Public International Law

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== UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL B.A. LL.B, General 9th Semester Examination, 2021 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW Time Allotted: 2 Hours Full Marks: 50 The figures in the margin indicate full marks. GROUP-A Answer any four questions not exceeding 200 words 10x4 = 40 1. Whether International Law is the vanishing point of Jurisprudence? Explain, 10 2. Elaborately explain the primary and secondary sources of International Law. 10 3. Discuss the relationship between International Law and Municipal Law with the 10 support of the prominent theories. 4, Meaning, Definition and Principles of Extradition under International Law. 10 5. Definition, meaning and modes of acquisition of Nationality. Distinction between 10 Nationality and Citizenship. 6. Rights and Duties of Coastal States under International Law. 10 GROUP-B 7. Answer any two questions not exceeding 100 words: $x2=10 (a) Concept of Asylum under International Law. (b) Place of Individual in Intemational Law. (c) Exclusive Economic Zone. (d) Modes of settlement of International Disputes. LLB. (3 yr.V6th Sem/2022/RCS) rf UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL LLB, (3 yr) 6th Semester Examination, 2022 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW ‘Time Allotted: 3 Hours Answer Question No. 7 and any four from the rest (a) Discuss the origin and development of Public Intemational Law. (b) Enumerate the important sources of Public International Law. 2 ‘Elucidate the various subjects of Public International Law, Icrecognition indispensable for granting the status of “Statchood"? Discuss 4. (a) Differentiate between nationality and domicile. (b) Discuss the importance and relevance of natinnaliy in International Law. (c) How nationality can be acquired? 5 Define asylum, Discuss the different modes:of granting asylum with the belp of decided case laws. 6 Draw the relation hetween municipal law and mtemational Law, 7. Write'short notes on any four of the following: (a) Neutrality (b) Extradition (e) 5.5. Lotus Case (a) Lmptied and expeess recognition (e) State jurisdiction (f) Statehood, 6510 1 Full Marks: 80 a2 = 16 ded = 16 BAJLLB Mom 9th Semu/Supple 2020 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL B.A. LLB, Honours Sth Semester Supplementary Examination, 2020 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL Law Time Allotied: 3 Hore Full Marks: 80 Th fares nthe margin inde full marks Anmwer Quertion Na. 7 and ny four questions from the rest 1. Discuss the Nature and fasis of ternational Law 16 Anicle 33 of the Charter sates that any dispute that is itely to endanger the 16 ‘maintenance of ifternational peace and security thon first he adressed therugh peacefa) means Kinily discuss the peaceful seulement of disputes unler Ieterational Law 3. What ie Asylum? Ne Aevum right ot perean™ 6 4. plain the various modes of acquiring and fos of Nationality 16 5, Whar is meam by Recognition? Critically exemine the variau theories of 16 ecopritien. 6 What fe Exraition? State the conditions [or ettratition 16 7. Write shor ates on sn for ofthe flowing: et =16 (9) Weakness of fetemstioast Law (b) Pacific locale (6) Subjects of Tarcrntional Law (4) Temtoria sea (o) Neutrality in smc conflicts (fp Suteless Perron. 903 ' BAJLLB Mom Ath Sem Public International (Law/201 915) UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL B.A LLB Honours 92h Semester Examination 2019 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW Time Allotted: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80 The fipases in the mai aba Pll teks. Candideers choad corre in thee cn wes and sider bo the wore Km priate Answer Question 7 bs compulsory and any four questions fram the rest 1. Define Intemational [aw Briefly elaborate whether international law is 2 law in 16 the true seme of the term or not. Critically examine the two main thearis of “focognition’. Differentiate between 16 de Facto recognition and de Jure recognition. 3. What do you mean try “asylum”? Discuss the variows kinds of axyhurs 16 4 With reference tw the SS. Lome ease. explsin the criminal jurisdiction in 16 Istersational Law S. Discuss briefly the Primany and Secondary sources of Intemational Law, 16 6 “State i4 Sovereign in Hell” Cominent on the above Cite examples. 