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Prepare for D-2 Commissioning

Testing of BWTS

Whitepaper content:
The need for preparation
of D-2 Commissioning
Common reasons why
Commissioning Tests fail
Recommendations for
adequate preparation of
D-2 compliant discharge

March 2022

How shipowners can take ownership

of ballast water management in the
era of D-2 compliance.

We propel shipping to sustainability,

also by sharing expertise.
How to best prepare for D-2 compliant discharge

In less than three months D-2 Commissioning Testing will become mandatory following every
new Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) installation. The BWTS is but a part of the whole
Ballast Water Management System (BWMS), including tanks, piping, pumps and valves. Many
vessel owners are not yet aware of their critical role in ballast water management to ensure D-2
compliant ballast water discharges, starting at the D-2 Commissioning test and beyond. The
requirement for this test is fairly new to vessel owners and only required by certain flag states.
This surprisingly often results in successful execution of the test as such, but alas fails to meet
the D-2 Standard.

Many of these failed tests can be attributed to the lack

of experience in ballast water management now that the
What the BWM Convention implies
shipping-community is transitioning from D-1 (ballast
for ships.
water exchange) to D-2 (limiting discharge of viable
organisms). In this whitepaper we want to share our Ships on international voyages have to manage
experience on why we see tests failing, the importance of their ballast water and sediments to a certain
using the right equipment and qualified personnel, and standard (D-1 or D-2), according to a ship specific
more important: give clear recommendations on how ballast water management plan. Ships must
vessel crew and owners can help increasing the chance of therefore carry:
a satisfactory test via adequate preparation.
• A ballast water management plan - a detailed
description of the actions to be taken to
Why is treatment of Ballast water required?
implement the ballast water management
Ballast water allows vessels to operate safely. Ballast water requirements and supplemental ballast water
management practices, it is ship specific;
has to be taken on board or released when a vessel needs
to be stabilized, like when cargo is unloaded or loaded • A ballast water record book - to record when
at ports or because of bad weather. At the same time, ballast water is taken on board; circulated
ballast water has also been contributing to the spread of or treated for ballast water management
aquatic invasive species (species that live in the water and purposes; and discharged into the sea; and
become harmful when outside of their natural habitat)
• An International Ballast Water Management
and human pathogens (bacteria causing disease). These
Certificate - (ships of 400 gt and above) – this
invasive species may grow quickly in number in their new
is issued by or on behalf of the Administration
habitat and outcompete local species for habitat or food
(Flag state) and certifies that the ship carries
threatening our marine biodiversity. Also, the economic out ballast water management in accordance
and environmental impact may be very high1. with the BWM Convention and specifies which
standard the ship is complying with, as well as
To prevent the spread of these potentially harmful aquatic
the date of expiry of the Certificate.
organisms and pathogens via ships’ ballast water, the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted Source:
The Ballast Water Management Convention (BWM
Convention). Pages/Implementing-the-BWM-Convention.aspx


D-2 Commissioning Testing of BWTS | 2

Two ballast water management standards After BWTS installation, D-2 Commissioning Testing
soon to be required for most vessels.
As a result of the BWM Convention, ships must manage
their ballast water so that aquatic organisms and Following MEPC 75 of November 2020 (IMO’s Marine
pathogens are removed or rendered harmless before the Environmental Protection Committee in its 75th meeting)
ballast water is released into a new environment. Two it became clear that Commissioning Testing will become
ballast water management standards are defined in the mandatory for all BWTS-installations globally, as of
BWM Convention (D-1 and D-2). June 1st 2022. Until this date, Commissioning Tests is
mandatory only for a limited number of Flag states3.
D-1 standard: this applies to all ships and requires ships
to exchange their ballast water in open seas, away from Prior to issuing the International Ballast Water
coastal areas. Management Certificate (IBWMC) a vessel with a newly
installed BWTS must pass a Commissioning Test in line
D-2 standard: this limits the number of viable organisms with BWM.2/Circ.70 (or its Revision 1). The Commissioning
allowed to be discharged, including certain indicator Test specifically examines compliance with the D-2
microbes harmful to human health.2 Standard by sampling and analyzing the treated ballast
water discharge. The D-2 standard specifies that ships
Since the BWM Convention entered into force in 2017, all
can only discharge ballast water that meets the following
vessels must adhere at least to the D-1 Standard. For new
vessels, D-2 Standard compliance is already required, and
this will apply eventually to all vessels. In practice, vessels
must install a Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) to
be able to meet the discharge limits of the D-2 Standard.

Table 1: D-2 standard parameters and limits

Parameter Limits in the Vessels Ballast Water Discharge

Organisms with ≥50 µm size < 10 viable organism/m3
Organisms between ≥10 - <50 µm size < 10 viable organism/mL
Toxicogenic Vibrio cholerae (O1-O139) <1 cfu/100ml
Escherichia coli <250 cfu/100ml
Intestinal Entercocci <100 cfu/100ml

3. As of February 2021: the flags Australia, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, India, Singapore, Tuvalu, Portugal oblige IMO Commissioning tests –
Bahamas, Liberia and Panama recommend. Call our experts for updates!

