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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
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Stress Management Strategies Among ABM Learners: A Narrative Study

A Research Paper Presented to:


In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Practical Research 1
2 spaces



March 2024
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Achieving one's objectives would be impossible without the support and encouragement
of those who stand behind them, those who tirelessly contribute their efforts to motivate and
assist the researchers in completing this work.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our Practical Research 1 - Teacher, Mr. Samson G.
Capinig, for his patience in checking our research titles and for providing us with the opportunity
to interview students and sharing his ideas for completion of this study.
We are grateful to our families and friends who lent a helping hand in conducting the
research and interviews. Their moral, spiritual support, and understanding during our research
were invaluable.
Above all, we express our deepest gratitude to the almighty God for guiding us in doing
this, for bestowing upon us wisdom and strength, and for motivating us to complete the research.

The Researchers

Table of Contents
Chapter I: Introduction…………………………………………1
Background of the Study……...…………………………1
Statement of the Problem…………..……………………2
Scope and Delimitation.…………………………………2
Significance of the Study…...……………………………3

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature…….…………………4

Theoretical Framework…..………………………………8
Definition of terms………………………………………11

Chapter III: Methodology………………………………………12

Research Design…………………………………………12
Sampling Method…...……………………………...……13
Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………14
Research Instrument…….………………………………………16
Background of the study

The academic journey of a student is a complex collaboration of learning, growth, and

challenges. Among these challenges is stress, that is a result of different factors that pose
significant hindrance. This is particularly true for students pursuing the Accountancy, Business,
and Management (ABM) track, given the demanding nature of the learning curriculum.
In recent years, the issue of student stress has gained increased attention. However, there
is a need for more focused studies examining these issue within specific student populations,
such as ABM students. This study aims to explore the unique ways in which ABM (Accounting,
Business, and Management) students uses to manage their academic and personal lives. It is a
demanding program that requires students to juggle multiple tasks, including attending lectures,
completing assignments, studying for exams, and managing personal responsibilities.
The research is conducted through interviews, providing an in-depth look at the students’
experiences, strategies, and challenges with the research question of: What are the most effective
strategies used by ABM students to cope with their stress. This study involves conducting
interviews with ABM students at Masbate National Comprehensive High School to gather their
perspectives on how they manage their time, finance, academic workloads that’s resulting to
stress. The expected outcome of this study is to provide insights into the challenges faced by
ABM students and the strategies they employ to manage their workload effectively. The findings
will help the students, educators, and parents in certain matterssuch as helping students to know
that they're not unique in their struggles and can ask for guidance from ducators and parents. The
results of the study will also help teachers to cultivate their tactics in teaching. Moreover, the
study’s results will bring a great impact on their personal lives with their families, the result will
help each member of the family to understand what their ABM companions are going through
and will be able to help them formulate a strategy to guide them in any circumstance.
Understanding how these students navigate their unique strategies can provide valuable
insights to support their academic success and well-being. By focusing on a specific school and
academic track, this study hopes to provide a detailed picture of the realities faced by ABM
students. The findings would be instrumental in informing strategies and interventions to support
these students, contributing to a healthier and more supportive learning environment.

Statement of the Problem

Ideally, students in the Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) track would be
able to manage their academic responsibilities effectively, balancing their workload with
personal commitments and self-care. They would also have the financial resources necessary to
cover educational expenses without undue stress.
However, the reality is that these students often experience significant stress, which can
have serious implications for their academic performance, mental health, and overall well-being.
If not properly managed, this stress can become overwhelming and harmful.
Several factors contribute to this stressful reality. Poor time management often leaves
students feeling overwhelmed as they juggle academic and personal commitments. Extreme
workloads, a common experience for ABM students, can intensify this issue, leaving little time
for relaxation or self-care. Financial factors, including the costs of materials used in specialized
subjects and school-related expenses, add additional stress levels to students
This research aims to explore these factors and their impact on ABM students’ stress
levels, with the goal of answering the following ;
1. What problems do ABM students experiences the most?
2. How does these stresses/problems affect ABM learners?
3. What strategies do the learners use to overcome these stresses?

Scope and delimitation

The proponents conducted an interview for Accountancy, Business, and Management students
(ABM) at Masbate National Comprehensive High School. A number of ABM students
participated in the interview. The subjects answers the question from the interviewer and stated
their struggles in daily life as ABM students. The proponents only interviewed the students as
they were the subjects of the research. However, some may argue that the proponents should also
interview the parents and teachers to gain their observations about their children. By conducting
additional interviews, the proponents will be able to present the life and struggles of the students
from a different perspective.

Significance of the study:

The study helps learners understand that they are not alone in facing challenges and helps them
understand each other. It can provide them with strategies to cope with academic stress, time
management, finance, and academic overload.
As for the educators, the study will help them understand students and their struggles, allowing
them to formulate and foster new and effective tactics to suit students' personalities and
management overtime, this will create a new and effective learning harmony inside the school.
This study also benefits parents to understand their child’s struggle in turn the parents will be
able to help them in different situation when needed. This study will help parents to understand
their children are going through. It can guide them in providing necessary support, be it
emotional, academic, or motivational. It can also foster better communication between parents
and children about academic struggles and mental health problems. On the other hand, this study
will serve as a tangible resource for future researchers and guide them in conducting a study
pertaining to this topic for particular students.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

