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1. Introduction
2. History and beauty
3. What is golden ratio ?
4. Formula and Powers(exponents)
5. Calculating it and drawing it
6. Fibonacci and Lucas numbers
7. The actual value and mathematical expression
8. Application and observation
9. conclusion
Golden ratio
The golden ratio, which is often referred to as the golden mean,
divine proportion, or golden section, is a special attribute,
denoted by the symbol ϕ, and is approximately equal to 1.618.
The study of many special formations can be done using special
sequences like the Fibonacci sequence and attributes like the
golden ratio.
This ratio is found in various arts, architecture, and designs. Many
admirable pieces of architecture like The Great Pyramid of Egypt,
Parthenon, have either been partially or completely designed to
reflect the golden ratio in their structure. Great artists like
Leonardo Da Vinci used the golden ratio in a few of his
masterpieces and it was known as the "Divine Proportion" in the
1500s. Let us learn more about the golden ratio in this lesson.
1. The Golden Ratio, denoted by the Greek letter phi (φ), has
fascinated mathematicians, scientists, and thinkers across
various disciplines throughout history.
2. Originating from ancient Greece, it was extensively studied by
mathematicians like Pythagoras, Euclid, and Hippias’s, who
discovered its irrational nature, surprising Pythagoreans.
3. Euclid's Elements (c. 300 BC) provides propositions and
proofs involving the golden ratio, defining it as the "extreme
and mean ratio" in the division of a line.
4. Abu Kamil (c. 850–930) and Fibonacci (c. 1170–1250)
employed the golden ratio in geometric calculations, with
Fibonacci's work influencing later mathematicians.
5. Luca Piccioli’s book "Divina Proportioned" (1509) explored
the golden ratio's properties and its appearance in Platonic
solids, and Leonardo da Vinci illustrated it, calling it the
"section Aurea."
6. Simon Jacob and Johannes Kepler (1608) noted the
convergence of consecutive Fibonacci numbers to the golden
7. in 1835, Martin Ohm coined the term "Goldener Schmitt"
(golden section) in German, and James Sully used the English
equivalent in 1875.
8. Mathematicians like de Moive, Bernoulli, and Euler used a
golden ratio-based formula for Fibonacci numbers,
rediscovered as "Binet's formula" in 1843.
9. Mark Barr introduced the use of the Greek letter phi (φ) as a
symbol for the golden ratio in 1910. The golden ratio
continues to inspire modern developments, such as the zome
construction system and Roger Penrose's tiling, which gained
significance with the discovery of quasicrystals in 1982 by
Dan Shechtman.
This rectangle has been made using the Golden Ratio, Looks like a
typical frame for a painting, doesn't it?

Some artists and architects believe the Golden Ratio makes the
most pleasing and beautiful shape.

Many buildings and artworks have the Golden Ratio in them, such
as the Parthenon in Greece, but it is not really known if it was
design the way.
What is golden ratio ?

The golden ratio (symbol is the Greek letter "phi" shown at left)
is a special number approximately equal to 1.618
It appears many times in geometry, art, architecture and other