16 7. Write short notes on any faker of the following: beh 16 fa) Newtrahny (b) General Assembly te) Jamal Khashoggi (a) Pulwamn Attack fe) Custom (0) Basis of International Law 9803 1 BAJLLB Hom/0th Sem /2020(RCS) UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL B.A. LLB. Honours 9th Semester Examination, 2021) PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW ‘Time Alloitod: 2 Hows Full Marks; 50 The figees the sara indica fll marks. GROUP-A Answer any drree questions out of sir not exceeding 200 words 10.3 =30 1, Dilicutss the nature of Entermatianal Law. n Discuss the sources of International Law. 3, The relationship between the rules of intemational law and municipal Iaw is uae of the mast controversial questions of legal theary. Comment. 4, Discuss the principle theaties of recognition Which theory is supported by State Practice? $.— Amicle 33 of the Chaner states that any dispute that is likely to endanger the muiiatenance of Intemational peace and security should first be addressed through peaceful means. Discuss the peaceful seulement of dispates under Internatianal Law. 6 Isextradition a legal duty of the state? Diseuss, GROUP-B 7, Short notes: (Attempt all four questions not exceeding 100 wards) Sxd= 29 (a) Place of individuals in iatematioasl law (b) Exclusive economic zone (c) Government-in-exile (A) Pact sunt servanda, 9503 i BAJBBAB.ComJLLB.(5 yr-/Gen th Sem/2019(RCS) UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL, BA/BBA/B.Com. LL.B. (5 yr.) Gen. th Semester Examination, 2019 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW ‘Time Allotted: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80 The figucen kn the ean indice fall rxarks, Auswer Question No.7 and amy four questions fram the rest 1. (0) In the view of new developments, in the area of taremational Law, critically examine the relationship hetween Municipal Laws sind International Laws (b) Is Intemational Law true law? (a) “Intemational low is a harmonious blend af custamary as well as treaty law". — Discuss this statement in the Hight of various primary sources of Inlermativnal law. (bP Who are the subjects of International Law? Explain. 3. (a) What do you understand by Recognition of a state under International Law? (b) Distinguish between De facto Recognition and De jure Recognition with the help of suitable examples. (c) Discuss the various legal effects of Recognition, 4. (a) In a dispute between State ‘A’ and State ‘B* over an Island ‘C". State ‘A‘ claims the title to it'on basis that State "X" had discovered that island first and it sold the same to State *A*, But State “B* argues the Island is in continuous possession for mone than 70 years amd henee it had right over it. Decide, (b) What do you understund by Extrnditloi? (c) Discuss the various conditions for granting Extradition. = (a) Discuss the difference betviven the following: (Nationality and Domicile (i) Nationality and Citize (b) Enumerste in detail the vurious modes of ucquisition uf Nationality, 6, (a) Discuss the various functions and power of Intemational Sen Bed Authority. (ob) Whar is Asylum? (©) What are the different kinds of Asylum? 7. Weite short notes nn any four nf the following: (a) Exclusive Economic Zone (b} Doctrine of Dual Criminality (c) Asylum Case (Columbia v, Peru [CF Rep. (1950) at pp. 276-277] (d} Conditional Recognition (e) Continental Shelf (1) Distinction between Public Laternational Law andl Private Intemational Law. — ‘9508 1 Ww 10 ene Ad =16 BASRBA/B.Com/LL.B5 yr-VGen 9th Sem (Public International Law/20194S) UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL BA/BBAIB Com LLB (5 yr.) General Sth Semester Examination. 2019 PUBLIC INTERNATION Law ‘Time Allotied: 3 Hour Full Maske 80) The fares inthe margin indice fl marks Cette il vero a re as ad eerste the werd Kt ax rtab Answer Question No. 7 and any four questions froma the rest 1. (2) What do you understand by the term ‘State jurisdiction"? S:566=16 (b) What do you mean by neutrality? (c) Explain the Doctrine of double eniminality Wits a trief note ou the modes of recognition of « new State. Distinguish 16 betuwen de facto and de jure recognition. 3. (a) What is meant by Extradition? What are the conditions necessary for it? 8+8=16 Musirate your answer with decided eases Stale the preseet law (b) “Asylum stops-asit were, where extradition begin” (Starke). Comment, AL (a) Set out briefly the developmeat of neurality from the eighteenth contury upto 8+8= 16 the present time. To what extent does the neutrality survive under the charter of the UN? (b) Duce briefly on the sighte and duties of neutral powers 5. (a) Differentiate between Public and Private tnremarional Law (b) What do you mean by Rights of averseas citizens of India? (©) Discuss Oppenheim's revised defistion of Intemational Law. 6. (a) What do you understind by the “Sources of International Law” (b) Expluin in a brief note on “Equality of nations in theory and Practice”. 