Speaking Tutorial - Conversation Vocabulary 6 Pages of Samples

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A. List of Expressions

1. Greeting statements:
a. Hi : Hai
b. Hello : Halo
c. Peace be upon you : Assalamualaikum
d. Good morning : Selamat pagi
e. Good day : Selamat siang
f. Good afternoon : Selamat siang/sore
g. Good evening : Selamat malam
h. Good night : Selamat malam (perpisahan)/selamat tidur
i. I am glad to see you/glad to see you : Senang berjumpa denganmu
j. I am happy to see you : Saya senang bertemu denganmu
k. I am delighted to see you : Saya senang bertemu denganmu
l. Nice to meet you : senang berkenalan denganmu
m. It is nice to meet you : Gembira rasanya bertemu denganmu
n. It is nice to see you : Gembira rasanya mengenalmu
o. Nice to know you : Senang rasanya mengenalmu
2. Parting Statements
a. Good bye : Selamat tinggal
b. Bye-bye : da dah
c. Cheerio : sampai jumpa lagi
d. Good night : selamat tinggal (malam hari)
e. So long : sampai jumpa
f. See you : sampai jumpa
g. See you later : sampai jumpa nanti
h. See you next time : Sampai ketemu lain kali
i. See you again : Sampai ketemu lagi
j. See you tomorrow : Sampai jumpa besok
k. See you to night : Sampai jumpa nanti malam
l. See you on Sunday : Sampai ketemu hari minggu
m. Good luck : Semoga berhasil
n. Wish you luck : Semoga beruntung
o. All the best : Segala yang terbaik untukmu
p. God bless you : Tuhan memberkatimu

B. Example

Conversation I
Mr. Jimmy : “Hi, Tom”
“Hai, Tom.”
Tommy : “Hello, Mr. Jimmy. How are you today?”
“Hallo, Pak Jimmy. Bagaimana kabar anda hari ini?
Mr. Jimmy : “I’m fine, thanks. And you?
“Saya sehat-sehat saja, terimakasih. Dan kamu?
Tommy : “Pretty God, thank you.
“Baik-baik saja terimakasih.
Mr. Jimmy : “Where do you want to go?
“Kemana kamu mau pergi?
Tommy : “I want to buy a kilogram of sugar in the store.
“Saya mau beli gula satu kilo di warung.”
Mr. Jimmy : “Oh really?, See you Tom.
“Oh begitu ya? Sampai ketemu lagi Tom.
Tommy : “Good bye Mr. Jimmy.”
“Selamat tinggal Pak Jimmy.”
Conversation II
Robbie : “Hi, Good morning Susan?”
“Hai, Selamat pagi Susan?”
Susan : “Good morning Rob, What is it?
“Pagi Rob, Ada apa ya?
Robbie : “Would you like to go with me to the cinema tonight?
“Kamu mau nggak pergi ke bioskop sama aku malam ini?”
Susan : “Sure”
“Tentu saja.”
Robbie : “Nice to hear that, I will pick you up at 7.”
“Duuh senang nya, aku akan jemput kamu jam 7.”
Susan : “If that so, see you tonight Rob.”
“Kalau begitu, sampai ketemu nanti malam Rob.”
Robbie : “See you”
“Da daah..”
C. List of Vocabularies
Morning : Pagi
Mid Day : Siang
Afternoon : Sore
Evening : Malam
Sunset : Senja
Night : Malam
Dawn : Senja
Fine : Baik
All right : Baik
Bad Condition : Keadaan yang buruk
In a bad shape : Kurang sehat
Meet : Bertemu
Greet : Menyapa
A Part : Terpisah
Take a part : Berpisah

C. Apologizing statement

a. I am sorry : Aku minta maaf

b. Sorry : Maaf
c. Excuse me : Permisi
d. Pardon me : Maafkan aku
e. I beg you Pardon : Aku minta maaf
f. Please forgive me : Mohon maafkan saya

D. Answer

a. It’s okay : tidak apa-apa

b. Don’t mention it : jangan sungkan
c. Forget it : Lupakan saja
d. It’s just fine : tidak apa-apa
e. Don’t worry about it : jangan hawatirkan hal itu
f. It’s all right : tidak apa-apa
g. I forgive you : saya maafkan kamu.