The golden ratio, which is also referred to as the golden mean,

divine proportion, or golden section, exists between two
quantities if their ratio is equal to the ratio of their sum to the
larger quantity between the two. With reference to this definition,
if we divide a line into two parts, the parts will be in the golden
ratio if:
The ratio of the length of the longer part, say "a" to the length of
the shorter part, say "b" is equal to the ratio of their sum " (a +
b)" to the longer length.
Refer to the following diagram for a better understanding of the
above concept:
It is denoted using the Greek letter ϕ, pronounced as "phi". The
approximate value of ϕ is equal to 1.61803398875... It finds
application in geometry, art, architecture, and other areas. Thus,
the following equation establishes the relationship for the
calculation of golden ratio: ϕ = a/b = (a + b)/a =
1.61803398875... where a and b are the dimensions of two
quantities and a is the larger among the two.
We saw above that the Golden Ratio has this property:
ab = a + b a
We can split the right-hand fraction then do substitutions like
ab = aa + b a
↓ ↓ ↓
φ = 1 + 1φ
So the Golden Ratio can be defined in terms of itself!
Let us test it using just a few digits of accuracy:
φ =1 + 11.618
=1 + 0.61805...
With more digits we would be more accurate.
The Golden Ratio is equal to:
1.61803398874989484820... (etc.)
The digits just keep on going, with no pattern. In fact the Golden
Ratio is known to be an Irrational Number
Powers (exPonents)
Let's try multiplying by φ:
φ = 1 + 1φ
↓ ↓ ↓
φ2 = φ + 1
That ended up nice and simple. Let's multiply again!
φ2 = φ + 1
↓ ↓ ↓
φ3 = φ2 + φ
The pattern continues! Here is a short list:
φ = 1 + φ-1 1.618...
φ2 = φ + 1 2.618...
φ3 = φ2 + φ 4.236...
φ4 = φ3 + φ2 6.854...
Note how each power is the two powers before it added together!
The same idea behind the Fibonacci Sequence (see below)
CalCulatinG it
We can use that formula to try and calculate φ.
First guess its value, then do this calculation again and again:
• A) divide 1 by your value (=1/value)
• B) add 1
• C) now use that value and start again at A
With a calculator, just keep pressing "1/x", "+", "1", "=", around
and around.
I started with 2 and got this:
value 1/value 1/value + 1
2 1/2 = 0.5 0.5 + 1 = 1.5
1.5 1/1.5 = 0.666... 0.666... + 1 = 1.666...
1.666... 1/1.666... = 0.6 0.6 + 1 = 1.6
1.6 1/1.6 = 0.625 0.625 + 1 = 1.625
1/1.625 = 0.6154... + 1
0.6153... = 1.6153...
It gets closer and closer to φ the more we go.
But there are better ways to calculate it to thousands of decimal
places quite quick .
drawinG it
Here is one way to draw a rectangle with the Golden Ratio:
• Draw a square of size "1"
• Place a dot half way along one side
• Draw a line from that point to an opposite corner

• Now turn that line so that it runs along the square's side
• Then you can extend the square to be a rectangle with the
Golden Ratio!
a quiCk way to CalCulate
That rectangle above shows us a simple formula for the Golden
When the short side is 1, the long side is 12+√52, so:
φ = 12 + √52
The square root of 5 is approximately 2.236068, so the Golden
Ratio is approximately 0.5 + 2.236068/2 = 1.618034. This is an
easy way to calculate it when you need it.
Interesting fact: the Golden Ratio is also equal to 2 × sin(54°), get
your calculator and check!
minimal Polynomial
Golden ratio ConjuGate and Powers
Continued fraCtion and square root
relationshiP to fibonaCCi and luCas numbers

