed by the upw ard dis
of <11r els heavie r tha n ·1ir
and ,s highly soluble \'
water. •
b: ./
.. It is not collected ove r wa
ter as it is hi ,IJI
abs orp tion lea ds the _or_ ren:iely soluhlc in wa ter.
~xt .
~'.'.) As the dir ect 10 ·
s not cha nge the col ou~ suction '.'' water. no t for me d in
(i_i,) Dr)' HCI gas doe s are
of blue litmus as hydrogen ion
( ) the dry
111 sta te.
e the balanced che mical equation for the r• 0 11 ow1ng reaction [ZO U]
dilu te hydr hi . , ·
pha te 1s rea cte d wit h
urn tbiosul oc oric acid.
+ ZHCI -- + ZN Cl + . HzO + _sO2.!. + st
(dil.) a
_4ns, Na2SP 3 Yellow
owing reactions.
Write the equations for the foll
19 sodium thiosulphate.
• (i) Dilute hydrochloric aci d and
(ii) Dilute hydrochloric aci
d and lead nit rat e solution.
-+ 2NaCI + HzO +
SOz t + S.!.
i\JIS· (i) Na2SzO3 + 2HCI --- Yellow

+ 2HCI --- -+ PbC12.!. + 2H NO 3

(ii) Pb(NO3)z
(Wh ite ppt.)
te byd roc hlo ric aci d.
anc ed che mic al equ atio n for the reaction of zinc and dilu
)I: Write bal
1 + H 2t
¼ffs. Zn+ 2H Cl (d il. )-- ZnC 2
er nit rat e solution?
ob se~ e. wh en hyd roc hlo ~c acid is added to silv
pi ia t do yo~ m hydroxide .
prec1p 1ta te app ear s wh ich is soluble in excess of ammoniu
Ans, A curdy white cen tra ted hyd roc hlo ric
ati on for the rea ctio n of manganese(IV) oxide and con
~r ite balanced equ
r acid. t:.
MnC12 + 2H2O + Cl 2
Ans. Mn02 + 4HCl(conc.) - de to anh ydr ous iro n(i ll) chl ori
de. Wr ite the
to con ver t hyd rog en chl ori
23. Outline the steps req uir ed
equations for the rea ctio ns which tak e place.
, Pb O 2, Pb 3O 4, etc .)
ne by rea ctin g con e. HC I with any oxidising agent (M nO 2
Ans. Prepare chlori
MnC12 + 2H2O + C1 2
Mn02 + 4HCI(conc.) - orine over hea ted iro n
thr oug h con e. H SO , to dry it. Pass dry chl
Pass chl orin e 2 4
2Fe + 3C12 --- -+ 2FeC13
Hea ted Dry Anhydrous
iron (Ill )
c aci d?
uti ons wh ich giv e wh ite pre cip itat e with dil. Hy dro chl ori
;L--Name two aqu eou s sol
Silver nit rat e solution.
Ans. Lead nitrate solution and
25, Name the following: te Ch lor ine.
pou nds of Lea d wh ich com bine with cone. HCI to lib era
(a)1\vo com
(b) Solvent for nob le me tal. lph uri c aci d.
(c) The gas obt ain ed wh en
roc k sal t rea cts wit h cone. Su
gen chl ori de gas.
(d) Drying age nt for Hy dro dro gen chl ori de gas.
exp eri pte nt wh ich dem ons tra tes ext rem e solubility of Hy
(e) The wa ter pro duc es ion s.
which on dissolving in
if> A pol ar covalent com pou nd
(g) Solvent for Sil ver chl ori de. wa ter dur ing the dis sol uti on
arr ang em ent use d for the pre ven tio n of bac k suc tio n of
(h) Name the
of Hydrogen chl ori de gas in

Hydrogen Chloride \in

(b) Aqua regia. .
Ans. (a) Lead dioxide and Red lead (Pb.:P 4). (d) Concentrated s~lphunc acid.
(c) Hydrogen chloride gas. (/) Hydrogen c~loride gas.
(e) Fountain experiment. (h) Inverted funnel arrangement.
(g) Ammonium hydroxide. when:
h fi II Owing react1ons
26. Identity the gas evolved In t e O
dilute hydrochloric acId·
(i) Potassium sulphite Is treoted with made to react with manganese dioxide.
(ii) Concentrated hydrochloric acid Is
Ans. (i) Sulphur dioxide
(ii) Chlorine II d·
hlch Is under ne ·
27. Identity the following substance w hit fumes when reacted with hydrogen chloride ga
An alkaline gas which produces dense w e s. (24
Ans. Ammonia wl 131

28 State own appropnate . observe tion fior the follo ng: id

· Copper sulphide is treated with dUute hydrochloric ac · .
Ans. Colourless gas having rotten egg sme11 evolves which turns lead acetate solution black .
29. Write balanced equation for the following: .
Action of dilute hydrochloric acid on sodium sulphide.
Ans. Na2S + 2HCI-- 2NaCI + H 2S
30. State your observation in each of the following cases:.
(i) When dilute hydrochloric acid is added to sod1~m carbo?ate crystals.
(ii) When moist starch iodide paper is introduced mt~ chlonne ga~.
Ans. (i) Colourless and odourless gas evolves which turns hme w~ter mdky.
(ii) It turns blue black. \
3J/What will you observe when: · .
/ (a) Hydrogen chloride gas is passed through Silver nitrate solution?
(b) Hydrogen chloride gas comes in contact with Ammonia solution?
(c) Hydrogen chloride gas is passed through Lead nitrate si»lution and the product thus formed
is heated?
(d) Manganese dioxide is treated with conc__e ntrated Hydrochloric acid?- ·
Ans. (a) A white precipitate is formed which is soluble. in excess of Ammonium hydroxide.
(b) Dense white fumes are observed. _
(c) A white precipitate is formed which gets dissolved on heating.
(d! Light brown coloured solution is formed with the evolution of greenish, yellow coloured gas.
32. Wnte balanced chemical equation for:
Action of Hydrochloric acid on sodium bicarbonate. .
Ans. NaHC03 + HCI ➔ NaCl + H O + CO [20161
y t a t e your observation when: 2 2

(i) Dilute Hydrochloric acid is added to Le d . .

(ii) Dilute Hydrochloric acid is add d a mtrate solutaon and the mixture is heated.
(iii) Dilute Hydrochloric acid is add~ :o ~:::-per ca~bonate.
Ans. (i) White precipitate appears wh · h d" o mm th1osulpbate.
( '") Col [20161
u ourless and odourless gas .ic 1ssolves on
. hea t mg.
(iii) A colourless gas having bu . is evo1ved which turns lime water milky
green and yellow particles mmg sulphur sme ll which turns acidified ~ Cr O from orange to
34. Name the gas evolved when ff dare seen : .. ~ 2 7
(i) Magnesium y rochloric acid is added to:
(iii) Sodium bicarbonate (ii) Calcium bicarbo t
(. nae
,v) Sodium sulphite
7~ ~ ® Chemistry ([CSE) _ IO

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