Longman Exam Activator Teacher S Book

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q sy Peis Marta Uminska / Dominika Chandler sand relevant functio ‘task which can help st bank with useful phrase: aes and a typical exam a st oF tr into practice and exam tis inte tasks, cext models and extensive lists a set of sample writ Reference Part is Pr ded for self-study. However, as Tre Thematic Part itean ‘class. The teacher can particular topics from the Thematic marily inten also be usé ic Part. Tuemaric PART welve units covering typical exam topics, = The Thematic Part consists of 0 terial and offers extensive practice of; for organised revision of the ma ‘common exam tasks ina relevant context. seis definite lesson-like fe! to it, offering complete and logical le “itis geared towards practical use of the language, avoiding unnecessary r the Sime exam information in each unit of the book. _fhery unit includesa Wordbank (a list of vocabulary phrases with phoned which can be a very useful revision tool before the exam. eamiorout tasks help students apply and activate proper exam Specific exam tasks, or provide them with the necessary language to doo: cea.) exercises allow students to solve typical exam tasks in an exam-l v The examvorkout and examiisk exercises are clearly linked to the strategies Reference Part. Grammar + The Grammar part includes reference sections devoted to the mosti points and a set of grammar review exercises for each of them. + The last exercise in most sections is an Exam Practice task, which sums Key The Key section of th 's ercises from! ye Student's Book contains t Reference Part and the Grammar part. inthe anata TaPescript The Tapescri ipt Contains the c fi i fe scripts of the recordings from the Student's Book Theco Contains the recordings from the Student's Book. - This section of the Teacher's Book ach testis related to one unit from the 1 GRAMMAR TESTS « This section of the Teacher's Book: Each cest is related to one grammar p d to the © common Kinds of examination luction to each task type, the hha set of exam strategies of task, exercises which include d exercises focusing on fic parts of the task. have just been The listening and readi presentation of the mos tasks After a brief introd candidate is provided wit referring to the given type examination tasks an ssrrategies needed to deal with speci Fra end of awareness-raising activity is particularly tecommended for dassroom use as it can help students build their skills and confidence for the exam. ing sections then procee Use oF ENGLISH This section of the Reference Part offers overview of the most common types of exercises which are found in the Use of English part of the exam. There is a separate sub-section devoted to each type of exam task, offering, aset of exam tips and strategies as well as a selection of ‘exercises that help the students to apply the strategies in practice. The ast exercise in each section is a typical exam task. (posteard, annour accompanied by & typical exam ti aces, phrases and structures, ne other sub-section offers advice focused on writing Long informag the former, italso includes a set of st by aselection of exercises. At the end. pyc are models for Various tyPes ofl unets (informal letter, letter of enquiry, Gnd letter of application) including a at lists of useful words, phrases and SPOKEN EXAM The most common speaking tasks that vray deal with in the spoken part of the exa T General Conversation/ Individual Long 2 Discussion 3, Situational Roleplay 4 Photo Description Reflecting this sequence, the part of the bo ‘with oral examination is divided into four: dedicated to each of the speaking tasks Each of the sub-sections begins by intr exam strategies and functions of particular the task under consideration. This is fol practice which aims to target as many of ts possible, and thus encourage the candid them in a variety of contexts. E idee hee of the book is intended. ‘mainly as classroom foveal akhough chere are pares which are bet sta ee Se nao ah on peal eon i 0 ee = Srcopeere tn set the Vocabulary section as homework, Al the units contain a SPEAKING sectio sk students to brainstorm vocabulary one of the exam parte There ‘numerous speaking, egories at the end of the lesson. ‘heres eerspered ought he Boa Reading, . ber t© P out that they have got the Lice and Use of Engi seca them with the homework. to practice conversations simil bay ones similar to the fist part of the Additionally, there are six clearly referenced Photo Description sections to be found at the back of the book. + are designed to provide guided step- Each section includes a typical exam task (examntask) 1n for all types of typical exam tasks. a hot exercise, the sens of iScT paia er practice related to specific strategies “analysing the exam task and preparing the language and. help analyse the exam task and revise serucrures necessary to deal Minh See aaa 0 successfully complete it. Reference Part, Grammar part and Vocabulary sections. ontain cross-references to other © ase is suppor ae the Reference Part, the Grammar che mpi tea a iad to do the task twice, swapping roles so that both of them d uulary sections in the Thematic Part. . Pee a nove best results, it is strongly recommended that can do the exam task. All speaking sections are definitely 2 yesources from all parts of the book when sto xam task - PHOTO DESCRIPTION ‘All Photo Description sections contain examworkout pical exam tasks. They are not preceded by — Oe such sls as nding SST Poa eng wo the same txt or recone, a ara orn spetng shes he eae scudents to solve the exam tasks in an tee are ae xxt and offers exam practice ofeach part pba: Se recticnal language. The Photo win every unit. They are clearly linked to the vocabulary a ons also inde examiask exercises the Reference Part, so ifany problems Ohichore typical exam tasks. ae « teacher can easily refer to the theoretical All writing sections contai tasks, sohich isto analyse the exam task and, — t crione devoted to receptive skill are designed as the Dury ce anguage necessary co deal wiht The “Jone in class andthe terial. ‘Pure’ exam listening or reading tasks are accompanied by a variety of lead-in 0 ip exercises (the latter usually involving * practice and vocabulary work). If you are short he reading can be set as homework. fa reading srlstening task is preceded by an examworkout the wrategy of tip practised in the Workout is then used wver questions in the main task (examntask). exami first and | thought | would was invited (invite) by, school to go on a shore: (want) to g0 to Prague to Charles bridge So ween very cheaply but we * twas not in a very good condig About an hour after we * Karlovy Vary, the car$ down) in the middle of the sib : 3° Pint and make it We Tevision lesson. Students but ie? all practice exercises in the and we ‘on how they have mastered igh a short test (provided iad (refund) company! Can you believe it The, che jn the Teacher's Book). imagine! Ja most sections ofthis partof the book there is ‘And how are things with you? Ow FETETTST task which shows how a particular srmar pain should be used to complete a typical Take care and write back soon ‘eam task set in either oral or written part of the exam. ‘This exercise is probably the best illustration of how _gammarisinteswoven with other language elements and skills. Eva @ Look at the instructions for Match the bulleted points tot ie Longman Exam Activator, page 189 parts of the email above. You saw this post on an interned Bethany REFERENCE PART THEMATIC PART + information about the exam and + examworkout tasks offer a step-by- explanation of exam strategies step preparation for the actual exam. a set of language functions and useful tasks «+ examitask exercises provide exam + practice exercises and typical exam _ practice in.an exam-like context tasks = VocABULARY and WORDBANK nodels for various types of writing _ sections in every unit offer a tasks vocabulary revision tool expressions