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1. How can one tackle the problem of inequality among different social classes?

2. Should people be imposed restrictions in form of an ethical code and social rules?
3. Specific negative effects of environmental pollution that has influenced people’s lives.
4. Why are there increasing rates of apathy resulting from politics nowadays in comparison to the
past years?
5. Should people be encouraged by the government to always maintain sustainable and
environmentally-friendly lifestyle?
6. How can you personally foster people’s responsibility for the environment?
7. What is the most pressing environmental issue in the area where you live?
8. Introduce yourself and tell us about the most special character trait you can boast off.
9. Narrate about the most memorable day of your life. Do you remember how you felt back then?
10. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
11. Top 10 things you like most about your place of residence.
12. What are the ten things you like about your institutional affiliation?
13. Do you remember the last time you acted bravely? What is the most courageous thing you have
ever done in your life?
14. Recollect an event or story of your life that is in some way important for you and from which
you have derived some kind of lesson or message.
15. Your favorite book author. What makes him/ her so special?
16. Try to describe your best friend as vividly as possible. What do you like and dislike about him/
17. When was the last time that you had to provide an honest feedback to somebody?
18. Is there one thing in life that could make you successful?
19. Is there a person who motivates you in life?
20. Why do you think that tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving is still present?
21. Do you agree that Paris is a really unique place for travelers? Why?
22. Is there any television show that, in your opinion, should be canceled?
23. Is there any way to eradicate cyberbullying and online fraud?
24. What is the central geopolitical problem that should be tackled nowadays?
25. Is there any way people can resist automation in order to save their workplaces?

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