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Tests – page 1

Unit Test (Unit 1)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. Lydia was a ____ woman, who cared about children in need.
A. narrow-minded B. compassionate C. stubborn D. delighted
2. I’m sorry, I read the book you lent me, is it ok if I bring it back next week?
A. haven’t been able to B. couldn’t C. did D. hasn’t
3. Jason is so cool, do you know if he anyone at the moment?
A. can see B. is seeing C. sees D. see
4. A face often goes with red hair.
A. freckled B. wrinkled C. broad D. lanky
5. When we were kids, my sister could really with her stupid questions!
A. get on well B. be in the mood C. drive me up the wall D. be out of sorts
6. Following this diet, you need to be with your recipes to avoid poor nutrition and monotony.
A. overweight B. serious C. caring D. inventive
7. Tina has made a huge progress in Swedish since she taking classes with that private teacher.
A. have started B. has started C. started D. has been starting
8. About half way through in the recipe I realized I ___________, so I had to start over.
A. had messed up B. cleaned up C. messed up D. had made up
9. When she __________ Claire would listen to some joyful music.
A. gave me a hand B. lost her temper C. had mixed feelings D. was feeling blue
10. Samantha is ever so ____ she can’t even make up her mind about which socks to wear!
A. decided B. non-decisive C. indecisive D. decisively
11. Ron looked slightly embarrassed when he noticed his jacket was _______ at the sleeve.
A. ripped B. knitted C. plain D. rubber
12. When Luke interrupted her for the third time, Kitty could barely hide her .
A. annoyance B. annoyingly C. annoying D. annoyed
13. Would you please put that bag away? It still _____ of fish.
A. is smelling B. smell C. smells D. smelling
14. My sister didn’t exactly _when she saw Jake mopping the floor with her favourite skirt.
A. take an interest B. find common ground C. jump for joy D. make progress
15. On your CV you are not supposed to specify your . That is too personal and irrelevant information.
A. surname B. citizenship C. marital status D. phone number

B 1.
Write the opposites of each adjective:
reasonable: _______
2. honest: ________
3. courageous: ________
4. sincere: ________
5. polite: _________

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C Your friend has invited you to his/her graduation party but you are unable to attend. Write an email (120-150 words)

in which you:

• thank them and reject the • offer another time when you score
invitation can meet
• explain why you have to • begin like this: Dear score
reject it Jane/Steve,
page 2 – Tests

Unit Test (Unit 2)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. The room they had booked offered a breathtaking view of Pacific Ocean.
A. an B. the C. - D. a
2. Of all the things we had to do before we moved out, the furniture was the hardest.
A. decorating B. dismantling C. converting D. evicting
3. We were seriously thinking about buying the house but somebody offered to pay so they got to buy it.
A. the bills B. the price C. in instalments D. up front
4. The storm hit so suddenly, that the authorities could not evacuate the shore .
A. at such short notice B. on arrival C. by accident D. at a price
5. Do you think space flight will ever be __________ for the masses?
A. well-maintained B. significant C. affordable D. functional
6. To his great relief, some , heard his cries for help.
A. passer-by B. passers-by C. passing D. passengers
7. Mountain gorillas are ________ endangered species.
A. some B. - C. an D. the
8. The sight of the mountains they were about climb left him with excitement.
A. breathless B. peaceful C. picturesque D. run-down
9. All I ask of you is to the dishwasher every now and again!
A. do up B. fix C. mow D. load
10. John rushed to hospital as soon as he heard the news.
A. - B. the C. a D. one
11. When we entered the attic, I couldn’t believe my eyes: it was with old tools, garden furniture and rugs.
A. cluttered B. run-down C. spacious D. well-equipped
12. Which way is ___ east?
A. the B. to C. - D. to the
13. If you are to buy this flat, you’ll need to ________ a mortgage.
A. take out B. make up C. make out D. take up
14. In Hungary, there are a lot of nasty jokes about ______.
A. mothers-in-law B. mother-in-laws C. mothers-in-law
D. mother’s-in-law
15. The assistant says, if you leave £10 as a , they will keep the
trousers for you till the weekend.
A. notice B. removal C. residential D. deposit


B Form adjectives from these nouns/verbs and write them on the lines:
1. access:______
2. convenience: ________
3. sound: _______
4. air: _______
5. welcome: _______
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C You wish to rent a house for you and your family. Write an email of 120-150 words to Mary Carmichael, an estate
agent in which you include:

• a description of the s o r t o f area/neighbourhood/property you are interested in