Jromework. To check ‘Prewhate section can be 5 rae > pny the recorded ator answens me a chore Sv 2 tees Denes Sense Ghee Daca Sighs 9" 3 thant Boheck Snow “ Jee Beck 9shoudie ae afer doing Exercise 1, you can ask students to read the fend out if any of their ideas appear in tex quick 2 ding vocabulary for family life and ic Apart from inclu everyday activities, the text touches on important social issues The aim of Exercise 4 is for students to reflect on Childrens standard of living in their country. When they hhave written the profiles, chey should compare them in small groups If students have difficulty thinking of ideas in the pre- listening task. you can write the following prompts on the board or read them aloud: height / build / proportions of ie body / strength and fitness / skin colour / hair / intellect personality ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES 1 Exploring ideas When discussing Exercise 3, ask students to recall some of the predictions the speaker makes about future humans. Ask if they think these ideas might be true a Seudents compare STE Words to describe themselves, Answers 2 ta 2 ab 4a Sco ie of the Workout are co make students ‘The ai Of nea the tex fst BNOFNg the aps, 1 eal en of what it abOU, and that Ln Boro the cet ad the words that come before amt ipsa both equally important when de ae eyask. Asa followup (ask, you Can ask the have ever felt test anaiety" and ask snes hey sent ens abou HOW beat a est anxiety isa ype of performance anxiety nance is important. + When perfor ‘our advantage, learn to accept mistakes y to relax tb 1a 2c 3h de Sf 6b 7g 8d te and 1d Students’ own answers. 2° Thave 250 30f 4an Sout 6 that 7if 8 them READING 2} examworkout The aim of the Workout is to demonstrate the process of selecting the right answer in a multiple choice exercise, by first eliminating the obviously wrong one(3) then analysing the remaining ones and identifying the elements that make all but one of them not quite correct 10 cakes examtask The same strategy as in the Workout can be used especially in answering questions 23 and 5. ption C fesent women as object that look a Option B: She had to go to hospital to be treated for Option D: Why dor't you print articles about women) ncelligent, or who have done ecial for other people? rs: ...the consequences for other ight happen as a result ho are brave or omething Suggested ans peopley...what 4 Option B. 1B 2C 3D 4c SD 6C Not very important: appearance, perfect teeth, a SX body, looking like a skinny model. important:a lively personality, being friendly, being generous, a sense of humour. ‘oui intended for men. you have about the same 7 Bev of boys and gis in your class, girs interview boys Oe ir you have more gis in some groups Owe girs arn the same oy ped a ae ) ask the ‘orkout is to provide students with some jage that they could use when doing the exam your good and bad qualities? ce describe one of your friends? with your friends? ng about your family? exam: oral exam, many students do less well than they wey do not know what to say about the Workout introduces an effective strategy to from happening: the candidate should ask nimself a series of set questions about the picture, say about the picture. ne(s), the orrect. « should be done in class and the writing itself rework. Its aims are to provide the students natural-sounding phrases they can include ter and to revise opening and closing phrases al letters. Encourage students to use the and the texts in the unit to choose words and cribe appearance and personality ib kitty, Hi Ricky. All the best, Best the: {the following prompts on the board: Appearance Clothes today / Personality / Likes and dikes | Mood. today. The descriptions are all placed on the boardand Seton has to nd the description of hemlves Use Your judgement to decide ifthere is any risk of nastiness ‘towards any individuals! << ex as homework excePE Reet spe) ee cheesy : 3 (oe recording of the dialogue: aa 7 our: ca non to read the dialogue i" Patr ays Seonanon of the recon oo Wes / fashion accessories students may need help with the Language and note You may wish £0 explain the meaning of ming countries (=Third World countries) andor 0 better deal (=are getting a better price for better wages for their work, are not {the Workout is to help students prepare the could use while doing the exam task. Irs useful/It shows we like him/Everyone » good present from an international group ints /If he doesn't like it, he can give it aways 4 with his work We don't know if he likes../! think ‘obably got one already,/Its too expensive/ on't know his size/It's not very original 2s a gift/! don't think it’s appropriate to {che Workout isto help students prepare all the vill need to write the letter: stating what's th the product and what action they expect ; e and last sentence. er, plus an appropriate first ” ‘node! leteer of complaint in the Reference Part Revnow exercise Encourage stents to use the a ‘Woroattc (ptt) whe wang anehainge at ery student write ait of 6-8 tings a on {he coming wee. ach of her sha ea erent shop You can pt the scammnaer eee uy flowers for mather ee Sta new hace Wie students folowing pis treed ts Thee aust around the comerines tte. Students should workin pais and we he ists an the prompts on the board tahave conversations We ts “need to buy lower for my mather = Theresa flower shop js evound re comer Aare working on their sts, put the ses on the board: 13 | eyo eater ecering text quickly and fin any of the problems they listed. ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY lesson, if there is time left, ask AAtthe end of unite 3 shortlist of dos and dont’ for people lp them avoid such © decile where to go. Eeype for ages cm in Some parts ofthe Sea \ Poo! wae nor warm en ng centres around locon with us the scenery, Sunless you go to Egype be feeling cs pict the me Aer se 2, chotand dscussdetaisofthe ture” The Workout focuses on using icherand more varied rerayed in the recording (Exercise 3). Play the ngage andavoiding repetition Make re stu rosy ae Consul the Reference Parc on writing postcards (949) Answers 1 The response is monotonous, because the candidate — + scan Seu uses only one adjective: nice’ She uses ic 6 times in 4 fares Sof port eae aie off 6 airport 7.check 2 1d 2f3e4aSc 6b 3 fantastic wonderful lovely briliant excellent: dreadful awful hopeless horrible Revision activiry 1 Ss open their books to the Vocabulary section on. here aims to generate some ideas that the p. 119. Tell students they have 60 seconds to read an use in Exercise 2 and to review vocabulary through Exercise 8 and memorize as many of the 4 with the topic of the unit. phrases as they can. After 60 second, students close their books and write down all the phrases they can remember (reassure them thisis not atest!) They can then open their books and check what they have forgotten. 