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World Food Day

World Food Day is celebrated each year on the 16th of

October. It is to remember the day that the Food and
Agriculture Organization was founded on in 1945.
Over 150 countries around the world hold events.

World Food Day is to:

• teach everyone that there are people in the world
don’t have enough food;
• help people think of ways to make sure everyone has
enough food to eat;
• try to make sure there is no hunger in the world
by 2030
We all need food to survive, but there are many people in the world who
don’t have enough food to eat. World Food Day gives people ideas for how to
stop this happening. Some of the ideas include helping farmers and eating
different types of food.

You can do things every day to support the values of

World Food Day. These include:
• Not wasting food
• Growing your own food
• Eating more healthy foods

Did You Know?

• Over 820 million people in the world
don’t have enough food to eat.
• A third of all the food we buy is
wasted or thrown away.

World Food Day
How can you get involved this World Food Day? Maybe
you could plant a vegetable patch, eat healthy food,
learn about food sources or teach people about the
parts of the world that don’t have enough food to eat.


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