• your reasons
• the duration of your possible stay score
Tests – page 3

Unit Test (Unit 3)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. Rumour has it that Charles has been from school for bad behaviour.
A. absent B. excelled C. expelled D. graduated
2. Many parents decide to ________ their children if they are not satisfied with the educational system.
A. homeschool B. enrol C. motivate D. assess
3. For ______ sake, George, please do take off your shoes when you enter the house from the garden!
A. heavens B. heaven C. heaven’s D. heavens’
4. Although the lady was talking very fast, I managed to ______ a few things.
A. drop out B. major in C. catch up D. scribble down
5. Janine has been studying so hard for the exam: no wonder she has effortlessly.
A. scraped through B. sailed through C. pored over D. passed through
6. Kids, kids! You’d better behave .
A. yourself B. each other C. yourselves D. each other’s
7. I wonder why Tom’s not at school? Maybe he is again?
A. playing truant B. passing with flying colours C. repeating a year D. falling behind
8. The school management has kept the staff in _____ of the new regulations.
A. confidence B. approval C. ignorance D. sympathy
9. Mr Perry, we know you are perfectly qualified ____ the job, but it has already been filled.
A. in B. at C. on D. for
10. I have only ______ through your essay, I haven’t read it carefully yet.
A. skimmed B. scraped C. handed D. sailed
11. You don’t need to tell us every detail of the story of the film. Just in a nutshell.
A. jot it down B. brush up on it C. pore over it D. sum it up
12. ____ come in ___ stay outside but please do not keep the front door open: it’s much too cold!
A. Either … and B. Neither … nor C. Both … and D. Either … or
13. Coming from an exceptionally poor family, the brothers’ life goal was to educate ____ to become successful.
A. themselves B. them C. each other D. one another
14. Never in my life have I fallen ______ the assignments!
A. out with B. behind with C. behind at D. out for
15. It’s no use talking to Matt, he is having has his head buried a book as usual.
A. under B. in C. behind D. into score

B Write the appropriate dependent prepositions on the lines.

1. hopeless ___ music
2. anxious ___ the exams
3. pleased ___ the progress
4. curious ___ the results
5. sign ___ for a course


C You and your class are planning to a careers fair together and your teacher has asked you to write to the organisers
requesting information. Write a formal email (120-150 words), in which you include the following points:
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• questions about registration •

• questions about costs/opening hours score
• a request for more information about the score
universities present and the programme of
• begin your email like this: Dear Sir/Madam,
page 4 – Tests

Unit Test (Unit 4)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. When Gina was fired from her job, she decided to follow her dreams and .
A. hand in her notice B. perform menial tasks C. set up her own business D. fill in an application form
2. The amount of job-seekers significatntly during the years of the economic crisis.
A. maximised B. multiplied C. qualified D. recruited
3. Have you heard that Tracy has got that job? She very well at the interview.
A. must had to do B. had to do C. must do D. must have done
4. If you want to be promoted, you pull yourself together and work harder.
A. had better B. would better C. better D. had better to
5. Only the most people should choose the teaching profession!
A. devoted B. rewarding C. highly-paid D. demanding
6. Without any qualifications young people can easily find themselves on .
A. pension B. leave C. the dole D. a contract
7. Our tap broke this morning in the bathroom, so I guess we need to find a good as soon as possible.
A. mechanic B. electrician C. engineer D. plumber
8. I’d rather a satisfying job than a well-paid but boring one.
A. to choose B. choose C. choosing D. chose
9. The ________ are demanding higher salaries for the workers.
A. Human Resources B. insurance agents C. CFO-s D. trade unions
10. Pete _____ in the meeting. He was out of the office, running his usual errands.
A. can’t participate B. mustn’t participate C. can’t have participated D. mustn’t have participated
11. Paul couldn’t relax even on his holiday. His boss emailed him and he soon found himself______.
A. good on paper B. put on hold C. bankrupt D. snowed under
12. We _______ overtime. The deadline of the project has been extended.
A. shouldn’t have worked B. need to work C. must work D. needn’t have worked
13. The government has refused to ________ with the parties about the new laws.
A. negotiate B. support C. qualify D. employ
14. Jim found his old job extremely demanding: it was extremely stressful and he had to .
A. go for an interview B. live off his salary C. work in shifts D. sign a contract
15. This is a brand new company offering a number of job .
A. applications B. vacancies C. conditions D. descriptions

B Match the two halves of the expressions. Write the appropriate letters on the lines:

1. wreck ___ a. the career ladder

2. make ___ b. a month’s notice
3. take ___ c. early retirement
4. climb ___ d. one’s career
5. be given ___ e. ends meet
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C You are looking for a job abroad and have seen an advertisement for a post as a shop assistant in a small family
gift shop in Brighton. Write an email (120-150 words) of application in which you include:

• information about your qualifications and skills, work experience score

• reasons why you are suitable for the job total
• inquiring about working hours, salary score
• begin like this: Dear Sir/Madam,
Tests – page 5

