2 Chapter 1habal2x

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This chapter presents the problem and its setting. It includes the

rationale, research questions, related literature, theoretical lens, significance

of the study, and definition of terms.


Having lack of education affected the personal living of people. Some

were unfortunate to get a job that support their daily needs the reason why

they were roaming for other source of income. This study in habal-habal

revealed the life of people who were used to battle all the sudden threats of

their duty in order to support the needs of their family and especially their

students’ expenses in school.

In many developing countries habal-habal were common. Habal-habal

was consisted of a motorcycle driver who carries passengers at the back of

the motorcycle for a fare. Habal-habal was financially stimulated, hence

drivers provided as many rides as possible every day. The population of

motorcycle crashes were high because they operate the motorcycle for

several hours a day. Some nation in Africa, the related injuries and deaths

were increasing rapidly because of motorcycle crashes (Sumner, 2014). This

study of Sumner simply implies that being habal-habal driver can be seriously


In Manila, Philippines, the ninth leading cause of death among Filipino

was motorcycle accidents, that was according to the Land Transportation


Office (LTO). According to Diaz (2019), in the Philippines, there were seven

million motorcycles which had been registered. In the 80 barangays of Cebu

there were currently around 6,500 habal-habal listed, among which were the

3,000 to 4,000 operate within the city (Rose, 2019). In the latest survey

published by Quismorio (2022), Metro Manila, had more than 40,000 habal-

habal. In a recent survey by Grecia (2022), Philippines had a current total of

12,110 incidents resulted in non-fatal injuries yearly, while 264 were fatal.

Both figures were up significantly from the prior. In 2021 there were 14,870

people injured in motorcycle related crashes, an average of 41 individuals per

day. Together with the rise of habal-habal drivers were also the rise of the

incidents. Having a complete protection may be useless if the protection

cannot endure the impact.

In Barangay Tanglaw, Braulio E. Dujali, Davao del Norte, these kinds

of sudden events were never distinct. Many habal-habal drivers at the stated

barangay struggled yet forced to do this kind of job in order to provide all kind

of expenses that they had. As of 2023, there were 31 habal-habal drivers who

were on the list of Barangay Tanglaw Braulio E. Dujali, Davao del Norte. It

was also recorded that, there were 7 non-fatal accidents listed that brought

complication to these drivers and their family. The data was according to the

president of the Tanglaw Single Motorcycle Group (TASIMOG) association.

With these data, It can be told that it is alarming. This kind of problem needed

to be deeper understood in order to prevent fatal and non-fatal incidents.

Research Questions

This study seeks to answer these following questions:


1. What are the experiences of the habal-habal drivers in terms of getting

income in their duties to provide their students’ expenses?

2. How do the habal-habal drivers cope with the difficulties in their job to get

income for their students’ expenses?

3. What are the insights and suggestions to improve the habal-habal drivers’

income by driving in order to provide their students’ expenses?

Review of Literature

The duty of a habal-habal drivers was risky. Some of the drivers may

be involved in accidents and may caused them to be in hospitals and worst

ended up dead. Habal-habal drivers in this study were determined to do their

duty even if they were expecting fatalities.

The Spread of Habal-habal

In many countries where motorcycles were common, informal habal-

habal services had developed. This event had been recognized in many

developing countries in Asia; there were Indonesia, Cambodia, Benin,

Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Tanzania. In Latin America; Brazil

and Colombia were the countries where habal-habal were common. Even

though habal-habal services often started in urban areas where there were

strong density of people, when the idea became established, rural services

may adopt the innovation. Although rural areas had a lower density of

demand, other transport options were few, a reason why many people were

prepared to pay the service of the habal-habal. In rural, it generally had less

regulatory enforcement also fewer competing habal-habal, it was also the

reason why it spread rise up. It should be remembered that habal-habal were

not limited to developing countries. Their spread was meant to create

goodness such as solutions especially in problems that might sounded small if

you try to think of it, but it clearly created huge impact; transport for students

in schools, including financial needs for the driver and the needs of the

students. it generated a large impact in the community because of its

contribution. This implied that habal-habal spreads because was another form

of source of income and also they had huge role played in community

(Kemtsop & Starkey, 2013).

The rise of habal-habal around the world also explained the rise in

traffic, because of this traffic the income might be low, simply low income, less

financial assistance. In a 2017 global study conducted by Amsterdam-based

GPS and travel service company TomTom, traffic jumped 23% between 2008

and 2017. In Metro Manila, the commuters spent an average of 6 hours a day

in traffic, while the country potentially lose its incomes around Php 3 billion a

day, that is due to gridlock (Lion’s Den, 2017).