D-2 Commissioning Testing of BWTS | 3

After completing the Commissioning Test ships receive Due to strong focus on preparation with involvement of the
a test report which Class Societies require to issue the crew, tests were in all cases successfully performed. Here,
IBWMC on behalf of the Flag state. Without the IBWMC ‘successful’ means compliant and correct sampling and
ships are not allowed to ballast or de-ballast. testing, on the agreed date (to avoid delays). The outcome
of a test, despite correct execution of the same, can of
Revision 1 of the BWM.2/Circ/70 clarified several aspects course result in a failure to meet the D-2 Standard.
of the Commissioning Test, adopted at the MEPC 75, and
applicable depending on specific Flag requirements: In some occasions (10 to 20%) a failed test result was
obtained. In response, due to our SOPs and quality
• Representative samples should be analyzed for the framework as well as using the BallastWISE analytical
two organism size classes larger 50 µm and 10-50 device, we firstly confirm if the test was successfully
µm, as specified in the D-2 standard, using indicative executed. Then we evaluate, trying to find out what may
analysis methods listed in BWM.2/Circ.42/Rev.2. have caused the test to fail. We noticed that the following
factors or a combination thereof played a role thus far:
• A representative sample follows BWM.2/Circ.70, with
one important clarification: the total sample volume
should be at least 1 m3. Incorrect scope Circ.70 versus Circ.70/Rev.1
BWTS malfunction Installation, Training,
• Local ambient water should be used for testing. Operation

• The analysis of an ambient water sample is only Challenging water Check ambient water
optional. conditions
Contaminated vessel Tanks – Piping – Valves
The Commissioning Test intends to validate the installation
False-positive Check CMD Data –Expert review
of the BWTS by demonstrating that its mechanical,
physical, chemical and biological processes are working
correctly – as per the design specifications. The test is We could establish that in all cases the likelihood of a failed
explicitly not intended to validate the type-approved tests could have been reduced significantly or even fully
design of a BWTS. prevented. Our aim to continuously improve combined
with our highly experienced ballast water team of Control
Most common reasons why Commissioning Tests Union with our partner NIOZ, shifted our focus to: what
fail. can shipowners do to prevent such failures? The result is
a clear checklist (see below) for the ship’s crew and the
Vessel Performance Centre’s and Control Union’s vessel owner, indicating what is required to optimize their
Commissioning Testing Services, Class approved by ABS, ballast water management practices. Since many aspects
Lloyd’s Register, DNV, Bureau Veritas and RINA have that are not under the responsibility of the service provider
completed D-2 Commissioning Tests the past year in: influence the test outcome, we have summarized them as
The Netherlands, Belgium, Malaysia, Singapore, Spain, recommendations.
Portugal, Turkey, Poland and Germany.

D-2 Commissioning Testing of BWTS | 4

Recommendations for optimized ballast water heavily contaminated with untreated water and sediments.
management practices at BWTS commissioning It’s crucial to realize that merely fitting a BTWS will not
magically resolve this contamination upon first use. Thus,
The easiest advice we have, is to prepare. That starts with we recommend thoroughly cleaning the ballast water
understanding what D-2 compliance is about and that the tanks to get rid of all sediments and/or untreated water.
crew also has a responsibility for making the test a success, Furthermore, strictly adhering to hold-time requirements
mainly through support and preparation. Preparation of the BWTS and flushing of tanks and piping with treated
includes not to underestimate the test; it’s not difficult, but water is important, especially if sediment removal from
lack of preparation can cause failed test results. tanks cannot (completely) be achieved, which is the case
in many projects.
Upon retrofitting an existing vessel with a BWTS, the ship’s
ballast water system (tanks and piping) is up to that point