The Fibonacci sequence and Lucas numbers are intricately

connected to the golden ratio, denoted by φ. In the Fibonacci
sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...), each number is the sum of
the preceding two. Similarly, Lucas numbers (2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18,
29, 47, ...) follow the same rule but start with 2 and 1. The golden
ratio is the limit of the ratios of successive terms in both
sequences as they approach infinity.
Exceptionally, the golden ratio is equal to the limit of the ratios of
successive terms in the Fibonacci and Lucas sequences. If a
Fibonacci or Lucas number is divided by its immediate
predecessor, the quotient approximates the golden ratio. These
approximations alternate above and below φ and converge to it as
the numbers increase.
Closed-form expressions for Fibonacci and Lucas sequences
involve the golden ratio. Both sequences contribute to a formula
expressing φ^n in terms of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. The
limit of the quotient of Lucas numbers by Fibonacci numbers is
the square root of five.
Consecutive Fibonacci numbers yield a linear expression for the
golden ratio, simplifying polynomial expressions. The powers of φ
follow the Fibonacci recurrence, and a linear expression for φ^n
can be derived. The sum of the absolute differences between
consecutive Fibonacci terms and their corresponding multiples of
φ converges to φ.
The interconnection of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers with the
golden ratio extends to the sum of third consecutive Fibonacci
numbers equalling a Lucas number and the relationship between
Fibonacci sequences and Lucas numbers in generating the golden
spiral. Fibonacci spirals, using number-sequenced squares and
quarter-circles, approximate the golden spiral. These spirals are
nearly identical to true golden logarithmic spirals
find nth fibonaCCi number
in arChiteCture
Swiss architect Le Corbusier, a pioneer of the modern
international style, heavily incorporated the golden ratio and the
Fibonacci series into his design philosophy. Le Corbusier believed
in the mathematical order of the universe and considered these
principles as fundamental to human activities, describing them as
"rhythms apparent to the eye and clear in their relations with one
another." His reliance on these mathematical concepts was
evident in his Modulor system, a scale of architectural proportion.
In the Modulor system, Le Corbusier combined the golden ratio
with human measurements, Fibonacci numbers, and the double
unit. This approach, inspired by Vitruvius and Leonardo da Vinci,
aimed to enhance the aesthetics and functionality of architecture.
Le Corbusier applied the golden ratio extensively in the Modulor
system, using it to proportion the height of a model human body
and subdivide sections at the navel, knees, and throat.
The 1927 Villa Stein in Graches serves as a notable example of Le
Corbusier's application of the Modulor system. The villa's ground
plan, elevation, and inner structure closely approximate golden
rectangles. Another Swiss architect influenced by geometric
principles, Mario Botta, incorporates squares, circles, cubes, and
cylinders into his designs. In a house in Origlio, Botta specifically
uses the golden ratio to proportion the central section in relation
to the side sections, showcasing the enduring influence of
mathematical harmony in Swiss architectural practice
The speculation that Leonardo da Vinci incorporated the golden
ratio in his paintings, including the Mona Lisa, is not supported by
his own writings. Although da Vinci's illustrations of polyhedra in
Pacioli's Divina proportione have fueled such speculation, his
Vitruvian Man, often associated with the golden ratio, does not
match its proportions, and the accompanying text only mentions
whole number ratios.
Salvador Dalí, influenced by Matila Ghyka's works, explicitly used
the golden ratio in The Sacrament of the Last Supper. The canvas
dimensions form a golden rectangle, and a dodecahedron, with
edges in golden ratio, is strategically placed in the composition.
A statistical study in 1999 on 565 works by great painters found
that the golden ratio was not consistently used in the size of their
canvases. The average ratio of the two sides was 1.34, with
individual artists ranging from 1.04 to 1.46. Pablo Tosto, however,
identified over 350 works by well-known artists with canvases
exhibiting proportions like the golden rectangle and √5, as well as
other mathematical ratios.
The golden ratio, often seen in nature, was noted by Johannes
Kepler and Adolf Zeising. Kepler suggested its role in human and
plant propagation. Zeising, in 1854, argued the golden ratio as a
universal law governing beauty in nature and art. However, some
dispute its prevalence in animal dimensions, deeming it fictitious.
GeneratinG faCe imaGes based on Golden ratios

for faCial beauty

introduces a method for generating face images based on golden
ratios associated with facial beauty. The golden ratios are derived
from various studies on facial attractiveness, and the proposed
method aims to transform face images according to these ratios.
Three conditions for beautiful faces are considered: equal ratios
for the length of "hairline to inner ends of eyebrows," "inner ends
of eyebrows to lower end of nose," and "lower end of nose to
chin"; the width of the face being five times the width of an eye;
and the ratio of face width to height being 1:1.46.
The paper also incorporates Pallett's golden ratios, focusing on
the vertical distance between the eyes and mouth and the
horizontal distance between the eyes. Additionally, Hatsui and
Isaji's golden ratios are used, specifying the width of an eye and
the distance between inner corners of both eyes.
The proposed method is demonstrated through examples,
showing transformations based on the specified golden ratios.
The results indicate changes in facial features, such as the width of
the face, position of eyes, and overall proportions, to align with
the identified golden ratios for facial beauty.
The experimental section evaluates the generated face images
objectively and subjectively. The subjective evaluation involves
web applications and a questionnaire survey. The paper concludes
by summarizing the proposed methods and their outcomes.
In summary, the paper presents a comprehensive approach to
facial beauty based on golden ratios, offering a method to
transform face images while considering various conditions and
ratios identified in previous research on facial attractiveness. The
experimental results suggest that the proposed method improves
evaluation scores for both objective and subjective assessments of
beauty in generated face images.
Ultimately, the golden ratio applies to not only various parts of
mathematics but also to many different part of nature and
environment . they found in everywhere. Research on golden ratio
helps in exploring the existence of golden ratio in the aesthetic
nature of god. The golden ratio is simply the example of god’s power
and authority over mankind.

Satya sourav das

Roll number- 5646M21010
Regd. No- 14968/21
Baripada degree college

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