Habal-habal primarily was used for passengers’ transport, but they

could also be used for freight transport operating in rural or urban areas

(Kemtsop & Starkey, 2013), also provided delivery services, this was for

another extra income. The habal-habal, worked like a taxi in the essence of

getting to where you were headed to straight at your doorstep. Though it did

not have a meter as regular taxi had, payment worked like an agreement. You

could agree to a place where you would be going to and agree how much you

would be paying for the trip (Starkey, 2016). Just like other transport services,

habal-habal drivers form their own associations. These were often self-help

organizations, implemented to assist members with each others’ relevant


problem. In Tanglaw Braulio E. Dujali Davao del Norte, they created

organization called TASIMOG, stands for Tanglaw Single Motorcycle Group.

Sometimes they were formed as cartels, a solution to limit competition and

restrict new operators. However, just as the large number of mobile,

independent operators made formal regulation complicated, it is also creating

a problem to habal-habal cartels in terms of controlling their operating areas.

While habal-habal associations continued their spread in towns, in rural areas

the association formed there were often mutual support groups.

The existence of associations, where members known each other,

provided much potential for self-regulation in the essence of safety. Self-

regulation could be linked to external regulation, where authorities authorizing

the associations in their conditions, where their members comply with their

safety regulations; including the limits of weight they could carry, and proper

use of safety gears; helmets, gloves, shoes, and more. The research on

habal-habal associations in Philippines highlighted the potential for such

associations in a way to improve safety through self-regulation and mutual

encouragement (Bishop & Amos, 2015).

The Performance of Habal-habal

Commonly, passengers chose habal-habal rides because they were

sometimes; had less patience, point-to-point travel, quicker arrival than other

conventional vehicles or due in-availability of appropriate alternatives. Other

than point-to-point or non-shared taxis, habal-habal tariffs were generally

expensive, relating to other means of transport. Habal-habal provided huge

social and economic benefits in rural areas. On rural roads, many of them

were the only means of motorized transport that was available to most rural

people. Recent survey in districts in Cameroun had suggested that minibus

and bus services only operate regularly on regional or national roads,

generally, roads that link towns or link main roads (Kemtsop & Starkey, 2013).

The only motorized transport services that people could rely on were

habal-habal. For this reason, rural people paid them highly for the transport of

people and small amounts of freight. Even pregnant women, sick people and

older persons regarded them as extremely beneficial, because they were

generally the only vehicles available to take them to clinics and hospital.

Habal-habal also provided services for those students who were in rural that

go to schools in urban (Kemtsop & Starkey, 2013; HelpAge International

Tanzania, 2015).

Studies shown that habal-habal often transport an elevated percentage

of the passengers but low percentage freight, moving between villages, towns

or even markets (Kemtsop & Starkey, 2013; Njenga et al, 2013). For example,

a rural road surveyed in Cameroun, 82% of 300,000 were the movement of

passengers on motorcycles a year, as well as 74% of the estimated 33,000

tons of products and goods going to and from the markets (Kemtsop &

Starkey, 2013). This could be the reason why people closely concerned with

rural development, it can be; village authorities, NGOs, extension officers, and

many more, had rated habal-habal very positively (Kemtsop & Starkey, 2013;

Njenga et al, 2013).

In addition, they provided public transport services as they passed

along rural roads. There were two characteristics of habal-habal that allowed

to have even more effectiveness. Habal-habal could generally be called by

mobile phone, it allowed timely point-to-point services. They could also travel

along thin paths and could across small bridges. This implied that they

effectively bring road transport services to villages and households away from

the main road. This could fundamentally reform rural access. The Rural

Access Index, that were developed by the World Bank, measured the rural

access by estimating the percentage of rural population who lived within 2km

of all-season roads (Starkey, 2016). It was assumed that people would have

to walk this 2km estimated of about 3 minutes walk to reach a road and to

transport services. However, many villagers that are 2km from an all-season

road can now call a habal-habal on the telephone and ask that they or their

agricultural products already collected from their front door. The road cannot

be longer linear ribbon for transport services, but it is wide catchment area,

depending on the terrain, paths and bridges or may be 5 km or more wide.

Habal-habal as a Job

Habal-habal provide rural employment. For young men, most of them

were men, that has ability to earn a living through driving. For the drivers,

exciting and high-status vehicle is attractive, particularly as there may be few

other options. The habal-habal work flexible, allows other income-generating

jobs. In Cameroun’s 2013 survey, some rural habal-habal drivers were

farmers. They did not do transportation work every day, but earned significant

additional income by helping to meet the large transport demand relating to

weekly market (Kemtsop & Starkey, 2013).

