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Second Term Examination

03 April 2024

MINDSMITH EDUCATION 2023/2024 Academic Year

Class: IVORY

Subject: Home Economics


SECTION A (Multiple choice) 30mks

1. Home economics as a subject teach B. How to be resposinble

2. One of the following is not a method

of preserving food

B. Burning

3. The shelf life of a product is..

B. How long the product can stay

before it goes bad

4. One of the following is not a reason.

why we preserve food
A. To last forever
5. Which of these is correct? B. Meat can be smoked

6. One of the following is not method

of preserving dairy products
C. The should be kept in a cool place

7. Fresh milk can be dried into

A. True

8. One of the following is not used for


C. Box

9. Which of these is correct

A. Sprains is a home accident

10. An accident is..

A. An unplanned occurrence that

causes injuries, affects lives and

11. One way to prevent home accident


B. Removing hard loose objects from


12. A hazard free environment means

A. A good environment

13. One of the following is a way to

prevent suffocation

C. Nylons, bags and empty buckets

need to be out of sight and stored properly.

14. Pick the odd one out

A. Burns

B. Sprains

15. The kind of work accident depends

on what the company is into
A. True

16. The process of joining fabrics together to make something

beautiful is..

A. Sewing

17. One of these is a type of sewing

A. Threadle sewing machine

18. The spool pin

A. Keeps the spool pinned

19. The bobbin case

A. Holds the bobbin

20. One of the following is a factor for

preserving foods
C. Food should be stored according to
their type and the storage methods
that suits them.

SECTION B (Theory) 30mks

1. Mention 4 food preservation

methods and give examples

A. Salting - Fish
B. Freezing - Eggs
C. Smoking - Meat
D. Milling - Grains

2. Write short notes o

n the following
and give examples
A. Perishable goods - Foods that perish fast when not preserved., Carrots.
B. Semi-perishable goods - Foods that perish slow becoause of
preservation - Dairy Products
C. Non-perishable goods - Foods that perish so slowly that they are
called non-perishable - Eggs.

3. An accident happened in a

construction company. Most of the workers were badly injured. There

were no safety measures in place. You have been hired as the new safety manager and
has been asked to
provide safety measures to avoid future occurrence.
A. Explain 2 measures you will put in
place to prevent future accidents - Fix spoilt items taht could cause shokk,
keep unsued and spoilt tools away.
B. What type of accident is this? - Shock, and slabs fall on person.

4. Mention 4 uses of a sewing machine - For yourself, for a friend, for a business, or just
for decor.

B. List 6 parts of a sewing machine - Needle, bobbin case, feed dog, spool pin, motor,
presser foot.

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