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Name: Trisha Mae F.

Pantojan Section: 11D

Teacher: Sir. Leonardo Matunding

To specify the distinctive focus of nursing practice, she created the Nursing Need Theory.
The approach emphasizes how critical it is for patients to become more independent in
order to speed up their recovery. Henderson's idea focused on the fundamental needs of
people and how nurses may help to address those needs.




 Nurses, whose main responsibility is to care for patients directly, get instant
satisfaction in watching patients transition from dependency to independence.

 Helps nurses understand patients who are unable to do so due to a lack of strength,
education, or ability

 Uses the nursing process—assessment, planning, execution, and evaluation—to

solve problems and is not exclusive to the nursing field.

 The theory involves in making decisions that, entailed giving patients thoughtful care.


 She suggested nursing programs and wrote several nursing publications, including
Nature of Nursing, Basic Principles of Nursing Care, and Textbook of the Principles
and Practice of Nursing, which have become nursing classics and are used as
standards for nursing practice.

 She examined the typical four-year nursing program's curriculum in the USA and
divided the courses into three categories: (1) the humanities, (2) the social sciences,
(3) the biological and physical sciences, and (4) the arts and sciences of medicine
and nursing. The increasing variety of nursing programs available leads to varied
nursing responsibilities being played in health care environments.

 Henderson (1977) placed a strong focus on encouraging multidisciplinary learning

and a humanistic approach to health care. There are three natural learning phases
in the fundamental nursing curriculum, which encompasses social and bio-physical
sciences. The first stage is devoted to helping the patient with his everyday activities,
the second stage is on symptomatic nursing or common physical and mental
dysfunctions, and the third stage incorporates care for the many phases of growth
and a person's whole life span.

 In 1953, Henderson joined the Yale School of Nursing as a Research Associate to
embark on a critical assessment of nursing research. Her results showed that the
majority of nursing research focused on nurses rather than nursing care. A series of
editorials she published for trade publications sparked a shift in nursing research
toward a far more clinical focus. The research project that resulted in the four-
volume "Nursing Research: Survey and Assessment," co-authored with Leo
Simmons and published in 1964, and her four-volume "Nursing Studies Index"
completed in 1972 was her most impressive accomplishment.
 She created The Nursing Process as Applied to Henderson's Theory, which
combines the concept of nursing with the 14 components of Henderson's theory.


 In order for nurses to develop goals based on Henderson's 14 components,

Henderson's Need Theory can be used in nursing practice. In order to further
enhance one's effectiveness in providing nursing care, accomplishing the aim of
meeting the client's 14 requirements might be a fantastic starting point. Each of her
14 core ideas may be used as a research foundation in nursing, despite the fact that
they were not expressed in language that could be put to the test.

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