Unit Test (Unit 5)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. The little girl was the image of her granny at the same age.
A. distant B. spitting C. resembling D. striking
2. By dinner time we were exhausted as we out with the preparations for the reception the whole day.
A. had been helping B. had help C. were helping D. had helping
3. Kevin got of the kids after the divorce.
A. custody B. adoption C. resemblance D. cohabitation
4. The couple tied the in a romantic ceremony on the beach.
A. relationship B. bond C. knot D. engagement
5. When I was little, I up in grandpa’s lap and listen to his stories for hours.
A. used climb B. climb C. would climb D. was climbing
6. Johnny was a terribly child, so when he grew up, he deeply longed for a big, loving family.
A. engaged B. neglected C. distant D. only
7. I do any sports, now I go swimming, jogging and I work out regularly.
A. used to B. I didn’t used to C. wasn’t used to D. didn’t use to
8. Dianne had enough of her sister taking of her as a free babysitter for her niece.
A. advantage B. care C. after D. quality time
9. Eliza is a very honest person. She refused to her word.
A. put up with B. go back on C. set up D. keep to
10. The boys , they used to be classmates in primary school.
A. have a heart to heart B. go back a long way C. fly the
nest D. fair-weather friends

B Match the two halves of the collocations. Then complete the sentences using them.

score : _/10

1. increasingly _ a. accurate
2. bitterly _ b. anxious
3. slightly _ c. shocked
4. fairly _ d. better
5. utterly _ e. disappointed

1. Mary was _____________ not have to have been invited to Ginger’s party.
2. The students were feeling _____________ about their upcoming exams.
3. The information given by the assistant was ____________. However, it is a good thing we
checked it on the internet too.
4. The family was _________ by Uncle Bill’s sudden death.
5. As soon as she got _________ from the flu, Esther called her boss.

On an internet forum readers are asked to give their opinion on the following question: at what age do
children become adults? Write a reply (200-250 words) in which you include the following points:
• social, psychological and
emotional aspects
• financial aspects 30
• responsibility
• right to vote
page 6 – Tests

Unit Test (Unit 6)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. We have ________ butter in the house. Could you go and get some from the supermarket?
A. a lot B. very little C. very few D. too much
2. We made a complaint to the manager of the restaurant. The was filthy and the food was cold.
A. cutlery B. tin C. dice D. spoonful
3. The taste of the wine is ___ improved by the perfect
A. farthest B. furthest C. further D. farther
4. Jeff, if you are coming with us to the dinner party, you can’t watch the match. You can’t !
A. have a sweet tooth B. go bad C. have your cake and eat it D. help yourself
5. We always freeze the . This way we don’t waste food.
A. leftovers B. herbs and spices C. additives D. main course
6. Judy finally gave in to and ate a big slice of chocolate cake.
A. nutrients B. ingredient C. temptation D. malnutrition
7. When the window broke, the floor was covered with .
A. glass B. many glasses C. glasses D. a piece of glass
8. Sweet butter is more than salted butter as salt acts as a preservative.
A. creamy B. tasty C. cheap D. perishable
9. bread is one of the healthiest options in the stores for those who wish to stay fit.
A. wholegrain B. stale C. nourishing D. crispy
10. Years of work and consistence were finally now. The family café was
more successful than ever. score
A. cutting out B. the icing on the cake C. bearing fruit D. gaining weight

B For questions 1-10 think of a word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at
the beginning.

Break your Fast

(00) If someone were asked to choose between having an extra half hour in bed and getting up
to have breakfast, he or she (1) most likely choose to get more sleep. This is what a survey on
(2) habits says most people would do.
According (3) last year’s findings, most of the men that took part in the survey said that they very
often leave their first (4) of the day till lunch, and almost half of the parents reported that
preparing the family breakfast is the most stressful time of their day. Although we all know that breakfast
kickstarts our system for the day as it gives us (5) the energy we need, lifestyle habits ultimately
influence decisions. If we feel tired or stressed in the morning, breakfast (6) one of the first things to go.
During the morning (7) ________, it can be all too easy to go without breakfast, but this means that we are
not taking (8) __________ of ourselves. Doctors say that if you wish to avoid the risk of developing high
blood pressure, obesity or heart disease, you should never (9) breakfast! So, if you are one of
those people who are missing out on the most important meal of the day, then it’s time
you gave up the bad (10) .


C You see a forum post in which someone asks: “Should healthy diet be taught at school? If yes, how?” . Write a
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comment (200-250 words) in which you give your views. Include the following points:
• the importance of healthy eating score
• where should kids learn about it? • begin like this: Hi there, total
• how should they learn about it score
Tests – page 7

Unit Test (Unit 7)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. give me a lift to the station?
A. Will you B. Are you going to C. You will D. Shall you
2. Extensive has revealed that domestic home sales will fall sharply.
A. advertising campaign B. market research C. public service D. commercial break
3. I was fined for speeding yesterday, I paid ______ for it, but I think I’ve learnt a lesson.
A. the tax B. them back C. through the nose D. the deposit
4. Will you in instalments, Sir?
A. paying B. be paying C. pay D. have paid
5. Families on ________ will appreciate this special discount.
A. a tight budget B. up to standard
C. with a savings account D. on credit
6. Jess was found guilty of credit card _________.
A. debt B. loan C. fraud D. withdraw
7. By this time tomorrow, we on that that train for twenty
A. ’ll be sitting B. ‘ll sit C. ‘ll have sat D. ‘ll have been
8. At that time I was a little for cash, so I couldn’t accept the invitation for that trip.
A. stocked up B. strapped C. tied D. limited
9. It is very important that you keep the for anything you buy, in case you need to take it back.
A. recipe B. cheque C. note D. receipt
10. How much do you think it will cost, ?
A. reasonably B. approximately C. score
fortunately D. considerably
11. This house _____ much.
A. doesn’t worth B. didn’t worth C. isn’t
worth D. isn’t worths
12. Unless you’ve got money _____, these shoes are probably
not for you.
A. to invest B. rip off C. clear
D. to burn

B Read the text below. For questions 1-10, decide which word or phrase A, B, C or D best fits each space.