7. Weite short aotes un any four of the following: Asditidcts (a) Esrads Doctrine (b) Treaty obligation () Sovereignty and Independence of State (@) Monroe Doctrine (e) Exclusive Economie Zone (P latemational Law Reganding Continental Shel 9508 1 CBCS/B_ASLLB / Sem/CC2620225) UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL B.A. LLB. Hotours 9th Semester Examination, 2022 ‘PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW Parer Cope: CC26 ‘Time Allotied: 3 Hours Full Marks: 100 The Figites in she amargin iadicire ull pach The students are advised to follow the word limit mentioned below strictly while answering questions. “The marks will be deducted if answers exceed word limit. 20 marks- not mare than 2000 wards / 15 muarks- nol more than 1500 words / 10 marks- not mare than 1000 words / S marks- not sore than 500 words Answer Question No. 7 and any four from the rest 1, (a) Define and discuss International Law. 64510 (b) Distinguish betwoca Public and Private Laternational law. (¢) “Intemational law is the vanishing point of jurisprudence”. — Analyse the statement. 2 | What ure the warious modes of peaceful seitlement of disputes? 20 3, (a) “De facto recognition of a state is.a step towanks dejure recognition.” —Discuss 1347 in detail, the nature and significance of such 2 recognition. (b) Describe the limits of retroactive effects of recognition. 4 Can Article 38 of the Stuiute of International Court of fustice be regarded 9s a 20 complete statement of the sources of Intemational law? 5. Explain the basis of Internafional Inw with the help of jurisprudential theories. 20 6. ‘Discuss the various theories on the relationship between International law and 20 Municipal law. 7, Write short notes on any four of the following: Sx4=20 (a) Pirocy (b) Asylum {e) Continental sheif (d) Pacta Sunt Servanda (e) Rights af Innocent passage (i) Extradition. ‘Time Allotted: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80 The fgwres tn the rat indicate, fll irks. Canadidites shouted arr in their onen words ana adhere the werd limit as petal, Answer Question No, 7 and any four Questions from the rest. 1, (@) What do you mean by Intemations! Law? Ce some popular definitions of 84444 =16 International Law showing your preference to any cf them, (h) International Law is a-true daw, or is it simply international morality, Diseuss with reason (c) Examine how far individual and Intemational Organization are subject to International Law. 2. (a) Why'is lotemational Law a weak law Suggest ways and means toimptoveit, — G446= 16 (h) Discuss whather astute hus a legal duty to meognize 4 mew state (e) Diseuss a brief note on extradition of Abu Salem and Monika Bedi from Portugal to linaia, 4. (a) Write an explanatory note on extraterritorial asylum. BH = 16 (b) Explain the right and dutics of Neutral State, 44, (a) Discuss the relutionship between Public Intemational Law and Municipal Law 848. = 16 by reference to Common Law and Civil Law States. (>) Write note on Equality of nations in theory and Practice. $. —_Assessthe importance of the follawing 0s sources of International Law: 16 (a) Custom (by Tevaties f¢) Decisiun of Couns and Tribunals (a) Writing of jurists snd commentators (e) The general principles of Law recignized by Civilized nati (A) Resolution and Declazations of General Assembly of the U.N. Also show the Comparative Value of the above-mentioned sources of Intemational Law. 6510 1 ‘Teen Over L.L.B.G 37.M6th Sem/Publle taternatfonal Law/20 184 RCS) 6, (a) Explain law relaed to gratia seu, 46462 16 (>) Narrate the impact of De-recognition af a nation. State (c) Explain the rights and duties of Requested State under the Extraulition faringement process. 7. Write shart notes on any four of the following: Feel 6 (a) Montoe Doctrine (b) International Sea bed authority (e) Treaty obligations De aa tne Tt ed BAJHBAH.Com/LL.B.Gens90h Sem 2022S) sent or ne wet UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL BA/RBAH Com. LLB General Sth Semester Examination, 2022 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW Time Allotted: 3 Howes ult Maks: 80 ‘Qos ena Answer Question No. 7 and any four questions from the rest whether International law #2 tre kaw eine International Law Stn Explain the relationship betweea International law aad Municipal law 3. Discuss the concept of Asylum under Public Intematioml Law: Establish « relationship between Extradition and Asylum 4 Elaborately discuss the primary and secondary sources of Pubhc International Law. 5. Discuss theories of recognition. Explain the effect of non-recognitien. 