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Alvin Hernandez, TOUR 10005 - 2024

Project: Hotel Operations Research Project

Objective of Project: Students working in pairs will have an opportunity to analyze a

specific case study as provided by your professor. Students must select one
accommodation (hotel, motel, resort, convention centre, etc…) catering to the specific
MNEs and Target Market as described in the randomly provided case study.

Students must present their findings in a fully informative Slidedoc, as posted by your
professor on MyCanvas.


A Slidedoc is a document that combines visuals and text in a succinct and meaningful
way, so the key messages are easily understood without the need of a presenter. Slidedocs
are standalone documents created with PowerPoint, instead of Word.

Value of Project: 50 points, 25% of your final grade

Your slidedoc report should include the following:

 A maximum of 20 slides – not including title or reference slides

 Appropriate headings and visuals highlighting the following:
o History/Background information of the destination and hotel brand
o Services, Accommodation categories, and near-by Attraction options
o Estimated costs
o Main selling & service features of the hotel catering to the Target Market
o Main selling & service features of the hotel catering to the MNEs
o What makes this accommodation provider unique
 Make sure you include an introduction and conclusion.
 Title slide, Table of Contents slide/Agenda, References slide, including correct
APA in-text citations

Review provided rubric for grading criteria

Due Date:

Project is to be submitted into the designated assignment folder by

Wednesday April 3, 2024 at 10:00am.


Alvin Hernandez, TOUR 10005 - 2024

Grading Rubric

Pair #: ____________
Criteria/Level 5 4 3 2 1 Grade
1. Effective and engaging opening Excellent Good Fair Poor Missing /5
grabber and closing with visual
support. Effective achievement of
persuasive purpose throughout.
2. Well-chosen (engaging, compelling) Excellent Good Fair Poor Missing /5
and logically organized content with
required slides.
3. Target Market Description, Completely Described Somewhat Poorly Missing /5
including MNEs and requirements Described Described Described
4. Accommodation Brand & History of 5 4 3 1-2 Missing /5
the Accommodation Historical Historical Historical Historical
events events events events
Described Described Described Described
5. Accommodation Amenities/Services Completely Described Somewhat Poorly Missing /5
+ estimated/additional costs Described Described Described
6. Accommodation Categories + 5 4 3 1-2 Missing /5
estimated costs Options Options Options Options
Provided Provided Provided Provided
7. Accommodation: Best category to Completely Described Somewhat Poorly Missing /5
select & reason why Described Described Described
8. Top Near-by Attractions & 5 4 3 1-2 Missing /5
Activities + estimated costs Attractions Attractions Attractions Attractions
& & & &
Activities Activities Activities Activities
Described Described Described Described
9. Final reasons for choosing the Excellent Good Fair Poor Missing /5
Accommodation for the specific
Target Market including final total
estimate range, per person (Based
on Specific Occupancy)
10. Clearly established credibility: intro Excellent Good Fair Poor Missing /5
methodology details, relevant
description & discussion of sources,
and APA in-text citations and
Total Pair Grade: /50

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