Advantages And Disadvantages of Habal-habal

Habal-habal indeed beneficial to people and to its community. With

habal-habal, be able to reached the destination half the time compared to

taxis and SUVs. The habal-habal option is convenient for those who needed

on time travel. Habal-habal is cheaper base fare, since as of late, the tariff

and fare price are not regulated. If you’re on budget, this ride will definitely be

the choice.

Behind these advantages there were also unwholesome. The ride is

riskier since habal-habal drivers oftentimes insert on narrow lanes in between

vehicles to passed through and beat the traffic. If you were concerned to your

health and had respiratory health issues, this ride is not for you, because you

could be exposed on dusty roads and you could inhale all sorts of smokes.

Vehicular accidents caused by single motorcycle accidents are still higher

compared to SUVs (Juan, 2019).

The Importance of Habal-habal

Habal-habal were seen in all regions of the world, they are increasing

rapidly in rural areas in many countries, including a large number of African

countries. As an outcome, road traffic injuries associated with motorcycle

crashes and also increased rapidly, although most of the motorcycle crashes

and fatalities are likely happened on urban and inter-urban roads. When the

government attempted to banned or regulated rural and urban habal-habal

use, it can be difficult, partly because rural and urban stakeholders, including

local police and authorities, could saw the importance of habal-habal,

particularly on those rural roads which was there were no alternative forms of

public transport. (Starkey, 2016). In this study it clearly defined the sacrifices

of habal-habal drivers who were supporting their students in terms of daily

expenses in school. Public authorities can saw their importance especially in

the aspect of education.


Theoretical Lens

The theory was supported by the Functionalism Theory in 1920 by

Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown and Bronislaw Malinowski. This theory

provided a sound theoretical basis in explaining the emergence of habal-habal

and why they were in a level of lawlessness as indicated by various author

and authorities (Murithi, et al, 2022). This theory was relevant to the study as

it illustrated habal-habal as a significant part of the growing society and hence

the best way to deal with them was to innovate and regulate them in order for

them to serve their rightful role. The theory supported the view that

technological innovation is one of the main functions of any business setting.

The theory therefore explained and connected this variable hence explaining

the full effect on the sustainability of habal-habal business.

In Barangay Tanglaw Braulio E. Dujali Davao del Norte, unemployment

was also one of the reasons why people deal with habal-habal duties, by this,

it can provide their financial needs. With the risk that relies on them, they were

still able to do their duty just to provide their essentialities. Fatal and non-fatal

incidents were prone to happened in this field. The rise of habal-habal

operation might contribute to the raise in the economy yet there were still

consequences which results more damage.

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to understand the difficulties and risk of habal-habal

drivers who were facing the reality of their duties just to provide the expenses

of their family and especially their students. The following beneficiaries were:

School principal. This study gave them an understanding about the

necessity of the students who have habal-habal driver parents. They may

understood why these parents cannot pay at the designated time.

Teachers. This study proposed understanding to the teachers about

the students who have habal-habal driver parents: understood why the

students behave or do some acts that refer to the financial concerns of the


Students. This study widened their insights about the habal-habal

drivers in their community. It could raise their respect and kindness on habal-

habal drivers who were doing services for them or the one who are providing

them financial assistance in school. There were two types of student that

could benefit this study; students who were financially supported by habal-

habal drivers and students who are availing services offered by habal-habal


Parents/guardians. With the help of the study, they may understood

the life of the habal-habal drivers. The parents may trust these habal-habal

drivers when they or they had children to transport at school or designated


Habal-habal Drivers. They benefit from this study as it aimed to

implied the difficulties of the habal-habal drivers on their duty. With the help of

the study, the school may understood why they were barely paying obliged

payment in school.

Barangay personnel. This study could strengthen their supports to

those habal-habal drivers who were doing services to help the increase of

economy. With the help of this study, they could promote events that

encourage habal-habal drivers to enhance safety on the road or even help

them to legalize their organization; Tanglaw Single Motorcycle Group

(TASIMOG) Association.

Definition of Terms

The words on the title that the researchers wanted to define were:

Driving Fear Afar. Habal-habal drivers in TASIMOG Association

experienced fear on their duty. Having fear affected their income and their

ways to deal with it was to fight and face their fear.

Habal-habal Drivers. These words in the title referred to a motorcycle

drivers in Tanglaw Single Motorcycle Group (TASIMOG) Association who

were carrying passengers at the back of motorcycle for a fee.

Paths of Living to Provide Their Students’ Expenses. These words

emphasized the strategy of habal-habal drivers; how do they made income,

what were their strategies or techniques to have greater income, and more in

order to provide the needs of their students in school such as allowance,

projects and other obliged payments.

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