A Change of Scene
Julia and her friends have been going shopping together on Saturday mornings since they met in
high school last year. This Saturday, however, they have chosen to break with their normal
routine. ‘Recently we have been growing more and more tired of going to the same shops and (1)
stores every weekend,’ says Andrea, ‘so we have all decided that this week we (2) doing something
completely different. We are going to see what we can do without having to spend any money at all.’
They (3) be visiting any shopping malls, (4) money _____ at a cash machine or trying to
find some (5) ___ in the clothes shops. They will, however, be cycling downtown instead of paying to
take the train, and they will be doing things they can enjoy (6) charge.
‘We went online,’ says Melissa, ‘and found that there are loads of places to go with free (7) for
young people. There are at least four museums, three art galleries and two cinemas where we don’t have to
pay anything, and lots of different free music and cultural events taking place, so we (8) just
_____ and see what happens.’
page 8 – Tests

1 (A) apartment (B) pavement (C) department (D) payment

2 (A) will try (B) try (C) going to try (D) will trying
3 (A) won’t (B) mustn’t (C) can’t (D) wouldn’t
4 (A) leaving …out (B) taking … out (C) taking … off (D) getting … from
5 (A) bulk (B) decrease (C) bargains (D) purchase
6. (A) for not (B) fee of (C) free off (D) free of
7 (A) adaptation (B) admission (C) audition (D) instalment
8 (A) ‘re … going to
(B) will be … go
(C) going … to go
(D) will … be going

score: _/8

C You have ordered a pair of shoes online. The delivery was late, the shoes were the wrong colour and the
packaging was damaged Write an email of complaint to the Customer Service of the webshop (120-150 words) in which you
• the purpose of you your e-mail • begin like this: Dear Sir/Madam,
• give details about the problems score
• what solution you would accept total
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Tests – page 9

Unit Test (Unit 8)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. Ann is planning to spend her gap year across Europe.
A. cruise B. hitchhiking C. to hitchhike D. cruising
2. Thanks to her job in sales, she travels .
A. light B. safely C. widely D. fully
3. Josh was jailed for months for .
A. touching down B. overtaking C. drunk-driving D. blocking
4. Mr. Burke suggested a package holiday with them.
A. to book B. book C. booking D. booked
5. Parties and alcohol: Ben does live life in the lane.
A. driving B. fast C. cycle D. next
6. Her parents sent Sue to France for the summer to practise in French.
A. communicating B. communicate C. to communicate D. her communicate
7. Please find attached the for the trip.
A. itinerary B. reservation C. insurance D. destination
8. Tim’s family were worried that, away from home he would go off the in his first university years.
A. steam B. rails C. track D. budget
9. Our flight, was an hour late, was almost cancelled.
A. whose B. that C. what D. which
10. To my surprise, I met Todd on board, who was a member of the cabin .
A. pilot B. deck C. staff D. crew score

B Read the text below. For questions 1-10 think of a word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (00).

Train across the Water

Last summer, as a treat for (00) passing our second year exams at university, two of my classmates,
Ralph and Silvia, and I decided to travel by train around Italy. Silvia, (1) mother is Italian, invited
us to (2) with her cousins in Naples and visit her uncle in Sicily for a few days, and I must say
that I don’t think I have ever been on such an interesting holiday.
I have enjoyed (3) long train journeys s inc e I was young, first with family, and now with friends,
and think of myself as an experienced (4) . One thing, however, (5) really took
me by surprise was the journey to and from Sicily. Sicily, (6) is an island, is several
kilometres from the mainland, and while I knew that we would cross the sea in a ferry, I didn’t realise the
train would actually drive onto the ferry with us in it!
There have been train ferries running (7) Villa San Giovanni on the mainland and Messina in Sicily for
over 100 years. You don’t actually stay on the train (8) the 25-minute crossing, but you can go up on
deck and watch as the ferry approaches land. I liked it so much that for my next holidays I am going to take
another train ferry, this time (9) the Baltic Sea. I will be travelling by Intercity Express from Hamburg to
Copenhagen, (10) I have arranged to stay with an old friend from school who is doing postgraduate studies

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An old friend is planning to visit your country in the summer and asking for your advice on places to visit, things to
do at Lake Balaton and asks you to recommend one town to see in Hungary. Write an email (120-150 words) to your
friend in which you should:
express enthusiasm about his/her visit
• provide the required information (give reasons)
• say when you are available join your friend
• begin like this: Hi Jack/Jillian,
page 10 – Tests

