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ID NO. 2212683

Journal No. 2 (Sandiwa): “Be not afraid!”

My growth and transformation can be significantly impacted by adding times

of reflection and discernment to my journey while finding comfort and guidance in
the knowledge that greater authority is by my side. I begin by establishing a time for
thinking through prayer, meditation, or writing in a notebook. I look into my work
goals, values, and objectives during these times by going deep into my thoughts and
feelings. As I discover the reason for taking my path, I work toward clarity.

My faith is a dependable comfort and relaxation, encouraging me constantly

that God's direction can take me through uncertainty and difficult situations. I keep
my mind and heart open to the possibility that God may reveal wisdom and
guidance to me through quiet moments, meaningful interactions with others, or
unanticipated chances that come my way.

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