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SC)IT Software Development(Web & Mobile)

Subject Name: Introduction to Web Development

Course Code: SMD-401


Unit 1

Introduction to www, History, Understanding client/server roles, Apache, PHP, MySQL, XAMPP
Installation, PHP basic syntax, PHP data Types, P'HP Variables, PHP Constants, PHP Expression, PHP
Operators, PHP Control Structures, PHP Loops

Unit 2

PHP Enumerated Arrays, PHP Associative Arrays, Array Iteration, PHP Multidimensional Array. Array
Functions, PHP Functions, Syntax, Arguments, Variables, References, Pass by Value & Pass by
references, Return Values, Variable Scope, PHP Form handling, PHP GET. PHP POST, PHP form
Validation, PHP Form Sanitization

Unit 3

PHP Cookie handling, PHP Session Handling, PIP Login Session, managing user ACL, Strings Patterns,
Matching, Extracting, Searching Replacing, Formatting, PCRE, Image, Manipulating Im asing text in
Image, Database banes, Indexes/PHP MyAdmin, Connect & Peonnect, MySQL C MySQL Insert,
MySQL Select, MySQL Update, MySQL Delete, MySQL Truncate, MySQL E WHERE condition. Order By.
Group By Having, LIKE, AND OR operators, Using SQL fome AVG, COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, LCASE,

Unit 4

Importing and Exporting CSV Files, INNER n., MySQL LEFT Joins, MySQL RIGHT Johns Complex SQL
Queries, Full Text Search, how use regular expressions, how to handle exceptions, Registration

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