3 Everyone composes three sentences using three different collocations from Exercise 8 ‘Ask for some sentences to be read aloud. Seer ne ans adn ste areal ‘Were the following on the board they prefer landscapes, portrants, still fest = = Set ang. ech Gon pre or woudl you he to tong? pooner specific! Who ean name a painting which they, Ser honed ch pot an galery or srrtsceo mon ia say at home and read to bea masterpiece” Has anyone i the cas Tar everyone to decide what they would ike to do. Then Spot theo do the same Ching. Students canst down ‘As follow-up exercise, you might want to hold or homework. Remind discussion where half ofthe students are suppovad p-133) to help the in favour of the experiment and the other half ferent 4 beauthal ‘unusual 9 unexpected pcourage th poard and he xamnwor 1 aim of senerate ide Workout focuses on answering questions about peakers attitudes and opinions. Before doing the Workout, sk students to read Strategy 2 (p.10 ofthe Reference Part). You may also choose to do Exercise p.12) at this point exam) The strategy practised in the Workout is relevant to vestions 3 and 6 Curune No} ‘Apart from directors, there are also famous New actos, The Actors Studio drama school, started by Elia Kazan and led for many years by Lee Strasberg «educated some of America’ best known sta including Marlon Brando, Robert de Niro Al ieenmer ne Dustin Hoffman, Harvey Keitel and Jane Fond and for some time also Marylin Monroe. Lee Strasberg! ‘aught what is known asthe Method! in which actor considers the background and psychology haracter in great depth and identifies with him to an extent which makes it possible to reproduce SI neon a sk in Exercise 1, Ust ideas on the fepare language and am task ping the students reminds students to ons about the pictures and tion. ful face \e room, from the ‘Esco he hash headmaster sa and An ethbon of png 1s Dee ce es or 6 eh pure ou apy avert? ear 1 student calle aly 2 Sally's grandma , 3 An eshbioon of pitings by Year 2 studens «Dace place Say pcs ga will be snacks and drinks peska ovses 5 Friendly and informal 6 I would be very happy ifyou could come 2 concert festwal_ performance exhibition RevIsiON ExeRcIse ‘You will need Scrabble tiles or just pieces of paper with a the ters a 1 Askestudents to write ouc the letters ofthe alphabet ina column. As they work on it, wte the alphabet on the board, Ask everyone to check if they have got all the letters (including q)-Cross out x,y and 2— they will not be used. Individually or in pais, students have to write one word related co the theme of Culture foreach letter, for example: acting band, chapter... Allow them to ook through Unit 8, but not to use the WORDBANK at first. They can start using the WoRDBANK (p-133) when they run out of ideas. ‘Work with the whole class to make a list on the board. ‘students draw 1-2 Scrabble tiles or pieces of paper each, Everyone has to write a sentence using culture: related words beginning with the letters they draw. Stencing 7 running / athletics 8 yoga 2 (Sample answers) individual sports: marathon, cycling athletics, team sports basketball volleyball football, hockey ‘indoor sports: able tennis volleyball, basketball, td ‘outdoor sports rollerblading, cycling, salir snowboarding ima watersports: sailing swimming windsurfing diving winter sports: skating snowboarding, skiing combar sports: fencing karate, judo, boxing 3 1s 2swimming 3 tennis 4 footbal § Vcourt 2 (skating) sink 3 track 4 gym 5 stadium 5 Sort _|SponrsPenson running |runner Sei sking | skier ty ski jump | ski jumper é sailing lor ] 11 foorball 2 skiing 3 tennis 4 swimming 5 volleyball tennis hockey football basketball cycling athletics co tennis playe hockey player football player /f pasketballer athlete verong, because sporting mentioned inthe Same reason, Heading is good both big events and sports done by en 3 If some students, especially those not find the text difficult to tackle, you can the following clus: « Start by identifying the kind of sport in + Find out what the critical situation was im« + Match titles to paragraphs 1, 2, 4 firs, «To choose a heading for paragraph 3, find: dramatic situation happened. 4 + To choose a heading for paragraph 5, find o difficult the penalty was. Answers 1 a (sample answer) Sports in Britain bb B the most general answer. Answer A includes events, and answer C — only sports people ta but the text is abut both what they play and watch 1E 2H 30 4F 5G (Title C doe: B not match any of the texts beea of the penalties mentioned in eit difficult) 3 1 World Cup 2 As students prepare to do ‘opening line on the board: A:So, youd like reason for it Exercise 4, you can write {0 take up a sport. Do you have ang = swor or out focuses On Preparing functional language ful vocabulary. orkout ofthe Workout i to prepare both ideas and cluding sports terminology and functional seudents to consult the relevant section of the 7) 89d 10k 11i 121 hat could be used in the exam task: 1, icing your 1,4,11 1 don’t want to take part in the Ingroups of two-three, students choose and prepare to ‘mime at least 8 names of sports, sports equipmentand show mach chalk or how many’ thave) and add one word each fo either CaeEONY Procasu any] ‘The whole section can be set for homework 1 oma, stroke, A 2 . 3 je 5 liver 6 spine s s vaccine 6 herbs ° ‘ eS yn Bosca n 2 ELTA ALTERNATIVE TASK ts are tired of doing exam tasks, you can one differently. roups of 3-6, Give each student one ragraphs to read (possible differentiation: one xudents, two for stronger ones), so that each raphs. After two or three minutes, tell their group what they've read. They may sactions to each item. (You might write e board: Do you believe this? Do you then return to their books and useful?) Student: AppiTionat activiry IFstudents have enjoyed the recording, you can give them photocopies of the tapescript and ask them to act it out in groups of three. 21 A A 6B Should find a grammar structure or, they would like to test and insert Next they can swap their paragraphs wi ‘and do each other exercises. 3 Answers 3 2 1for 2the 3more 4have Scan Gig other examworkout ‘The purpose of the Workout is to draw: attention to a well-known exam trap: the Appear in a reading or listening text and i the answers to questions, but the answers those words are wrong, since the meaning of sentence is different. Take time to analyse answers with your students. (There isa b the answer key.) After finishing the Workout, remind st answers in both reading and listening tasks us express an idea from the text using other synonyms or antonyms. You may ask the class exam strategies on pp.20-21. examtask start by asking your students if they've read ‘Ask them to read the Language and Culture no the book. in the multiple choice task, there are several which follow up the idea of the Workout. The which are wrong despite containing words which also appear in the text are: option C in question impatiently’), D in question 5 (‘comfortable) question 6 (‘volunteer’). It is worth pointing} especially if any students fall into the trap. LANGUAGE NOTES ON THE TEXT ‘You may wish to point out to your students so the following: « The first sentence, Yossarian was in the ‘American. In British English it would read Yoss in hospital, without the article, similarly £0 at: in prison. + The idiomatic fell ust short of being jaundice was almost jaundice but not quite: + Still no movement? refers to bowel movement.’ judgment to decide if this bit of vocabulary will make you class laugh uncontrollably for! hour.) st NOT, convert temperatures aay we Yo Cetsius stalen ‘Detween the cracures expressed in| te a arenbsentaea) c os was (OnE inal by Sand add 32. For, Ra: perature = 366C-9:5 ¢ te ge ‘ot che other patients Previously (by the Murphy and the rity’ and ‘encourages ional ideas of how they I people ‘don't fit them ie text does not suggest hating them, 1ed our’ (oF red to do things and d the recording amusing, you may ask had anyone speaking to them about :00| and what they thought of the talk. fat 4 give-up 5 exercise 6 gym /vorkout is to give students some uage which they could use to complete Exercise 2 understand your point of view ant Id like to add Sidon o say's that Sagree with me ‘x sporting a Opposite team, red car Paramedics, strercher, Prcture 8 ca cedane eo PY a ob pac ambulance, traffic, victim, rst aid Rrexcher hospital, Tis This is the second text of this type that: ts apc Previous Workout (p.108, Unit 5). ‘The aim of the Workout is to practise relevant language in context. ANSWERS. 