E. Example

Example 1
Bobby : “Halo, Janet how are you to day?”
“Halo Janet apa kabar nih?
Janet : “Just fine, how about you?”
“ Baik-baik saja, bagaimana dengan kamu?”
Bobby : “I’m fine too, thanks. By the way do you bring my physic book?
“Aku juga baik-baik saja. Ngomong-ngomong apa kamu membawa
buku fisika ku?”
Janet : “Ups, I’m sorry, I forgot to bring it.”
“Duuh, Maaf. Aku lupa membawanya.”
Bobby : “It’s all right, but don’t forget to bring it tomorrow, okay?”
“Ngaak apa apa, tapi jangan lupa membawanya besok, ya?”
Janet : “Okay, don’t worry. I will bring it tomorrow. See you Bob.”
“Oke, jangan hawatir. Aku akan membawanya besok. Sampai ketemu
Bobby : “Bye, Janet.”
“Daah, Janet.”
Example 2
Cindy : “Hello Matt, How is my dog?”
“Hallo Matt, Bagaimana keadaan anjingku?”
Matthew : “Uh… oh… actually there is something.”
“Uh… oh… sebenarnya ada yang mau kukatakan.”
Cindy : “What is it Matt? Did you treat my dog very well during my holiday
to French?”
“Ada apa Matt? Kamu merawat anjingku dengan baik kan selama aku berlibur ke
Matthew : “Please forgive me, your dog is dead. I forget to feed him for two
“Tolong maafin aku, anjingmu mati. Aku lupa memberinya makan selama dua hari.”
Cindy : “What have you done? How could you forget to feed Blacky?
“Apa yang kau lakukan? Bagaimana mungkin kamu lupa memberi
makan si Blacky?”
Matthew : “I am so sorry. I am so busy with my essay. I forgot about him.”
“Aku minta maaf. Aku sangat sibuk mengerjakan essay ku. Aku jadi
Cindy : “Forget it. I won’t speak to you anymore.”
“Jangan harap. Aku nggak akan pernah ngomong sama kamu lagi.”
A. Congratulating Statements
a. Congratulation : Selamat
b. Happy birthday : Selamat ulang tahun
c. Happy feast day : Selamat
d. Happy New Year : Selamat tahun baru
e. Happy anniversary : Selamat hari jadi
f. Happy Lebaran’s Day : Selamat hari Lebaran
g. Merry Christmas : Selamat Natal
h. Congratulation to you : Selamat buat kamu
i. Congratulation on you : Selamat untukmu
j. Congratulation on your married : Selamat atas pernikahanmu
k. Congratulation on your promotion : Selamat atas kenaikan pangkatmu
l. Congratulation on your getting new job : Selamat atas pekerjaabarumu
m. I am happy to hear you success : Saya gembira atas kesuksesan anda
n. How lucky you are : Betapa beruntungnya kamu
B Reply
a. Thanks : terima kasih
b. Thank you : terima kasih
c. I am not that good : aku enggak sehebat itu
d. Thank you very much : terima kasih banyak
C. Example
Example I
Eric : “Hello, Jack! I am so happy to day.”
“Hallo, Jack! Aku gembira sekali hari ini.”
Jacky : “What is it going on, friend?”
“Ada apa nih?”
Eric : “It is about Rose. She accepted me as her boyfriend.”
“Ini tentang Rose. Dia menerimaku jadi pacarnya.”
Jacky : “Well, that’s great! Congratulation, man.”
“Wah, hebat!” Selamat ya.”
Eric : “Thanks!”
“Terima kasih.”
Example II
Ben : “Happy Birthday Ann”
“Selamat ulang tahun Ann.”
Ann : “Thanks, Ben. Do you always remember my birthday?”
“Terima kasih Ben. Apa kamu selalu ingat ulang tahunku.”
Ben : “Sure I do, what if I treat you for dinner tonight?”
“Tentu saja, bagaimana jika aku traktir makan malam malam ini?
Ann : “It sounds good. Sure I will.”
“Kedengarannya asyik. Tentu saja aku mau.”