6 Ehcidate the modes of sequisition of Nationality. Elaborate on the rights end duties of Coastal Sites under International Law. 7. Write shor notes on any fotr ofthe following: (a) Neut (b) Essential Statehood (c) Distmetion berweea Nationalty and Cazeaship (@) Jurisdiction of State () Pacts sunt servanda ay (0) Contiguois zone. ‘9s08 ' BA/BBAB.ComJLLB.5 yr Gen th Sem/20204{RCS) UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL ‘B.A/JBBA(B.Com. LLB. (5 yr.) General 9th Semester Examination, 2020 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL Law ‘Time Alflotted: 2 Hours Full Marks: 50 The figperes in she margin iabiccace full maar. ‘The students should attempt question no. 7 (compulsory) and any three from the rest 1. Write brief note on the followings: Sx2=10 (0) Describe the nature of Public Imernational Law. {b) Custom is a ssurce of Public International Law. Explain it 10 2 Analysis the phrase “judicial decisions as a secondary source af Public Intemational Law. ty 3 What are the Basie Principles regarding state jurisdiction? w 4 Describe the Jurisdiction af Statc. 0 5. What isthe role of Municipal Law in Intemational Law? Explain it and vice-versa also, 10 6, What ure the essential reiqdinements of a state for recognition? 10 7. Write short notes on any four of the following: xd = 20 (a) Treaties ar a seurce of Public Intemational Law {hy on-state Actors (c) De-facto Recognition (A) Legal Personulity under Publie international Law (c) Constructive Theory of Recognition (0 De-jure Recogmtion BBAM.Com/LLB. (5 yr.¥9th Sem/Supple/2020 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL BBA/B.Com LLB. (5 yr.) Sth Semester Supplementary Examination, 2020 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW ‘Time Allowed: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80 The figures the mcr iticate fall mers. Answer Question No, 7 und any four questions from the rest 1. (a) “International Law is the vanishing point of jurisprudence” In the light of the above Statement, discuss the ature of International Law. (b) Discuss the relationship between Public International Law and Municipal Law by reference to English and American legal systems. 2. Discuss the various sources of Intemational Law with particular reference tw their Primacy under the states of ICI along with icading case laws. 3. (a) Discuss the various made of acquisition and laxs of nationality prescribed under International Law. (b) What do you understand by jus soli and jus sanguinis? 4. (a) Emmernte the concept of Non extradition of Political Criminal with the help of recent case laws, (b) “Asylum stops as it were, where extradition begins”. Comment with suitable case laws. 5. (a) With reference fo the views reganiing the breach of territorial waters under “the sovereignty of State’, consider whether you could say that existing International Law recognizes any fixed breadth of the belt of territorial sea (b) Discuss the rules of Internationa! Law relating to the Exclusive Economie Zone. 6. (a) De facto recognition of a State is a step towards de jure recognition of it, Comment on the above statemnzet bringing out the nature and implications of tht wo-kinds of recognition. (b) As a rule, recognition de jure once given is irrevocable. Discuss the propasition with suitable example, 7. Wifite shan notes om any four of the following: (a) Piracy as an International Crime (by Corfia Channel Case (1949) (e} Statelessness (d) Stimson’s Doctrine of non-recognition (e) The Barcelona Traction Case (1970) (9 Continental Self. 10 16 1 10 0 dot = 16 (CRES/B.AJBBAR.Com st Bion. th Sem/CC2UCCINIT Seu ea Pitty rete UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL. BA/BBA/B.Com, LL.B Honours 9h Semester Examination, 2022 PuBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW Paper Cope: CC26/CC28 Time Allotted, 3 Hours Full Marks: 100 (Greene are of eal value Answer Question Number 7 and any four questions from the rest L Elabomte on the concept of Nationality, State the point of distinction between — 4+2+14 Nationality and Citizenship. Explain the different mode of acquisition and loss of rauonality 2 International law is the vanishing point of Jutisprudence. Comment, 20 3 Highlight the various sources wf international law, 20 4 What is Recognition? Explain the various modes of recognition, Discuss the effect of 446410 reeognition. S. Discuss the meaning, definition and purpose of extradition Eournerute the essential — 5+5+10 condition for granting extradition. 