11 the flu 2 prescribed 3 medication 4 take things 25) Scome and help a bit 6 get well REVISION ACTIVITY oe Students work individually. Ask them to go over ‘whole of Unit 10 and write down ten words or phrases calensars | {ihe cheap kind with no cece) ofthe things sre in the WORDAANK (PIS). postcards i Srrte co their classmates (hey could Sees aa Seton gu Saeed Reames Sea eee cele Sa i ; Seeger PITS Soren mmc 2 elas come noearecemrgtempes + lorem now think the lacter will be too difficult mo mimecpteraatearamch Gi Ter con ear ideas as in the questions are expressed using di cee ee eee ee ee me on can be set as homework. st 6 waterfall now. ‘You may also remind students that in Unit 10) 5 ase eae (Mua they deat with answers which were wrong Soe eresiningthe same wordsasthetoxe examtask In the main listening task synonyms and anto a cloudy day also used several times. While checking answers, ny Students what words were used in the recording; express the following: (1) smart (answer: intelligent); not ageressive (frie gentle) (3) bravery (courage) (4) amusement (entertainment) (6) difficult teenagers ~ (aggressive, angry kids wit problems) You may wish to replay the relevant parts of the recording, or pause after each relevant phrase} checking. ADJECTIVE _ root 6 grass 7 flow ‘6 2birds 3fish 4insects 5 reptiles 7 e wn bear 4 European bison 5 stork 8 : 91g 2h 3a 4c 5b 6d 7e8 ANSWERS Anaig co use effect 3 sort 2 (Sample answers) |__|synonym secure | dangerous unhappy _| cheerful _ipeaceful__| quiet 11 I protect 2 become 3 sort 4 environmentally S harmful 6 d: 7 damage 7 pick up ask students to work in pairs ed to the topic of the un an tions for them. Remind then rrimar Structures are uselly ‘am; Next, they swap their sand do each other’ exerises rians in your class, you might present the case for vegetarianism and -ee/ disagree with the arguments, n put the following statements on tudents to agree/disagree with ‘oups, then asa class. al for humans. p killing animals for meat. 1, you have too little protein in your akes people aggressive. nnoying. at farms live in cruel conditions. moderate ciate ot Mth freezing, ‘cshorts, trekking boot nurksack ING BOOTS, tent, waterproof jacket, 41 might 2can 3 should REVISION ACTIVITY 1 Prepare litte slips of paper with the headings from ‘the WoRDBANK (p.157) on them landscape features, weather etc. The numberof slips should be the same 2s. the number of students. Students work in pars. Each pair draws two sips. If they draw the same heading twice, they need to. exchange it. 3. Students open their books at page 157 and revise the vocabulary from the categories they've drawn. 4 The task is to prepare a short speech (about 1 minute) on both topics onthe sls together, fr ample en Animals ond weather ncaing kas word the relevant sections 2 5 Students take runs to make ther speeches in Bae Circulate and monitor, then ask for afew funniest speeches to be repeated. E AND TECHNOLOGY Waemor ‘Ths 3 lead n to the unt. Write the Following on the boat Ask the class for the first word (mathemati), then let students work in pairs Ask 2 few of them to come he answers on the board. The answers are mothemanes, physics. chemesary. bology, geology. rcnaeONEY. PSYCMDIOEY. NgUSECS can be set for homework. Remember elation. especially word stress, when (Cucrune Nore = When we say Sir Humphry Davy discovered sodium and magnesium (in 1807 and 1808 respectively), we ‘mean that he was the first to isolate those metals ure form from compounds by passing electric s ng ofthe 20th century, geneticists sagreed with Darwin's theory of evolution. Ar that az in their research they studied features coded one pair of genes. Darwin, on the other hand, ribed evolution as the gradual cumulation of small changes. At a 1946 conference in Princeton, hich brought together specialists from many areas consensus was finally reached between genetics and the theory of evolution + Jane Goodall has lived and studied chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania for ly half a century since 1960. She was the first researcher to give the chimps she studied names rather than numbers. + Asa medical student in St. Louis in the 1940s, Ernst Wynder became intrigued during the autopsy of 2 heavy smoker who had died from lung cancer. He started collecting similar case histories. He met the throat surgeon Evarts Graham, a heavy smoker, who was skeptical at first, but gave Wynder access to his records and sponsored his work. Wynder and Graham Published the results of the first large-scale research ‘on smoking and cancer in 1950, 11 mathematcian physicist chemist pnchologst_archacologst| 2 te rd 3c 4a Sg 6t 7b 3 Thypothesss 2 research 3 findings 4 6ub 4 acral 2 cransistor 3 socker 4 plug 5: P remote control 8 battery 9 headphones 5 \crashed 2 vius downloading 4 enor 6 dara 7 software = oper 7 1 computer 2CD / DVD drive 3 USB port 40n/off button 5 CD 6 monitor 7 memory stick / pendrive & keyboard 9 loudspeaker 11 printer 8 1 space 2ship 3 astronaut 4 rocket 5 comed orbit 8 station 9 universe 10 meteor 71 lau The vertical word is: space travel 9 1came 2kept 3.area 4won Smade 6 our git 10 1 net / web 2.on, press, order, down ra ‘The educational aims of this section go beyond! learning. Many people have a rather simplistici scientists as people who mix chemicalsin | and look at things under a microscope. (Ofeo there are also scientists who do that.) We try to: how scientists in all areas do something much fundamental: they think, formulate hypotheses; look for evidence to prove (or disprove) them. why words such as observe, hypothesis, analyse confirm constitute fundamental ‘science vocab which can be found in publications on any b science. SWERS ae 21 2D 3A 4C 5B 3. 1 Observe the world 2 Formulate a hypothess 3 Carry out an experiment 4 Analyse the 4 J discovered 2 observed 3 chemist 4 S confirmed 6 evidence Workout isto remind the students thag 3tcention to what comes before and afer as consider both grammar and make their final choice. Encour uses on dealing with unknown words. It wshow their meaning can be inferred using context external knowledge. 4 ime skills practised in the main reading task. nts may find it satisfying to be able to express ic concepts in English. exhale isa verb, 2 melt is a an adjective) NE Drown often to ve students preferably on card oF at istic paver Cur our the carts 2 Wee the folowing questions on the boar: Whar dit you do let ween? Whar de you do yesterday? Whar ave your plans forthe next hoedays? ProceouRe 1 Show the cards to the lass (but n Wrtre the words) Explain thar on each one there Sa personality adjectve. When you pick a card. you hove toimagine you are that kind of person, and what you are like without using the adiectve by answering the questions on the board. re by explaining one adjective yourself for 1or so that they ‘which isnot on the cards): xerson am I? Last weekend | marked & of the students. Yesterday weed Adams parents to come to school because he ing funny in my lesson. During the holidays fo prepare some realy difficult tests to ons study harder | ike order, people who sds. The cards should be dealt out in more or less equal numbers. Students are allowed to see their own bur must not show them to others. fh student in turn chooses one of his/her cards and. swers the questions on the board in accordance with 1e description on the card. The first person to guess jective wins the card. If students have a problem guessing, the speaker can add other information to help them. 4 The winner is the person with the largest number of cardsat the end, 2 Home FURNISHING YOUR LIVING ROOM PREPARATION Make one copy of the photocopiable sheet for each pai Proceoure 1 Explain to students that they are going to move out from their parents’ home and share a flat with another student. They have to make some decisions about furnishing ther living room. 2 Students g preferably with people they can imagine sharing a lat with! (groups of 3 are possible). Give each pair a copy of the worksheet 3 Students have to decide what to buy for their living Toom without going over the £2300 limit. They also have Hodecide where in the room co put the different items. into pairs 3 SeHoot. JUMBLED CONVERSATIONS PREPARATION ‘Make one copy of the photocopiable sheet for Proceoure 1 Students get into pairs Give each pair a copy worksheet 2 In pair, students decide which lines belong to conversation. There are sx for each, 3. Each pair chooses ONE of the conversations and, swrites it out in full, adding