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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

You can update and modify agent Activation Keys, from the VMDR "Welcome" page. Under the “Identify
Assets” section of the VMDR “Welcome” page, click the “Configure Agents for VMDR” button.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

Here, you can select and upgrade Activation Keys for VMDR. Presently the "Minimum Module
Activation Key" (at the top) has only one application module. Select the check box for the Minimum
Module Key.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

With the "Minimum Module Activation Key" selected, click the "Actions" button...

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

... and select Upgrade.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

The key has been upgraded with the VMDR application modules.

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Let's take a closer look at the key you just upgraded. Click the link to "Manage Cloud Agent Keys."

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

You are automatically placed within the "Cloud Agent" application. From the "Cloud Agent" application,
click the "Activation Keys" tab.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

Click the button to open the "Quick Actions" menu for the Minimum Module Key...

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

...and select Edit Key.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

We'll begin by updating the name of this key, to better reflect its new application modules.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

We'll call it the VMDR Lab Activation Key.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

It's a "best practice" to configure agent Activation Keys with a static Asset Tag. The predictable nature
of a static tag will make it easy to identify or track host assets that are deployed with this Activation

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

To create and then add a static tag to this key, click the "Create" link.

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We'll name this tag VMDR Lab.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

Click the "Continue" button.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

Once a “static” tag is assigned to a target host (using the No Dynamic Rule) it will remain assigned to
that host, until it is manually removed or replaced. Click the "Continue" button...

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

...and finally, click the "Finish" button.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

The "VMDR Lab" tag that is assigned to this Activation Key, can be used to assign agent hosts to their
appropriate Configuration Profiles, Patch Assessment Profiles, and Patch Jobs, at the time of agent

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

Just below this tag (in the applications section) the "Secure Configuration Assessment" module has
been selected by default, but it can easily be replaced with the "Policy Compliance" module. Select the
check box for the "Policy Compliance" module...

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

...and then click to unselect the "Secure Configuration Assessment" module.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

Click the "Save" button.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

The key has been successfully updated. For a detailed discussion of agent configuration steps, please
see the Qualys Cloud Agent Training Course.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

You can close this window, and continue to read through your Lab Tutorial Supplement, for a review of
the steps you just completed, and some additional details.

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001 - Configure Agents for VMDR

Scan to go to the interactive player

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