Unit Test (Unit 9)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. There was a(n) screening of the movie on Sunday night before it was shown to the public.
A. specialised B. scene C. abstract D. preview
2. Who what he is saying?
A. does understand B. does he understand C. understands D. do understand
3. I know you lied to me, so you’ll just have to and admit it.
A. step forward B. steal the show C. run the show D. face the music
4. We went to the show on the wrong night mistake.
A. by B. from C. for D. out of
5. Don’t eat all of that, you?
A. will B. do C. don’t you D. won’t you
2 I don’t expect you to buy expensive things .
A. me B. for me C. to me D. on me
7. I haven’t found the answer yet, but I promise to you with as soon as I can.
A. look through B. get around to C. get back to D. pass on to
8. Lily’s taste in theatre is a little bit out of ____ . She enjoys the most bizarre plays.
A. practice B. the ordinary C. the question D. order
9. People are generally extra careful when they buy a new _______ for their kitchen.
A. equipment B. piece of equipment C. equipments D. pieces of equipment
10.No one got ill, ____?
A. didn’t he B. did he C. didn’t they D. did they
11.The film had a boring, _____ plot line.
A. predictable B. entertaining C. adventurous D. catchy
12.Her decision started a _____ of events that changed her life forever.
A. line B. plot C. row D. chain
13. Oh, don’t mind Don. He is just putting to attract more attention.
A. on a scene B. on an act C. up a show D. up an act
14. Hey Rose! I hear you’re singing tonight at the party! Are you suffering from stage ?
A. stress B. fear C. fright D. afraid
15. I am fired, I?
A. isn’t B. am not C. aren’t D. don’t score

B Read the text below. For questions 1-5, think of a word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (00).

Is Social Media becoming the TV of the future?

It seems that TV isn’t what it (00) used to be. Studies show that the amount of time (1) spend
watching traditional TV has fallen over the past ten years. On the other hand, the hours that people spend
watching live-streams have (2) greatly. Young people are showing that they prefer this type of
Social media sites have been quick to respond to this new trend, and now offer live-stream programming.
Today there are over two billion people around the world that use these sites and are able to have access
to live-streams through their smartphones. As a result, live-streams can reach more people than traditional
TV. Also, companies that are interested in getting their message across have chosen to (3) their
products through live-streams.
(4) this mean that TV as we know it will disappear in the future? (5) can say for sure.
We can see that newspapers and magazines are still around today, despite the Internet. Today, TV is still a
part of oureveryday life, and it’s likely that will be for years to come.
score: __/5
Tests – page 11

C The school magazine has asked you to write a review of an interesting film adaptation of a book that you have
recently seen. Write a review (200-250 words) in which you include the following points:
• a description of the plot
• a comparison with the book
• what you thought about the acting
• what you liked or didn’t like about it
• whether you would recommend it or not score
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page 12 – Tests

Unit Test (Unit 10)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. What did you think of the TV of the Formula1?
A. coverage B. race C. competition D. tournament
2. Louis fell over and his wrist.
A. ached B. twisted C. healed D. swelled
3. I’d rather all the children up before the game.
A. warming B. warmed C. warm D. to warm
4. At first Maggie felt a little insecure in the new game, but she soon got the of it.
A. board B. hang C. kit D. rules
5. Collins has been chosen to be the at the next tennis match.
A. referee B. medallist C. finalist D. umpire
6. If we our tickets in advance, we wouldn’t have to be standing here in the queue now.
A. had booked B. would have booked C. would book D. booked
7. Mrs. Murray lost consciousness in the accident but she it in the hospital.
A. got B. regained C. gained D. came round
8. You can’t win at the race train hard.
A. if you B. unless you will C. if you will D. unless you
9. Dave was ______ for five games because he had argued with the referee.
A. held B. suspended C. substituted D. defeated
10. After the game the boys’ bodies were covered in ____.
A. strains B. fractures C. plaster D. bruises
11. I think it’s high time we all ____ the winners.
A. congratulated B. congratulate C. congratulating D. had congratulated
12. Alice was going to try motor racing but in the last minute she ____.
A. spread out B. cooled down C. took the lead D. got cold feet
13. The coach speaks to his players _____ they were useless.
A. as though B. if C. if only D. unless
14. You can use my goggles _____ you bring them back.
A. long as B. provided as C. providing D. as long
15. These guys really pushed themselves to their _____. They certainly deserved to win!
A. defence B. limit C. limits D. defeat
16. The doctors have agreed to Cliff entering the competition, he undergoes the operation afterwards
A. on condition that B. in condition that C. with the condition D. on the conditions
17. It is not their first defeat on home . Last week they lost to St Nicholas’s High School.
A. land B. field C. ground D. pitch
18. After the paramedics gave Jason an emergency treatment, they headed _____ the hospital with him.
A. across B. - C. into D. towards
19. I had to do all the organization work around the tournament. Janet didn’t lift ____.
A. weight B. the boxing gloves C. a finger D. a sword
20. Gavin _____ the opponent with a quick move and gains possession of the ball.
A. tackles B. fouls C. bends score
D. twists