their own ideas. Exp that the lines on the sheet do NOT make com THe CUSTOMER ae er cio eoeala ad Beer rane 4 Students read their conversations in pairs. = waa 5. Acthe end, ask three pairs to act out their = eet cian asia net eee ao fromthe worksheet. ‘one Band one C). aa 2 Ask students awone nate PREPARATION particularly Make one copy of the photocopiable page for each Of the whok PROCEDURE 7 Travetus 1. Students sit in groups of 3~4. Explain they are go A Travel St Cr Paits), where the aim isto collect matching ca by remembering their position on the table. The difference is that the cards contain words, not pic And a matching pair consists not of two identical but of two halves of collocation, for example for+ajob. Make one co PROCEDURE, 1 Tellthe et wip. 2 Give each 3 Ask them 2 Each group gets one set of cards. The cards aed pea and spread on the table face down. a 3. Each student in turn turns over two cards. fthe as not match, he or she must put them back in the on position. If they are a pair, the student has t0 sentence using the expression; after that, helshe! sentence all he keep the pair. IF a player cannot make a Senter aa the collocation, he/she has to put the cards in down.) ass. Al 4 Thewinneris the person with the greatest stories cards at the end. able sheet foreach ~ They match the halves he sentences and think (It should be one class guess what he sentences have each two students, h pair a copy of the gue by writing the irs. Circulate idents who are he dialogue in front female name, so characteris. ND TOURISM heet per student. going to write a story about a py of the worksheet. first sentence and fold the .ext person cannot see what the next sentence. ‘ksheet to the person n completes the next the first. Repeat this until en completed. the sheets and read the stories. id ud to the whole it in a circle and swap . CORT Ao onan Rion, me . naan a Gs 2 hora ad eg cart tek pape re once er cae eh = Pied oi cane ang, Fim’ Serta NS Would like to:do ~ perhaps the one nowt interesting. The next step can take Sinnott roar ti ered (minute) talk explaining those orton ain te el 2 ae ingen el a or Rcipeee covered. sensitive helpful Furnishing your living room partner are going to furnish your new living room. You have £2300. You and your ‘This isthe furniture you are thinking of ed crt 050 omaha goad ‘ro aber 00 a “= ek aa ster sont apekes £180, — ‘vo payer wih VER £150, payer £80 cof table 50 This is the room: nama fom 18125 200-250 for lamp £30 36 PHOTOCOPIABLE and how you feel, but we have’ vo schedule. Next week welre starting al tion about something |miss couldn't answer itatall, is and Mime mixeds-« sliced the bread... : me {s +--With a ea bite. geet stirring the sauce... E a | ++SO it wouldn't bore { put the apple Pie... +i the oven, [had fo peel... «three kilograms of Potatoes. {laid the table... ..-for twelve people. { cleared the table... ...and washed the dishes. ("ve put on... ...a lot of weight recently, two eggs in the frying pan. ( fried... coffee and cakes. We ordered... 3 emacs te) pom Have you gocher Hr cic but ina brighter colour? suor Assan: unc Ohno, chs one’ too bright. | don't wear orane® —— swith smaller buttons? colours OF bur tone the ste, Have you BESO th smaller b Auer The ‘Seon AsasTaNT: sf + Ineed room to carry my wallet, ace ‘my mobile, my keys: my MP3. aucx This one hasnit gor endl 2 packer oF OSSUeS ‘swor AssrranT: pune Yeah this one looks alight. Where can E17 Fn? —— en sauce No it doesnt fic. 15 10 tight. | think If ke to ery on the Fist one YOU showed me wh Eee ‘ausx No, not this one. The orange one. eee ‘Aucx Yeah, Ill take it. Can | pay by credit card? onm SHOP ASSISTANT: : a Auzx Here's my card. BS SHOP ASSISTANT: ‘Aupx Thank you. ser [Alec leaves the shop} Ibe (five minutes ater} ) ‘Avex: Excuse me. id like to return this jacket. I've changed my mind. SHOP ASSISTANT: ‘Auox Receipt? Now where can it be? | think I've lost it. Shop Assistant: ‘tex: What do you mean you can't?! What dreadful service! I'l never shop here again! _ SHoP Assisranr: Sieeinnniieneee whe age consisted off Ibought __ director Academy Award | self-portrait subtitles still life | | ) / novelist 7 ne ra sol | ngwriter poet \special effects|'| oil painting ype saoys Suruuns Sujuuna 08 syunay Suywuyas aauuna uu Buneys sayeys ‘Suneys 08 aaqeys fun ‘sano|8 Buixoq ‘Burxog op 42x0q, Suu ped appho | San0}8 Burxaq 49x09 Burxeq op broken a i backache stomachache headache sore throat m no heart attack aco od of hearing sprained short-sighted u wrist poi: PHOTOCOPIABLE hill island lake mountains cliff forest river glacier valley waterfall tt alab and talk to the people who work there “a listen to a lecture o work in a science institute fora month ‘end help with a research project study science at VISIT AN EXHIBITION OF THE LATEST INVENTIONS 2 Compare your choices in pare your choices in pairs or small groups. Give reasons. PHOTOCOPIABLE Ce aa se got ven _ on thelr fee, Siees Celbows Diknees ong hair and she wears it ina ‘my cmoustache | D pone ne following words is opposite in. ‘nc remaining three? Susy C beautiful handsome oovene following words is opposite in < when on’ che remaining three? " Brac Cplump skinny ow ogche following is nota kind of underwear? Gecaf Cor Dboxershores she understands how other “sisquite__- He doesn’t talk about his jie much. Breserved Cpolite Dstubborn ‘Sometimes he behaves like Bimpatient Csensible shy ceeys very She goes out with her friends most every day. Bralkative Cquiet D sociable spect __ people. | think it’s important to tell the cruth. A rewonsible Bpatient Chonest ambitious > Which ofthe following words is negative in meaning? rave Bgenerous Creliable D selfish like Chris. He's got a great __ of humour. g Bunderstanding Csense D feel 14 tfyou go jogging you usually wear trainers anda __. A suit Bswimsuit Ctracksuit D uniform 15 Which ofthe following is not a kind of shoes? A high heels Bshorts Ctrainers D sandals (© Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions, 1 Chris gets_well with the people in his class. 2 Imlooking__ to my eighteenth birthday. 3 Maryenjoyslooking____ children, # The boy has un __ from home and the police are looking for him, _ S Have you heard? Jane is going with Dave. ‘don't know what she sees in him! 9 tvelosta big E swith my art work in it. 10 Ourhistory is very interesting: it Ghrains a lot of photos and sources. 11 Iimgoing tog from university in six year’ time Pe Gackpremt__——_ his fral ams university next year 13 ifyouf____ the driving test, you can retake 16 Hip. all the exams, 'm going tO celebrate fora week 15. This school has the highest a___ in the city. 16 Students who ch___in exams can expect to find themselves in trouble. 17 Ifyou m. _ too many lessons, you'll have alot of work to do on your own. 18 Miss Fitzwilliam is quite d__ everyone to study hard. 19 I don't see the point of learning things by _ standards she expects h _ without understanding them! 20 Miss Tardy says she hasn't had the time to m our tests. | hoped I'd know my result today. tora: | Ed) © Complete the sentences with the on ee 1 | would like to for the| i receptionist. Be 2 fyou‘re so tired, why don't you 3 The workers decided to 8 4 think itis important to % A 5 They really longhours. ee , a) © Circle the correct answer. 1 The money you receive every) oe work is your i ‘Awages. B salary. © pension. | : 2. Aretired person receives a Assalary. Bfee. © profit ¥ 3. Ifyou're not happy with how much ; can ask for a pay A bonus. B higher € wages. 4 When applying for a job, you may __ from previous employers. ‘A qualifications B skills C references 5 After you have applied for a job, you! invited for a(n) A conversation. C qualification. Char Dloaf ge big__ oF chocolate, please, opr Bier Cpacket Dean __ of cherry jam, please? » Bjat Ccarton Dloaf __water ina kettle. Cake Dslice 1 You ean — A cook Bboil 2 Youcan Bmelt 15 youcan_ tomatoes with a knife. Acook Bstir Cslice Dmix usually have lunch in the school Abar Bcanteen. Crestaurant. D pub. 15 Before a meal you haveto___ the table, Amake Bclear Cdo Dwashup 16 Wesat down at the restaurant table and read the Acad. Bdish. Cbill Dmenu. 