The goal of stress management is to learn how to control our stress and turn it into
strength. We need to determine the ideal level of stress that will individually motivate but not
overwhelm each of us. Excessive stress can leave us feeling "tied up in knots," while insufficient
stress serves as a depressant and can leave us feeling bored or depressed. According to Mahisha
Suramadhini (2013), stress management can be defined as interventions designed to reduce the
impact of stress in the workplace. These interventions can have an individual focus, aimed at
increasing an individual’s ability to cope with stress.
(Brobbey, 2020) discovered that academic stress could be controlled to enhance students’
performance. His study found that ducating students on how to manage stress, staying focused,
getting enough rest, exercising regularly, and practicing effective time management can help
anage stress in order to enhance cademic performance.
Stress, as an emotional pressure suffered by someone, results in different behaviors and
responses depending on the extent of challenges xperienced. There are different changes in the
mood and interactions with others for those experiencing stress. Stressed students lack
motivation to take notes during lessons, resulting in difficulties when reviewing for exams and
low scores. Stress resulted to delayed submission of assignments, affecting the total scores in the
output submitted in every subject. Additionally, students cannot finish their projects on time.
(Acosta et al, 2019)
Academic performance is one of the most vital considerations among students at the high
school level. Academic performance can be illustrated by the grade-weighted average (GWA).
Despite living in the millennium era where education is accessible to all, there are still some
differences in performance among students. Several studies have identified internal and external
factors associated with academic performance. Stress is one of the factors that has a negative
effect on the mastery of the academic curriculum. It is a process by which we perceive and cope
with environmental threats and challenges. A student can be stressed due to different reasons or
stressors such as academic, financial problems, health problems, or the loss of a close family
member or friend. Stress in an academic situation can have both positive and negative
consequences. Stress can inhibit and suppress learning, which is called ‘unfavorable stress’ and is
associated with the inhibition of students’ academic performance (Bernal, 2019)
According to (Masong et al, 2022), numerous students struggle and are rarely able to
apply the knowledge and skills acquired in school to everyday situations. Accountancy, Business,
and Management (ABM) is one of the academic tracks. Part of the K-12 basic education
curriculum. This strand focuses on the basic concepts of the business world. One of the
specialized subjects in ABM is the Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and Management
(FABM). It was stated that the main objective of Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and
Management (FABM)subject is to help students develop accounting. And help build analytical
skills to apply in-depth knowledge throughout the process.
According to (Pariat, et al), academic stress is a tangible product of a transaction between
a student's cognitive evaluation and environmental stressors or expectations associated with
academic contexts. Anxiety, inefficient time. Management, a lack of rewarding extracurricular
activities, financial troubles, sleep deprivation, social activities, and other variables that students
perceive as risks to their academic success are among the possible stressors.
The study of (Shaikh, et al) found that academics and examinations are the most
common. sources of stress for pupils.
(Wilks) warned that if a student fails to manage their academic stress successfully,
substantial psychosocial and mental health implications could follow.
According to (Gbollie and Keamu), students' academic performance varies at different
levels because they are driven by motivation. Students are equipped with varied abilities because
they came from various institutions that provide distinct training. Hence, students' academic
performance varies at different levels because they are driven by motivation. Some pupils excel
academically, while others struggle, and still others are ordinary
(Akmaa) further noted that classroom stress is caused by both failure and disappointed
expectations. As a result, if problems or conflicts arise in the classroom, such as those between
teachers and students, there will be enough anxiety to cause stress
(Kosir) highlighted that a breakdown of the equilibrium between the cognitive-
emotional--environmental system and external influences is defined as stress. These external
circumstances also contribute to the cognitive and emotional system, depending on an
individual's performance capacity (e.g., coping resources) at the time.
(Latsch) highlighted Lazarus and Folkman's notion that small and insignificant events in
everyday life might induce stress. If this is the case, teachers should recognize that students are
caught up in their everyday struggles and be more attentive to their feelings
According to (Malach-Pines and Keinan), stress is the awareness of inconsistency
between external burdens (stressors) and a person's ability to meet specific obligations
According to (Jain and Singhai), students are routinely accustomed in a way that makes
them fearful of enduring various problems because the focus is solely on academics rather than
the mental evolution of a go-getter. As a result, positive reinforcements should be offered to
pupils in order to drive them in their academic pursuits.
(Dimitrov) also emphasized that the students' welfare should be given top priority, with
food, employment, and recreation being some of the areas to concentrate on.
However, (Yates) believed that the correct amount of stress is an important part of
anyone's life who wants to remain vibrant. Stress is managed rather than avoided.
Likewise, (Ivancevich and Matteson) indicated that stress does not always lead to a drop
in performance. They claimed that there is a certain amount of stress that may be tolerated in
order to achieve good results.
Organization is very important in academic life for dealing with stress (Sinha, 2014). By
keeping academic notes organized, turning in assignments on time, and keeping track of all
deadlines, stress can be reduced to a great extent
Proper time management is one of the most effective stress-relieving techniques (Macan
et al., 1990). Whether it's relaxation, work, or study, time must be spent wisely. Students must be
able to design and stick to a timetable. Choose a relaxing break between work and study, even if
it's just taking out time to breathe. Developing a schedule and managing time properly indicates
goals and priorities. Students should always try to plan ahead and avoid procrastination, and then
they can manage stress effectively.

Review of Related Studies

Research Participant Consent Form

Title of Project: Stress Management Strategies Among ABM Learners: A Narrative Study

Name of Researchers:

Name of participant/s (optional):

 I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheet

for the above study (version x- date) and what my contribution Yes No
will be.

 I have been given the opportunity to ask questions (face to face,

via telephone and e-mail) Yes No

 I agree to take part in the interview

Yes No NA

 I agree to the interview being tape recorded

Yes No NA

 I agree to digital images being taken during the research exercises

Yes No NA

 I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I can

withdraw from the research at any time without giving any reason Yes No

 I agree to take part in the above study Yes No

Signature …………………………………………………………………………….

Date ……………………………….

Research adviser: Samson Capinig

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