B Write a comment of 200-250 words on a post asking: “How could people be encouraged to do more sports in your
country?” In your comment you should:
• advice on how to choose an activity score
• give your ideas
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that suits you total

• give reasons score
• provide some personal examples: e.g.
how you choose/have chosen sports,
how to make working out a habit
Tests – page 13

Unit Test (Unit 11)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. Steve was not able to go anywhere without the aid of for several months after the operation.
A. treatment B. crutches C. a dietician D. nausea
2. Helen started the cold during the exam period, She needed to have a rest.
A. coming out B. coming down C. coming on D. coming off
3. His grandpa with a heart attack as he was trying to lift a heavy barrel.
A. relieved B. injured C. collapsed D. burnt out
4. Adam, what’s wrong with you? I hope it’s nothing .
A. catching B. catchy C. to catch D. caught
5. Alan was seen ____in a waiting room, but he never entered the doctor’s office.
A. sit B. he was sitting C. sat D. sitting
6. The injured girl was given right at the scene of the accident.
A. first aid B. a cure C. a first aid kit D. healing
7. You’d better leave Charles, he has been on night duty, he is .
A. taking blood pressure B. addicted C. dead to the world D. pale
8. A shot was Mark to relieve the allergic reaction.
A. was given to B. was given C. gave D. gave to
9. You are at the screen again. I can tell you’ve been working on the computer for too long.
A. peering B. peeking C. squinting D. glaring
10. Sorry, I can’t come tonight, I need to my grandma to see if she’s all right.
A. go into B. set in C. call in on D. turn in


B Complete the tables below with the missing words.

Verb: Noun:
1. vaccinate
2. strength
3. protect
4. assist
5. injury

Verb/Noun: Adjective:
6. infect
7. cure
8. warm
9. harm
10. obese

score: __/10
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C Your favourite magazine had posed the question: “Being in good health is one of the greatest gifts you will ever
get in your life. Do you agree?” Write a letter to the editor (200-250 words) in which you include the following

• state your opinion

• give reasons
• provide some personal examples score
• begin like this: Dear Sir/Madam total
page 14 – Tests

Unit Test (Unit 12)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. The new software handy with the administration.
A. come in B. came in C. came on D. came off
2. Tracy is inventive that she always dreams up a new gadget for the office.
A. such a B. such C. so D. so a
3. Researchers taking part in the experiment were completely of the problem of the equipment.
A. unaware B. amazed C. capable D. experienced
4. The lightness of this laptop makes it extremely and practical.
A. intelligent B. functional C. portable D. wireless
5. Michael’s first study was in New Scientist.
A. published B. released C. introduced D. appeared
6. Erin worked day and night her children could all go to university.
A. so as B. in order to C. so that D. in order
7. the best news I have received in a long time!
A. These are B. They are C. These were D. This is
8. Scientist have come a lot of ignorance among the locals when doing the survey.
A. through B. up against C. to light D. up with
9. There’s no scientific to suggest that this process is harmful.
A. result B. achievement C. evidence D. breakthrough
10. These are herbs are known to have medical .
A. properties B. data C. attachments D. arguments

B Read the text below. For questions 1-10 decide which word or phrase A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an
example at the beginning (00).

An Enduring Icon in the Scientific World

Maria Salomea Skłodowska, (00) C is better known as Marie Curie, was born on 7 November 1867 in
Warsaw, Poland. She was the youngest of five children. Her mother was the headmistress of a private school,
(1) her father was a maths and physics instructor. Marie was a very good student, and having taken
after her father she did very well in both maths and physics. (2) she finished secondary school at the
top of her class, Marie could not attend the University of Warsaw (3) women were not allowed to study
at universities at the time.
Marie was, however, determined to go to Paris to earn an official degree. In an effort to save enough money to
do so, she spent about five years working as a tutor and nanny. In 1891, Marie finally managed to go to Paris,
where she (4) at the Sorbonne, a very well-known and respected university in France. While studying
for her degree, Marie suffered from poor health because she was very poor and was forced to survive on
buttered bread and tea. (5) her unfortunate circumstances, Marie managed to come top of the
class. In 1893 she was awarded a master’s degree in physics and a year later a degree in mathematics.
In 1894 Marie was introduced to French physicist Pierre Curie by a colleague. They got married a year later.
Initially they worked separately, but Pierre soon realised (6) good scientist she was and
happily worked as her assistant. After many years of doing research and (7) experiments, they (8)
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discovered two radioactive elements, polonium, which they named after Marie’s country of birth, and radium.
Marie and Pierre received a Nobel Prize for their (9) in Physics in 1903. Marie was
honoured for a second time in 1911 when she won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. She was the first woman to
win a Nobel Prize and the firstperson and the only woman to win a Nobel Prize twice. She died of leukemia in
1934 (10) exposure to radiation.
Tests – page 15

