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Task 1 (20 phút)

The graph below gives information from a 2008 report about energy
consumption in the USA since 1980 with projections until 2030.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,

and making comparisons where relevant.

The given line graph illustrates and predicts the amount of 6 different types of energy that
people in the USA consume over the period of 51 years, starting from 1980.
Overall, energy consumption by fuel in the USA experience upward trends. It is clear that
fossil fuels energy consumption is significantly higher than that of renewable energy.
Initially, petrol and oil accounted for 35% of energy that American use, followed by 20% of
natural gas and just above 15% of coal while the figure for that of 3 types of renewable
energy was at nearly 3% each. In the consecutive 40 years later, there were some fluctuated in
energy consumption but in general, the proportion underwent considerable growth.
Turning to other features, we can see that since 2020, American is predicted to increase their
uses of fossil fuels energy, with the most popular kind is petrol and oil, at approximately 50%.
Coal, which is projected to make up about 31% of energy used, take over natural gas to be the
second most used in the USA. By contrast, there has been a stability in the percentage of
renewable energy since 2005, being around 9% in nuclear, compared to 5% and 3% in
solar/wind and hydropower respectively.
Task 2 (40 phút)
Many people believe that social networking sites (such as Facebook) have
a huge negative impact on both individuals and society.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It can be denied that social platforms has revolutionized the way we

communicate with each other and leaded to enormous changes in this day
and age. Many people consider these impacts as negative with citizens and
countries. While it may be true to some certain extent, I would argue that
the are some positive sides of social media.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why social network pose threats
to society. The foremost reason is about safety issues. We all know that
Internet in general and social media in specific use algorithm that collect
data from users and most of us are willing to accept the companies’
policies about this. Consequently, enterprises can sell users’ data to other
businesses for benefits. This phenomenon is increasingly serious as many
people feel open to post their private information online in these platforms.
Another negative impact is that users are bombarded and overloaded with
gossips about celebrities that are uploaded on a daily basis. Therefore, we
tend to be tired and even exhausted with posts that we are not actually
interested in.

In the meantime, I would contend that social networking sites do have

positive sides to look into. The underlying reason for this is that we are
able to keep in touch with friends and relatives thanks to social platforms
like Facebook or Instagram, especially with abroad students and people
working far from home, and therefore avoid their being isolated. I would
cite the case of my grandparents for example: their offspring and
grandchildren are studying and working in England, so they cannot visit
home often but social media has helped my grandparents to update how my
cousins live in a faraway country through video calls.

In conclusion, social networking sites do have some negative impacts if

users use them unproperly. However, I believe that we should not overlook
the benefits they have brought to human and societies.
( em viết bài này trong bị lố mất 15phút ạ hihi )

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