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A firework leaves the ground with an initial velocity of 45 m/s, travelling vertically
upwards. It reaches a maximum height of 100m.
At this point the firework fails to explode and falls back down the same vertical path
to the ground.
At any point on its path, the firework has both a velocity and a speed.
(a) Using the terms vector and scalar, explain the difference between velocity and speed.

The difference between velocity and speed is the fact that velocity is a vector quantity meaning it
has a direction as well as a magnitude, unlike speed which is scalar as it only has a magnitude.

(b) Fig. 1.1 is a graph which shows the height of the firework above the ground during
the first 5 s of its journey.

Fig. 1.1
(i) Use the information on the graph to
1. find the time taken for the firework to reach its maximum height above the
ground, 4.2secs
2. describe how the motion of the firework changes over the first 5 s of its
It began by covering alot of distance during the first 2 secs but it eventually began to decelerate
as it covered more distance and then it reached its maximum height before beginning its descent.

(ii) The acceleration of free fall is 10 m/s2 and air resistance on the firework is
negligible. State
1. the deceleration of the firework as it is rising,

deceleration = .....................10m/s^2...................................
2. the total time taken for the firework to rise 100m and then to fall back to the

time taken = .............9 secs ..............................................

(iii) State the velocity with which the falling firework hits the ground.

velocity =................40m/s................................................[8]
2. Fig. 1.1 shows a cycle track.

Fig. 1.1
A cyclist starts at A and follows the path ABCDEB.
The speed-time graph is shown in Fig. 1.2.

Fig. 1.2.
(a) Use information from Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2 to describe the motion of the
(i) along AB,
.......he is accelerating................................................................................................
(ii) along BCDEB.
.moving at a constant

(b) The velocity v of the cyclist at C is shown in Fig. 1.1.

State one similarity and one difference between the velocity at C and the
velocity at E.
6m/s ....................................................................................................................................
......C has the greater
deceleration..................... ........................................................................................................[2]
(c) Calculate
(i) the distance along the cycle track from A to B,

20/2 x 6

distance = ……60m……………
(ii) the circumference of the circular part of the track.
6m/s 52 secs 6x52= 312m

circumference = …312m………………[4]

3. Fig. 1.1 shows the path of one drop of water in the jet from a powerful hose.

Fig. 1.1
Fig. 1.2 is a graph of speed against time for the water drop shown in Fig. 1.1.
Fig. 1.2
(a) Describe the movement of the water drop in the first 4 s after leaving the
.It rapidly decelerates from 40m/s all the way to 0m/s

(b) Use Fig. 1.2 to find

(i) the speed of the water leaving the hose,

speed = …40m/s………………...
(ii) the time when the speed of the water is least.

time = …4 secs……….………..[2]
(c) Use values from Fig. 1.2 to calculate the acceleration of the drop as it falls
back towards the ground. Show your working.
acceleration = ……-10m/s...[3]
(d) Calculate the greatest distance above the ground reached by the drop.


distance = ……40m………………...[3]

15. A bus travels from one bus stop to the next. The journey has three distinct parts. Stated
in order they are
uniform acceleration from rest for 8.0 s,
uniform speed for 12 s,
non-uniform deceleration for 5.0 s.
Fig. 1.1 shows only the deceleration of the bus.
Fig. 1.1
(a) On Fig. 1.1, complete the graph to show the first two parts of the journey. [3]
(b) Calculate the acceleration of the bus 4.0 s after leaving the first bus stop.


acceleration = .....1.5m/s^2..............
(c) Use the graph to estimate the distance the bus travels between 20 s and 25 s.


estimated distance = .....30m...................[2]

(d) On leaving the second bus stop, the uniform acceleration of the bus is
1.2 m / s2. The mass of the bus and passengers is 4000 kg.
Calculate the accelerating force that acts on the bus.


= ......4800N ..................[2]
(e) The acceleration of the bus from the second bus stop is less than that from the
first bus stop.
Suggest two reasons for this.
1.....there is more traffic/congestions
2. ..more passengers get on making the bus heavier and slowing its
acceleration ........................................................................................................................

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