00 (A) which (B) that (C) who (D) she C

1 (A) when (B) as (C) but (D) while
2 (A) Despite (B) In spite (C) In spite of (D) Although
3 (A) So as (B) such (C) so (D) as
4 (A) enrolled (B) graduated (C) attended (D) expelled
5 (A) Although (B) Despite of (C) Despite (D) Even though
6 (A) such a (B) how (C) so (D) what a
7 (A) making (B) creating (C) conducting (D) carrying
8 (A) found out (B) invented (C) discovered (D) researched
9 (A) inventions (B) achievements (C) technologies (D) revolutions
10 (A) because (B) in case (C) as a result of (D) despite

score :_::10


C You have recently come across a post on a website for teenagers in which the author argues that kids shouldn’t
be taught Science in schools. Write a comment (200-250 words) in which you:

• give your opinion on the question (give reasons)

• mention everyday aspects of knowing about sciences (health, technology)
• come up with ideas on how Science could be made more attractive to students


page 16 – Tests

Unit Test (Unit 13)

Read the text below. For questions 1-10 think of a word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (00).

Blue Whales
Last week I wrote about a new collection of poems published (00) by survivors of the Tōhoku
tsunami of 2011. Today, however, I want to tell you about an encounter I had in Iceland with someone whose
research subjects have nothing to fear from even the most powerful waves.
Before I found Hermann Thordarson sitting in the small fishing boat, I (1) hoped to avoid going
near the water. I don’t swim well, and the thought of being lifted out of sea by (2) an enormous
creature filled me with terror. Nevertheless, (3) my concerns I climbed aboard and started by
asking him (4) we would be seeing any blue whales. He said he had (5) seen any
for several days, but that there was a small chance we (6) see one in the distance. I moved
some boxes so I could sit down, and continued by asking him about the whales themselves.
‘Blue whales are the largest animals on (7) .’ he said. ‘They can be up to 30 metres long and weigh more
than 200 tonnes.’ The boat started going faster and the waves started getting higher, and I held on nervously
with both my hands. ‘Did you know that a whale’s tongue on its own weighs as much as an elephant?’
I didn’t. Hermann continued talking, and for a long time (8) of us saw anything except seagulls.
‘The whales come here to feed in the summer, and then as winter approaches they journey towards the
Equator and...’
Suddenly (9) of us felt it — something had touched the bottom of the boat. I looked over the
side only (10) find a small seal looking up at me.

B Read the text below. For questions 1-10, decide which word or phrase A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is
an example at the beginning (00).

Our chemistry teacher, Mr Erlenmeyer, took us on a wonderful

school trip in (00) C to learn more about recycling,
understand (1) to waste and collect information so (2)
we could set up a recycling scheme in
our school. The people who work at the recycling plant spoke
to us about the large amount of waste that still doesn’t get
again. (3) a lot of progress has been made and more
and more people are recycling, there is still a lot more that can be done. The mountains of plastic, paper and
metal that we saw as soon as we walked in were such a spectacular sight! How incredible (4) to see
where the waste from our homes is processed before being (5) into new products!
Mr Erlenmeyer asked the floor manager, Ms Dross, to explain how (6) dealt with. She said that the
rubbish is loaded onto a conveyor belt to be (7) and that people are needed to help with this
task as the objects that can’t be recycled must be taken off the belt. ‘The rubbish shakes up and down’ she
shouted over the noise, ‘as it moves, and paper, plastic and metal are (8) and end up as big square
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blocks.’ Some of us tried to move one of these blocks, which was of paper, but we couldn’t because it was
so heavy! We learnt that almost half the paper we use in our daily lives has been recycled and that a
plastic bottle can be turned into material to make a jumper. ‘This top I’m wearing now’ (9) Ms Dross
proudly, ‘is actually made from rubbish from this plant.’ We weren’t surprised at all. Recycling is so important
and something that we can all do. If we don’t protect our planet, we will all (10) the consequences
Tests – page 17

00 (A) case (B) view (C) order (D) season C

1 (A) how does (B) what happens (C) what does (D) what did
happen happen happen
2 (A) that (B) as (C) what (D) long
3 (A) In spite of (B) Such (C) So (D) Although
4 (A) was it (B) it is (C) is it (D) it was
5 (A) reduced (B) reused (C) recycled (D) rescued
6 (A) all it is (B) it is all (C) is it all (D) all is it
7 (A) sorted (B) preserved (C) evacuated (D) protected
8 (A) separated (B) exhausted (C) biodegraded (D) returned
9 (A) commanded (B) asked (C) told (D) said
10 (A) judge (B) impose (C) suffer (D) obey


C On Earth Day the school magazine has asked students to write essays titled: “What does nature mean for me?”
Write an essay (200-250 words) in which you include the following points:
• the role of nature in our lives
• the role of animals in our lives
• a natural spot or an animal species that is particularly important to you and why