Ben : “Great. I’ll pick you up at seven p.m.”
“Siip.. Aku jemput jam 7 ya.”
Ann : “Okay. See you tonight Ben.”
“Oke. Sampai ketemu nanti malam Ben.”
Ben : “See you.”
Example III
Mr. Smith : “Hello, Honey. I got a good news for you. Do you want to hear it?”
“Hallo Sayang. Aku ada berita bagus nih buat kamu. Mau dengar nggak?”
Mrs. Smith : “Sure, What is it?”
“Tentu saja. Ada apa?”
Mr. Smith : “I got a promotion. My boss said that he is going to promote me as the manager soon.”
“Aku dapat kenaikan jabatan. Bosku bilang ia akan segera mengangkatku jadi
Mrs. Smith : “Oh dear. What a good news. Congratulation honey! I am so glad to hear that.”
“Astaga. Benar benar berita bagus. Selamat ya saying! Aku senang sekali
Mrs. Smith : “Thanks baby.”
“Terima kasih Sayang.”
D. List of Vocabularies
Congratulate : Memberi selamat
Congratulation : Selamat
Thanks : Terima kasih
Thank you : Terima kasih
Promotion : Kenaikan jabatan
A. List of Expressions
Wow good job : Wah, kerja bagus.
Good work friend : Kerja yang bagus kawan.
Nice try : Kerja bagus
Nice work! : Kerja bagus
Good job! : Kerja bagus
Keep up the good work! : Pertahankan prestasimu
You are a good man : Kamu hebat kawan
You are the best! : Kamulah yang terbaik
You are great! : Kamu hebat
You are smart : Kamu pintar
You are so beautiful : kamu sangat cantik
What a nice dress! : Benar-benar baju yang bagus
B. Reply
Thanks : terima kasih
Thank you : terima kasih
I am not that good : Aku tak sehebat itu
Thank you very much : terima kasih banyak
C. Example
Example I
Ricky : “Hello, Matt. How are you doing?”
“Hallo, Matt. Apa kabar?”
Matthew : “I’m very well, thanks. What about you?”
“Aku baik-baik saja, trims. Bagaimana denganmu?”
Ricky : “Pretty good, Pals. By the way I heard from Jim that you won the
English competition last week.”
Mathew : “Yes, I did.”
“Ya, begitulah.”
Ricky : “That was awesome man. You are great.”
“Wah, keren banget man. Kamu memang hebat.”
Mathew : “Thank you. Would you want some ice cream? I’ll treat you.”
“Terima kasih. Kamu mau es krim nggak? Ku traktir deh.”
Ricky : “It sounds good. Let’s go.”
“Kayaknya asyik. Yuk.”
Mathew : “Yeah, come on. Let’s go.”
“Ya, cepat. Ayo berangkat.”
Example II
Jane : “Hi, Kelly. Take a look at this! What do you think about my new dress?”

“Hai, Kelly. Coba lihat! Apa pendapatmu tentang baju baruku ini?”
Kelly : “Wow. What a nice dress. You look so beautiful. “
“Wow. Baju yang sangat indah. Kamu kelihatan cantik sekali.”
Jane : “Thank you very much.”
“Terima kasih banyak ya.”
Kelly : “You are welcome.”
A. List of Expressions
How do you do : Salam kenal
* How do you do too : Salam kenal juga
What is your name? : Siapa namamu
* My name is … : Nama saya adalah …
Who are you? : Siapa kamu?
* I am … : Saya …
How are you? : Apa kabar?
* I am fine, thank you/I am okay, thanks : Aku baik-baik saja, terima kasih.
Where do you live? : Dimana kamu tinggal?
* I live on Beverly hills street, block B, number 9.: Saya tinggal di jl. Beverly hills, Blok B, nomor 9.
Where do you come from? : Kamu berasal darimana?
* I come from California : Aku berasal ari California
How old are you?/What is your age? : Berapakah umurmu?
* I am 17 years old. : Aku berumur 17 tahun
When and where were you born? : Kapan dan dimanakah engkau lahir?
* I was born in California, 7 July 1997 : Aku lahir di California, pada tanggal 7 July 1997
What is your occupation? : Apakah pekerjaanmu?
* I am a student : Aku seorang pelajar.
What is your religion? : Apa agamamu?
* My religion is Moslem/I am a Moslem : Agama saya Islam.
What is your tribe? : Apakah sukumu?
* I am a Java ethnic : Aku orang Jawa
What is your nationality? : Kamu warga Negara apa?
* I am an American : Saya orang Amerika
What is your hobby? : Apakah hobimu
* My hobby is playing play station : Hobi saya adalah bermain Play Station
Who is your father? : Siapakah ayahmu?
* My father is Mr. Rudolph : Ayah saya adalah Bapak Rudolph
Who is your mother? : Sipakah Ibumu?
* My mother is Mrs. Joanna : Ibu saya adalah ibu Joanna
How many brothers and sisters do you have? : Berapa banyak saudaramu?
* I have one brother and one sister : Aku punya satu orang saudara laki-laki
dan satu orang saudara perempuan
What is your brother’s name? : Siapakah nama saudara laki-lakimu?
* His name is Andy : Namanya Andy.
What is your sister name? : Siapakah nama saudara perempuanmu?
* Her name is Susan : Namanya Susan
What is your father occupation? : Apakah pekerjaan Ayahmu?
* He is a farmer : Ia aalah seorang petani
What is your favorite color? : Apakah warna faforitmu?
* My favorite color is Green. : Warna kesukaan saya adalah hijau
What is your favorite food? : Apakah makanan kesukaanmu?
* My favorite food is fried noodle : Makanan kesukaan saya adalah mie goreng.
What is your favorite drink? : Apakah minuman kesukaanmu?
* My favorite drink is Coca Cola : Minuman kesukaan saya adalah Coca Cola.
What is your favorite music : Apakah musik kesukaanmu?
* My favorite music is Rock : Musik kesukaan saya adalah musik rock.
Who is your favorite singer? : Siapakah penyanyi faforitmu?
* My favorite singer is Robbie William : Penyanyi faforitku adalah Robbie William.
What is your favorite band? : Apakah band kesukaanmu?
* My favorite band is Linkin Park : Band faforitku adalah Linkin Park
What is your favorite sport? : Apakah olah raga kesukaanmu?
* My favorite sport is football : Olahraga kesukaan saya adalah sepak bola
Who is your favorite football player? : Sipakah pemain bola kesukaanmu?