17 The waiter recommended the __ of the day. Bdish Cmenu Dplate _acake in the oven. Cmix Dbake Pa A course 18 Weordered starters, a main _ and a dessert. Ameal Bfood Ccourse Ddish 19) We finished eating and asked the waiter to bring us the Alip. Bbill, Creceipt. Dsum. 20 We thought the waiter was very nice, so we left abig Atip. Bmoney. Cbill, Dash. © complete the sentences with the missing verbs. 1 We're planning to spend a few days in Paris and the sights. double room for two nights, 2 Faiketo. please. 3 tfyoudont hurry, well 4 Could you please _ sxation? 5 Please con the bus now, we're leaving in _ our light. — me the way to the bus 6 Poze yourseat belts. 7 Would youlikero____camping this summer? ror: ED 2. The main __ in The Chronicles, four children. persons Bchapters Cd D people 3 I'm reading the novel 1984 _ rt Aof Bon Cby 3 He 4 Jimi Hendrix's first album Are You E oe was __ in 1967. 3 00 A published B released shown aw 5. In The Departed Leonardo di Capri © police officer Billy Costigan. Sa Aplays Bacts C stars D presents 6 John Constable painted __ of the! om countryside. Th Aportraits Bstilllifes 1 D landscapes 7 Jane Austen's novel Pride and 2 the story of two sisters. Atells B says Ceives = D presents : The Lord of the Rings is ___inan’ world called Middle-earth. Aplaced B set C situated 9. Martin Scorsese's film Goodfellas a true story. Amade Bfilmed Cased 10 A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy’ a film in 2005. Atumed Badapted © sentences with the missing verbs, swimming three timesa week, yoga in their free tennis? coday’s match to qualify for + became very popular after he his school’s representation, sp conplete the sentences with the missing words. O ore letter of each word is given. reat least 20,0005 aire ans shouted rude words at the r eed with his decision, ndedinad____~ nobody won. st he’ runing! chink he's going ae em Complete he Oren ofeach word i given. 1 The town of Pompes was destroyed by a volcanic people die from lack of mnamnis are natural d___ used by smoke from factories, car exhaust fumes, and aeroplanes S Many scientists believe chat global effect. ronment, you can bbish e animal species, they may warming is ToTA . © Match the words to make correct co 3 3 4/5 Galileo 10 wawn and radium. Alexander Bell Dian Fossey forests of Rwanda. out an es ___ his hypothesis. Ieseems that we have eo discovery. |__off the TV after ‘Our washing machine and flooded the bathroom. ‘My mother's computer stopped responding and | co Ohno! I've just __an accident. come a sean out of space computer outer sawed ou comme OM?) Cn fata 2 = early on Sanurdays ()@ethony and = on Sundays) cece the correct verb form. semester we are studying) udyingy study the Second ord War. \ mothers a doctor. And what i your father / does your father do? + iy wo best friends are lawyers. But theyre not ing / don't work at the moment. banks in my area are closing / close at nga 6 Hurry up! We're running / run late! ‘our of the pigsy the bank, ; Sroig tothe Ba fork and went [had gone / 05. 4 18 Whacsongs hd you sang / wer You sre me to sng when you were it Pi schoo?” a che verbs in brackets in © Complete che S275 win ne ee Past Continuous Scarce fore Use Past — i Sera) o pospone cei Tksmoon andl he sumer fwassret___—__—_(se) hat woman : before but I couldn't remember when and where. 2 Thedogate our lunch while we SE (not watch). 3 They (go) to thegym three ‘times a week but now they don't have that much time. __ (not realize) that 4 Margaret wo peopie at the next table were watching her all 5 When! : (cycle) to schoo! this ygerous accident involving three c 6 Her final presentation went very well although she_ (spend) only one hour preparing it the night before. go © Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning stays the same. Use the words in capital letters, © When | got up yesterday, | could see the snow. WAS 1 Steven graduated from University and then worked for his father’s company, AFTER ) 2 Itwas my first time abroad, "BEFORE 3 Jeans are much more popular now than before. USE PuHotocopiari ¢ When | arrived at Joanis| aide to London, my town that a oY student. fe ¥ c Did you use to buy a sales last weekend? © Complete the gaps with the verbs the correct form. Use Past Simple, Past Perfect or used to. | don't exactly remember when it®: (happen) but | think I” (still/attend) my final year of school. O ae (have) di Eee trembling in my bed. The dream was: (can clearly remember his wrinkled : (chase) me sure that | —_ In my dream | tried to explain to the! what ® but he” (not nightmare! | don't have dreams like but the strangest thing about it allis years I* (d wrinkled man every time |® something wrong, one ein the situations below. "s because your sister dropped your ost ere ne nome and see your brother covered sinted / been painting? iingwith your friends about new books. o cod / been reading Paulo Coelho's latest sing your favourite rock band. cyed / been playing together since 2002. 7 Youre He's wntten / been writing a five-page essay. That’ far too long! 8 Youre mad because your friend's phone: busy, hour. And she’s still on the phonet 2 Tahini t have been giving you enough money $20 should be enough fora dress, doit. Hs that. (He / be) very rude to Mannan Oh, Liz. 'm sorry to he you think you might be ov that happen ~ seem) srressed Out beforet Wa almost every day before 5 You've been saying enough! I don't want to listen Wis twit anymore. ine and ee analyzing everything! (1/ think) about it too 6 We haven't seen any of our classmates since ages. call Ton ~ we're ciel today. 7 You've eaten too much chocolate recently. | think you should do something about it 8 How many times has she been phoning me? PHOTOCOPIABLE nonnes in London at S15) et) “gong to become a teacher when Georg on Mera a ne ae ening) ae J luck with your driving test. “ (chink) of you 5 Iimsure one day machines chers. (do) everything |e Ipromise, 7 jim can't eat out with us tomorrow. He ____ (meet) his aunt for! ‘This time next week we. (sunbathe) in Florida. You take a rest now, Mum. I an) the bathroom, 2 ie/ wouldnt ityeell ' 3 shares / brother / some] A fhe them / sweets / has / i "teri Anna “ qos? get beter 0 least speak Engin wo 4 break /if/ him / will / 5, would /grades | studied /| harder / #f/ much IfRon 5 You sor my phone number, fd give ie chow you usually cope with asleep, just listen to music for just listen to music for wed your blouse without asking [ll never lend you anything ain, Id never lend you anything end is taking the driving test for ime, Ill be very surprised. 3 You donit need to take your coat, there's very ‘warm today. ‘There has been several accidents on this road recently 6 Icwas dark and late and it was nobody | could stop and ask for directions. PHOTOCOPIABLE "tences with the verbs in brackets = form (active or passive.) 8 special exhibition Windsor Castle next d on the stage and take) to a local hospital was sure that somebody ur request ___ (process) form you thar the 3. Shakespeare wrote'Romeo and Jule’ early on in (se) his literary career. “Romeo and Juliet jabriel Fahrenheit =a invent) the first mercury 4 Will they allow us to change rooms f we dont get along with our roommates? will we on programmes nowadays make) on location. the our damaged TV set 5 Nebae ens oe replace) at our cost by the 6 you cant see propery, an optician should test s weg we hve a ick neh ane 7 Emma learnt to speak when she was 3. When Emma was 2, 8 Booking seats for this show isn't ob You _youmasent go ehere wh me ’ teen aprrecee ify ot —— SO + wnac emagnenorberneesrphon® 610085 enero epcon you ware someting Se Z maa nee fed +5 MayymusnebeoUt They have small children and 40 BeBe per them co bed around this time ee Ve ns 8 e r and see it. Sm not sure what kind of music the Jind of music they play. Ie must be punk or perhaps pop. home. 0 te th i Sh che wh hat = oe aa a Betore nt chen ead a me Saree meta fta mariet ape ey 2S 7%! woud spend sa many nah Somme / Some of our teacher ha ue degre, ‘© ‘ow fhe sentence below contain mista in ‘rete the sentences in the correct way © The Pacific Qcean has many thousands ofiands (00 There are lots of time before the post office sen 1 Neither of my parents was strict. 