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page 18 – Tests

Unit Test (Unit 14)

A Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. Scarcely had he been released from prison he stole a bike.
A. as B. than C. when D. after
2. The kids’ father is a sentence for forgery.
A. serving B. getting C. organising D. sitting
3. Owing to the crisis, the number of women sleeping in the streets is increasing.
A. alone B. hard C. rough D. tough
4. had Tracey received her salary than she got robbed of her purse.
A. Scarcely B. No sooner C. Not only D. In no way
5. The right to fair trial is written into the of the United States.
A. Law B. Community C. Union D. Constitution
6. Will suffered minor injuries when he was attacked by a gang of .
A. muggers B. smugglers C. stalkers D. robbers
7. Harry who threatened the neighbours, not me.
A. That was B. It was C. This was D. This is
8. When Mario first started university in London, he was invited to a dinner at the Italian there.
A. ministry B. council C. parliament D. embassy
9. The doctor was accused ______ stealing medicine from the hospital.
A. with B. of C. at D. for
10. Only when you experience it ____ understand what it feels like to be a refugee.
A. you will B. you C. you can D. will you

B Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1. At the beginning of major sporting events it is a custom to sing the national ____.
2. Even though they both work full time, Jess and Chris still find it hard to ____ ends meet.
3. Behind most cases of _____ delinquency we find broken homes and parental negligence.
4. I often feel like we are _____ a losing battle against drugs.
5. It sounds like a solution but we will need to ____ the rules a little. Don’t worry, it is still legal.
6. ‘Was it Larry who put you ____ this?’ ‘No, it was my idea.’
7. A number of civilians got caught in the _____ during the fights.
8. Families living below the ____ line cannot afford to pay for proper education for their children.
9. The new organization failed to _____ with the regulations so it was closed down.
10. The government launched programmes to ___ awareness of the presence of discrimination in various
fields of society.

C You read a post on an internet forum in which the Barry asks for readers’ opinion on an issue. He’s been dating a
girl for a while, everything is going really well but he has just learnt that her mum was convicted for fraud years
ago. He is now thinking about breaking up with the girl. Write a comment (200-250 words) in which you include
the following points:
• what you think of the situation: should their relationship be affected by this?
• say if you have ever encountered a similar problem: what happened
• what you think you would do in Barry’s place
• what you think Barry should do
Tests – page 19

Key to Unit Tests

Unit Test (Unit 1) Unit Test (Unit 4)
A. A.
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A
6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C 6. C 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. C
11. A 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. C 11. D 12. D 13. A 14.C 15.B

B. B.
1. unreasonable 2. dishonest 3. generous 1. D
4. insincere 5. impolite 2. E
3. C
C. 4. A
Open answers 5. B

Unit Test (Unit 2) Open answers

1. B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C Unit Test (Unit 5)
6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B
11. A 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. D A.
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C
B. 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. B
1. accessible
2. convenient B.
3. soundproof 1. B 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. C
4. airy 1. bitterly disappointed
5. welcoming 2. increasingly anxious
3. fairly accurate
C. 4. utterly shocked
Open answers 5. slightly better

Unit Test (Unit 3) Open answers

1. C
6. C
2. A
7. A
3. C
8. C
4. D
9. D
5. B
Unit Test (Unit 6)
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A
11. D 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. C
6. C 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. C
1. at 1. will 2. food/eating 3. to 4. meal 5. all
2. about 6. is 7. rush/routine 8. care
3. with 9. skip 10. habit

4. about
5. at Open answers

Open answers
page 22 – Tests

16. A 17. C 18. D 19. C 20.A

Unit Test (Unit 7)
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A Open answers
6. C 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. B
11. C 12. D
1. C
6. D
2. A
7. B
3. A
8. A
4. B 5. C
Unit Test (Unit 11)
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D
6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. C
Open answers

Unit Test (Unit 8) 1. vaccination 2. strengthen
4. assistance 5. injure
3. protection
6. infectious
7. curable 8. warmth 9.
A. harmful 10. obesity
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B
6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. D
Open answers

1. whose 2. stay 3. taking 4. traveller 5. that/which Unit Test (Unit 12)
6. which 7. between 8. during
9. across 10. where
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A
6. C 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A
Open answers
1. D 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C
6. D 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. C
Unit Test (Unit 9)
Open answers
1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A
6. B 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. D Unit Test (Unit 13)
11. A 12. D 13. B 14.C 15.C
1. had 2. such 3. despite 4. if/whether 5. not
6. would 7. earth 8. neither 9. both 10. to
1. viewers 2. increased 3. advertise
4. Does 5. Nobody
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C
6. B 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. C
Open answers

Unit Test (Unit 10) Open answers

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. D
6. A 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. D
11. A 12. D 13. A 14.C 15.C
Tests – page 21

Unit Test (Unit 14)

1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D
6. A 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. D

1. anthem 2. make 3. juvenile 4. fighting 5.
bend 6. up to 7. crossfire 8. poverty

9. comply 10. raise

Open answers
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