Version: 2022.1

D-2 Commissioning Testing of BWTS | 5

Also check TRO sensors (if applicable for the system) per Standardized processes combined with the right
the manufacturer’s instructions, discharge and strip your equipment
tanks in advance, clean filters (if applicable for the system),
and ideally fill 100% of the tank which will be used for Apart from standard operating procedures, an excellent
discharge. A BWTS may work as designed, but if tanks and quality system and adequate training of our staff, we have
pipes are not flushed, tanks not cleaned and for instance found that the test-equipment used is very important. In
only a portion of the tank is filled, this may negatively particular the method used for indicative testing, which
affect the outcome of the test. Even then, it could still happens on board of the vessel, is very important. After
be the case that valves are leaking. Consider this whilst thorough validation of the available techniques, together
preparing, trying to at least check if everything works in with the NIOZ institute, our preferred option is to use the
good order. A small leak in a valve easily contaminates an BallastWISE.
otherwise clean ship with a well-functioning BWTS.
BallastWISE is a portable Compliance Monitoring Device
Furthermore, the local water used for ballasting varies (CMD) to analyze small organisms in water by video-
among different locations. Some yards or ports are monitoring their movements and/or fluorescence.
in waters with high sediment levels and/or low UV- BallastWISE automatically detects and counts living
transmission. In these locations it is advisable to carefully heterotrophic and autotrophic microorganisms within
check the System Design Limitations (SDL) of your BWTS, two size-ranges: 10 – 50µm and >50µm. It uses high-
as listed on the type-approval certificate. If the local water resolution cameras, light-emitting diodes and automated
exceeds the SDL, taking your D-2 Commissioning Test may video analysis algorithms. Compliance with the D-2
be better carried out during a bunker stop of in the next standard4 can be determined immediately after the
port call. Also determining the appropriate scope (Circ.70 onboard 30-minute analyses. Its unique advantage is that
or Circ.70/Rev.1) is important since the preparation is expert-review of the results (in case of doubt or slightly
different, as well as the time required after testing for the above threshold value results), can additionally be done
Report to become available. by manually checking the raw video-files. Other benefits
are the ease-of-use to operate the system, as no additional
Crew’s understanding of, and ability to work with the BWTS chemicals are required, and the counting process is fully
system is another area of attention which may seem automated. As mentioned, records (videos) of the analyses
obvious, yet practice is often lacking. Ensure training and are stored, which in case of dispute may serve as evidence.
understanding is in place including retrieval of log-data (relevant once Port State Authorities will be enforcing the
after the test. A basic understanding of what the service regulation, but also in cases where doubt over a failed test
is about as well as operational experience using the BWTS result arises).
is sometimes lacking. Therefore, sharing our insights and
experience is considered essential, not only by the VPC
and Control Union, but throughout the industry.

4. Final Report considers more elements than only these results, for which Final Results are not available immediately

D-2 Commissioning Testing of BWTS | 6

Our solution for D-2 Commissioning Testing a requirement under all Flag States5. As of June 1st 2022
we expect that securing a compliant Commissioning Test
Using our own certified in-house inspectors and network from a trusted service-provider will become more and
of laboratories, our Commissioning Testing Services are
more difficult . At the VPC we are already available to serve
designed to provide maximum flexibility for the timing of
you as well as to attend your inquiries and questions.
this test, and at that same time ensure a 95% success rate.
This is unmatched in the industry. With our global network of VGP 2013 Monitoring Services,
we have now set up our D-2 Compliance Hubs from where
The scope of our Commissioning tests is in line with both
we can offer Commissioning Tests. Our in-house teams
IMO BWM.2/Circ.70 and its Version 1 and in accordance
are ready to assist you in over 150 ports and key trade
with G2 guidelines. Our service builds on the foundation of
our group’s team of BWMS type-approval testing experts. locations worldwide across all continents and can assist
We have secured our “Approved Service Provider”- with setting up dedicated service for you in your shipyard
certificates from the leading Class societies ABS, Lloyd’s of choice as well. Securing your Commissioning Test now,
Register, DNV, Bureau Veritas and RINA. may prevent any potential delays or errors once you vessel
is undergoing retrofit or about to leave the shipyard for the
We offer Commissioning Testing Services where both first time.
Detailed and Indicative analyses is possible, in case
requested with microbiological analyses or combined
with our world class VGP 2013 Monitoring Services. To
ensure the highest quality standards, all our procedures ABOUT US
are managed via our online ISO 9001-certified quality
The Vessel Performance Centre, part of Royal
management system. Our online reporting web-platform Peterson Control Union, helps all types of
that is accessible 24/7 globally, ensures swift and secure vessels and ships to comply with the newest
client access to test results. regulations and improve fuel performance with
tailor-made solutions.
How the VPC can help you in successfully planning
and performing your Commissioning Testing For owners and operators we offer a range of
solutions for your environmental compliance,
including Water discharge monitoring (EPA
More than 30,000 vessels have not yet installed their
VGP), commissioning testing (IMO BWM
BWTS. They have until September 2024 to become Convention) & system type approvals (USCG),
compliant with the D-2 Standard of the BWM Convention. CO2 emissions reporting & verification (EU
A very busy period lies ahead for shipyards and service MRV, IMO-DCS) as well as fuel compliance (IMO
providers related to the installation of the BWTS systems. Sulphur Cap).

VPC: we propel shipping to sustainability!

On the date of publishing this whitepaper, less than 3
months are left until Commissioning Testing will become

5. The convention applies to ships registered under contracting Parties to the BWM Convention, which take up and use ballast water during international


Authors Coen Esser & Cees van Slooten

D-2 Commissioning Testing of BWTS | 7

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2022 Vessel Performance Centre

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