2 You shouldn't eat sweets before lunch, people hate watching horror movies. 4 | think you left your towel in a bathroom. 5 im afraid there aren't no tickets left. 7, Most of the people atthe concert were having, 1 good time. PHOTOCOPIABLE wanes £0 eat ye ® Nobody © Anybody 3 tewasa terme day._ seemed ro go right fd comecung DB anything — € nothing 4 Leave me atone! I dont want to go__ now. a nowhere B anywhere & everywhere for me, please? € nothing, 5 Do you think you could do a something anything 6 She must be very shy: She never says _ a anything nothing ¢ everything © complete che sentences with the correct indefinite pronouns. ° in this shop is very cheap. 5 lke £0 di _, don't very sociable, he never goes spointed when I realized | had 3k for help. 0 friends, no money and heir bag on the bus. but | still couldn't find my ancy going to the cinema. Let’s do loves somebody’ So what about me? you have _ else to do, how about helping me with lunch? 10 We would like to move warm. reception desk, athe, ——___ i ee Do you think we should bring party? as ee ‘The weather was aWhll eae nowhere. “ie —— I'm afraid there isn’t something you can dots help us out est 11 POSSESSIVES circle the correct option. OF Context this pace of cake Wher Re © compte the pap te correc patents 1 steve 2 good friend of me / mine. 2 My grandparent’ / grandparents garden is enuf. They take good care off % 3 Tom and Nick’ / Tom and Nicks Schoo! is ver oleate ee lose tothe city centre - ;_oueetions ny St ad Sa 4 ike their house better, our / ours seems much ery 5050 UL smaller very good friend of we 5 Nobody knows the day of the meeting / sree they used olay with eachother obo ee all the time and shared everything they had, 6 Last weeks concert / The concert of last week was (eee lee really good. also*___sister’s, But they were quite is isall your / yours fault, not mine! Selfish when it came to playing with other 8 The annual policemen’ / polcemens’ ball raised a funds for disabled children is”__ they kept saying. Auntie Joan ~ told me these stories when my husband and Thad children of ‘own. They dont © The sentences below contain mistakes. Find them Jook like us at all and we are often asked, ae the eee cies "Ae they coat children? We 0 sometimes jokingly respond, “No, of course, tore elegant than mine. not." are much less naughty: 1 'lsee your daughter in about two week’ time. 2. At the film’s beginning she opened her bag of popcorn and ate itall up. My best friends’ boyfriend likes my hairstyle better than hers. Theirs dog looks remarkably similar to ours. eB ly 5 Is this your Nintendo DS? No, it's Jack’s and Mary. 6 Brother of Clare is younger than mine. 4 Yow teak mech _—_ (thin) chan you did when we st mee, S Om come cre Pears _— etd gener ve ever heard, € Mars stan (creative) idea so far > thave roleave 2b a o Wisk ____ (tall person in your o © Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning stays the same. Use the words in capital letters and begin as shown. compete with. (ENOUGH) than David. (as) than all the others I tied (oF) grandparents were so young, (SUCH) nough to cover bruises on (Too) 5 It was rude they didn't thank you. (OF) How _ 6 Mr Brown and his wife are both very careful about their diet (as) Mr Brown is 2 stupid thing te dot though Ganda es ‘They are so reliable people — you can depend on them. — a —— ne oe —— a= Our younger daughters much tidier a her older brother. 1oe really wanted to sty law Basket ewok nawng school and explained stop «there had been a fire in my said ty know how far_ from the city b we were carewe ake it personally but she still got not to rnning as shown. mea big favour?” nd asked at me like a child! ister asked ack early yesterday?” id ead the text and rewrite a ° ‘ (te all reported questions in ——— ikno writes: 11.08.2008 1125 ee [My last job interview was very stressful. The interviewer first asked me if had ever worked ‘before. Then she was interested in why thad left my previous job and how | had heard about that vacancy. She also wanted to know hhow I saw myself in 10 years'time. I don't quite understand why she asked if was martied. The next question, though, was the toughest - she ‘wanted to know how much | expected to earn. | think she liked my answers because finally she wanted to know when | would be available to start working. hitting the nail with a hammer! ve baked my first chocolate cake today! aid II do everything to help you with your move next week Tom and Henry said 8 ‘Idon't have time to explain it to you right now: The teacher told PHOTOCOPIABLE (ANYONE) 'S Where were you at 10pm lastnight? (CAN) 6 What does she want for her birthday? (IDEA) 7 Are shops open on Boxing Day? (HAPPEN) 17 | Prortrocopiari c 5 Teshop assstantashed me dothavetieieesy 6 Cindy cameand sald meshespoketoherbossig, days ago. src he correct option Bho c whose was issued two + Spain, __her fiends bewhen © which sas dedicated to itive pronoun can be left out. Rewrite the ntences without the pronoun or write “can't be nridge, where we often go skiing, is a orian town in the Colorado mountains. 3. She fel in love with the man who is now her 4 Is there anything that you'd like to add? 5 | think | have met the person who | have always wanted to meet. 6 I need something that will make me get back in shape 7. Where is the book which | was reading? © Complete the gaps with the Societe eerie his isa true story* stich was told bby my best friend Mike Douglas father used to teach, {in our school. It happened at the time Mr Douglas was a trainee teacher and didnt quite know how to go about teaching and maintaining discipline in the classroom. Many pupils took advantage of his inexperience * made Mike's father’ life really hard. One day Robert*__was the naughtiest boy in Year 6, decided to play a practical joke on poor Mr Douglas. When the teacher left the ICT suite* they were having a Maths class, he asked everyone to turn all desks and chairs upside down. When Mr Douglas returned, all pupils were sitting on their chairs and working as if nothing had happened. Mr Douglas stood speechless for a minute and then started laughing. It was probably the situation ‘ helped him to relax and enjoy teaching more. ‘anit 2 Whose are chose socks? (The socks are hing o” the foo) tii 3 had ro gor the dentist (The dentist removed ‘one of my ba eth) Sapien canst 4 Thepaticeare looking forthe man. (The man’ car ‘nas been damaged in a motor accident) 'S_Myparenes met in Paris (My parents went on ‘holiday to Paris) © They thought | was my Mum’ sister. (It made me laugh.) 7 This isthe window. (The window needs replacing.) 8. The new supermarket will be opened in May. (The new supermarket is three times bigger than Tesco in the city centre.) 3 The performance that we saw last absolutely brillant, bad 4 The annual meeting, that we talked about yesterday, is cancelled, 5 That's the gold bracelet which I told you about 6 Do you remember the name of the woman, which called me yesterday? © compile © They went shopping to Next acui Gap, 1 eae tidy wp your oom wae : : tom poonte eed wt el only partially correct. heat 2 Tig ousting ter 4 Yeu can come wl : You us ____stay ere. dont 5 rm sure dey fish the report - start working on it now. beast i ‘ 6 rhwaithere he finishes talking wis a teacher. " 2 Dorit watch this fim you want to ery m8 a © The sentences below contain mistakes Find them and rewrite the sentences in the correct way 0. We decided to stay in hough the weather was horrible wa a 1 Ido the washing up until everybody has finished eating 2. She wanted to improve her English because she a enrolled on an English course. 