Ivory Class Social Studies

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Instruction: Attempt all questions

1. Which of the following best defines natural resources? C) Supplied by Nature

2. What does utilization refer to? C) Using resources

3. Overutilization of natural resources means_________ C) Using resources at a faster rate than neccesary.

4. Which of the following is not an importance of natural resources? D) Reducing resources availability.

5. What are the dangers of overutilization of natural resources? D) Suffering for furture genrations.

6. Underutilization of resources can lead to__________ Unemployment.

7. Which of the following is not a place where labor force is required?C) Mountains.

8. How can labor force be trained to be active and productive? B) Encouraging adult education.

9. What are the means of water transport in Nigeria? B) Canoes.

10. What are the means of air transportation? B) Aeoroplanes.

11. What are the problems of water transportation? C) Poor condition of boats.

12. Which is not a problem of air transportation? C) Abundance of pilots.

13. What are solutions to the problems of water and air transportation? C) Providing more airportss.

14. What are the means of telecommunication in Nigeria? B) Telephone

15. What are uses of electronic devices like television and radio? D) None of the above

16. Where are telecommunication devices used?

D) In various places like homes, schools, offices, and cyber cafes

17. How should telecommunication devices be used? D) With care and following instructions

18. Why may telecommunication not work? B) Vandalization of equipment

19. What is gender discrimination? B) Treating people differently based on their sex
20. In which areas does gender discrimination occur? A) Education and employment only

21. What promotes national unity? C) Respecting national objectives and symbols

22. What are values that promote peace? B) Tolerance and humility

23. What are the characteristics of tolerance? B) Accommodation of other people

24. What does cooperation mean? A) Working together towards a shared aim

25. What is national unity? B) Agreement and cooperation between people in a country

26. What are the types of drugs mentioned? C) Both legal and illegal drugs
27. What are the consequences of using heroin? A) Increased appetite

28. What are the effects of abnormal and excessive drug use? C) Death and ill health

29. What are the primary sources of help for drug abusers? A) Rehabilitation centres and re-orientation by teachers

30. What are international conflicts? B) Quarrels between countries

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