* My favorite football player is Kaka : Pemain bola faforit saya adalah Kaka
B. Example:
Kevin : “Hi, How do you do?”
“Hai, salam kenal?”
Caroline : “How do you do.”
“Salam kenal.”
Kevin : “My name Kevin O’Brian, may I know your name?”
“Namaku Kevin O’Brian, beleh aku tahu namamu?
Caroline : “My name is Caroline Smith. But you can call me Carol.”
“Namaku Caroline Smith. Tapi panggil saja Carol.”
Kevin : “Nice to meet you Carol.”
“Senang bertemu denganmu Carol.”
Caroline : “Nice to meet you too, Kevin.”
“Senang berkenalan denganmu juga Kevin.”
Kevin : “By the way, where do you come from Carol?
“Ngomong-ngomong kamu berasal darimana Carol?
Caroline : “I come from England.” What about you Kevin?
“Aku berasal dari Inggris.” Kamu sendiri darimana Kevin?”
Kevin : “I am the native here. I am an American. What are you doing here?”
“Aku orang asli sini. Aku orang Amerika. Apa yang kau lakukan di
Caroline : “I am visiting my aunt and spending my holiday here.”
“Aku mengunjungi tanteku dan berlibur di sini.”
Kevin : “By the way, how old are you Carol?”
“Ngomong ngomong , berapa umurmu Carol?”
Caroline : “I am 21years old. What about you?”
“Umurku 21 tahun. Kalau kamu?”
Kevin : “I am 22. Are you a college student?”
“Aku 22 tahun. Apa kamu seorang mahasiswa?”
Carol : “Yes I am. I study in Harvard University. How about you?”
“Ya. Aku kuliah di Universitas Harvard. Bagaimana denganmu?”
Kevin : “I study Biology in Colorado University. What subject do you take
Carol?” “Aku kuliah Biologi di Universitas Colorado. Jurusan apa yang kamu ambil Carol?”
Carol : “I study about Ecology.”
“Aku mengambil jurusan Ekologi.”
Kevin : “It seems great. Well, if you want to walk around, I will be so glad to
accompany you.”“Kayaknya keren. Hmm, kalau kamu ingin jalan-jalan, aku akan
dengan senang hati menemanimu.”
Carol : “It’s a pleasure, if you don’t mind. Lets go!”
“Tentu saja, kalau kamu tidak keberatan. Ayo kita pergi!”
Kevin : “All right” “Baiklah.”

Conversation I
Mr. Jimmy : “Hi, Tom”
“Hai, Tom.”
Tommy : “Hello, Mr. Jimmy. How are you today?”
“Hallo, Pak Jimmy. Bagaimana kabar anda hari ini?
Mr. Jimmy : “I’m fine, thanks. And you?
“Saya sehat-sehat saja, terimakasih. Dan kamu?
Tommy : “Pretty God, thank you.
“Baik-baik saja terimakasih.
Mr. Jimmy : “Where do you want to go?
“Kemana kamu mau pergi?
Tommy : “I want to buy a kilogram of sugar in the store.
“Saya mau beli gula satu kilo di warung.”
Mr. Jimmy : “Oh really?, See you Tom.
“Oh begitu ya? Sampai ketemu lagi Tom.
Tommy : “Good bye Mr. Jimmy.”
“Selamat tinggal Pak Jimmy.”
Conversation II
Robbie : “Hi, Good morning Susan?”
“Hai, Selamat pagi Susan?”
Susan : “Good mo

rning Rob, What is it?

“Pagi Rob, Ada apa ya?
Robbie : “Would you like to go with me to the cinema tonight?
“Kamu mau nggak pergi ke bioskop sama aku malam ini?”
Susan : “Sure”
“Tentu saja.”
Robbie : “Nice to hear that, I will pick you up at 7.”
“Duuh senang nya, aku akan jemput kamu jam 7.”
Susan : “If that so, see you tonight Rob.”
“Kalau begitu, sampai ketemu nanti malam Rob.”
Robbie : “See you”
“Da daah..”


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