3. Your mother won't let you go out any more if you come back on time. = es Biss. 4 Laurais very clever. She's good at maths, Biology, chemistry, languages. re “Ti 5 Canyou look afer my dogs until fm on holiday? = pmibaamianaraniietipeis a 6 | stood there waiting but Kate was ready £0 £°- eae 7 Because | didn‘ really ike Tor, | agreed to £0 out with him. core tne correct option "O. We went n/a 7)R0mme FOr tw wees, 11 When 1 goc aff / cut of /from the car, couldn even wal 2 We ahways have a big meal on / a / im Christmas Day. 3 was seeping peacefully: complerely unaware of from woth the danger around me. 4 Fant ealk go you right now Fl call you back during ny for about five Minutes '5 Fiona has always been very good in /at /from languages § object from / to /at being filmed by security 7 My father was born in /at /on 27 May. ‘8 Ourschool is among / becween / across the andergarten and the post office. © Tre sentences below contain mistakes. Find them and rewrite the sentences in the correct Way. © Ler talk about it comorrow in the morning or in lunchtime. 1 I'm very busy in the weekend but I can come on 2 Gill met me at the station and took me back to ome before going on to work. 3. What we'll do depends from the weather, let's listen to the forecast. very cold in this winter, especially at 5. This photograph reminds me about the time when was happily married to Jane 6 Visitors can park across the main road or in one of the car parks nearby. 74 ‘nna has always been | oe We met abt concert an ‘where we bot td aw tara a that we belonged eae ‘organisations and were interested st the same things.*__the beginning of, friendship we agreed? __ each, eared almost everything. We believed ps | same values and shared the same. | that time elt Thad found ay ae soulmate. However, several yeas nd many Iie experiences later we realized that we, very different*__each other. We boty succeeded” ___ life butin very ier ways - lama professional lawyer and Ana takes care of her husband and five childnen We both dreamed ® __a happy life but we have realized this dream in different ways, Pwuorocopiari & use 17 VERS PATTERNS J gorie the correct verb form. rink you should consider _ for this job. a roapply —Bapphing © apply -e _f0 your party but im busy that night. becoming e come made me__at the back of the class curd the others siceing cst id__ crying Top Btstop —_¢ himsstop. ase seeing € see st can't stand __ food that has been b eating © toeat was homesick and missed __in his own sak b speaking —_¢ tospeak © complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Add an object where necessary. © Which game did you like (play) the most? 1 Sheloves__(chat) with people from all around the world. 2 He offered = (give) mea lift home, which | accepted. They invited (eat) with them but we had other arrangements. 6 Anna is upset because her parents didn't let (stay) at the party longer. 4 personally believe that you should (do) what feels right. managed (not hie) people on the other side of the road. mind___(cook) but ldn't choose it asa job. Tunderstand that you need (think) it over carefully. 9 One of my friends suggested _ (go) diving at the end of March. “She wont teil er parenes about a wontshe? > she? ewaher |S You havent ironed my bie shit, caer bddyour == « havent you? 6 Shelooks thea film sear a doemt she? bdoesshe? —€ isshe? a © complete she sentences with correct question 2 © She went there with you, didn't she? ° 1 This fish isnt very tasty, __? 2 Tom cant speak German,__? - 3 Imoverdressed ____? 2 4 She's not a child any more,_? z 5 tewont take that long __? 6 ‘They were very tired after the journey, ___ 2 7 He'll be all right. z s 6 7 8 9 8 Lets have chicken for lunch,_? 9 They went shopping yesterday, 10 Tidy up your room now, ? 11 There hasn't been any rain this summer, 12 Nick prefers basketball to football, ~ ae ; a ks twisted |& appointment Shp asta 5 blind 10 cure a 30 6 from 1 1 deer hare 2 pigron stork 14 2a 1 eruption 4 2 famine 5. 3 disasters 6 fis Pee 2s 13 match ; 1 biologist 2 mathematician ie 15 of tn 16 dicount eu 17 machine 2 18 credc a 2 invented 3 observed 4 canned a 5. confirmed 3 1d ae 19 commercial 20 brand 1 harbour voyage 2 checkin fl hgh attendane 3 fare motorway # comparimens, lator + sop oot 3 py core dpm 5 record tw ET 5 sake tortoise 4 ane, buttery ae 4b Se pollion 7 extinet freenhouse 3 chemist 4 physicist GRAMMAR TESTS ‘ Petes) 1 Sayou mero one 2 1 hadseen 4 sie ree | ate 5 ners caching 6 Kas pet 3 ied 3, Jeans did use vo bes popula onc punhed because they had misbehave eschool 1 1 since 3 for Sie 2 yet fer 6 atenty 2 1 been painting 5 een pa 2 read 6 het 3 seen 2 ween. 4 een having, 5 been ewes, 3 1 Vebem shopping S event 2 has scored 5 halo 3 eleectargecen 7 We/bnebern ann srt i . 1 3 wouldn't marry 4 bos 78 Foetal hares them with her he would get much beter 5 dont get 6 found pres J Senwoute yout ott neo foe { SEEDILIIN eon i peed tay in he wae aap ete uN a «Ton been several acide on hi 0nd Sarah car ovese te nema Wa Peugeot 2 RSSunfiesiie andere war nobody teould 9 there were 5 wasbased 6 isconsidered fone: & shouldnt be mised 8 willbe replaced 3 7 noticed that my hotel room hadnt had not been cleaned 2 Ths week auditions ar being held for an exciting new show 3. Romeo and ut was writen by Shakespeare early con inhi iterary career, 4 Wille be allowed to change rooms if we do not fetalong wih our roommate 5 havent been told about the party, 6 Mylitle brother ignored by older children ‘ 1 Ihave my ceth cleaned between two and four times a year 2 You wll have your photos developed by 3 I cold because we are having new windows installed in our house 4 Ruths gong to have her photo taken 5, We have had our car serviced atthe garage 6 Ifyou cant see propery you should have your eyes tested s 1 tohave anew garage built 2 willbe met 3 Columbus discovered 4 tohaveher ears pierced 5 was till being repaired 6 was watched 4 f i F £ i i Hg He ii ii ALE rl i Temigh be punk ado walle vay home, 1 cam 5 2 Should i 3 mayimige 4 should perry Trae erate Lepr Salite a ¢ Shweta ® Doyou ew hw gt Het ip rom here! 2 1 none 6 socot 2 much 7 Nether 3 Boch of 8 much 4 toomany 9 ale 5 ther 10 Some of 3 ‘ 5 ae. (Senor good enoush How de How do you se Are you marned How much do you expect When wil you be avaible o sat working? SIRS Seaen bon ungeeaanee ‘Does anybody know can sae here Sncentoaeeen tale Siok aan 1 oer mother wor et you got Teicomeback on te ea re « Gantarycine eh peal SERIES Be wrod ac men bop 5 Ganyourtoah shee mp ec otdaye 4 wile on Sere ene recente § od re wating unt Kat wa ay whens ade receipe : om amet ehadspaten coher boss” Sahm, nee To sare 1 Wey ~ ave you sen he gi Roberts ating? on Bee 2 cane beleeout S ‘here anything youd ket ade? hin have met the person have aways wanted 6 cantbe eft out 2 Gillet me athe station and ook me back ‘home belore gong on to work 3 What welldo depends onthe weather eaten 5 Sine eo book wa ag? es z 4 tewaey clin hint pc : 2 Sena \ a ‘5. This photograph reminds me of the time when 2 wen 3 here 3 which © that | which ee « Moran ong tea ond orinonect ‘ ‘recep + nate amotahayson ine master Soslyeneray " es 2 Wgetimsode ta otihwtign 3 ce > Ina prothe dere whoremowedoneofmy 3 ae be 5 with 1 about of 4 The police ar looking forthe man whose car has ten damaged ina motor acident 5 My parencemetin Par, where they went. on PSP hota. ; « Teydhoetwasmymumesanwinmde 1, 2¢ gy 42 58 6B 1 Thiss the window which that needs replacing 2 & Thenew supermarket which thre times bigger 1 chatting 4 ersty_—7 soaking thanTxcom the cy conse wilbeopenedin ay. 2 tage 5 60 8 othnk 5 3 ustoeat 6 nottohit 9 gong 7 x The person whose lifestyle you dont ikesvery 3 important my ie 1 tolead 5s me(to) sick 2 2 smoking 6 hertogve ay 3 meeting 7 ep 4 Theannual meeting whichwerakedabout 4 abe 8 watching yesterday, is cancelled 24 ra 2 F-ooyarenanbeh meh won ‘ela 1 oo

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