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What can genetic genealogy tell us about our


1. Answer the questions using the words in the box. There is more than one
answer for each question.

ancestors deceased descendants kin

a) Who are you related to?

b) Who will live after you?
c) Who is dead?
d) Who does genetic genealogy deal with?

2. Match the question halves.

a) How was the paternity mystery from 1) your ancestors’ lives using DNA
the article from artefacts?
b) In what way is extracting saliva from 2) quandary over kinship cases like
a stamp a the one described in the article?
c) Why might someone be in an ethical 3) gamble for a genetic genealogist?
d) Would you like to gain insights into 4) unravelled by genetic
e) Should society support forensic genealogists?
f) Do you know any famous stories of 5) identity?
g) How important is it for you that your 6) family secrets that have been
life story is a part of your unearthed?
descendants’ 7) examinations of deceased royalty?

3. Find synonyms of the words in ex. 2.

a) spit e) observations
b) objects f) solved
c) dilemma g) discovered
d) risk h) blood relationship

4. Discuss the questions in ex. 2.

Copyrights by ESL Brains

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