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Song: “Tampomas.. The mount of Tampomas.. The beautiful mount from Sumedang..”

Did you ever hear about the mount of Tampomas before? Or do you know there is a legend on Mount
Tampomas? If you become a king, and you have to save your people what would you do? Wuwuwu, I
guess there are a lot of questions that cross in your mind and I’ll be here to tell the story that can
answer your question! But first of all let me introduce myself. Hi everyone! My name is Fionna Valerie
and I’m the seventh grade student of Sumedang 1 junior high school. I’m proudly present to all of you
about the originally story of my land of birth. Without any futher a do. Lets the story begin!!!

Years ago, there was a kingdom. The kingdom name was Sumedang Larang. It was a wealthy peace
kingdom. The people of the kingdom lived in harmony peace. Sumedang Larang kingdom is at the foot of
a big volcano mountain, it called Mount Gede.

Because of this condition, the kingdom blessed a fertile soil and dense forest of Mount Gede. The nature
had provided many advantages for the people. On the dry season they never lack of water while on the
wet season, flood had never happened in that kingdom.

Sumedang Larang kingdom had the wise king. The kingdom was always protected by him. All people in
the kingdom loved him, because the king of Sumedang Larang was also a good man. Young, but wise,
brave and respected, smart and patient, the king was admired either friends or enemies. He taught his
people to take a good care of nature.

But one day, the peaceful suddenly broke the silent into terror when the earthquakes shook the land.
People ran and screamed, to safe their life. At the same time, the sky became dark, and people heard
loud rumbles from the top of the mountain. Everybody was panic and tried to find safe place for their
families and belongings. Outside the house, they saw a big fire on the top of mountain. Apparently the
mountain was about exploded.

Slowly, the kingdom turns into darkness. It surrounded black clouds, dust, and smoke. Sometimes flash
of fire light up the darkness. News of the eruption of Mount Gede certainly sounded up to the royal
palace of Sumedang Larang.

As soon as the King of Sumedang Larang heard about it, he ordered his soldiers to find the cause of this
chaos. When he learned that Mount Gede was ready to errupt, he felt lost and powerless to help his
people. Therefore, the king decided to meditate, pleading to the Almighty a way to help his people.

Days went by, he kept his rigorous meditation, in the silent he felt an elderly approached him. The
elderly told the king.

“if you want to safe your kingdom and the people. There is any a way to save the kingdom and your
people from the danger, you have to throw your ancestors the Golden Kujang into the crater of the
Mount Gede.”
As soon as the king camera into his senses, he told his advisors about his vision and intention. They tried
to stop him because it was too risky for the king to go to the volcano by himself. And yet , nobody could
stop the king once he had made up his mind. The king was very sure about what he was doing, and he

“Don’t stop me. For the sake of my people, I’m willing to risk my life I have to do it before it’s too late!
I’ve given up my life to save my people”.

Song: I’m your brave king.. I see your pain.. Tell me your problem, I’ll chase them away.. I’ll be your
lighthouse .. I’ll make it okay.. Cause, I’m your brave king, I stand there so brave.. And chase them all

Initially, the king took a strong stallion to climb the mountain. He pushed his stallion untuk the path was
too steep for his horse. Then, the king decided to continued by himself on foot. The moment when he
climbed the edge of the chater, he realized..

Song: When the disaster wanna cut me down.. I’m gonna send my only one.. The Golden Kujang..

Cause I am their king.. I am who I’m meant to be.. This is me..

Look out cause here I come.. And started to climb up. He broke through hot air, dark smoke, black
cloud, and loud of thunders. Finally, he arrived to the crater. He took the heirloom Golden Kujang and
threw into the crater.

“I give you this most valuable heritage golden keris to you. I have to safe my people and Sumedang
Larang kingdom.”

Remarkable, the crater was slowly off. Followed by the mountain this was turn into silent. The black
cloud gone and the fire were off. The sky turned into blue followed by the wind which blew the dark hot
air, and the bird started to sing again.

The king kneels down and grateful. He returned to the palace and welcomed by his excited people. Since
that moment, Gede Mountain never exploded again. The crater extinguished. The name “Gede”
changed into Tampomas which means a mountain which received (tampa/tampo) a heritage golden

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