6 Elsborately discuss the various rights and duties of newiral States and Belligerent 20 ‘States with supportive case laws. 7. Write short notes oa any fowr of the following. (a) Piracy (b) Nottebokm's case (¢) Asylum and its ands (d) Statelessness (e) Relationship between Internationa! Law and Municipal Law (A) Peaceful settlement of dispnite, os2t 1 BAJSLLB.(Gen/9h Sem 20201RCS) UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL BA.LLB. General 9th Semester Examination, 2020 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW ‘Time Atfoned:? Hours Fall Marks: $0, The fers ine margin indice fal! mar GROUP-A ‘Answer any three questions not exceeding 200 wards 1ox3=30 1. Define tnterational Law. Give sn ides shout Holland’ view on International Law. 2i}4 Point out the main distinctions between Public and Private iniemnational Law. Blaborately explain the primary and secondary sources of taternational lav 0 3, Discuss the relationship between International Law and Municipal Law with the to ‘suppos of the prominent theories 4) Meaniag and theories of Recognition. Distinction between De-facio and Deyjure S43 recognition. 5. Definition. meaning and modes of acquisition of Nationality. Distinction between 743 Nationality and Citizenship 6, Define the term *Asylum’ under Intemational Law, Briefly discuss the various 248 (pes of Asstum. GROUP.B 7, Answer any four questions not exceeding 100 words: (a) Concept of Extradition (b) Place of Individual in International Law (¢) Explain Continental Shelf (d) Exclusive Economic Zone (e) Modes of settlement of Lnternational Disputes (0 Is tniernational Law 1 rsere positive morality? Explain (g) Concept of Neutrality (hy Jurisdiction of States, ‘9508 1 BA/LL_BSHons 9th Sem 202248) ra wart UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL BA. LLB. Honours Sth Semester Examination, 2022 Pusic INTERNATIONAL Law ‘Time Allotied: 3 Hours: Poll Marks: 80 The figs in she america mh. ‘The students are advised to follow the word tiait mentioned below strictly while anvwering quest The marks soll be deducted anreer exteed word tit 20 marks. not more than 2000 words 15 marks ‘not more than £500 words / 10 marks- not more than 1000 words /$ marks- not more than 500 words Answer Question No. 7 und uy four from the rest L Discuss the basis of International Law. 16 2 What is Asylum? Explain in detail. 16 4. Discuss the thearies on recognition which theury is supported by state practices. ts 4, Discuss on "Position of Individuals" in Imeramional Law, te 5 What is extradition? Suae the conditivas for extradition to 6. Discuss the sources of Intemational Law. 16 7. Answer any four shot autes from the following: a= 16 (a) Weakness of Intemational Law (b) Jus Cagens te) Nationality {d) Lotus Case {e) Continental Shelf (® Right on Innocent Passape 9503 1 B.AJLL.B Hons 9h Sem/2019/(RCS) Tire Allotted: 3 Hours UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL B.A. LL.B. Honours 9th Semester Examination, 2019 ‘PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW Fhe figures in tie aewin into fut veh, Answer Question No. 7 and any four questions from the rest ‘Amongst the positivists, Austin was of the view that Intermional Law is no law? Do you agree with it? Discuss whether Intemational Law is a true law or not. There had been a Controversy wunong the jurists regarding the sources of Intemational Law for o long time. This Was Finally settled under Amticle 38 of the stajute of ICI. Clearly stale the sources formally referred to Article 38. Critically examine the various thearies af recognition. Stale the difference between Ucjure ined defacto recognition with the lp of decided cases. Explain various theories celating to relationship between Intemational Law and ‘Municipal Law. Diseuss India's practice omit fa). Explain various modes of sequiring and loss of Nationality (by What ic Asylum’) Explain the differem types of Asylum recognized under Inicroational Law. (a) Discuss the position of the Law of Neutrality under the covenant af the League of Nations and LIN charter. (b) What is Extradition” Is there a general duty of states in respect of exttailition? Write short notes an any four of the following: (a) Territorial Sea (b) Jus Cogens (s) Statelessness {d) Define tmtemarional Law (=) Double Natlonatits- (0) Place of Individual in Emernational Law. —— Ful! Marks: 80 16 BIB =16 16 Nak = 36 SAR =16 et LLB. yri6ih Semns2020 