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L1 neurons and neuronal networks :

regulation of signalling
Setting up a concentration gradient

The Na+/K+ ATPase pump uses ATP to actively pump 3 Na out and 2 K into the cell, so
maintaining a more depolarised internal environment

Membrane potential

The ion distribution across the membrane determines the resting membrane potential which is
usually -70mV.

Ions work under two specific forces

 Electrostatic force (dependent on charge)

 Force of diffusion (dependent on concentration)

Travel between neurons

Dendrites receive incoming signals that converge in cell body, which then travel along axon
to transmit signal in form of action potential to target neuron

Generator potentials

Generator potentials act to initiate action potentials in the neuronal axon

It is associted with non specific cation channels (so any cation can enter)

Modality specific

 Mechanoreceptors
 Thermoreceptors
 Chemoreceptors
 Polymodal receptors (multiple stimulants)

They have graded potentials, they are not all or nothing like AP. They are transient but can be
sustained as well.

Pros :

Localised and graded so provides information on strength and location of stimulus.

Cons :
Generated by specific modality but do not convey modality specific information

The action potential

The action potential functions to carry signal from one point to another. It is a highly specifci
interaction between Na+ and K+ channels. It is an all or nothing event which lasts between 2-
5 ms.


 Signal size is maintained

 Versatile: frequency and pattern encoding


 Hyperpolarisation is an energy consuming activity

 System has to be reprimed (refractory period)

Excitatory Post Synaptic Potential (EPSP)

EPSPs contribute to the depolarisation leading to generation of the action potential. They are
graded so depending on grading potential they will produce different action potential pattern
and strengths of neurotransmitter release.

They are usually fast (10-100ms) but slow EPSPs can also occur. They are associated with a
number of ligand gated non specific CATION channels eg. Na+, K+, Ca2+. They are also
associated with AMPA, NMDA, ATP and Ach


 Versatile
o Different NT can act on the same postsynaptic cell w diff receptors
o Diff receptors/ion channels can be regulated independently
o Independent postsynaptic and presynaptic control of synaptic strength


 Metabolically expensive
 Vulnerable to chemical interference eg. drugs

EPSPs are graded, their amplitude depends on

 Amount of NT released
 No. of receptors
 State of receptors

Decay depends on

 Dissociation of ligand
 Diffusion and uptake

Can also depend on

 Desensitisation (AMPA type glureceptors)

 Enzymatic breakdown (eg. Ach)

Spatial summation of EPSPs

In spatial summation, if all terminals in the same region fire at roughly the same time you
will get convergence of signals which causes a summation effect of the excitatory
postsynaptic potentials which is srtong enough to trigger an action potentials.

Temporal summation of EPSPs

In temporal summation, one terminal will fire a signal and then a second terminal will fire
while the response from the first signal is high so it passes the threshold and produces an
action potential.

Inhibitory Post Synaptic Potential (IPSP)

IPSPs prevent depolarisation and inhibit the generation of the action potential. They are also
graded and tend to be fast (10-500ms) but slow IPSPs also occur.

They are associated with ligand gated anion channels Cl- by GABA at GABAa receptors or


 Versatile
o Diff NT act on same postysynaptic cell using diff receptors (mixed EPSP and
o Diff receptors/ion channels can be regulated independently
o Independent postsynaptc and presynaptic control of synaptic strength


 Metabolically expensive
 Vulnerable to chemical interference eg. drugs and toxins

Neural networks
Divergence in networks is controlled by interneurons

Neural networks allow for information to be passed through the nervous system as a result of
neuronal convergence and divergence.

Inhibitory control mechanisms can control the flow of information through neural networks.
Such mechanisms frequently use interneurons and include surround inhibition, recurrent
inhibition and presynaptic inhibition.

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