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL LLB. (3 yr.) 6th Semester Examinition 2020 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL Law ‘Time Allotied: 3 Hours Pull Marks: 80) Phe fice the mara nite fl mar. ‘Answer Question No. 7 and any four questions from the rest |. (@) How has the growth of international Law over the past ane century impacted bow to fntemational law is defined? () “loteenatioual Law isthe vazishing poiut of jurisprudence”. Aaulyse critically, 6 2. (a) Ina currently pending maner before the Supreme Court relating to Robingya 8 refugees, the advorates ont heal of the petitioners have argued that sone of the principles embodied in the Refugee Convention, 1951 (a raltilateral treaty) are nothing but codification of customary molec of intemationa law. The contention ‘on bohalf of the defendants (Le. the Union of India) is that since India has not ‘signed the convention. i is not bound by ite provisions. fn light ofthis. explain Ube significanse of the argument raised by the petitioner and why is it relevant in this ease? (b) Explain the State practice of United Kingdom with regants to applicability of 8 ccostorsary imernational law within the dexmestic plane with suitable ease laws. 3. (a) Critically examine the importance of judicial deciioas a 2 sours of 6 Imematicnal Law, (©) (i) What do you understand by opinion juris et necessiaits” (Gi) Explain the eoacept of regional snd focal customs in latemational law with suitable iluctations. 4. G@) Explain the various modes of acquisition and loss of ationality under 8 Inscmational Law. (b) Explain dae principles of jax solf and jus sanguinis as modes of acquiring 8 citizenship and explain what principle is followed in India particularly in the ‘CoRIER( of the Ciizeaship Amendment Act of 2019, '. (a) What are the differences between de jure and de facto recognition? Explain with 8 suitable case lowe (b) Differentiate between protectorate and yassal Suwies from the perspective of 8 international law. 6.(a) Trace the evolution ofthe international legal regime relating to coatinental thf. 8 {b) Explain what are the rights and duties of a State over is terrtorial sea. osi0 1 Fam Over LLB.G yon Sems2020 7. Write shor notes on the following (any four): 4a = 165 (a) Filitiga y. Pena fra [77 ILR 169] (©) Ststelessness undor Inernatioast Law (6) Equidistance rule in dernareation of Tertitorial Sea (@) Diplomatic Asylum {€) Principle of Double Criminalisy (®) Non-oxirudition f political offender. (CBCS/BASABJGea2th Sem CCIT202 ‘Time Allotied: 3 Hours Teed 2 oR rer UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL B.A LLB, General h Semester Examination, 2022 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL Law Paper Cone: CCI7 The questions are of equal valee: The figures on the argyle fol aur Answer Question No. 7 and any four questions from the rest Define Intemational Law. Distinction between International Law amd Municipal Law. Discuss the sources of Intemational Law. “Treaties are agreements between subjects of International. Law cresting a binding, obligation in Internationa) Law.™ Explain the staicment in the light of ‘pacta sumt servanda® Relationship between International Law and Mamespal Law, Discuss the Theories of Recognitson, Recognition of insurgency and Belligerency. Define State Essential eriteria of Statehood. Different kinds of States. Jurisdiction of States under International Law. Modes of Joss of Nationality. Wate a note on Asylum under International Law. Duties of Neutral States Discuss the Pacific and Compulsive modes of Settlement of International disputes and role of the ICSID in settlement mecharism. ‘Answer any four short notes from the following: (a) International Law is called "weak lew". — Justify. (b) Subjects of International Law [e) Effects of Non-Recognition (d) International Sea-Bed Authority {e) Extradition (0 BEEZ 9528, Full Marks: 100 SHOrS 1545, 4-20 BAMLLB Mons th Sem 2022 RCS} ‘Time Allotted: 3 Hours eet Ss Oy UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL B.A 11.8 Honours 9th Semester Examination, 2027 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW The gucsnom are of equ vate The figures tn the margin indicate fall aris Answer Question No, 7.and any four questions fram the rest Discuss the basis of International Law. What is meant by recognition? Critically examine the various: theories: of recognition. ‘What are the sources of International Law? ‘What is extradition? State the conditions for extradition Briefly expinin the peaceful settlement of disputes under International Law: Explain the theories regarding relationship between Imerational Law and Municipal Law. Full Maries: 80 Answer any four from the following: a4 =16 (a) Critically examine the meaning of International Law tb) Modes of acquisition of rationality (c) Territorial water (4) Pact Sunt Servanda (e} Innocent passage (1) Dejure und Defacto recognition 9503 1 CBCSLLB.( yr.\/6th Sem./GEOV2021 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL LL.B. (3 yr.) 6th Semester Examination, 2021 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL Law Paper CoDE-GE03 ‘Time Allotted: 2 Hours Full Marks: 50 10. 6564 The figuires the margin indicare full marks, GROUP-A The students should attempt any 4 questions out of 6 fram this Group. 1oxd=40 ‘Each answers not exceeding 200 words. Give the definition of Asylum and also describe the kinds of Asylum, Explain the Basic Principles Governing Extradition and also explain the Procedure of Extradition under the Extradition Act. 1962 of India. What do you understand by Conciliation and Mediation as means of peaceful settlement of disputes? Explain it. Deliberate on the exceptions af neutrality in Intemational law when the suate can use force even the state is neutral Elucidate the “Continental Shelf” and “Exclusive Economic Zone’. Describe the Powers und functions uf International Seabed Authority. GROUP-B ‘The students should attempt any 2 questions [wite shart note] aut of 4 fram $*2=10 this Group. Each answers not exceeding 100 words. Reasons for Asyluri Process in Case of Multiple Extradition Requests Good Offices Piracy. CBCS/LL.B.(Syr.y6th Sem/GEDS202 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL. LLB. G yt.) 6¢h Semesier Examination, 2022 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW Paper Cone: GE03 “Time Allotted: 3 Hours Fall Marks: 100 The fares the min indice fll mars ‘The students are advice to follow the word Fit mentioned below striétly while amvering questions. The marks willbe deducted if answers excerd word lik. 22 marks: not more than 2068 words / 15 marke ‘ot more than 1300 word 10 marks. mot mere than 1000 words /5 marks- not mare than S00 words Answer Question No. 7 and any four from rest 1, Define Public Intemational Law. Enumerate the various sources that facilitated in the development of Public Intemational Law. 2. (a) Discuss the relationship between International Law and Municipal Law. (b) “Individuals are the only subjects of International Law". Comment 3, “A state exercises jurisdiction over property. person, acts and events occurring within its tertory.” Examine the accuracy and exceptions to this rule. 4. (2) Discuss the meaning. basis and purpose of extradition wath the help of decided ease Tews. (b) "0" takes shetter in the "XY" state after committing offence in “PQ state. “PQ” state demands extradition of O°, Decide the lability of state "XY". 5. Define “international disputes". Explain arbitration as a meens of peaceful settlement of disputes. 6, (a) Tries the evolution ofthe intemational legal regime relating to continental shelf (b) Explain, what ae the rights and duties of state ver its territorial sea set ' Tn Ove CBCSALL.B.(3 yr Vth Sem ICENII022 7. Write chart notes on any four: (2) Newalivy () Diplomatic Asylum (6) Exclusive Beotiomnis Zone ) Nottebonmn’s case (6) De Jare and de facto revognition (0, Exceptions to stat jurisdiction » 10 10 Set = 0 (CBCS/LLB.Q yr_yoth Sem/GEOIAMIUS) sort = eR et UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL LLB. G3 yr.) 6th Semester Examination, 2022 PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL Law Parer Cone: GE03 ‘Time Allotted: 3 Hours Fall Marks: 100 The quesnons are of equal valve ‘The fogures we the margin indicate fat! marks. Answer Question No. 7 and any four questions from the rest 1 Discuss the natufe and basis of inicrnational law. Is international law a weak hw? i What does recognition mean? Enumerate the various theones of recognition. 3. What are the primary sources of Inlerational Law ax enshrined under the statute of IC)? 4. Critically analyse the subjects of Intemational Law. $3. What are the various modes of acquisition and laws of nationality? 6. Briefly explain the following: (2) Asylum under Intermstionat Law (b) Extradition under International Law 7, Write short notes on any fous of the following: {a) De facto and de jure recognition (b) Continental shelf (¢) Jus Cogens (6) Conciliation (¢) Imerational Sea Bed Authority (1) Secondary sources of Intemational Law. —— 6564 1 10+10 20 20 20 10-10

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